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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1923)
fci U'tttif' f n tf V 4 C3 iiuu Hi uiionl Sot iily 1 (kMHH ,, A Newspaper That Gives The News, Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 13. 1U23 NUMBER 37 t3iaK agBttcr ? -" jtaa WE ARE NOW SHOWING NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ' ' ! n i i n i - NEW HATS CAPS SWEATERS SHIRTS NECKWEAR r N W SIITS Tfte Very Latest In Style and Fabrics REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING OT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. g PEACHES fOR CANNING Will Have a Car Of-- NO. 1 ELBERTA PEACHES This Week. The Crop Is Short and the Season Will Soon Be Over ' r See Us About Them R. P. WEESNER CO. Notice Thete will bo a get together meutintf of all those interested iu Hie out! big Community Picnic r'ki Tho Red Cloud Community Club will linlrl n nlntili, tnt mrnrvntiu nt. T.tltliitt !.. .i .... . ....... . "" ,....... . .-.. ,,.." ... -. jrvenim iiinyrar. ino twiners i itol' Crablll's grove, Friday, September II. , t"tf nt t,u' c,,url l,n,,l, tomorrow . at three o'clock. Supper will be serv. nigni uih o'clock Vi i. State and County Taxes Webster enmity. tix puuns will be chaiged with h total of $83,890 I" coun. ty tiiM-s In 102IJ, as uompiti eil to $)(, 210,70 in 11)22. or a decieas" 01353.29, bused on tli" county's Hsseed vulun. tloti mihI the levy tlxed by tho county boHt-d und repotted to the statu tax commissioner For state purposes the county will be charged with n total of .'10797.98 iu 1923, as compared to $5933-1 3(5 in 1922, or a reduction iu state taxes of $8,55038 for this county . - t Strong Dose for Car Thief Morvel Fentress, Red Cloud, Neb., young man who stole the Hilly Amis car Id Webster township about a year ago, was given a beutence a' fifteen years at Lansing yesterday by Judge Mitchell in Smith Center. Twice Fed tress escaped from the county Jail, stealing another car in bis tirst get away to take him out of the country. Tho young man's father lives in Red Cloud and is brokenhearted over'hla son's waywardness. Lebanon Times. MADE ADDRESS AT LEBANON Olf Monday of lost week a meeting was held at Lebanon, Kansas, in the interest of building a community hall and at which time Mr. 2. J. Overing of this city was the principle speaker. Mr. Overing spokc on "Co-operation in Agriculture" and the following is a pait of his addicss taken from the Lebanon Times: "We must lcniember," said Mr. Oveiing, "that in this fcction of Kan sas and Nehiaska, agriculture is our only vocation. We have no mines, no factories, no great industrial centers just soil. It is our woik to make the soil produce its utmost. He then explained the advantages of co-operation in the banding togeth er of farmers, or farmers and towns men, in clubs or institutes and in the exchanging through suca organiza tions of practical ideas tnat will ob tain to the advantage of every Individ ual member and to the whole com munity. Some fanner muy have made a maiked success through some method his experience am: ingenuity hud developed. ppe cJ(Hi live o'clock. The bill of fare will consist of fried chiclum, sandwiches, salad, pio, cake and pickles. Tint public is cordially Invited to at tend Dveryono come and bring a well tilled basket. FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Agent H. R. Fausch) Six boys and three girls leprcscntn- tives from Webster county boys' and glrlB' clubs went to the Stato Fair and the following prizes were won: The Livestock Judging team won first. Members of this team are: Earl Portinier, Alfred Sommerfclt and Cecil Means. This team will rep resent Nebraska at the Inter-State Fair at Sioux City, Iowa, Royal Live Stock show at Kansas Gity and the Inter-National at Chicago The Dairy Judging team won third. Members of this team a.e: William Arndt, Paul Gurnoy and Oscar Ram- ey- . Calf Demonstration team won third. Members of this team are: Alfred Sommcrfelt and William Arn dt. The Clothing Judging team won thkd. Members of this team are Goldie McConkey, Alice Whitaker and DeEtte Corner. The Clothing Demonstration team won third. Members of this team arc: Goldie McConkey and DeEtte Corner. Alfred Sommcrfelt won first as