The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 13, 1923, Image 3

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iJipForSummer l
iJiJsSVvI The season's foods and
ISWI'WiJ ttur fermentation
lxvrhi catura 'ol ' troulj9
ff??55rTU-na lias been meet
l?"&lr " "' emergency 'or
WC more than half a cen
'fi'wt J tury. It I recom
M mended for every catarrhal 9
91 condition of which stomach K
01 trouble U Lut one. 0
11 Sold EvcryvfJiern fm
" TStJ. Tablets or LlquldjW B
Etoiwi .Tnrrffaa
Wl . ! I
(I J.n0fn0
ns . st
8M iintt N York
Yellow orWhite
IC VflBID Uses "Cutter's"
II 1 lILBla Scrums anil Vacctneslieis
a w a jjKij hu ts;t to coiucrvc your
lftP'I'VniAf Sal 1 11 ,icrrests- 15fir
IIIL I L. Ulttl ra III H An cunrrntrjtuin on
The Cutter Laboratory
"T LaUttttTj thai Kntwi llm"
Berkeley (U.S. License) Callfornln
Birds on Abandoned Farms.
Naturalists have noticed that the
abandoned farms offer great oppor
tunity for Hie study of bird life, and
Hie birds seem to frequent these lo
ratifies fur some reason. Edmund .1.
lawyer tf Syracuse, N. Y who has
oinmented on this fact in articles for
arlous publications, says that while
he birds to bo found at these places
ufe mostly of the commoner vailetles,
luit for purposes of observation the
nhamloiicd farms offer great ad
vantages because of the numbers to be
encountered. Within .'100 feet of one
:if these bouses he found nests with
rggs and young of eleven species.
Policemen In Egypt carry shields for
A Hi-cent can of American tomatoes
osts (10 cents In KIkii.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Guticura Soap
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c
Everything Depends upon her Health
Mrs. George E. Whitacre Tells of her Daugh
ter's Breakdown and How Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Made Her a Healthy,
Happy, Strong Girl
Every mother possesses Informa
tion of vital importance to her young
daughter, and tho responsibility for
her future is largely in her hands.
When a school girl's thoughts be
come sluggish, when sho suffers tho
consequences of wet feet, pain.hend
ndios.faintfnK spells, loss of sleep and
appetite, nndishrepular, her mother
Bhould have a thought for her physi
cal condition and try Lydia L. Pink
ham's Vegetablo Compound, which
has proved a reliable aid to nature
for just BUch conditions in so many
This Mother Writes:
Mahoningtown, Pa. "I would like
to say a few words about Lydia fc.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
About u year ago I thought it would
bo necessary for mo to tnko my
daughter out of school. Slip was
losing weight, was nervous, and when
she would come homo from school sho
would drop into a chair and cry, and
say, 'Mamma, I don't be love I can
go to Bchool another day !' I gate
Tier Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo
vompounu, anu now uuu . vjn
- ,. :i iSi.i,.'i.n.tu TJi-tx-nfft
Peculiar to Women " will he sont you free upon request. Write
to tho Lydia B. PlnUhiuu Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts.
Shows Fine Staple In Pod, Though
Growing Almost Wild In the
Northern Territory.
Cotton In Austrnlln lins been found
showing a very fine staple In the pod,
though growing almost wild In the
northern territory. Queensland Is
lending the wuy thoroughly and well
In this matter. Kxpert and ofllclal
opinion holds thnt a large portion of
Western Australia Is as suitable for
cotton production iih Queensland.
Queensland Ih sotting the pace. Last
year 7,(XR) aere.s were under crop; this
year the area Is estimated between
SO.dOO and 100,000 acres. In two of Its
subtropical districts II.OOO.OOO acres are
being opened up under the cotton pros
pootH and UUO.OUO acres In another. The
government Is guaranteeing a mini
mum prico of 0iil (11 fonts) per
pound for seed cotton. If cultivation
responds the guarantee holds good for
three years. Tin J'.rltlsh Australian
Cotton association Ih helping with the
erection of -18 ginneries. America dc
mauds more cotton; Croat Hrlialn Is
hungering for It. The world Is look
ing lor It. If Germany restores her
prewar Industry, then clearly the
world's demand for some considerable
time will he far ahead of the .supply.
Here Is another golden opportunity for
Australia. A. S. Ledger, In Current
History Magazine.
