The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1923, Image 7
E3 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF k 'YEllnwstanLiiyiEst W, inmJtrmmJL C ., IT .M-J nus i nr i Mmcu .sWIMHKMr fit VHVS. W?j&fl HMmSJrtr'e't T!C'Vi 1' ' ''l pom 1 1 I 4) 3 Opening Evokes amiiu5tration. raicy or lefce Conjervahorx for Our National Parka By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN UK nutlomil parks lost a good friend when Warren 0. Hnrdlng died. Ills appreciation und tip provnl of the national park move ment were signally .shown nt the 102IJ opening of Yellowstone for Its ilfty-flrst year by nn ofllclal declaration of administration pol icy worthy of Its place as the first national park In all history and largest and most famous of all America's nineteen public play grounds set apart by congress for the use of the people forever. That olllrlal declaration of ad ministration policy was nothing less than absolute protection of the national park system against commercial Invasion and exploitation. Dr. John Wesley Hill, chancellor of Lincoln Memorial university, made the declaration, lie officially represented President Harding and Sec retary of tho Interior Work nt the Yellowstone Opening. His statement was prepared, careful nd emphatic. It contained tho following: I "And wo are here today ... to celebrate the nnunl opening of Yellowstone pnrk, tho largest nd most far-famed of our national parks, a wooded .wilderness of three thousand threo hundred square nilles, containing Incomparable waterfalls, moro geysers than are found In the rest of tho world nil put together, irrlgati 1 by rivers llko miniature lakes, and beautified by lakes like lnlnnd sens, carved by canyons of sublimity, decorated with colors defying tho painter's art, punctured with Innumerable boiling springs whoso steam mingles with fleecy clouds, stuccoed with vnst areas of potrllled forests, a sanctuary of safe retreat for feathered songsters and wild bensts, n wonder land, playground, sanitarium and university all In one, where tho cyo feasts upon tho riotous colors of llowers, ferns nnd rocks; tho ear Is surged with tho symphony of melodious sounds; tho mind Is snted with n thousand revelntlons of truth nnd benuty, and the Jaded body, weary wl'h the tmdgo of thought and toll nnd travel, unglrds for song nnd dance beneath tho shndows of tho everlnstlng hills. "Yellowstono history Is replete with crises whore tho friends of tho pnrk and tho park Idea have had to fight with a heroism worthy Its ex plorers nnd discoverers to retain It lntnct against tho bold and presumptuous claims of tho advo cates of special privilege, determined to commer cialize this land of wonder, to build railroads through It, tunnel Its mountains, dam Its lakes nnd streams, nnd securo stranglehold monopolies with small compensation to tho government and total loss to tho people. "And regnrdless of all facts nnd figures, nppenls nnd threats, therefore, any plan, however meri torious on Its face, for the commercial exploita tion of parks must by the very nature of Its elms and purposes bo immediately doomed to Jillure. "Good projects, bnd projects, Indifferent proj ects, all must fnco tho same fnte, for It Is nt last established policy of tho government that our vntlonal parks must nnd shall forever ho main lined In nbsolute, unimpaired form, not only for ho present, but for all tlmo to come, a policy which tins tho unqualified support of President Hnrdlng. "This Is tho fixed policy of the ndmlnlstrntlon, nnd I can assure you It will not bo modified. It will not bo swerved n hair's breadth by any influ ence, Jlnnnelnl, political or otherwise. "If rights nro granted to one claimant, others must follow, so n precedent must not bo estab lished. It would Inevitably ruin tho entire national park system." Doctor Hill might have been moro definite In tho matter of the attacks by commercial Interests upon Yellowstone. Since early In 1020 It has roqulrcd Increasing vlgllnnco nnd aggresslvo or ganized effort on tho part of tho vast army of national pnrk enthusiasts to defent these attacks. During tho winter and spring of 1020 tho Sixty Ixth congress nearly passed tho Smith bill cre ating a commercial Irrigation reservoir In tho southwest corner of Yellowstono for tho benefit of Idaho. And It did pass tho wnter power bill granting to n commission power to lenso public waters, Including those of tho national parks and monuments, for wnter power. A national organization of defence, about 4,000,000 strong, was quickly effected. The Smith