KfcD CLOUD, IfEBKJJUCA. CHEtf jtfr ,-t'.-.'t "$& 9MftEE Dr.W.H.McBride ,rti f " " L-f-.-lw'' Red Cloud, tyebrMk.rx, UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY aemisir J mil ! ' " - v DENtlST V " OVKU 81ATB MAIN&. JPcrf Coutf Nebraska Red Cloud, Ncbrnsk tafered In tho r-ontofllcc a; Hcd Cloud, Neb ' M Second CI ms Mattel A. B. McARTHUR, Editor and Owner Get your Auto Tops and Curtains Fixed Up for Cold Weather All Kinds of New Tops put on-Priced Right LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery 2 Doors South ol Farmers Union. .xsk: Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, ' " "12K&15 IMIOKNIX HOSinilY LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO ELEGANT MODELS FOR FALL TTT7aii,inii,nJU mail ii - - - -- utA ttrt aJBCV " tKm)r . -,J X"rtT.-m . ' ., --2-V! " MPPPW PPPPPA. PPPPm FPf. PPPPPtew rfik. AttlkklAjlkVJ JB&tt2im& YELLOW PENCI L MtuuAicrr.ctiwws oTwmtouwTwt I i initritfic RED BAND V . made .by f D E3 -.Ini PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 :- Ind. Phone 12 d ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that wo have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and wo are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK witiwpnnniimiiiiniTiTiiBniinTnnr miiHiiHHwniiiHTitHii!H!ii 1 1 iimnm mnitnaiunxrcuusaa'Mi wfVWrVVrVVtfWflwfvv.v'tfr.v.vVJ'.vv. wwwvwvw UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hoarse In Connection Licensed Embalmer Best Service to Other Mean Reel Happlneee to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB IrVtWVWWVWWSVSArWWUWVVA tcilH fjflQnHf pphW LnHlL HIP 1FI team VBfll Bft tLHiU& tff llvtlHfc tlj I If 11 P. W. Shea Is in St Joe this week. TJmd MoNttt left for Lincoln, Wed ncsday. The court hotiso litis been nicely puinted and piipered, Al. Galushu and family go to Chicago this week Wtu, Fisher of Pairbtiry, Neb , Is In this city this week looking up a loca tion. A. M Wallace was In the city thjs week. Robt. Potter has been nppolnted a notury public by the governor. A little child of Cbas. Curacy's died last Tuesday and was buried Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hell left for the east on Friday, he to attend the O. A. R. cucapmcut at Iudianapolis,andthey will visit the world's fair before they return. 20 YEARS AGO J. O. Uutler is in Iowa this week, Bert Hatfield is cooking at the Bon Ton. Miss Viola Swart, is visiting in Alma. Warren Longtin spent Sunday in Superior. Dave Ivaley took in tlio stato fair' this week. County Treasurer MeCinry is in Lin coin thli week. A. O. llauticv of U I m; Hill was in town this week. " Mis Hugh Miner and children :nc visiting in Moulder, Colo. Kil Oilhud left Monday for his home in Nnponce, owing to poor health. County Clerk K S. Uurbcr left Mon day lor Lincoln to attend the state fair. The coat dress and the long line models again lead the apparel pro menade for fall. Much stress has been put on the designing of these new frocks and they are truly garments of beauty. The assortment is great in these materials and the demand is also great. MATERIALS Are the Canton Crepe and Satin Crepe Fabrics which give the lustrious appearance so desir able in the frocks this season. $16.75 and up COLORS There are Black, Navy, Brown and Sand. These are the colors so much in demand at present. The trimmings make the frock, no doubt, and these are trimmed with lace, pleatings, braids, buttons and fabrics in contrasting shades. At your earliest convenience make your selection for your own satisfaction in get ting just what you want. ONE PRICE TO HLL mil WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS i'K i cut i i. ui:vn:v iwrrnuNb 10 YKARS AGO Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. We Give S. & H. Green Savings Stamps With All Cash Sales. Trine's Hardware Store Mlts Annii Gilliam was u Cowley vlhltor Wednesday. Dr. D. (. Plumb left Monday morn ing for Moston where he will practice medioine Uoone Saunders left Monday for Millings, Montana, to attend to busi ness matters. Bruce Qcckwith of Racine, Wiscon sin, arrived on Friday to visit with his mother and sister. Qeorge Pope and wife left this morn, lng for Osakis, Minnesota, for a visit with friends. Fred Hedge lost a stack of alfalfa containing 25 ton on Monday evening the stack being ignited by lightning. John Yost, Harry Btroup, Fritz Moede and Orris Matkins left yester day for Lincoln via the auto route to take in the fair. Miss Vernon Storey who has spent the past few months in Europe and other foreigu countries has returned home. Lowell Robbins left