The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 13, 1923, Image 8

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Greatest Show on Earth
at Hastings, September 26th
The world's one big circus Ringling
Brotbeis and Rarnum & Blley Com
blnod drawi nearer Hud on its hun
dred cars will come "tun thousand
wonders" to exhibit in Hastings, Wed
nesday, Sept. '20th.
World toured and world conquering
this truly G rent est Show on Earth is
now fully n tbhd larger than it was
when it last visited this locality.
In addition to the many innovations
ottered then, Hie present season's pro
Rrntu numbers ten more trained wild
auiiual displays making thirty in uil
and the most superb; trained horse nots
!... l.-.S tit iivnilii.iuil l'lir '
LIIUV UUIUllU4UUn Juv 1'iwuni.cili 4IIV;
wild animal aud equine displays of the
past were introduced merely that thu
Ringling Brotlibrs might judo of their
popularity. So enthusiastically weio
these numbers received that the ihiu
oub showmen Immediately arranged
Jor the purchase'of the world's llnost
actsot this kind. An
entire equine
circus was hot outright and brought
to this country lust winter. And while
the Uingllng Brothe.s and Itanium H
' h ', . . ,,,.,
imiieyngnH-FrpwmUK ,.
the trained tiger, polar boar, lion, leop
nrd and jaguarjjrotips, they had out
ers to engage 'the foremost men and
women performers of
the Kuioponu
c(pitals. AmUUugc
tnd jungle are all to
so- stars irom city
T'-' , .t.i
uo seeu wmi ims
ivoudcr circus of 1023.
Moro than 7oo
I Bfci
mi F h I ft "WI?I .rrWii iwl i II. ";jw ' ri JBfMMBMIBr' '
Bestride the Show world like a Colossus The
most stupendous exhibition of twentieth century
realism ever flung upon the screen
A colossal drama of the heart and soul of
America that glorifies and immortalizes the fire
men of the nation and their loyal wives, sons and
Its very flames will burn an everlasting im
press on your soul!
The old fireman's devo
tion to his duty and loved
The mother's undying
courage in the face of ad
versityl The mad dash of the fire
horses through the teeming
city streets!
( . i
For Benefit of Red
men aud women, embracing the world's
foremost areulc start) tale part. These
artists include the vory blggist acts
ranging from extensive companies of
foreign pcrtormera to the amazing
English family of Nelsons positively
one family consisting of father, moth
er, six daughters nnd one son. Aud
this group of world famous acrobats
but Illustrates the remarkable scope of
the human side of this great circus.
There are 100 clowns. Abide from the
feroolous beasts, the program includes
I forty trained elephants There are
uve companies or trained seals, many
dogs, bears, monkeys, pigs and pigeons.
Added for good measure
is the mam
moth menagerie of more than 1,000
unlmalh. It is the biggest chcus pro
gram the world has ever seen,
under the hirgest tent.
A meeting of the interested voters
of the 27th senutoriul district of the
state of Nebraska was held at the !
Congregational church in Red Cloud
on l nduy afternoon, September 7,
l-. The object of this meeting was
l,erfci,t Mt organizat on for
the purpose of nominating and elect-
se)uto,.s antl representatives to
I the Nebraska logMuturc who will
work to create an executive power
that will standardize moving ii'.cturo
filmi, and estahlis.i caunty weliuu'
bureaus and city welfare bureaus. In
the matter of moving pictures it is
not the ohiect to fiirht moviiur nictur-
e3) uut to standardize them, and bring
Kl ml Mm Immimmmi ;assf
The great heroism of
Dan McDowell in the vital
moment of his life! ,
The frantic father plead-3 :
ing while his daughter
faces death in the fire!
The peace and content
ment of the little family
as God smiles down his
bountiful blessing.
Cloud Fire Dept.
them up to a level that will meet the
approval of tho people thereby elim
inating the undesirable, this move
ment is meeting the approval of the
better class of moving picture opera
tors. The wclfure boards will have
the power to regulate placevS of
amusement both outside and inside
cities and villages.
Rev. N. G. Palmer of Franklin was
elected temporary chairman; Harry
Vaugluin of Guide Rock temporary
secretary; H. W. Pope of Red Cloud,
C O. Butler of Franklin and J. O.
Hnmel of Bostwick were selected as
a nominatinjr committee.
Moved and seconded and carried
that a temporary chairman be ap
pointed for each county in the dis
trict and tho following were appoint
ed: Franklin county N. G. Palmer;
Nuckolls county G. N. Fisher; Web-
ister county II. V. Pope.
Moved and .seconded that tho meet
ing go on record as in favor of tho
standardization of pictuie films, and
of establishing both city and county
weKare hoards.
Tho nominating committee sub
mitted the following names of per
sons for permanent officers of the
27th senatorial district: J. H. Agee,
Superior, president; P. 3. Thiel,
Franklin, vice president; T.d Port
wood, Nelson, secretary; K. G. Cald
well. Red Cloud, trensurer; .Teanctte
Needham, Bostwick, finances; Harry
Vaughan, Guide Rock, publicity; Bert
Miller, Superior, survey; Anton Han
son of Unlnnd. Tho nominating com-
T. o e wvi'o a,l e'ected with tho ex
ception thai C. O Butler was elected
for the fi lance convMittce instead of
Miss Needham who declined, ami Mr.
Wright of ..Superior was mado&cnm-
paign manager instead of Mr. Han
son of Uuland. The nominating com
mittee wan retained to fill possible
HARRY VAUGHAN, Temporary Sec.
Sunday School 10 a m.
Sermon 11 a. m , "The Temptation
of Jesus".
Song Service and Young Peoples Dc
partment 9 p. m.