bill wns killed In tho house, nftcr It had passed tho senate. Tho Jones-Usch bill exempting na tional parks, present and future, from the Juris diction of the water power commission was intro duced and forced forward. Tho water power In terests were powerful enough, however, to force a compromise amendment which exempted only tho existing national parks. The Jones-Usch bill wns pnssed by tho Sixty-sixth congress. In December of 1020 Senator Walsh of Montana championed a bill to dam Yellowstone lake for an Irrigation scheme In Montana. A long and hard-fought battle followed. In June of 1021 Sec retary of the Interior Tall reported on the bill nnd straddled on the question of protection, hold ing that power and Irrigation development In the national parks should bo only "on specific author ization of congress, tho works to be constructed nnd controlled by tho federal government." There upon Senator Walsh proposed a now bill providing thnt tho United Stntcs reclamation service should build nnd operate tho Yellowstone lake dam. Tho defenders of the park proved that tho dam could bo built to greater ndvantage outside the pnrk. In 1022 the upholders of tho parks won a victory by electing Scott Lenvltt In Montnnn to congress over Jerome Locke, originator of tho dam project. Tho flnnl result of tho fight wns that tho Sixty seventh congress ndjourned March -1, 102.'1, leav ing the Walsh dam In the committee's pigeonholes. Efforts to revive It nre expected In the Sixty eighth congress. During these three yonrs another victory of great Importance along tho same lino was tho smothering In committee of tho All-Year Rational park bill, personally drafted and sponsored by Secretary Fall. This bill created a national park In the Mescalero Indian reservation In Now Mex ico out of several Insignificant spots widely sep arated, plus an Irrigation and power reservoir ninety miles away. It would have Introduced both water power and Irrigation Into tho national park system. There wns a nation-wide protest against this bill, In which New Mexico itself took an active pnrt. The bill Is too dead, It Is believed, to bo resuscitated. A third victory called nation-wide attention to another danger thnt threatened nnd still threat ens tho national parks. Tho victory was the do feat of tho Slemp bill creating tho Appalachian National park out of n Virginia mountnln top. It was opposed on tho ground that tho area was below tho proper national pari; quality. It was favored by Secretary Fall, who In his report to tho public lands commltteo said that his policy wns to substitute n wide-open recreatlonnl park system of mnny small playgrounds for our his toric national park system. Tho late Franklin K. Lane, as secretary of tho Interior In 1018, nnlled down this plank In tho natlonnl park platform: In studylnB now pnrk projects you should hpoIc to And "scenery of supremo and distinctive quality or some natural feature so extraordinary or unique as to be of national Interest and Importance . , ," Tho national park system as now constituted should not ho lowered In standard, dignity r.ntl prcstlgo by tho Inclusion of areas which oxprrss In less than tho highest terms tho partlculur class or kind of exhibit which they represent, President Hnrdlng was tho first president to an nounce publicly a general administration policy of absolute conservation for tho natlonnl parks system and for all of Its units, lloth Roosevelt and Tnft wcro good friends of tho national parks, but preservation against commercial Invasion was not a question In their days. President Wilson, In' his first terra, signed tho Hetch Hetchy bill glvlmg Sun Francisco tho water supply reservoir In Yoseulto which has Just been completed; Its secret ' water power purposo was not then gen erally umderstood. President Wilson, however, stood by the national parks loyally nnd powerfully Ik the Ight to exempt them from the Jurisdiction of tho wnter power commission, 2227-2? iTEraST i jfyrcjXafo President Harding, In announcing this admin istration policy, was not anticipating a popular de mand so much as answering It. The truth Is that the Anu'ricnn people have within tho last three years adopted our nineteen natlonnl parks as a part of their conception of tho greatness of their nntlon. "Hands oft I" applies to tho national parks as well as to Old dory. They are eager to defend them and to keep them Inviolate. And they have developed organized strength through the affiliation of a dozen or so nation-wide organ izations to see that congress shall legislate wisely