Tuesday morn ing for Central City where he has ac oepted a position in his chosen pio. fesslon, that of marble cutting. Sid Longtin left for his home at Great Falls, Montana, Saturday night after spending a couple of weeks In this city where he was called by the death of his mother. Miss Laura Hedge departed for Franklin, Sunday evening, where she has been engaged as one of the teach ers at the academy. Mrs. R. W. Koontz and daughter re. turned Tuesday from Long Reach, California, where they have been the past few inontli6, going there for the benefit of Mrs. Koontz'a health. Frank Cowden returued Friday eveuiug from eastern markets where he purchased a complete line of fall and winter goods for the popular gents outfitting emporium The Cowden. Kaley Clothing Company. Frank Elllngcr, Haney Rickersou, Aaron Hedge and Frank Abel spent Sunday evening In Campbell Wheth cr tho boys went to gaze at the tall buildings and enjoy a few street car rides, or whether they went for just the pleuBiiro of hpending u few horns , with some fair niuidons wo have- been unablo to learn Blue Hill Boy Wins Medal A Whstni county lny, Allied S jiii iiiuiHmIiI of B'ik- 11 hi won the K'il I iiK'.lul 'n tlie ShoivtnanN ehu-3 in tho cuttle division of Hoys' iiurl (iirN i-lub competition hi t'it Nebraska st.ito f.iir T,iiedny. Paul Stuekuy of Lexinutou was sec ond, Frank Toelle of West Point wns third, .Mildred Simmons of Albion ranked touilh and Gerald Cheiry of Laurel got fifth. Tweutj Ave boys and girls lined up with their calrcst tshow Professor 11. J Oramlich, the judg , how well they could show their cilvcs. ,'The tlrst boy did a perfect job of avowing," bHid Piof. Gramlich afer ttje show. "He had his luifer well trained and tended to his business ovary minute." He deserved his place a(l right. "4Alfred had never shown his heifer "n competition before excepting in two classes at the Thayer county fair lust week wherd he topped his olass and won grand championship on his heifer. That was bis tlrst showing experience. He has always taken good care of his calf and has given her a little extra traiulng for the past few weeks. He is a member of the Webster county calf club and has fed his calf eigl t months. Ho bought her from Henry Fauech'd herd in the county. She stood fifth in the club class in the ring, Mouday. Lincoln State Journal. CHRISTIAN - und luck TripleU. The natives of Uurotiielund, In Af rica, when any of their women bring triplets into the world, consider the birth as an Ill-luck omen. One Ii killed and two are left, tho reason be ing that the mothtr has only two breniti. "I tell you, my countrymen, that we can never be the ideal Republic unless we have great ideals to persue and know something of the spiritual as well as of the material life." Sunday School at ten and report of Conference and Sermonctt at eleven a. m. Subject: "The Christian Layman John Mark." 7t45 p. m., Christian Endeavor. Topi : "Differcut Forms of Gambling, and the Evil of It." 8:00 p. m,, 6ermon "Christian Educa tlon" Your presence is a help, and appre ciated. There were nine present at the par sonage last Monday evening, and or ganized a Teacher Training Glass; wltb Mrs. Nelson as teacher. The lesson was assigned for next Monday evening, apd then a discussion of method of study and other questions was token up. Others are considering taking up this work, aud It Is hoped they will de clde before next meeting so us not to miss uny lessons. C. fi. Nelson, pastor. Kred Mandevllle, Deputy United St'ite9 Marshal, was in the city Wet! nssday evening. Alva Amack, Yard Hostler, at 0. ford for tho C B. & Q , was run ovir and Instanly killed In the yards nt that place Sunday afternoon. Ho hos been In the Iturlington service for the past three years and was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Amack of Ox-ford. Kodak as you go All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. . Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist service ft; TU. .IT j.. mt i&tegL SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 12 Ox Mrs. Roboit Moore of McCook, who ( Mrs. C. A Sheeley and Mrs. Dale has been here for the past week visit-1 Montgomery went to Oxford Tucs ing with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. A. iduy morning on train IB to attend tho Claik, went to I.iidcll Tue&ihiy mom' ing for a ihoit visit vit;i her sister, Mrs. Homan Pate heforc letuining to McCook. funeral of AkU Amuck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Amack of Oxford who was run over by an engine there Sun day, "fc"' -,