The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1923, Image 5

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0. D. Hedge" js attending the State
Fair this week. . ,, ; "
W. G; Hamilton was In Lincoln and
Omaha the first of the week.
The Win. Lewis Stock Co. Is hold
ing forth in the city this week.
G. R. Reck attended the ball game
at Superior Sunday afternoon.
.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunt arc at
tending the SIVitc Fair this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kailcy are
spending the week in Kansas City.
Smith liros. & Oopldy received a
carload of Fouls the first or the week.
Rev. J. M. Bates was a passenger
to Lincoln Monday morning on No !.
Mrs. J. E. Betz was a passenger to
Arapahoe Saturday morning on train
Miss Virginia Caldwell was a. pas
senger to Kearney Wednesday morn
ing. .
35 head 2 yr old Hereford cattle,
mixed, fo'r Salc-Chas. Brown, Bell
aire, Kansas.
Roy Herberger has accepted a posi
tion as foreman in the Clarion office
in Cambridge.
Mr. Monroe Mclntc went to Fair-
bury Monday morning to spend the
day attending to business matters.
I. T. Amack went to Oxford Tues
day morning, he being called by the
death of his nephew, Alva Amack.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cummings of
Hastings spent Sunday here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Cummings.
Miss Margaret Miner wens to Falls
City Friday morning where she will
teach during the coming school year.
Mr .nnd Mrs. Sheridan Pharos of
Guide Hock spent Sunday in the city
with his mother, Mrs. Barbara I'liaics.
Supt. M. F. McClaren of McCook
spent feveral hours in this city Wed
nesday attending to Burlington matters.
.1. C. Slots Is in the city.
Miss Mildred Fey .of Innvale was a
passenger from the local ticket offlco
Thursday morning tofOgalka, near
which plncc she will teach ' through
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey went to
Guide Kock Sunday morning on train
16 to spend the d)iy visiting with
friends, returning home on No. 17
tl at evening.
The American Legion State Con
vention will be held at Hastings,
September 17, 18, 19th. Several of
the members from here arc planning
on attending.
The 10 0. V. lodpe deurco toum
will go to Guide Rock next Wednesday
evening where they will conferr the
second decree on a candidate for the
Guide Rock lodge.
Special Sale
m LW mm . . I I m .. m .m a.
vi ljcuuui urcsscs
To Clean-up on Gingham Dresses
will close them out at the following
Age 2-4-6 choice of any in the store
Age 8 choice
Age 10 choice
Age 12 choice
Age 14 choice
One carload of hogs were shipped
to Kansas Cilv Sunday morning from
here and one cm load of cattle to St.
Joe. There were eighty five cars of
stock through here.
Superion won the honors at the
golf tournament held here last Sunday.
Miss Annie Gilham was a passen
ger to Kearney Friday morning on
No. 4.
Miss Sadie Gouldie was a passen
ger to. Kearney Wednesday morning
on train -I.
Ben Copley went to Omaha Tues
day evening to attend to some busi
ness matters.
Miss Mabel Van Ornnm of Hardy
arrived here Saturday afternoon. She
will teach here through tne coming
Mr. and Mrs. John Lauber hava
moved into the residence formerly
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Au-
O. R. Monk went to Hastings Tues
day morning after spending a couple
of days here lattending to business
Herb Ludlow, Jack Waller, Art
Gilbert and Kamil Ondrak attended
the ball gme at Smith Center last
George Amack returned home Sun
day morning from HolyoKc, Colorado,
where he has been for the past two
weeks visiting with his son, Rus?cll
Amack and family.
State Treasurer 0. D. Robinson
and family drove through Saturday
from Lincoln to spend a few days at
the home of Mr. land Mrs. Oliver
Powell and with friends.
Mrs. George Hincs rturned to her
home in Wymore Saturday morning
on train 16 after spending the past
week here visiting with Tier parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ailes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fearn and son,
Glenn, of Wilcox, spent Sunday with
relatives here.
Dave Bell has commenced tnc erec
tion of a new residence at his farm
west of town.
Clifford Bradshaw is cutting meat
u4- the Yost Meat Maikct after several absfwo.
Kail Ha'.l and Frank Tcterson were
in Omaha attending the gun club
shoot this week.
Dr. Ira Lanrith will sneak on the
theme "Today And Tnc American
Friday, September 21.
Bert Anderson returned nome Sat
urday from Anselmo where he had
been visiting his brother, Ferry
Wo Hre now prepared to Rive reason
able terms on both New and Used Cars
payable monthly or in a lump sum.
Ogle vie Bros
Coming to Red Cloud, November 8,
9 and 10th, Hell's Hair Acre the
American Legion Carnival bigger,
better than ever.
