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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1923)
IU, B A' K. & ii SQL fc V'I IV ;V 4PHbCWBHIIBBMBht' t ""' flrttt-&lllBBBBBBBBBmk-Bh "iKif IT --r r TTt B ''iBBkwT w HIIHIftllHllflBHlfauBJpSKHRbiUHP VOLUME 51 rOii (naBBBiMaaBBaBanniHHnBanaHBnuHBaHBHanHBaBianrnarin 4kw. b v U. f ,fc. w? fed r f WUM A El M t&JinfeW WBBl A HPfC r irawmntJT."smJHXM&ivwnrauKHffMaTrrr ,wcuuuncuuu.'atEXittSxann P WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR Second Shipment MALLORY HATS When you try on a MALLORY HAT you have a feeling that your Hat Problems are ended. They are styled right up to the minute.. SEE OUR REMEMBER WE BELL NOTHING OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWESft POSSIBLE PRICE? , W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. .tr vZ V senlco Xl, SCHAAF & FUNERAL Licensed Embalmer in Bell 80. - ip THE NEW BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS JUST ARRIVED The Latest Styles and Shades MEDIUM PRICES R. P. WEESNER CO. JDI SHELL'S HALF ACRE" NOVEMBER 8-9-10 Luicuiu FAIL WINDO BUT WELL' 'KNOWfo L ".. "j J y si TURNER HOME Nebraska and Kansas - Ind. 12 Ox a in St MI (1 U A Newspaper That Gives The News FIfty-tKi Weeks Each Year For Sl.iiO RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 27. 1923 New Pastor For Red Cloud Church At tin' Mtttlioiliot i mfoii'tii'P hold In LiIU'n'1) l!l!st 'cl tllH fnl'ow Itliy past- o wni-p appointed tor tin o'Mitvlu'H ' ' A. II llrltil; li'no Hill and Cowle. ' II I1' Miir'ius It title ti W. I' Caltlitll Cinlile Rock X. E Ilenn inaviil. II. (5. Wllcos Red Cloud. M. E. Gllbcit, DNt Supt , Hustings. Rev. Cope bus been assigned to Clay Center Since coming to ibis city he has made in my friends who regiot to see liim mill his family leave our city. Roy Fetty Dies in Chicago Hoy Fetty, aged 2(1 years, son of Mr and Mrs. II. II. Fetty residing west of Inavale, passed away at u hospital in Chicago, Friday. While driving a ta.icnb in Chicago ho lincl his arm extended from the car as u signal while making a turn when a street car run into him breaking his arm after which infection set in caus ing his demise. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church In Inavale Wed nesday afternoon and iuterment was made iu the city ccmetury. FARM BUREAU NOTES (By H. R. Fausch, County AgenO Last spring three farmers cut out experiment plots on corn varieties. These plots will be husked and weigh ed ar fnllowi; ijlenry La'pobrecht' on the north, wigo-oi inavaie pn luesuuy, ucwuwr Hhid. Geo. Ohmstede 16 miles, south" anjj 1 mile west of 'Guide Iock, Wednes day, October-3?(l ' ' 'f Fred Householder 4 miles south and 4 west of Bladen, Thursday, October 4th. The corn will be ready for inspec ion at 2 p. m. on eacli of the above dates. Farmers are urged to attend these demonstration. MILLINERY SCHOOL Eleven delegates representing 1G Women's Clubs attended themilhn- ery school held at Keel uioua last week. Miss Myrtle Easley, Clothing Specialist of Lincoln was the instruc tor. The general program of the work was: First day: 1. Selection of hats. 2. Discusion of matrial to be used. 3. Renovationof mateiials and trim mings. 4. Making paper patterns. Second day: 1. Remodeling and making shapes. 2. Method's of covering and facing brims. 3. Crowns. Third day: 1. Trimmings. 2. Work on hats continued. 3. Linings. Fourth day: 1. Completion of work. 2. Plans for future activltes. 3. Open house guests welcome; exhibit of hats made; study of color in clothing. Ninety-five attended the open house meeting on Friday afternon. The delegates wish to thank Turnuro & Son for the use of their store, Miss Ducker for the use of the examina tion room and' Mrs. H. E. Thomas for the equipment. The Webster County Stock Judg ing team wins high honors. In com ptition with 11 champion teams of tho middle west, Nebraska wins first. Scoro 2315, Iowa second, Kansas third. Cecil Means high man m contest, .score 797 out of a possible 900. Al fred Sommcrfclt 4th score 703 and Enrl Portinier 5th score 7C5. I Cecil Means wins first in judging horses, sheep and hogs. The Nebr aska team won fiist in judging horses 'and sheep. Tho Nebraska team won I