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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1923)
ffcnr clow;vbamca? ohobt ' ' ' ,. J.- ' - -.1 ' ' ' i i ' i -i Hi'i 'V " "W I S" -ja-. .I"" . r' - h a k wa w ta h AS TOLD TO US H KM M n UKKKaa KJRBJH H H A. T. Dclph spent Sunday at Superior. W. A. Komjuo returned from Alma Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Linn went to Superior Tucsduy. Mr.--. I? C. Cox went to Wymorc on train 1G Sutidn:. Hert Leonard was down from via vale Monday afternoon. Roy Killingcr arrived from Norton, Kansas Sunday morning. Mr. Vermis 10. Hay wont to Tracr, Kansas Tuesday morning. W. II. Smith was a passenger to Hastings Friday morning. The Old Settlers Picnic Is being held at Cowlos today. 35 head 2 yr old Hereford cattle, mixed, for sale Chas. Brown, Bell aire, Kansas. fe MM flHHB M iiiiiWIiiiliiiiA JBA BWHA HHnm. KL m m Miss Kdith Bcezley left for Kearney Friday morning on train where she will teach school th's winter. John Schnell went to Oilcans, Wed nesday and from there he will go to Colorado to look after business. Mr. and "Mrs. Minor Kirchncr of CJIay Center were the guests of his brother, Tom, nnd wife Tuesday. Claude Krost diovo a new Patilol truck down from Hastings the first of the week for Frank Tcterson . Mis Iva Hall of Bladen was a pas senger from the local ticket offirc to St. Joe on train 1G Friday running. Mrs. Lee Walker is visiting icla tivea at Beatrice this week. t A. Hoffman went to Hastings Wed nesday to look after business. ' Mrs. Georgia Walker was a passen ger to Lincoln Sunday morning. Thad Saunders was down from Campbell the last of the week, i- Ed., McAllister of Beatrice is viaJt ang friends In the city this week. ! , Mrs. Grace Wolfe went to Hastings aturday morning to spend the day. Mrs. Bernice Hutchinson was a pas senger to Kearney Saturday morning. Mrs. Roy Workman went to Beat rice for a "visit with relatives at that place. Will Robertson, John Yost and An cil Crabill attended the State Fair Thursday. The Red Cloud Golf Club members will hold a picnic and tournament at their grounds next Sunday afternoon. Miss Mabel Van Omam went to Hardy Saturday morning on train 16 to trend the week end with her pan ents. mm it Ufc Mother nnd the girls always apolo gize for anything father selects for the house. The best that can be snid about some folks after they are dead is that they are dead. When a woman buys her husband n birthday present he always thinks it was bought with his money. It is a good thing hens don't get the same scale for laying eggs that masons get for laying brick. We all agree that the woild is get ting no better. But how much is each of us doing to make it better? Several of the local fight fans arc planning to attend the Elks Legion fistic card at Hastings next Monday evening. J. W. Hauck left an train 15 Wed nesday for Denver, Colorado where he will take up new duties in the shops at that place. Marjorie Stunkard left last night on train 17 for Padromla, Colorado, to visit her brother who Is farming at that placo. FOR, SALE 39 head of Whiteface yearling steers. Inquire of Tom Swartz or Ren Zackery 3l miles east of Red Cloud. Don't fail to see the pictuic "The Third Alarm" at the Auditorium next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, who re side in California, arrived in the city Saturday morning to visit his mother and other relatives. Mrs. A. Dolinage left on train 17 Sunday evening for Los Angeles, California. ' Mr. Burg, father of Frank Burg, re turned to Armour after n extended visit here. Mrs. Mary Polnicky and grand daughter, Helen are visiting in Guide Rock today. The .partial eclipse of the sun was very noticeable here for awhile Mon day afternoon. , a W. A. Romjue was a passenger to Alma Wednesday morning to look rtixer business. i Gene Bush returned to Atwood, Kansas, after spending the week end with home folks. , Ij ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amack and daughter, Mrs. Max Marshall autoed to Bostwick Sunday. Mrs. L. E. Evana returned to Hast ings, ' accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Walter Warren. The Red Cloud and Lawrence ball teams crossed bats on the local dia mond last Sunday, the visitors won by a scoic of 15 to 9. The reform politician's central idea is that he is going to have everyone profit at the expense of someone else. The main thing that moving picture advertlblug does Is to make the audi ence mad because it delays the show. When your wife wants you to "just look at" something in a store you will save time if you tell her to go ahead and buy it. Women arc easily fluttered but did you ever notice how a man acts when he gets some speciul notice or at tention? ; A Newman Grove man is so et6f nomical that he always takes extra long steps so he won't wear oat hjs shoes so fast. I know a man who is so strong minded that when he sees a Wet' Paint sign he never tries it with His ringer to see if the sign is telling the truth. What has