Mrs. S. E. Bailey wont to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to spend a few nays
taking in the Suite Fair being held
there this week.
Miss Grace McClelland returned to
her home in Hnstings Friday morn
ing on No. 4 after spending the' past
couple of weeks here at the h me of
her sister, Mrs. L. H. Blackledgc.
Mrs. Roy Robinson arrived here
Saturday morning from Cheyenne,
Wyoming, to spend a couple or weeks
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Jernburg and with friends.
in sizes from 4 to the largest out size in Cotton or Silk from
15c to $2. SO
Come in and look the line over. I know I can save you money on your hose.
Sunday School 10 a m.'
Sermon 11 a m , "The Abounding
Young Peoples Department B p. m.
Sermon 8:30 p m , "Bo Strong."
All the young people nro asked to bo
present at S to plan the reorganization
of the Young Peoples Department,
Special attention Is called to the ser
mons of Sunday. They will be parti
cularly Inspiring.
Will Robertson and daughter, Mrs.
Roy Fcarr. ami Mrs. John i:a.--ser :c
turncd home Sunday from Colorado
where they spent u wccTc. Mrs.
Robertson stopped at McOjofc to visit
George Wittwer as in Kansas City
last week where he porcnascd two
cars of ctittle to feed.
Mrs. F. E. Bulock of Dayton,' Ohio
was a passenger to Marshalltown,
Iowa on No. 4 Thursday,
Ed. Gilbert and Will Prevost went
to Ayr Monday to join the Frank
Campbell grading outfit.
L. M. Crabill went to Hardy Thurs
day jmorning to spend the day In at
tending to business matters
Grant Christy returned Irome Sat
urday from Omaha where he had been
working for several weeks.
V. G. Huff took a load or furniture
to Deshler Wednesday for the John
son & Graham Furniture Co.
Mrs. Mary Polnicky was a .passen
ger to Lincoln Tliursuay morning
where she will spend a few days visit
ing with relatives.
Carl Oglcvie returned nome Thurs
day from points in Kansas and Colo
rado where he had been attending to
some business matters. ' ;
Mr. and Mrs. Will Rent went to
Oxford Sunday evening co attend the
funeral of Alva Amack who was kill
ed in & railroad accident.
Mr. ."lid Mrs. Win. Walter, and
granddaughter, Lois Harms . of Jfer
trand and Miss' Alice 'Gains of Oxford
spent several days here iast week
visiting at the N. B, Bush home.
They returned to thciv homes Satur
day. '
Bible school at 10 a. m.
Mornlug service at 11 a in., Subject:
"What the business world Is thiuking
Evening service at 8 o'clock Sub.
jeel: "The Bible in A mericnu Schools"
A careful icvlew of the wboleiuestlon
with considerations In favor uud fair
treatment of those opposed to reading
it in tht) public schools.
General prayer meeting ni Wednos
day evening.
Choir meeting on Friday evening
CotMial welcome to all.
I. V. KIWOX, Pastor.
G. F. Doering went to McCook
Thursday morning to spend the day
attending to business matters, re
turning home on 14 Friday.
Lawerence Walter returned to his
home in Guide Rock Monday after
spending a few weeks here with his
grandfather, W. H. Walter.
Miss Anna Ranney went to Hast
ings Friday morning where she will
teach in the schools this winter.
Miss Ellen Hayden of Inavale was
a pasenger from the Ijsal ticket-of f ice
to Hastings Wednesday morning.
Miss May Regester went to Chester
Friday morning on train 16 where she
will attend high school this winter.
Mrs. H. E. Cook and, daughter re
turned to their fibnie'in Nowata, Okla
homa, Friday morning on train 16
after spending the past few days here
visiting with relatives.
futher reduced in price
Robert Hoxsoy drove down from
Hastings Sunday afternoon to spend
a short time here with Ms parents,
Di. and Mrs. R. P. Hoxsey.
Notice of Final Report.
. In the County Cpurt of Webster
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
Edward Heaton, Deceased.
All persqris interested In said estate,
are hereby notified that the Executor
tins filed herein a final aco unt and re
port of his administration, and a pe
tition for the final settlement of such
account and report,. and for a decree of
distribution of the residue ot said es
tate, and for the assignment of the
real estate belonging thereto, and a
discharge from his trust, all of which
said matters have been set for hearing
before said court on tho 8th day of
September, 1023, at the hour of In
o'clock, A. M. when all persons in
terested may appear and contest the
Dated this 29th day of August, 1023.
A. D Ranney,
(Seal) County Judgo.
Bert Elmore and Wallie Walgreen
were in Superion Sunday afternoon
where they played with the Guide
Rock team against Superior.
