The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1923, Image 8

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    PD cloud, mnuuNCA, warn
School will open Momlny September 3rd, New students will enroll and check credits SuUmluy,
September, 1st. 0 to 12 M.
Non-resident students arc required (in accordance with the law) to show certificates permitting
froo attendance or pay one semesters tuition in ndvancc. Students holding free High School certifl
cates from Kansas will be allowed to npply the same on their tuition. (High School tuition $51 00 per
semester, Grade tuition ?27.00 per semester ) Tuition to he paid to the Superintendent.
All students arc requited to enroll in the Acadomlc course (College Preparatory) unless accom
panied by their parent or guardian, or presenting written permission to enroll in one of the special
couivcs (English, Normal Training, Commercial or Smith-Hughes ) When a student elects upon a
course he will not be allowed to change to another.
Students arc required to carry four subjects. Only those students whose grades have averaged 00
or better will he allowed to carry more than four subjects.
Credit will be given for music, when the student complies with the conditions established by the
State Department of Education.
Promotions will be governed by the following. Required average 80. No study below 70.
A pupil cannot maintain satisfactory grades without Home Study. It is therefore imperative time perl
odd of home study shall be free from Interruption, and us regular and unbroken as though they occurcd
at school under the supervision of tho teacher.
Gcom. Plans
Oacsnr or Spanish
llomun History
The following Courses of Study aro offered:
ACADEMIC Ninth Grado
Eng. I Eng. II
Algebra I Algebra II
Diology Gen. Science
Language (Latin or Spanish)
Gcom. Piano
Caesar or Spanish
Greek History
English III
Eng. V. Eng. VI.
Physics Physics
European History European History
Lang, or Math. Lang, or Math.
American Hist. American Hist.
Eng. VII. Eng. VIII
Elcctlvo Civics
Elective ' Elective
Note: Graduates of the above course wJll be
admitted to the State Uni. or any College of
equal rank without examination.
Eng. I. Eng. II
Algebra I. Algebra II
Agriculture Bookkeeping
Language (Latin or Spanish) or Dom. Sci.
Gcom. Piano Gcom. Plane
Language or Dom. Scl. Language or Dom. Sci.
Greek History Roman History
English III. Botany
Eng. V. Eng. VI
Physics Physics
Reviews II Reviews II.
Language or Math. Language or Math.
American Hist.
Reviews tl2
Pedagogy,, .
Practice teach & Obs.
American Hist.
Reviews 12.
Public School Music
Note: Normal training students are urged
to combine Normal Training with the Aca
demic by electing two years of Language,
this permits a student to enter college upon
graduation, without examination.
Eng. I Eng. II Eng. I Eng. II.
Algebra I Algebra U Algebra I Algebra II.
Spelling Gen. Sci. Biology Gen. Scl.
Com. Arith. Bookkeeping Elective ' Elevtive
Eng. III. Com. Eng. IV Eng. Ill . ' . Botany
Geom. Plane Gcom. Plana Geom. Plane Geom. Plane
European Hist. European Hist. Greek Hist. Roman Hist.
Typewriting I. Typewriting II Elective English IV
English V English VI EngliSh V. English VI
Physics Physics Physics Physics
Typewriting III. Com. Gcog. Algebra HI. Solid epm.
Short Hand I Short Hand II Europeanallist. Europcatf, Hist.
American Hist. American Hist. "-'. u . .American Hist. ' American Hist.
English VII English VIII English VII English VIII
Short hand III. Shorthand IV Civica Elective
Civic3 Com. Law. Elective Elective
Noto: Commercial work is offered to all students, those electing the full course being given preference
in case the department is overcrowded. '
English I English II
Algebra I Algebra II
Live Stock Production Live Stock Prod.
Farm Shop Work Farm Shop Work
Related Homo Project All Year
English III.
Piano Gcom.
Crop Production
Farm Shop Work
Com. Eng. IV
Plane Geom.
Crop Production
Farm Shop Work
American Hist. Americnn Hist.
Related Home Project All Year
Note: The Students are required to do at least six months supervised practical work, under the direc
tion of the Smith-Hughes supervisor. This work Is continued throughout the summer months
Eng. V. Eng. VI
Physics Physics
Algebra III. Solid Geom.
Note: Students not wishing Unl. entrance
crodits may elect some other subject than
this 3rd year of Math. However everyone
is urged to take the math, in order that they
will be able to enter a College or University.
European Hist. European Hist.
Eng. VII.
Farm Organization
Eng. VIII.
Special Course
Farm Accounting
- The methods of instruction in tho Smith-Hughes course shall combine supervised study, laboratory
demonstrations, recitations and field trips, supplemented by individual practicums and homo projects
The development shall be from the standpoint of productive farming and not that of scientific investiga
tion. In order to receive credit from this course the pupil must conduct his Home Project work suc
cessfully. No credit will be given if the student falls in this practical application of tho work.
Tho instructor of this course shall be a graduate of n four, year agriculture course in a standard
agriculture college. He must meet the state l equipments for professional credit in educational cours
es. He must have had at least two years practical farm experience.
The Smith-Hughes instructor shall bo employed tho year round. During the summer months he
visits and supervises the work of tho Smith-Hughes students.
The home project, shall consist of a farm enterprise, on which books are kept, inventories taken,
nnd final statements made, and undertaken by the pupil with full responsibility on his part for both fi
nancing the project nnd doing the work.