beat showman. Alfred Sommerfclt won first in the health contest. Angus Heifer First Alfred Sonv merfclt; Red Polled heifer Second William Arndt; Shorthorn heifer Fifth Alfred Sommerfclt. County exhibit of calves won third. County exhibit of clothing won second. Individual winning: Earl Portinier won second on judging hogs, second on judging cattle and fourth on in dividual scoie. Alfred Sommerfclt fiist on hogs, third on judging cattle and sixth on individual scoie. Cecil Means seventh on individual score. William Arndt first on judging Ayrshire cattle, third on individual score in judging dairy cattle. Will Deliver an Ad- dress in Red Cloud Ono of America's foremost platform orntois, Dr. Ira Limdrlth, has boon en gaged to deliver an address In Red Cloud, September a I, at 8 p. in at the First AIoilmdM oliuich. Ills theme will I I'nday and tho America for It", and will deal largely with l'iw eiifoict'int'iit and the world wltlo prohibition movement No ad. mission is dunged and the meeting Is open to all Dr. I.undrith is a big man with a big voice aud has a fund of delightful humor combined with a forceful pre. sentatior of facts beating upon this much discussod and important subject. As a champion of thee principled he has campaigned iu every state In tho union, lie is National organizing scuietary of the Young People's Chris, tlau Endeavor societies and has been moderator of his denominational (Presbyterian) General Assembly. Ills addresses am interdenominational aud people of all denominations or none are cordially invited to hear him. Farm Loans Floyd McCall's barn was destroyed by flro Tuesday night. "A Lost Lady" by Willu dither is now on Mile at Cotting's. Tho I. O O l degree team went to Guide, Itoclc lust night where they con ferred the second degree on .loo Law for the Ouldo Rock lodge Miss Elsie Cather went to Lincoln Fiiday morning where she will teach in the city fchools during the winter. Her mother, Mrs. C. F. Catlier accom panied her to Hastings where she spent the day visiting with frlcn:s. Mrs. Wilbur James went to wand Island Friday morning on train 4 where she will make her home In the future. Mr. James has accepted tho porition of State Superintendent of Seven Dav Adventist schools ami will make Grand Island his headquarters. I can make farm loans in Webster, Franklin, Jewell and Smith counties at positively the lowest rato, best terms and opt'on offered .! II. 1IAILEY. Portrait Comes in December The Willa Cather portrait, now be ing painted by the famous Russian artibt, Rakst, in Paris, and which will bepuichased by Omaha women and huug in the public libiary as a tribute to the distinguished novelist, will it is tA tTio iwtvim-' reach Omaha some time In December, tage of the community that those who j according to I). M. Vinsouhaler, spon are less successful should familiarize ,sor of the movement to purchase thlB themselves with the system of their neighbor and put it to tnelr own use. Mr. Overing told of the develop ment of pig, calf and poultry clubs, under supervision of the Webster County institute, and how they had worked to stock the farms of his conv munlty with high grade purebred live stock. He recommends the organization of institutes in every available commun ity through which may be obtained the co-openvtion needed m every busi ness and every enterprise. He also J. C. Brooks, one of the old settlers' of Catherton township, who had "oeort sick for the past few weeks, passed away last Friday morning at the home of hln son, Ross Broks at Campbell. He in survived by two nans and n daugh,fer. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at tho New 'Vir ginia church after which Interment was made beside his wife in Uio Plainvicw cemetery. portrait. Mr. Vlnsonhalor, co-operating with it woman's committee, of which Mrs Margaret Ilynes is chair man, has been at work on this project for several weeks. Miss Cather wroto Mr. Vlnsonbaler from Paris last week, .stating that the head was already completed and the entire canvas would be finished by the lost of September. She says that the resemblance to date is unusually strik ing. She is posed with her handB fold ed and seated, the study being a half length figure. With the consent of Mr. Vlnsonhnler and tho