Wilbur James wtos a passenger to
Grand Island Wednesday morning
where he will make arrangements
for teaching there this winter.
Miss Mabel Bailey has resigned her
position with the Argus office and
departed Sunday for Denver, where
she will spend' several months.
Misses Christine and Josephine
Davis arrived here Saturday morning
from their home in Superior to take
up their work in the schools here.
W. H. McKimmcy went to Hastings
Thursday morning to spend the day
with his wife who is tnking medical
trcr.tnient in the Sanitarium there.
The vacation period is now over. Let
us then, enter into the work of tho
Church with renewed elrort Let the
purfintB see that the boys and girls are
In their places in the Church School.
Not'only that, but let us set" tho ex
ample' for them by coming ounelves
We-drfe'YCfy anxious that this Church
ber6PYHo greate6t servico possible in
:thls community and one woy for us to
do this is by each individual member
doing his or her part. Co-operation la
what any organization mast have if it
is to be successful. We need your pre
sence at all of the services of the
church. Let us make a new resolution
from now on and be at every service
that it is possible for us to attend. You
will help the church by doing this and
the church will help you.
Church School at 10 o'clock every
Sunday morning.
Morning Prayer and sermon at 11
o'clock every Sunday morning.
Evening Prayer and sermon at 7:.i0
o'clock every Sunday evening.
We are arranging for bpeolal mublc
at tho morning service this comlug
We will appreciate your presence,
and a cordial welcomo awaits you.
Rev. Basil S. Daugherty.
VUttf OMt C TY4C&
"MetotvjoKium pa
ovrr vmo WMmto uv
Miss Anna Stumpcnhorst went to
Lincoln Tuesiy morning to spend a
few days visiting with friends and
while there take in the State Fair.
Mrs. Retta Minor and .ions, Charles
and James returned home Wednesday
from Trenton. They havo ccen spend
ing the summer on a farm near there.
Referee's Sale of
Real Estate
Notioo fs hereby given that whereas
in the action penditig in the District
Court; of Webster County, Nebraska,
wherein Ernest Jamed Doyle is plain,
tiff and Edward Doyle et al, are de
fendants for the partition of the real
estate hereinafter described a decree
of bhUI court has been entered confirm
ing the shares of the parties and di.
reeting partition and a report of the
refere'e has been made that a division
of the land cannot equitably be made
and the court has approved such re
port and directed a sale of the pre
mises Now therefore I, E Q. Caldwell,
referee in said action will on the 22nd
day of September, 1923, at two o'clock
P. M. at the south front door of tho
court houso in Rod Cloud Webster
County, Nebraska, sell at publio auc
tlon to the highest blddor, Tor cabh,
tho following described real ebtate, to
wit. Block 12, In Railroad Addition
to tho city of Red Cloud, Webster
County, Nebraska.
Dated Augubt in, 1923.
13. U CALDWELL, Referee.
Bernai'd lVlcNcny, Attorney,;.
' t . v
. i
Thought for th Day.
! your cloud out other pec-
The Prices are Reasonable and the Merchan
dise is of Very Superior Quality and Make.
We Serve You Better and Our Clothing is
Better. Come And See.
The Cbwden-Kaley Qo. Co.
Always Reliable h ,,,..
A!Un A HosUry
Itiuu Mrf CkiUrm
that Wears
-Women look to this
store for value and
dependable mer
chandise In all transactions
we aim' to justify
their faith.
As a conspicuous
example of money's v
worth we invite "
you toseeandchoose
from, this fine col
lection of Allen A
full-fashioned silk
hosiery. . -
aiim a all bilk bwi tat
f mMmm; In blMk and til Ml
liidw rrka pot p1
The R. P. Weesner Co!
Mountain Passes Easy for Tractor.
Automobile tractors, similar to the
typo UM'd In tho Hiicfossful tour across
the Sahara desert, recently were o
elated In tho Pyrenees In Franco, to
an iiltltiulo of 1725 meters. Tim little
uuit'hlnos surmounted a mountain pus?
In deep snov.
4.1 :lTJaaJie. "" t-arg
Irrliatlanvin South Ami
times demands storing 'f sulliclunt
water to supply the people and crops
for a period of thirty months.
Lake a Gold and Silver Cache.
The sacred Lake Guiitavltn, In Co
lomblit, Is credited with having, bo
tho dumping place of huge stores
gold and silver articles, thrown Jn '
tho Indians so they .should not firtl
Into the hnnds of jhelr grasping Span-
-r-i ' ..t-nr"
. . . r-. ri i ii
uirecior.r j.
all fables In the
Legend and the Talmud and the Al
coran, than that this universal framo
Is without a mind. Bucon,
erICu soiiio. 1 linil rutlier believe
V ,'