TliotiFnndfl of women have kidney and
blnddcr trouble and never suspect it.
Women's complaint) often prove to be
nothing vUc but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder diFcase.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
ditinn, they may cause the other organ
to become ditcaccd.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness are often times symp
toniB of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a physician's pre-M-ription,
obtained nt any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
(let u medium or lnrge size bottle im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish fiVt to test this
croat preparation pcnil ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., liinglmmton, N. Y., for a
, Kamplc bottle. When writing be sure and
mention tma paper. Auvcriiscmenc.
A Prospective Transaction.
"Yassah, yo' dog bit me, and he done
so good and proper, too, sahl" said
P.rothor Ituggy. ' me twell I shan't
be able to foller mull puhfesslon for ile
I.awd on'y knows how long. In fact,
sah, de varmint done 'malganiated mull
piissonallty full u dollah's wuth. I'.ut
as yo Is a white tiinn dat 1 has alius
admired, sah, If you says so I'll doss
let blin bite mo ng'In, and call da
whole blzness a dollah and a half."
Kansas City .Star.
Something to a Door.
"Jack says I'm something to adore."
"Hoes he mean that you're a belle,
or a knocker?"
If people won't let you butt Into thb
argument, leave the room. That's re
venge enough.
Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothe
for baby, If you use Red Cross Bull
nine. v Never streaks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell It. Advertise
ment. Tact points out the "psychological
The Greeks looked upon pepper at
a aluublo medicine.
Dates grow at the tops of trees -It
to (10 feet from the ground.
A philosophical man when consider
lug bis own troubles isn't.
A college education does not innki
a man great, but It helps lilm.
China hns more than 1.000,000 lepen
happy,hearty,8trong girl andwoigha
120 pounds. Sho has no difficulty in
doing her ' gym ' work, and she
works at home every night and morn
ing, too. I am n mother who can
certainly praise your medicine, and
if it will bo of any benefit you may
use this letter as a reference." Mrs.
George E. Whitacre, 621 W. Madi
son Avenue, Mahoningtown, Pa.
Every girl ought to be healthy and
strong, and every mother wants her
daughter to do well in school and to
enjoy herself at other tmes.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is a splendid medicine for
young women just entering woman
riood. Mothers can depend upon it
It is prepared from roots and herbs,
contains nothing harmful, and has
great power to tono up end strengthen
tho system, so it will work in
healthy and normal manner.
For nearly fifty years Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound haa
been used by women of all ages, nnd
theso women know its great value.
Let it help your daughter and your
self. TnTt-Tlnnlr tinnn AUmnnin
alight Gain in
Yield of Potato
In 55 Years Increase Has
Been 4.4 Per Cent High
Grade Seed Is Urged. a..
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
As potato growers, we arc still in
the "smnll potuto" class, If we are to
Judge our standing by the gain In the
uvernge production per acre made In
the United States In the lust .15 years,
statistics gathered by the United
States liepartiiicnt of Agriculture dur
ing tho last half centur show that
tho average production per ncre dur
ing the the year period, UMS-UVJl!, was
1R7 bushels, ttur hers did
almost us well fit) years ago, produc
ing In the tle-year period, lJSt'S IST'J,
nn avorngv of 1)1.5 bushels to the acre.
In other words our ability to gro
potatoes has luiprowrt during those
." j ears only enough to raise ibo
average production by -1.4 per cent.
I'rom J SOS to 1SS8 the average yield
decreased steadily Until It was but 7-1
bushels to the acre. Since that time
the nverage yield has been .steadily In
creasing until It hi now the highest It
has ever been. A number of reasons
for tho decline In yields during the
llrst half of this period are given by
the department, the most Important
among tlictn being the ravages of the
Colorado potato beetle during the
early period of Its Invasion of the
eastern United States, the financial
depressions of 1877 and 18fi:i. which
brought about u well-marked decline
n agriculture In New England, New
Vork and other heavy potato-producing
ureas, and a gradual depletion of
-oil fertility.
This downward tendency bus been
becked by a number of factors which
have helped to Increase the yield and
average production pVr acre. Some of
theso benellclal factors arc the Influence-
of the agricultural experimental
stations, agricultural colleges and Ibo
United States Department of Agrl-
iilture, through experimentations,
demonstrations and extension work;
the Influence of the bordeaux-mixture
treatment In the control of fungous
diseases uffectlng the potato; and the
development of special potato-growing
sections where the average yield
!s orten from two to three times the
jenernl average for the United States.