woman's committee, Rnkst will hang this Cather painting in his por trait exhibit in Boston and Philadel At -is. M-iWco i. .i" :&. SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. J 2 Ox stressed the matter of coopeiatlon with federal and state ngrtcultural J departments, whose specialists have technical knowledge on certain sifj 'jects that no one man. with his vai jied duties, could obtain in a life time. "We arc taxed for the support of these departments and it rs our fault if wc do not make use or the many benefits their trained field men nic able to give," said the spenker. occupying the Vlllo D-Avray, Selno et At the conclusion of Mr. 0 ei lug's e There she recently entertained .wi,i. t ,. 4:, ,. ,.t, ....... ... .. former Senator and Mrs. 0. M. Hitch. . 14111111; a rtuuiu unit; u. fi;il. ill it I discussion of phases of organisation ,cocU at dlnner.-Oiuaha World lleiald. (work, and it is probable D m m m AUDITORIUM Direction E. C. PRESTON RED CLOUD, NEBR. WEEKLY PROGRAM BEGINNING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 I I - - i phia iu November. Mr. Vlnsonbaler has requested thoartist to make public ' note that tho painting belongs to Oma ha and is to be hung in tho libiary here. Miss Catlier will teturn to the Unit ed States in October. She Is at present A Week ol Exceptional Programs Open Every Night Tickets on Sale at 7:30 P. M. Program at 8 P. M. Matinees at 3 P. M. Saturday and Sunday Only FRIDAY & SATURDAY. SEPT. 14 and 15 (Saturday Matinee at 2:45) George Melford's production "Ebb Tide" If you really want thrills here's the greatest South Sea thriller ever filmed. Stevenson's immortial masterpiece perfectly produc ed. With Lila Lee. James Kirkwood, Raymond Hatton, George Fawcett, Noah Beery, aud Jacqueline Logan. 23-469 Also one of the MackScnnctt's Wonder Comedies "By Hock1 Children 10c Adults 30c SUNDAY & MONDAY. SEPT. 16 and 17 Harold Lloyd's "Safety Last" Is the Diggcst Thing in Laughs and Thrills to appear on the screen yet. When you sec him climb the 12 story building you'll get a spine thrill and a big howl every'step of the way. Also you will enjoy Bill Rogers as the "Ropln Fool". Don't let anything keep you away from this show. You will regret it if you do. Admission-Childreu 10c, Adults 40c 45-338 TUESDAY ONLY. SEPT. 18 Should a woman rc-marry? Can a broken heart be mended? Is second love as strong as first love? Can memory ever blot out first love? See the sensational answer to these and countless other burning questions in Ethel Clayton's picture 45-2072 "Can m Woman Lovm Twloe" Added Attraction Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeUaven in "may It With Diamonds" Admission Children 10c, Adults 30c i move will bo made to sponsor an Institute' pat terned after the Webster coun'y or ganization, with its attendant calf, pig and poultry clubs, its exhibitions and fairs. Mis. Downey of Lincoln is visiting her mother, Mrs Jus Meil'oid. Mr. and Mrs ( W. Trine nnd dnugh. ' ter, Miss Vernit, letuiued lunun Tues day evening from Llnneons, Missouri WEDNESDAY ONLY. SEPT. 19 Want action? Thrills? Romance! Mystery? It's all here filmed amid the exquisite, snow draped regions of the Canadian Northland. 45-26 "ThO Snow Brtdo" Alice Bradys latest Paramount picture Added to this "Pathc News", "Aesops Fable" and Timely Topics of the day. THURSDAY ONLY. SEPT. 20 HREMANS BENEFIT NIGHT "Tho Third Alarm" "Let's go" is what you should say for you will enjoy the bump er crop of thrills, the pulsating torrent of laughs. You'll alternate ly giggle and quake when you see this good heart and soul picture. You should show your appreciation of the firemen of your city by giving them support here. 45-500 Along with this another Carter DcHaven Comedy. "Rico and Old Shoos" Admission Children 10c, Adults 40c. WATCH AND READ ALL AUDITORIUM ADVERTISEMENTS AND PROGRAMS Automobile License Numbers of Nebraska aud Kansas will be placed in all the Auditorium Adveitising. Find yours Present the add to the Auditorium and it will entitle yourself and family to free admission to any program except those on Sat. aud Sun. m I -- -.- r. .- , . i . V. G. Hu If wns In Bladen today. whero they had boon yislting relatives. LELlLE DC m 3 wmiri.i.jnf-11 "' -JfvflV.a -rift I! nap