The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1923, Image 3

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g New Colors in Millinery; g
IN nil tho colorB of tlio autumn
woods nnd In many shndcs not fa
inlllnr to us on Inntl or sea, I lie fall
styles In millinery lmvo mnde tliclr
appenrnnco mid now await tho llnal
decision of popular choice. Shapes
nro apparently In n period of tran
sition from tho omnipresent poke of
Into summer to tho slightly drooping
nnd oft-the-faco types such as arc pic
tured In tho models shown here.
There 1b nlso n tendency toward lnrg-
Foretaste of Autumn Millinery.
er crowns and somewhat narrower
brims tbnn those In fuvor during the
past few weeks.
Shirred velvet, In n benutlful golden
brown, forms tho facing of the model
shown at the top of tho group. Tho
crown Is covered with black satin nnd
trimmed with n Jet ornament and an
ostrich fancy which falls over the
shoulder. The model nt the extreme
right shows an attractive trlcorn
shape made of shirred and corded
satin nnd trimmed with n monture of
burnt goose. The little hat shown In
the center borrows from both summer
nnd fall styles. The duvetlne brim Is
fnced with sntln nnd bound with nar
row velvet ribbon and combined with
a cap h'ih n of duvetlne. The trlm-
Two Styles In
mlng Is n collar of narrow ribbon and
n huge bow of double-faced satin and
duvetlno ribbon. Tho hat In the oval
pictures a smart little shape In satin
soUel with n draped crown and braided
brim. Its only trimming Is an arrow
of brilliant.
Colors for fall Include all the wood
tones of brown, as well ns a number
of new reds nnd greens. Chenille em
broidery on tan und mushroom shapes
is n very late addition to the mode
nnd Is particularly attractive on a
background of black or subdued color,
ltlbbons am', feathers nre dividing
v mmmmziMtmumm v &tmm. . v
EJMHiffiH Vss&&Msa
m HB ..-sBlA. W a
1 6 W a
. . , $
Appealing btyles in LoatS $
honors as the fnvored trimming on
dress hats of black satin. Where em- ,
brolerdy Is used as the main deco-
ration of the hat, It tuny follow tho
Inspirations of China, I'crsla or Egypt
with equal propriety, since all of theso
sources have been calle 1 on In deslgu- i
Inn new fall styles.
Many llghtw eight coats for early
fall wear, as well ns heavy coati
for tho winter, have one thing In com- i
mon which dellnltely places them
mong this years creations. Hint It
u single fastening nt the side, general
ly at the waistline. Sometimes It Is u
tie, sometimes n button, and some
times n handsome buckle, but, what
ever It Is, It supplants tho rows of but
tons, hooks or the belts of previous
seasons and It Is an attractive treat
ment for the long lines that appeal
In autumn's offerings.
But while they arc so nearly uni
form In style ns to fastening nnd
length, In the materials and trimmings
of the new fashions n different story
Is told. Every sort of woolen mate
rial, from n light blanket weave to a
fur cloth almost like beaver In tex
ture, Is used In making conts, which,
In turn, nro suitable for every cllmato
from the sub-tropic to the nearly Arc
tic. Decoration, nslde from the fur
trimming on winter coats, appears In
the form of embroidery, beading nnd
braiding, nnd allows the wearer u wide
range of colors and patterns. For
heavier coats embroidery In self-color
Is n favored trimming.
Two extremes of tho stylo aro
hhown In tho coats pictured here.
That at tho left Is designed for gen
eral wear nnd Is mnde of hoft tan wool
Winter Coats.
with n pnttern In green. Largo greet i
buttons bold the choker collar and
form tho fastenings of the coat. Th
button at the waist Is supplemented
by a tlo of the snmo innterlnl. Tin
'coat nt the right Is for dressier wear
Collnr nnd cuffs nro of brown squirrel,
and tho skirt Is ornamented with a
pattern in bilk embroidery.
jl-u&u Diff&ii.
(, I923, Western Ncwspnpri i niuii )
Hog PricGS Wgig
Very Low m 1922
Pure Bred Swine Business
Suffered Depression With
-v,l T.1 Tl 1
uiner i1 arm irancnes.