Produce Better Seed.
Hcccntly more attention has been
given to the production of better seed
by growers who are making a special
ty of producing certified seed nnd seed
of high quality. The use of high
grade seed, says the United States
Department of Agriculture, would In
crease the returns from potato crop
of the, country by many millions of
dollnrs. Good seed Is ono of tho de
termining factors In the production of
maximum crops of potntocs.
Early Molting Hens Do
Not Pay for Feed Bill
Due of the best indications that a
hen has quit laying for this year Is
the beginning of tho molt. The hen
stnrts to grow new feathers Just as
soon us the old ones drop out and
most of the feed that she gets goes
:nto the growing of feathers Instead
of Into the production of eggs. Many
people believe that these early molt
ing hens will get their new feathers
before winter und Iny eggs when they
itru highest In price, but experiments
buvo shown that the lieu that molts
In July or August takes u long time
to get her new feathers and Is natur
ully a poor layer. If she does start
laying before the winter Is over she
will not Iny enough eggs to pay for
her feed bill.
Corn Silage for Steers
Gives Highest Returns
"Steer-feeding tests In Pennsylvania
last winter gave these results," report
the Farm Journal: "Standard corn-belt
cation (full feed of corn, with corn
llage, corn-stover and cottonseed
meal), a profit of ?5.00 per head. Hu
tlon without corn (nil the corn sllnge
the steers would ent, with corn-stover
and cottonseed meal), n prollt of $7.40
per head. Using molnsses Instead of
'JO per cent of corn In stnndnrd corn
belt ration, a loss of $1.81 por head;
using mixed hay Instead of the slhigo
i and stover, a loss of ." cents per
I head; using molasses nnd mixed hay, a
loss of $0.08 per head. Steers weighed
i0 pounds ut the start and were fed
M0 days."
Killing Peach Borers
by Use of P. C. Benzene
"P. C. Hen7.ene Is still doing busi
ness at the old stand, killing peach
borers," says the editor of the Farm
Journal. "This material Is In the
form of crystals, and when sprend on
the ground around the trees, turns to
a gns, thus gassing the borers. This
material can be bought from druggists
or from chemical supply houses. For
advice as to use, write your state agrl
iiltural college."
Growing Asparagus Tips
Depends on Proper Care
The good or bad luck you hnve In
growing asparagus tips next spring
and slimmer will depend upon how
well the plants are taken care of this
season. The wheel hoe or cultivator
should be kept busy nil summer and
fall to keep tho plunts growing, be
cause tho growth made during tho rest
of tho season Is producing the shoots
'or next year.
Greasewood Often Is
Poisonous to Sheep
Dangerous Feed When Tak
en in Large Quantities.
(Prepared by tho United Htnt'n Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Greasewood, n shrubby plant very
plentiful on the range In some parts
of the West, has been the cause of
occasional large losses of sheep. This
plant was listed as poisonous Ufi years
ago, but only recently have Investiga
tions been made by the United States
Department of Agriculture which
brought out definite Information con
cerning tho symptoms and the condi
tions under which poisoning will oc
cur. The results of this work arc con
tained in Department Circular 'J71l, en
titled "(ireasewood as a Poisonous
The Investigations have established
that under mot conditions this plant
is u good forage for hheep, and dai.
gerous when It is taken In consider
able quantities, nt least 1X pounds to.
the hundredweight of animal, In a
ver, short time. Losses may be pre
vented by taking care that sheep do
not graze too long on greasewood
when they are very hungry. Anlmnls
that Mice slum the symptoms usually
die; in other words, n quantity of the
plant which will cutise the symptoms
will cause death.
The greasewood plnnt, which Is
sometimes known as "chlco," Is light
green colored, scrnggly, with spiny
branches and slender, fleshy leaves
about lVi Inches long. It Is common
ly recognized by western stockmen,
but there are several other plants
sometimes called greasewood.