become of the old fa3hV ioned man who put on three palrfc of socks when he bought new shoes so as to make sure of having them big enough? o Special Sale of School Dresses To Clean-up on Gingham Dresses will close them out at the following prices. Age 2-4-6 choice of any in the store Age 8 choice tvw Age 10 choice Age 12 choice Age 14 choice $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 IN HOSE WE HAVE EVERTHING in sizes from 4 to the largest out size in Cotton or Silk from 15c to 2. GO Come in and look the line over. I know I can save you money on your hose. V- BARBARA PHARES J! If anything goes wrong with the car the average husband always as sumes that his wife has been fooling with ft. Miss Gertrude Wiggins left for North Platte, Friday morning, near which place she will teach school through the coming term. Mrs. J. E. Murnaham left on train 14 Sunday morning for Apporson, Oklahoma, where She was called by the ilinc.s of her mother. Virgil 'Huff took a truck load of furniture to Wheeler, Kansas Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harns,wo wjll make their home at that place. , "The Third Alarm", a fire depart ment picture, will be shown at the Auditorium, September 20th for the benefit of the local fire department. Mis?, Velma Beezley left for Scotts Bluff Wednesday where she will teach school this winter. H. Anderson -posted bills for Ring ling Bros, show which will show in Hastings September 26th. Miss Zona Hirsch went to Superior Saturday morning to spend a couple of days visiting with her parents, re turning to this city Sunday evening A Harvard young man is so eco nomical that he proposed to his best girl on her birthday so he could give her an engagement ring for a birtlj dny present. I If a neighbor came in and found an old fashioned woman resting she felt as ashamed of it as if she had been Leaught with something that didn't be long- 10 ner. l A Harvard man is so considerate of his wife that -whenever she has to got up.early.iin the morning to do a big wanning, he always sets the alarm clock for her. ' 1! ': i,n - " ;' Henry Ford says most of the people don't. know. what they want and have no idea of how to get what they do want; Ht is telling too much truth to be comfortable. Crescent Was Christian Once, file national emblem of the Turks Is the crescent. Their organization for aiding their wounded Is called "Thu Red Crescent." Under the crescent they fought the solillers of the cross. Yet crescent ns well ns cross was real- ,,ly a Christian emblem. For the creR cent was first used by tho primitive Christians of Const antlnoplo as an em blem of the growing power of Chris tianity. It was not until about the yxsar 1453, after tho Turku had' cap tured Constantinople, that they adopt ed tiro crescent as their national cm- jbl'em. Tho reason why has never been satisfactorily explained. Tho crescent is essentially n symbol, and yet the Kornn forbids tho use of all symbols or linages In the religious ceremonies of the Turks. The crescent Is used, however, and none seem to object, or recall Its Christian origin and significance. Even If your house and furniture are veered by Insurance,' .It Is extremely 'Wuu'cky t6 'have .them burn on Friday Ivan Himes of Joes, Colorado, who had been to St. Joe with a shipment of cattle, stopped off here Wednes day and spent the day with his mother and brother. If you will spend half as much time trying to save money as you do tryr ing to find ways and means to make more you are not likely to have much trouble with the sheriff. Some folks think the money spent for road signs is advertising. If you think this is true see how many such signs you can read and understand while driving by in your car. Slnns of Trouble. A Montana lire marshal lists tho fol lowing as sure signs that something unpleasant N going to happen to you: "A ernek In your chimney Is u sure Mgn that you are going to move. If you dream of smelling smoke, It Is n sign oyou are asleep and had better wake up. To see a paperhanger papering over a Hue-hole Indicates an Impending loss. It Is bad Iwl: to look into a dark rlo.set with a match. If you can see your shadow from an oil lamp whllo filling a gasoline stove It Indicates n crowd of people coining to your house. When tho wind uionns, It Ih extremely bad. luck to burn trash near the houste. If you smell gas or gasoline and look for It with a light. It foretells that you are nbout to start on a long Journey. WE H AVE RECEIVED THIS WEEK A WONDERFUL NEW LINE OF FALL SUITS OVERCOATS SHOES HATS The Prices are Reasonable and the Merchan dise is of .Very Superior Quality and Make. WE ASK YOUR ATTENTION WHEN YOU NEED CLOTHING the l&th." Rockefeller Foundation. ' r,The Itockefeller Foundation, en dowed by John D. Rockefeller with "more than 100 million dollars, was given a charter by tho state of New York in 1013. Its purpose Is "to pro mote the well-being nnd advance the civilization of the people of the Unit ed States nnd Its territories and pos session!!, and of foreign lands. In the acquisition nnd dissemination of knowledge, In the prevention of suffer ing, and In the promotion of any and all the elements of human progress." We Serve You Better and Our Clothing is Better. Come And See. The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. Alwosys Reliable WWWVWWrtrtrtVWArtWWWWWYWWWVW WE HAVE WEIR CITY THRESHING COAL Wallie Walgreen, Bert Elmore of this city and Glenn Demon of Bladen were in Superior Sunday where they played with the Guide Rock team against Superior. .Mrs. Joe Alrhori arrivod from Kear ney last evening foe, a ,vlslt with her mother, Mrs. Cynthia Moier. -M ,Hugh Kelly returned to duty on sWitch engine after laying .off a wees visiting friends in McCook. 