(Prepared by the UnltM Stelea Department
of Asricultur )
Sale prices of pure bred hogs reached
a very low level In 1SJ2, according to
n recent survey made by tho Unttocl
States Department of Agriculture.
Analysl'j of the reports on the sale of
30,:iS'J pare bred hogs In 10U2 Indicates
that the pure bred swine business has
suffered depression along with other
branched of agriculture. The reports
received present a fairy accurate pic
ture of tho business. In the opinion of
department olllclals. although they do
not represent n large number of nnl
ninls. Number and Price of Mogo.
The number of bogs of the flvo
breeds on which reports were received
nre: Berkshire, 1,70'Jj Chester White,
8,0'J2; Duroc Jersey, 8,Gfi!; Hamp
shire, 4,010; and Poland China, iZV2.
The average price reeeUed for each
breed, Including all ages and both
sexes at both private nnd miction sales
was: Berkshire, SHO.f.T; Chester
White, ?rj.7'-'; Duroc Jersey. $l.r).l)t;
Hampshire. $11.12; nnd Poland China,
$11.01. Auction sale averages were
from $10 to $25 nbove those sold at
prlvnte trenty. This difference, It Is
pointed out, Is due partly to tho large
number of pigs under eight months
of nge sold privately, whereas auction
sales are usually conllned largely to
more mature anlmnls nnd Involve n
larger number of bred gilts, bervlec
boars and bred sows.
Highest Prices by Breeds.
Snles reported nt less than $7.r0 per
head were omitted In calculating tho
averages, ns sales nt such low figures
were not considered to be legitimate
pure bred sales. The highest prices by
breeds Indicated by the reports were:
Chester White, $7-10; Poland China,
$500; Hampshire, $500; Duroc Jersey,
$550; and Berkshire, $250.
Of the :t0,H82 hogs reported upon,
121 brought $100 or moro. These were
distributed by breeds as follows: Berk
shire, 10; Chester White, 15S; Duroc
Jersey, 130; Hampshire, -17; Poland
China, 07. A few bred sows and gilts
sold nbove $150, but tho average price
was about $50.
This survey Is n new feature of the
new service work of tho bureau of
agricultural economics, of tho depart
ment, and Is the first of n scries of
surveys to be mnde nt Intervals of six
Rye Is Most Excellent
- Crop to Pasture Swine
Rye probably Is tho best crop to use
for fall, winter and spring pasturo for
hogs. By putting In successive plant
ings from two to four weeks apart It
Is possible to hnvo fresh pasture nil
the time. Seeding for pnsturo should
bo much heavier thnn for a grain crop
from three to four bushels nn ncre
on good soil. Pasturing probably can
begin six weeks after seeding, and may
contluie, If the ryo Is not covered with
snow, until the following April.
Hog raisers enn "kill two birds with
one stone" by plowing under bnrn lots
und putting In Mich crops ns rye. In
tho first place, bogs need good succu
lent pasturo as much of the time as
possible, and In the second plnce they
need protection ngalnst Internal para
Mte.i, such as roundworms, the eggs of
which remain In tho soil. Turning
over the soil In the lots helps to get
rid of the pests, nnd the crop of for
age makes It n profitable operation. In
addition to providing cheap protein
feed, pasture crops aid as laxative and
require the hops to take n certain
amount of exorcise which Is necessary
to breeding animals and growing pigs.
Cure for Blackhead Has
Never Been Discovered
The United Stntes Department of
Agriculture lias this to say concerning
blackhead: "No positive cure for
blackhead has been found. As In tho
rase of all other Infectious diseases,
the sick bird should Immediately bo
removed from the flock to prevent a
further spread of the disease, and If
very sick it is best to kill It and burn
the body. Clean out the roosting plnce
nnd spread lime In the plnces most
frequented by tho turkeys. Keep a
disinfectant In the drinking water;
potassium permanganate Is most often
used, n sufficient quantity of tho crys
tals being ndded fo tho wnter to give
It n wine color, which for every gallon
of water will take ubout as much of
the chemical ns enn bo plnced on n
dime. If the turkeys aro being fed
heavily, their ration should bo re
duced, as overfeeding predisposes to
tho disease. The feeding of sour milk
has been found to bo of ndvnntnge in
keeping turkeys In good henlth and In
reducing the activities of the organ
isms cnuslng blnckhend."