Copies of the circular may be ob
tained without cost, as long as tho
supply lasts, by writing to the Depart
ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. 0,
Excellent Ration for
Fattening Market Ducks
Ducks are fattened easier and
quicker than any other class of poul
try, If they are properly fed and han
dled. Here Is an excellent fattening
ration: Two parts cornmeal, one pirt
ench of wheat bran and middlings,
one part ground oats, two parts ground
bcof.MTiip. To this ndd three or four
per cent of coarse sand or grit and
mix the whole together with milk,
sweet or soim ftlve them all they
will out of this mixture three times a
day, If j on are In n big hurry to forco
them along; or, If you haven't time to'
do that, give them the mash as often
as convenient, and keep dry grains be
fore them In boxes all the time. Seo
that they have plenty of water to
drink, and keep It In troughs so thnt
several ducks can partake at tho samo
time. Don't give them too much lib
erty while fattening them for mnrkct,
for they fatten quicker In small quiet
runs. Ducks nre nervous and easily
frightened ; dogs nnd loud strangers
often cause serious disturbances. A
thorough fright will cnuse n duck to
Ioe more flesh nnd healthy growth
In hnlf nn hour than good care and
food will restore In several days. That
may sound like nonsense, but It's tho
experience of all who have tried It.
Males Not Needed for
Breeding Should Be Sola
Unless your roosters arc worth sav
ing for mating purposes, get rid of
them. Keep them nwny from the bens,
for infertile eggs will command n pre
mium over the fertile kind.
Scrub roosters, nnd even pure bred
cockerels thnt are not needed for tho
breeding pens and are not good enough
to command a price from other breed
ers, should be made ready for tho
market. There Is no reason why nny
farmer or poultryman should go on
feeding a lot of useless birds. Put
them In n pen nnd fatten them before
sending them to mnrket. Unless too
old, you will make n profit on your
feed because n fat bird will sell mor
rendlly, nnd of course weighs more.
Hoosterless farms nre not uncommon
In some sections of the country.
Laying Age of Pullets
of Different Breeds
An observation of tfle average num
ber of dnys lequlrcd to mature Leg
horns, Kocks and Iteds ns handled at
the Nebraska college of agriculture
shows the following: Single Comb
White Leghorns, 20.1 days; Hnrrcfl
Hocks, 239 dnys; Single Comb Rhode
Island Herts, 250 days. Tho uge at
time of laying tho first egg was tnken
us nn Index of maturity. Therefore,
such medium maturing breeds as
Uliode Islnnd Herts, Hurred and White
Hocks, Orpingtons, Lnngshans, etc.,
should be hatched ns nenr March 1
as possible If they are to be old
enough to luy by November 1, or In
time to cntch the highest prices of the
year. The necessity for enrly hatch
ing Is not so great with Leghorns.
They mnture so early thnt April
hutched pullets seem to have the ad
vantage. Keep Track of Broody
Hens of Various Breeds
In dual-purpose breeds, nil hens
that become broody should bo given
a celluloid leg bnnd for ench offense.
It Is easy to keep track of thnm In
this way nnd ns thoso that have fre
quent broody spells cannot possibly
iiiako good records, they should bo
marketed. IJIrds that, without hav
ing clearly Inferior characters, are
under suspicion, should bo moved -to
n separate pea and given further
. m '
for Economical Transportation
Far in Products
Modern, progessive farmers, being
also business men, now depend on
fnst economical motor transporta
tion to save time, save products
nnd get the money.
Chevrolet Superior Light Delivery,
with four post body was built espe
cially for farm needs. It hns tho
space nnd power for a bin load,
which it moves fast ot a very low
cost per mile.
For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility
Express 1 ruck nt only $575, chassis
only, offers a remarkable vnluc.
Fits nny itundard truck body.
Chevrolet Motor Company
Division of 'Gtntmt Helen Coiportlien
Detroit, Michigan
' Family Skeletons Costly.
A prollteer who hud done the usual
thing bought a country estate and a
town house felt that Uicm was still
something needed to complete his
money's worth. Other peoj.le had an
cestry; he must get some.
On the advice of a friend he en
gaged a man to undertake the neces
rary research.
In due time the Investigator came to
report and laid n sealed package on
the table. Without opening the pack
age the profiteer asked him how much
his fee was.
"I want 1.000," the man replied,
"to sny nothing."
Of course he got It. Hehoboth Sun
day Herald.