tho gold watches and six out of nine trophy cups. This is the third straight victory for this team. Fall Planting of Bulbs In pioportion to cost and caro bulbs offer n tmitinum attraction A gotK geous dlsplnj of striking color con. ti;i9ts m iv be pi o hied nest spiiug f('' lloWer hods ami hhiuli boiileis by planting suitable bulbs this fall Too ofrcn people foigot ail about it until. they see them in their neighbors! garden. That bulbs may be planted any timo from the fltst of September until the ground is frozen, the earlier the better, is stated by the Agricul- tural College horticulturists Fall bulbs include- those early spring Honoring plants such as tulips, hyacin ths, nuiclssus, jonquils, crocuses, scillas and lilies. They nnty be plant ed in formal beds, In borders near tho house, or in the perennial -hiub border. For formal beds and working out geometrical designs, tulips and hyacin- thftnrnpsnnniiillv vnluabl Thn rIihiio and size of the bed must be determin-l7:l5 ed by the individual taste of the plant-17:20 er. - No matter what the shapo Is to be It must be borne in mind to plant varieties which bloom at the same time, are of tho same heiuhtand whose colors harmonize Good contrasting colors should be used and so arranged as to accentuate the adjoining colors Bulbs may be used to advantage in th'e shrub and perennial border vrberaysr there is R vacancy. They are yery affective If planted at irregular large or smau groups, xmj m. mt I varwp "Hips re cspeciauy suuaoie for tbis type orpiantiug snpwfDg oil advMtageoualy. against the " back graUOLof shrubbery, If (cut flowers are prized'this is the place to get them rather then from the forhial bed where the absence of a flower or two is quite conspicuous. In the hardy border a mong tho shrubs too, Is the place for little irregular groups of narcissus, jonquils, lilies and crocus. Hero they may be left year after year, to Increase in numbers and nach spring to bloom out in a great variety of colors. i Birthday Dinner On Tuesday, September 25 a very de lightful birthday dinner was held at the beautiful home of Mrs. Mary Arne son, in honor of Mrs Susan Dixon 80 and Mrs. Alice Tennant and Mr. Henry Wolfe both 70. Some thirty years ago, Mrs. Diokson and Mrs. Tennant, living side by side, learned that their birth days came on consecutive days and be. gan having dinner together, serving on alternate years, never .missing a year excepting when one or the other was away. In these later years, their friends have taken it up and made quite a large affair of the day. When it was learned that Mr. Wolfe's birth day was also the 25th, he was added to the guests of honor. Of the thirty guests, twelve had past the three score and ten year mark and a greater part of them had been here in the very early days. Ye sorlbe will defy any dozen o! any age in Red Cloud to display more sparkling eyes and sploy wit than this group did in the afternoon as they recounted exper lences of the early days some of them very funny and all of them trying. Those of us who listeued to them for the first time, wished that the youth of our town might have heard the stor ies that they might more fully appre late the terrific prico which has been paid to change this "great American Desert" to a land of beautiful towns and comfortable homes. Tho whole day temlndud us of Robert ltiowtilng's Itabbl Hon B.ia which begins: Glow old along with me' The best is yot to be, The last of life, for which the llrst was made: Our times are in His hand Who salth, " whole I planned; Youth shows but half: tiust Cod, seo all, nor bo afraid 1" WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON RL'GS, LINOLEUM, FURNITURE, DISHES, WINDOW SHADES, JOHN-i HON & GRAHAM FURNITURE CO., j TiKn fjr.niTn mriir tiip.v sv.r.r. ItHEM FOR LESS. . ( (invention hi:ri: next vki:k The Web lei Count, S.mdiy School Association .uinunl convention is to bplicld in the Christian cliurdi in tlii c ui'siinn ciiurcu in mis city on Monday and Tuest'ny, Octo ber 1 and 2. The following is the piogrnm: MONDAY AFTERNOON Registration 2:00 2:15 Song Service nml Devotlonnl .X. 0. Nelson "Neccssniy l'tctmratlon for Sunday School Woik" . S. C. Jensen 2:10 "How Obtain Incicnsecl