In Cooling Milk Entire
Mass Must Be Stirred
In cooling milk It Isn't sufllclent to
Just set the can of milk in a tub of
cold wnter. Tho milk must bo stirred
thoroughly until tho entire mass of
milk Is about the temporaturo of tho
water. When the milk Is not stirred,
tho mill; in tho center of tho can Is
not affected by tho cold water until
tho bncterla have had on opportunity
to Increase greatly In numbers and as
n result tho whole mass of milk sours.
Tho milk In contact with tho container
will bo cooled, but tbnt Isn't Mlllplnnr.
Control Measures for '
Flag Smut of Wheat
Several Ways Outlined for
Holding Disease in Check.
(1'repared by the United State Department
of Agriculture.)
Flag smut of wheat, n disease that
has been known by Its presence
throughout the world for many years,
was first discovered In the United
States In some fields of wheat In Illi
nois In 1011). Although Hie disease has
not caused much loss in the Infested
area, the nrea Is gradually enlarging
and Indications are that It may becomo
n serious disease unless adequate con
trol measures are put Into effect. Tho
symptoms of flag smut and suggested
control measures are discussed In De
partment Circular 273, Just Issued by
the United States Department or Agri
culture. I-'Iag smut appears ns black stripes
running lengthwise in the leaf and
sheaths of the wheat plant which be
come twisted and rarely produce a
head. Infected plants are usually more
or less dwarfed. The disease may b
held in check nnd reduced In quantity
by Judicious quarantine measures, seed
treatment, crop rotation and othei
sanitary measures, and by growing re
sistant varieties of wheat through ex
periments a number of varieties have
been found which are highly resistant
to or possibly even immune from the
disease. It is possible that by the uso
of such varieties, kept free from sus
ceptible mixtures, the disease may be
entirely eradicated.
Those Interested may secure a copy
of this circular free of charge, ns long
us the supply lasts, from the Depart
ment of Agriculture, Washington.
Sweet Clover Is Best of
Different Honey Plants
Score another for sweet clover which
not so long ago was regarded as a nox
ious roadside weed. Sweet clover Is
tho greatest honey plnnt in the United
Stntes, according to O. C. Matthews of
Illinois university's division of bee cul
ture, who points out that the several
varieties of the plant furnish succes
sive bee pasture from spring until
frosts In the fall.
"The yellow biennial comes nlong
about the time dandelions go out of
bloom," says Mr. Matthews, "and so
tides bees over the critical period Just
before the blooming of white clover.
The white biennial blooms after white
clover and lasts well Into August. Hit
bam, the white annual, begins to bloom
soon nfter the first of August nnd con
tinues until killed by frost. Tho bee
keeper can keep a constant honey flow
In his community if he can but per
suade the farmers around to grow all
three varieties of sweet clover."
Mr. Matthews tells of nn Illinois bee
keeper who furnished sweet clover
seed to farmers when It wns $2 n
pound until there were more than 400
acres within rench of his bees. From
this ncrenge he received n shnre of the
seed crop and many tons of honey.
Somo of his colonies yielded nearly
500 pounds.
"Grow sweet clover," Is Mr. Mat
thews' ndvlec to heekoepcrs. "Furnish
seed to your neighbors, study methods
of getting It started and persuade road
supervisors to leave It standing along
the roadside."
Sweet Clover Excellent
Pasture for Dairy Cows
Sweet clover ninkes nn excellent
pnsture for dairy cows. Much more
feed can be grown on an acre of sweet
clover pasturo than on an acre of blue
grass pasture. After the plants get
well stnrted, drought lias very little
effect on Its growth. However, sweet
clover will not grow on sour soil nnd II
will ba n wnste of time und money to
make the nttempt unless your land It
sweet. Hotter lmvo your farm bureau
test your soil and If It is sour npply
several tons of ground limestone pei
It Is best to sow It In tho spring
with barley or oats. Usunlly by nbout
September the sweet clover will be
about n foot high nnd can then bo pas
ture for nbout sis weeks. Tho nest
summer It can be pastured the entire
season. Sweet clover Is n biannual
and will Inst only two yenrs. The seed
shoul be Inoculated before it Is sown.