Especially Prepared for Infants
and Children of All Ages
Mother I Fletcher's Castorla hns
been in use for over .10 yenrs to relieve
hnblos and children of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic and Dlnrrhen ;
allaying Foverlshnesa arising there
from, and, by regulating the Stomach
nnd Howels, aids the assimilation of
Food; giving nnturnl sleep without
'jplntes. The genuine benrs signature
Farmers are not turbulent In poli
tics, but they do sometimes puss somo
swlnge-lng laws.
The first three-story building In
Hongkong was erected and owned by u
professional beggnr.
If kept continually running, n
watch will tick 100,1 -M.OOO times In n
When there Is a gloomy mnn at n
pnrty, his wife exerts herself to bo
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cutl
curn Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented, economical face, skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume.
Hendors other perfumes superfluous.
Ono of tho Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soup,
Ointment, Talcum). Advertisement.
It is asserted that plute glass will
mnke n more durable monument than
tho hardest granite.
The nvernge mnn wastes a lot of
wind airing his views.
The culture of pecan trees Is to be
tried In China.
"O Hnppy Day" sang the laundress
as she hung the snowy wash ou the
line. It wns a "hnppy day" bocausc
sho used Hert Cross Hull HUie. Adver
tisement. Florldn, of nil tho states, has the
most water within Its bo.Tidnrlcs,
1,4-10 squnres miles.
Carthage was founded by .the Phoe
nicians about 850 B. a
If thero wnsn't so much world there
plight not bo so much unrest.
Even tho hotheaded mnn occasional
ly cts cold feet.
JIMlI i 1 1 ihnki ji lii i'i nM hi
I ilLI u It l ' UStkm
Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich.
Superior 2-I'im.HoniMer 1510
.Superior 5-IMsv Tourlnn BIS
Superior 2-I'ai Utility
Coupe 6RO
Superior fi-PM. Sedan . 8MJ
Superior Ur.lit Delivery . 610
Superior Commercial
Cltamils ...... 425
Utility lUpren Truck
Qiaxli ...... (75
Dealers and Service
Stations Everyxchere
Light Delivery
George Ade on Women.
Women of high voltage are es
pecially keen as "arrangers." Tho
married woman decides that Herbert,
her husband's bachelor friend (with
the false eyebrows), Is Just tho mnn
for Kiln, a holdover from the puff
sleeve period. So she Invites tho two
cane-haidened waifs out for tho
week-end and issues secret orders that
whenever Herb and Kiln can be ns
seniblert together on one settee, then
all the others are to run iwny and
leave them. And yet you may huvo
read In a book somewhere that womun
Is man's best friend. Krom "Slnglf
IllesM'dness," by Oeorgu Ade. ;
What, Indeed!
.Still, If there wcru no small towns,
what would large towns feel superior
to? San Francisco Chronicle.
A Knockout.
Wltlc Oh, hubby, what n stunning
Hubby Yes, the salesman extracted
$4 while I was still In a daze.
German Proverb.
Love unreciprocated Is like n ques
tion without an answer.
Don't bo afraid of criticism. We nil
need calling down as well as boosting
If one likes humanity, one can't be
very wicked.
Write for 32
Page Booklet,
" 7iTxr. j
the World"
Loom Products
Baby Carriages orumltutp.
wMuu c.i k
Mnlm. Mlcfc.
Use This Coupon
PIfmo nend m yoar
The Ltoyd Mfc,
lflil Hal..
lxKklet."Uotberior Ux
air StaU.,
OppoiteElty Calls
Pay a visit to Canada
see for yourself the op
portunitiuo which Canada
offers to both labor and
capital rich, fertile; vir
gin prairie land, near rail
ways and towns, at $15 to
$20 an acre long terms if
desired. Wheat crops last
year the biggest in history;
dairying and hogs pay well;
mixed farming rapidly in
Excursion on 1 st and 3d
l rom various U.S. points, single
fare plus 32 for the round trip.
Other special rales any day.
Make thu your summer outing
Canada welcomes tourists
no passports required have a
cteat trip bnd see with your
own eye3 uie opportunities mat
nwau you.
For full Information, yrithfrea
l booklets nod maps, write
Deik W
300 Peter's Trutt Bldr-
Omaha, Ntb.
-4, Aotl'OrtMjCuiititaCtv'tAA
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 36-1023,
r-SCfoOiors S
t it i i i -v
W 4 Pat. Process 4
141UPy U
-,, r-i-r-.' i4lr
wtuwoJilMP &Jl'.Ti inttJUlMit