Splrlt I ual Life iu the Sunday School" . I A. Langenberg 3:05 Koll Call 3:16 Hound Table . ..Conducted by E. E. Eshelmnn 3:55 Special Music 4:00 Story Hour Miss Brown I luuwl"11 LU",lnu nn!tiv T?tri?xiikTr Devotional Servico;0 E. Spore Spirited Song Service L1 hy N- B- Rus'1 .7:C0 "The Whole Wide World for Jesus". Mrs. Jas. McCIure and Clnss 1 8:00 Address "Week-Day rtiblc Instruction" C. E. Kirkwood 8:30 Address "Tho Price of Suc cess" I. W. Edson Appointment of committees TUESDAY MORNING 9:00 Conference, County and. Dis- tnct Officers 'i 9:S0 Devotional B.S. Daugherty 940 Roport of p Roport of Plainview Teachers' Training Class. - j .-a-Miss Paulino Kocrtner 10:00 Address "Little Foxes" IJL-rJ W. H. Kimberly 10:30 Reports of County and District Officers 11:15 Reports of Committees and Election of Officers 11:30 Demonstration Cradle Roll Welcome Service 11:45 "Value of S. S. Exhibit Work" Mrs. Mabel Johnson Exhibit on display in Christian church TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 Conference yttth New Officers 2:00 Devotional I. W. Edson 3 C ANNUAL S. ! HELD AUDITORIUM Direction E. C. PRESTON RED CLOUD, NEBR. Friday Saturday and Sunday September 28, 29 & 30 it HOLLYWOOD" 20 Real Stars 30 Screen Celebrities IN THE CAST Cecil B. DeMille, Thomas Meigan, Agnes Ayres, Leatrlce Joy, Jacqueline Logan, Nita Naldi, Betty Compson, Theodore KoslofT, George Fawcctt, Owen Moore, Baby Peggy, Bryant Washburn, Viola Dana, Hope Hampton, Anna Q. Nilsson, Fritzi Ridgway, Eileen Percy, Bull Montana, Stuart Holmes. Julia Fayc, Robert McKim, Alan Hale, Kalla Pasha, Dinky Dean, Snitz Edwards, Jack Gardner, Pola Negri, William S. Hart, Jack Holt, Walter Hicrs, Lila Lee, May McAvoy, Lois Wilson, Mary Astor, Noah Berry, William dc Millc, Ricardo Cortez, Alfred E. Grce:., Jack Pickford, Anita Stewart, Lloyd Hamilton, Ben Turpin, Will Rogers, Estellc Taylor, J. Warren Kcrugan, T. Roy Barnes, Robert Cain, Ford Sterling, Sigrid Holmquist, Hank Mann, Scnnctt Girls, Alan Hale and many others such as Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charley Chaplain. Big beyond description-that's "Hollywood!" All the praise-laden adjectives in the dictionary couldn't do it justice. You've got to sec it that's all! Iu no other way can you grasp the glorious immensity of it the thrill of seeing ALL your favorite movie stars in ONE picture! BUT "Hollywood" has more than its colossal ca$t. It's not a "news weekly" not a parade of celebrities not a meie sigt-sccing tour of Hollywood. Here is a story a gripping, throbbing, Irresistibly huniau story of a small-town girl who goes to Hollywood to break into the movies. And meets with a thousand and one adventures that put this picture iu a class by itself. Matinees Saturday and Sunday NUMBER 39 2:15 Discussion "Ptoblcm of Keep ing our Young People in Sunday Ki'hnnl niwl f'linrfli Jfirv!rn". . , 0,i bv II. CI. Kecncy ,2:15 Iloll Call 2:50 Special Music 2:55 Piesontation of Cradle Koll Pennant, Olms. Div. Supt. 3:00 Compaii'on of Rural, Village and City Attendancea G. Nelson 3:30 Whole Bible Sunday School Cour.-e Co. Secietary 3:15 Discussion "The Menance of the Sundny Movie" , Led by C. C. Boron 4:15 Addicss "Worship !n the Home, School and Church". , Miss Brown 4:50 Final Reports TUESDAY EVENING 7:15 Orchestra Led by J. E. Betz 7:45 Devotional 7:50 Offering 7:55 Address "The Supremo Aim" .W. II.Kimbcrly 8:30 Stereopticon Travel Story "G000 Miles Through India" Miss Brown Music in charge of C. L. Cotting and N. B. Bush. Souvenir Pin given to each Cradle Roll Baby present. TAKE NOTICfa The delinquint tax list will be sub mittoofor publication tho first of October You can avoid paying this rdditional cost by immediately giving your d,elinquincya,ttentibri., . ' . . HAZEL" POWELL County Treasurer G. W. Doughit, a traveling sales man for the, Hustings Fruit Co., rays he would 'appreciate it iff the fedcVal road between here and iTnstings waa kept up in better shape. So far this month there & been twenty eight cars of catte shipped in liete, which will be fattened this win ter and shipped to maiket in tho spring. This promises to be one of the heaviest feeding years in history of the county. the m m 3 'i ,