Saving Can Be Made on
Feeds Bought in Autumn
Dairymen who must have mill fecdi
for their herds next winter should buj
tliejii now nnd thus savo on costs, snyi
IJ. A. Hnnson, dairy extension special'
Ii,tv University of Mlnnesotn. "The
practice of purchasing a few socks ol
brwn or ollmenl whenever needed li economy," says Mr. Hnnson.
"Tho cost of feed Is n lnrgo fnctor In
fluencing tho profits, and n good sav
ing can bo made on ton purchases ol
ollmenl or cotton-seed meal nt thti
time rather than wnltlng until the win-tt-r
months nro here."
Proper Amount of Salt
to Give Producing Cow
The cow productog an nvcrntfi
umount of milk, requires at least nn
ounce of salt u day, A snfe rule to follow
Is to allow three-fourths of an ourtt
dally for ench 1,000 pounds of live
weight nnd nn nddltlonnl three-fourths
of nn ounce for ench ten pounds ol
milk produced. Missouri Collego ol
Agriculture dairymen follow this rule.
Many feeders mix three-fourths oi
nn ounce of salt with ench 100 pounds
of grain fed anil then nllow the cows
free nccess to salt where they can cat
all thov want
Graduate Nurse Finds
The Perfect Remedy"
'From my long oxperlcnco ns n pro
fessional nurse, I do not hesitate to
say Tunlnc Is nnture's most perfect
remedy," Is tho far-reaching statement
given out for publication, recently, by
Mrs. T. A. Borden, -125 Pontius Ave.,
Seattle, Wash., n graduate of the Na
tional Temperanco Hospital, Chlcngo.
"I have used Tanlac exclusively for
seven years in the treatment of my
charity patients," said Mrs. Borden,
"and my experience, has been that for
keeping tho stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels functioning properly, nnd for
toning up the system In general, It has
no equal.
At the Shore.
"Why shouldn't a girl angle for n
good catch?"
"No barm In trying, I suppose. But
the biggest fish always get away."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
who arc constantly in direct touch with
the public, thcro is one preparation thnt
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influcnco of Dr. Kilmer's Swninp-ltoot is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of tins
prominent Life Insurance. Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that ono reason why
to ninny applicants for insurance are re
jected is because, kidney trouble is fo
common to the American people, nnd the
large majority of those whose applications
are declined do not even suspect that they
have tho disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Boot is on Bale at all dmg stores in bottles
of two sires, medium nnd large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer '& Co., IHnghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing bo suro and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
Switchmen Needed.
Many n golden opportunity has been
wrecked for want of u genius to
throw tho switch.
Prepared Especially for Infants
. and Children of All Ages
Mother! Fletcher's Castorln has
been In uso for over .10 yenrs ns a
pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas
tor Oil, Pnrogorlc, Teething Drops nnd
Soothing Syrups. Contnlns no narcot
ics. Proven directions nro on ench
package. Physicians recommend It.
Tho genuine bears signature of
One of the Requisites.
Politics Insists on the bquare deal
among tho lenders. Thy must under
stand each other.
The Cutlcura Toilet Trio.
ITnvIng clenred your skin keep It clenr
by making Cutlcura your everydny
toilet prepnrntions. The Sonp to cleanse
nnd purify, tho Ointment to soothe und
heal, tho Tnlcuni to powder nnd per
fume. No toilet tnblo is completo
without them. Advertisement
A man mny percelvo his eccentric
ities If some ono tells him ubout them;
tpt otherwise.
Just say to your grocer Red Cross
I Ball Iiluo when buying bluing. You
I will bo moro thnn repaid by the re-
suits. Onco tried always used. Ad
vertisement. The Aryan Hindoos, not the Arubs,
Invented Arnblc numerals.