concerning the national parks. The announce ment of the conservation policy was received with nation-wide delight. Tho national park enthusi asts hoped that the conservation policy would bo broadened to uphold Secretary Lane's Important plank. Yellowstono also gets Into the limelight this season because President Hnrdlng paid It u two days' visit on his way to Alaska. The President's parly went In nnd out through the north entrance and did about ls0 miles of motoring In seeing various points of Interest. On tho Continental Divide they drovo through snowbanks. Tho Pres ident went yachting on Yellowstone lake un dammed. lie saw many wild nnlmals and fed gingerbread and molasses to n black bear and her cub. He saw the Painted Terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs. Old Fnlthful geyser spouted 1.1(1 feet Into the air every sixty-live minutes for lilm as It does for every visitor. Tho photograph reproduced herewith shows tho President and Mrs. Harding, under escort of Superintendent Hor aco M. Albright, viewing from Artist Point the firund Canyon of tho Yellowstono nnd the Lower Falls. The President was visibly Impressed by the sight one of tho grandest and most beau tiful In the world. Just sixty-three years 1807-1870 wero re quired to put Yellowstone on the map; the Ameri can people simply wouldn't believe there wns any such place. Tho Lewis and Clark expedition ot 1801-00 passed clnso by It, but tho Indians neier mentioned It, considering It the nbode of "Hvil Spirits," who punished all talk alwut them. John Colter, n member of the party who went back to trap beaver, discovered It In 1807. Upon his return to St. Louis in 1810 tho peopie dubbed It "Colter's Hell" nnd laughed him nnd bis tale out of court. James Pridger rediscovered It about 1S2S and the public said "Just another of .Mm Prhlgor's 'big .vurns.' " The gold prospectors nl 1S02 described It and wero set down ns liars. It took the Wnsihburn-Langford expedition of 1870 to make the peoplo believe In Its vondrs. Tho mem bers of that expedition wero for pre-empting the scenic points and making their fortunes. Cor nollus Hedges rebuked them and proposed tho national park plan tho first In nil history. Tim park was established by act of congress In 1872 nnd Yellowstono celebrated Its Beml-contennlnl Inst fall. Yellowstono contnlns fl,48 square miles a,m In Wyoming, 103 In Montnna and 30 In Idaho. Pig ns It Is, tho plan Is to enlarge It by tho addi tion of many square miles to tho south tho Jack son Holo country, which contains Jackson lako and tho Tou juountulns and Is a natural part -9T the park. Bulletin Has Back-Yard Egg-Making in Nutshell (rrtrtl by tlir t'ntiil flute Drparliiifnt of Agriculture ) A tmiall Hock of hens Instead of a large gurbage can means u sizeable balance on the side of tin 1ft. la a nutshell, that Is the essence contained In the 20 pages of Furnicrs' Ilulletln 1 :t:t 1 , llack-Yaid Poultry Keeping, Just Issued by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. It Is a revision of a former bulletin and contains many new suggestions unl convenien ces that will be useful to tlock owners In villages, sinull towns nnd suburbs. Various uses are now made of tho table waste collected from homes In towns and suburbs, but practically thn only use that muy bo made of It on the premises Is as feed for chickens, and this use, according to the bulletin, can ho made very profitable If the birds are given good housing and care. It Is assumed that each hen in her pul let ear will produce at least ten dozen eggs, a reasonable requirement of only one egg every three days. The slo of the back-yard flock seldom should go below ten hens. Ten birds laying eggi at the specllled rate will produce 100 dozen In a ear, which at the conscrv utlvo price of -It) cents a dozen will mnke the Hock Income $10 u year. The bulletin Is really a handbook designed to answer any question that may come up In the mind of the owner of a small Hock. It covers such sub jects as the kind of fowls to keep, thn size of the flock, procuring stock, hous ing, arrangement and sanitation of yards, feeding, lice and mites, hatching and raising chicks, culling the hens, preserving eggs, and practical point ers. Plans nnd bills of materials are given for making houses of low cost and houses that will lit various con ditions. Details nre given on Interior equipment such ns roosts, dropping boards, nest boxes nnd coops for broody hens. It Is suggested, for In stance, that an orange box can bo made Into two good nests simply by nailing