'WnvCrabijl, and wife and Mr. and lirs.1 lafrick' -attended the funeral of J. C. Brooks which .was held Sunday a"f?ernbon"at the New Virginia church. Hudson futher reduced in price $1375f.o.b. Essex $1045 Lo.b. SEC OSCAR MATTISON , DEALER . INAVALE, NEBR.t Starke Bros, have decided to quit the cattle business and will have a dispersion sale of their well known herd of Holstein cattle on Thursday. October 11th, at their farm. The farm home of H. H. Fetty, west of Inavale, was destroyed iby fire last Thursday noon. Not much furniture was saved and we are informed that he carried insurance on the house and contents. The old fashioned woman who walked three miles to pick berries on the shares now has a daughter who doesn't even know how to can them after someone else picks them. When son gets to the point where he thinks he should learn to smoke give him a strong old pipe and some plug tobacco and tell him to go to it. His desires will soon be satisfied. Bob Simmons is a peculiar sort of congressman. His idea is to find out what his constituents want and then get it.for them, if possible, instead of telling them what they ought to have. I'CI " The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because fire has never touched you It doesn'tfollow tlmt you'roimmune Tomorrow -no today, If yqu have time and you better find time come to tho oflico and we'll writo a poliuy on your house, furniture, btoru or uiorolnmdiho. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R-elifelble Insurance I " y . One Nebraska editor is likely to be sent to the insane, asylum soon. Ills chief hallucination is that it U al ways possible to' elect none but sane, sensible, competent men to public office. A Born Salesman. "Did you ever have any exciting ex periences?" "About twenty years ugo," said tho brisk promoter, "I was ordered to leave a western town by a notorious two-gun man who didn't like the cut of my clothes." "As you are still alive, I suppose you leftr 6, 1 bought him a couple of drinks anA sold hlra the suit." Detroit Free Press.' The Malone-Gellatly Co. WWWWVWWWWJWIArVWJWM I MM III lkR-.iw.r.'!lS 59gl The Boss says if I don't say any thing about what she does she knows I am satisfied for I am sure to raise thunder in general if I am not satis fied. Guess I urn about like the aver age husband in that respect. One of the greatest needs in this world is a lawn grass that will always be exactly an inch and a half long. Closed cars are fashionable nowa lays but none of us is anxious to ride in the kind that has a back door. Some men think conveniences in the kitchen and toys for the children are in the same class. And some women don't think it is ever necessary to comb their heads and put on a clean dress unless they are going some place or expect company. ' " Referee's Sale of Real Estate Notice is hereby given that whoreas in the actioa pending in the District Court ol Webster County, Nebraska, wherein Ernest James Doyle is plain, tiff and Edward Doyle et al, are de fondants for the partition of the real estate hereinafter described a decree of said court baa been cnteredeonflrm. ing the shares of the parties and di. reoting partition and a report of the referee has been made that a division of the land cannot equitably be made and the court has approved buch re port and directed a sale of the pre mises Now thoreforo I, E G. Caldwell, referee In said action will on thu 22nd day of September, 192.'!, at two o'clock P. M. at the bouth front door of the court houbo In Red Cloud Webster. County, Nebraska, bell at publlo nuc tlon to tho hlghebt hiddor, tor oabh, the- following described real estate, to-1 wit. Block 12, In Ituilrond Addition to the city of Mod Uloun. wcosier County, NebrnsUn. Dated AngiiKt 15. 1023 E. O CALDWELL. Referee. Bernard McNeuy, Attorney: KEEP YOUR HOGS WffiL I SELL THE BEST REMENDJES HESS'S STOCK TONIC HESS'S HOC WORM POWDER ., ', STANDARD HQG REMEDY 4;, AVALON HOG TONIC '" A GLAUBER SALTS COPJPERAS, SAL SODA, ETC. VM' A- COME AND BEE UB CHAS. L. COTTING, -ai. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. Tho best place . for Picture Framings ICU' t.' Geo. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real- Estate Farm Loans ; lr and Insurance Redourfr' Mr. ti H '& .j? A V