Cultivated silkworm cocoons
generally white or yellow.
ror a light, sweet
dough set your
ponge tonight with
Nothing equals the
thrill of pride that
comes from a line
baking of home
made bread made
with your own
hands to supply
your own family
Send for free booklet
"77ie Art of Baking Bread"
"About n yenr ago I bnil n lady pa
tient who could not keep a thing on
her stomach, not even water. 1 pre
vailed on her to try Tnnlnc nnd after
the sixth bottlo slio could eat absolute
ly anything she wanted without tho
slightest bad nfter-effects.
"I had nnothcr patient who simply
could not eat. I got him started on
Tunlnc nnd by the time he finished
three bottles he was cntlng ravenous
ly nnd nblo to work.
"Theso two Instnnccs nro typical of
tho wonderful merits of the medlclno.
My confidence In Tnnlnc Is unlimited."
Tanlac Is for sale by nil good druggists.
Lacing up shoes Is tho horror of
dressing but that won't bring bade
Smoking the
peace pipe
in wartime
A late report from an A. E. F.
veteran who found a can of
tobacco in his soldier mail
It wns during tho thick of things in
Franco thnt Gen. PcrshinR sent tho
following frantic cable to Washington:
"Tobacco is as necessary as food.
Send a thousand tons at once."
As any ox-doughboy will tell you, s
thousand tons of tobacco distributed
over n fighting force of 2,000,000 men
showed good intentions, but it didn't
fill tho need not by a few million
Even today letters Btlll como in
from veterans who have forgotten tho
horrors of war and remember only tho
thrill of "a real American smoko" in
For one, Hugh Livingstone, Adju
tant of Yankeo Division Post, No.
272, V.F.W., remembers:
Providence, R. I.
I.srus & tlrother Co.,
Itichmond, Vs. .
My Introduction to Kdjeworth took
place over In the training area in Franc
under clrcumitancvi that left a lantlng
Imprrsalon ot tbt good qualities ot Edge
worth. One night, after a hard day'i work,
my bunkla drew a packagu from home,
ono ol those myaterlous atTalrs that might
contain everything but what you wanted.
Alter due ceremonies ol guetilng he
opened It and the drat thing we saw was
tho blue box ol Edgeworth. All turthcr
operation! ceased until wo filled the pipes.
After using the French tabae for several
weeks and burning our mouths and
throats to a raw atato you can imagine
how cool and satisfying that Edgeworth
tasted to us.
We smoked until we were ordered to
bed, and I fell asleep smoking. You can
Just bet a letter went home for mora
hi nee that time I have uicd about
every kind of tobacco that Is nut up, but
It Is Edgeworth lor me when I can get It.
Thank you lor putting auch a satisfying
and cool tobacco on the market.
Gratefully yours,
(Signed) Hugh Llvlngitone.
Probably any good American smok
ing tobacco would have brought the
same joy to Mr. Livingstone nnd his
bunkio in Franco.
But it is a fact
that when Edge
worth makes a
friend, moro often
than not it is a life
time affair.
Edgeworth's ono
great asset for most
omokers Is that
it is always tho
same. You can
buy n package
in Chicago, an
other in New
Orleans, an
other in San
Francisco, and
each package will givo you the samo
cool, satisfying smoke.
If you aro not an Edgoworth
smoker, you are cordially invited to
accept somo freo samples of both
Edgeworth Plug Slice and Ready
Rubbed. Just drop a postcard with your
name and address to Larus & Brother
Company,80 South 2lBt Street, Rich
mond, Va., and the freo samples will
bo forwarded to you immediately. If
you will also include the name and
address of your tobacco dealer, your
courtesy will be appreciated.
To Retail Tobacco Merchants: If
your jobber cannot supply you with
Edgeworth, Larus & Brother Com
pany will gladly send you prepaid by
parcel post a one- or two-dozen carton
of any sizo of Edgeworth Plug Slice or
Ready-Rubbed for tho same price you
would pay tho jobber.
Yeast Foaaai
Northwestern Yeast Co
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, 111.