Sermon 8:30 p m , "Jesus and the
Rally Day for Church and Sunday
School will be observed Sept. iloth in
connection with Promotion Day.
Legal Notice.
You uro hereby notilled that on
May 11, 102.1, Jennie Calland, died a
petition against you in the District
Court of Webster County, Nebraska,
the object nml prayer of which Is to
obtain a dlvoiea from you on the
ground that you have been guilty of
extreme oruelty towards the plaintiff
and of nnn MipnnH and dprMon.
on are required to answer said petl.
tion on or before October 15, 102.1.
Jennie Callund, Plalntilf.
By E. tl. Caldwell,
Her Attorney.
i i m m m i
We are now prepared to give reason,
able terms on both New and Used Cars
payablo monthly or in it lump sum,
Oglevle Bros.
JL 1 JSa 3a
Printers' ink has made thousands oE
men rich when it was mixed in the
right proportion with Brains
The Red Cloud Gbief
Red Cloud Nebraska
Northeast Pawnee
Mr Htid Mrs Frank Ryan were trad
lug ut Red Cloud end of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Myers were visiting
Miss Dilkn and brothers Sunday after
noon. Mrs. Jim Ryau who was ill for n
couple of weeks is oorr a good deal im
prored. Mr aud Mrs Max Jooe were at
DnckerTlllc Friday last doing some
Mr. nnd Mrs. H Blair were in Smith
Center one day last week transacting
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lanigan were in
Lebanon doing some trading one day
last week
Lewis Pagctt sunk a new. well on
his place last wcok and has abundance
of water now.
Everett Myers was , assistiug his
brother Roy one day last week leinod
eliug his well
Mrs. B Mohler and family were vis
iting folks at Lebuuou last Saturday
aud doing some trading.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Mis,
Frank Brown were doing their trading
at Womer the end of the week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Claud Dunne and fami
ly and Mr. Peterson drove to Lebanon
last Saturday to dobome trading.
The Misses Gouldin, Loretta and
Goldle, were visiting Mr. and Mis.
Everett Myers Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Mohler and
family and Pat MeCoale were in Bed
Cloud Mouday last doing some trading.
The dances at Moline's and YenuuV
the nights of Thursday and Saturduy
was well attended all reporting a good
Edgar Leadabraud left here labt
Monday for Arthur, Nobr., to visit a
week or two with his brother aud sister,
Jay and Melba.
Eveiett Myers assisted his brother,
Roy, in hauling a couple of loads of
lumber from Inavale last Wednesday
for the latters barn.
John Ring had tho misfortune of
getting his barn burned down last Fri
day night, sufllclent help there to save
adjacent buildings.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Spurrier, Mr.
and Mrs. E E. Spurrier were visiting
their folks and doing some trading at
Lebnuou tho middle of the week,
Miss Cassie Gouldie left a few days
ago for Kearney, Nebr., to attend high
school. Her other two biuters, Sadio
and Maud, left over a week ago for
Arthur, Nebr , to teach school.
Our road boss, Ora Prill, who has
f-ome complicated jobs in this vicinity
is making considerable piogrcss nt
road making. Apart from his own
good judgment ho has a gang that is
hard to, beat in the persons of tho
Mtipes, Elliots and Ryaus as far as
solonea and rim are concerned besides
possessing brawney arms as strong as
iron hands.
Coming to l.'ctl Cloud, November
0 and 10th, Hell's Hair Acre the
American Legion Carnival bigger,
better than ever.
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Red Cloud,
Regular servlceti every first nnd third
Sunday in thi month in the Advcnii?t
church at 11 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. in. Subject "The
Light of the World."
If you are not worshipping elsewhere
you are cordially Invited to worship
with us
O. R. Ileinitz, Pastor
The Church, by common consent, is
the institution whose business it Is to
stir, to quickcu, to instruct, to buttress
the conscience of the people. It is al
ways therefore, wherever It 19 alive,
the moral leader of the nation. It is
up to the Christian peoplo df the world
to help keep the Church alive so that
it can do all that it should for the up
building of thu Kingdom of God on
Be sure you are In your place at the
regular services of the church thN
coming Lord's Day.
Church School a- 10 o'clock iu the
Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11
o'clock in the morning
Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:110
o'clock In the evening.
We will appreciate your presence,
and a cordial welcome awaits you.
Rev. Basil S. Daugho'rty.
Bible sahool at 10 a. m.
Morning service at 11 a in., Subject:
"The Value of Baptism as a Christian
Evening service at 8 o'clock. At the
evening sorvlce an old-fashioned Bible
Reading will be given participated in
by tho choir aud Congregation. All
specially interested In Bible study are
cordially invited to be present
The week has seen the remodeling
of the beats built for tho open air ser
vices and the application of paint.
Storage facilities are provided, and for
years the problem of seats for out of
door service is solved, and the comfort
of those who assemble assured.
Preparations for the Annual County
Sunday School Convention on the first
and second days of next month, have
been hampered to some extent by tho
fact of the possible transfer of minis,
ters at the Conference soon to bo held,
but the Committee, has succeeded in
arranging a Program, with a good ar
ray of local help, and the place deter
mined upon ib the Christian church in
this city. A Committee of arrange
ments has already been appointed wlih
one member from each church,
All desiring to attend our mid-week
meeting on Wednesday evening will
receive enruest aud coullal welcome.
Choir Meeting every Friday evening
at the Church.
I. W. EPSON, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L. Thomas ship,
ped their furniture via truck to Friend
today where Mr. Thomas will be iu
ohargo of n telephone station for the
8, Lincoln Telephone Co
ThOknemsey-Flipo light will take
placo at New York City Friday eveuing
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