n narrow strip of honrd along one side to hold In the straw. The advantages of a double jard are dis cussed, and one paragraph tells of the value of a mulberry tree In supplying succulent feed for three weeks. Thero is a description of an Interesting de vice for providing fresh green feed by growing oats through ?i-lnch mesh poultry wire stretched on n frame a short dlstanre from the ground to keep the hens from killing out the plants. Copies of the bulletin mny be oh tulned, as long as the supply lasts, by writing to the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. O. BEveiryMeaig R; Havo a packet in your jS H pocket for cvcr-rcady fl Gp Aids digestion. km HI Soothes tho throat. Wl Kj For Quality, Flavor and Whitewash for Chicken House Easily Prepared A whitewash that disinfects, kills niltcs nnd brightens the poultry house. Is made as follows: Slake five quarts of rock lime with hot water to about the consistency of cream. To this add one pint of crude cnrbollc add or zeno Icuni, and one qunrt of kerosene. Stir thoroughly and dilute with twice Its own volume of wnter. Apply with either spray pump or whitewash brush. When properly prepared, this solution serves three purposes: tho zenoleum acts as a disinfectant, killing the germs; tho kerosene penotrntes tho wood, destroying the mites, and tho lime whitens the walls, making tho building sweet and light. Strain More Important Than Breed of Chickens There Is no "best breed" of chick ens. Ilreed does not ijluy half tho part that strain does. Pick n strnln that has a record behind It, either for eggs or fancy whatever you desire buy directly from tho principal breed er of that strain, or from stock direct from his strain nnd buy as good stock ns you can afford. HIS WORK IN COMMUNITY Minister Mlnht Not Have Been Flat tered at Jean's Understanding of His Duties. Mother and Jaek were walking home from the morning seimon with serious mien mid In thoughtful fniino of mliiil. Nut so, Jean. Her mind wan on earthly things the Hash of her blight red coal, the shadow and play of the wavy feather on her best Sun day bonnet but she caught Jack's words to his mother. "Lsn't Dr. Dunkel wonderful, moth er'" he was saying. "Yes, Jack, be Is," was her response. "Oh, Jack," loltlly Interrupted Jean, with a sldewise toss of her head and u knowing half-smile. "Why do you eall lilm 'Dr. Dunkel? You know ho doesn't cure us when we are sick." Mother canio to the rescue. "Thero are two kinds of doctors, Jean," sho said. "One cures our bodies and makes them well. Tins other cares for our souls." "Oh, he mends our shoes, doesn't he," and she skipped on ahead as live ly as before. flUIMNHH Ancient Sardls Rich In Relics. Among thu American archaeological concessions hi Asia .Minor Is tho slt( of Sardls, capital of the ancient stntfc of Lydla, which flourished some r,000 j ears ago, notes the Detroit News. In this city, one of the greatest In the win Id, lived nnd reigned Croesus, last king of the country mid proverbially the richest of men up to that time. This territory Is considered exception, ally rich In nrchneologlcal material. Prior to tli(! late, war many antlqut ties, Including gems, Jewelry and articles of gold, were dug up In Sardls and carried to Constantinople, llulni of temples, sculptures and architectur al works wero also brought to light, Last ear additional relics were found, among them thlity coins of Croesus. Destructive Hot Wind. The name "harmattau" has been given to it dry, hot wind which period ically blows from the Interior of Af rica toward the Atlantic during De cember, January und February. Often within an hour after the harmattan begins to blow green grass In Its course Is dry enough to burn. Of Courtc. "What course do jou expect to graduate In?" "In thn course of time." BmBSyBi There Is no danger of getting the hen house too clean. Water deep enough to dip tho head In up to the eyes must always be given when the ducklings eat. Oats, ryo nnd new corn have never given good satisfaction for fattening poultry. Stint In the feed bucket means stint In the egg basket or milk bucket. Grass won't do everything. Feed all poultry regularly. IndlfCer cnt feeding methods never pny. Regu lar hours for feeding, proper feeds and tho right amounts are required. Water for swiuvnlng purposes may not bo absolutely necessary to gceao and ducks but they certainly appreci ate It when It Is provided. Diarrhea In young poultry kills thousands every year. While this Is n genu disease, Improper feeding and care can do u great deal to bring It i