The individual praticums, which shall consist of practice in particular farm jobs to develop skill
nmi efficiency in farm operations.
General Farm work. Farm hoys are naturally doing many jobs about tho home farm, and an ef
fort will be made to so organize this general work as to make it supplement tho students agriculture in
struction. Town and city boys taking this courso will he encouraged to accept cmplovment on the farm
duiir.g the summer months in order to meet this rcqi.'jemcnt. wishing further infromation in regard to tho different courses offered by tho Red Cloud
City Schools may secure it by confering with tho Superintendent.
B. GELWICK, Superintendent Red Cloud City Schools.
M rp-r)
Trouble is one, thing you can bor
row without giving security.
To hear notiio folks tell It, their
highest conception of liberty Is tho
right to get drunk.
Certainty of punishment Is more
effcctlvo In preventing crlmo than
severity of penalty.
Hank Leggctt says ho would llko
to find a placo whore fish blto as
readily as mosqultos.
An optimist la said to be a man
who still thinks It Is posBlblo to
find n good nlcklo cigar.
Ford drlvors will havo to quit run.
nlng over Ford voterB If Henry ex
pects to bocomo President.
An exchange romarks that most
June husbands havo already forgotten
how to drive with one hand.
A 10-yoar-old girl Is winning fame
as a writer ot popular songs. I didn't
suppose any of the authors were ovor
There Is nlways something to bo
thankful for. Suppose railroad trains
wero run sideways Instead of endways.
Self starters aro Important on au
tos but lots of them would bo safer
If thoy wero also equipped with self
Ono Nebraska editor says about
tho only way that can bo found to
keep the average man good Is to keep
him broko.
A Harvard woman Is so up to date
that she puts salad dressing on pump
kin plo and then serves the pie en a
lettuce leaf.
Tho average man's vocabulary con.
slsts ot about 350 words, and most of
t,Up ones he uses in dally conversa
tion aro unfit to print.
Too many prayers consist only of
advlco to tho Lord. And some sound
llko He may get Into trouble It He
doesn't take the advice.
Blxby must pay about as much .at
tention to health rules as I do. His
favorite breakfast confection, la hot
cakea and maple syrup.
.Tho ony way a Harvard man 'eaft
tell when Sunday cQmes'ls "because
1s tho day. when hts wife makes
(Tmput on.a -clean shlxj, ,.
""fudging by the way so many peo
ple handle automobiles it Is hard "to
believe that Institutions for feeble
minded aro overcrowded.
As a Wndnoss to your wife you
ought to pick a fusB with her occa
sionally so Bho will have a chance to
tell exactly what sho really thinks of
y- .
The only reason a husband is will
ing to tolerate flowerpots around, the
house Is bocauBO they make Buch a
bandy placo to dump cigar and pipe
If girls could get as much fun out
of water In a waehtub or a dlshpan
as thoy do out of water In a swim
ming pool but why expect the Im
possible? If the wets have their way wo can,
when crops are large and prices low,
urge the public to drink more corn,
rye and barley Instead ot asking them
to cat more.
Tho town of Hebron is all stirred
up over tho quesetlon of blowing a
whistle at noon and six o'clock. The
chief objection is that it ruins the
naps of non-adverti8lng merchants.
As an evldenco that tho world is
advancing one editor calls attention
to tho fact that almost a third as
much !b offored for a successful world
poaco plan as Shelby paid for one
Str,f aM Mrs. Carrol Ailcs and Miss ' Mrs. Margaret Moody and daugli
Babo Ruth's pictures indicate that
he Is, montally, about as prollolent
as tho averago 14-year-old boy. But
thoro aro thousands of people who
think he Is a bigger man than Presi
dent Coolldgo.
Cecil Matthews has been in my
town twlco lutoly hut I've managed to
dodgo him botli times. Now that ho
has hecomo a puro food Inspector ho
1b Just ornery enough to c'eclnro my
pipe unsanitary.
As in n mill votmu who profeis nnd
c ill themselves Cliristiitu, we arc an
absolute part of the Church's Program.
It is thrnigli the rut licit I'fVoit on our
pun to pour out (if the individual life
st'viitns of meicy mill truth niid power
llmt shall refresh urn! bless und save a
hirroii world. In order to do this we
m ist possess thu Spirit of the Clulst
in our lives. One way to keep oursel
ViM i cf resiled nnd strengthened Is to
a' tend the services of the Church.
The Chinch School at ten o'e'oek
each Sunday morning
Mottling Prayer and Sermon at ole.
ve i o'e ock ouch Suntliiy morning.
Hegintilug Sunday Sept. 0th Evening
P tiwr ut 'even thirty p. in.
This Sunday morning Sept 2nd, Holy
Communion at eleven o'clock' Rev,
John M. Bates cclobrntitig.
A cordial lnvitHtioii to nil who can
to worship with us.
Rev. Basil S. Dauglierty.
Sunday is to observed as Publio
School Day. The order of the dBy's
services will be:
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
11 a.m. Sermon "Education in the
Shaping of Natlonul Life".
12 m. Basket Dinner at the church.
1:30 p.m. Public School Day Pro-
gram. Tho outstanding features of
this will bo:
Address "The Slgtiiileanco of Todny"
I. B Wagoner
Address "Fiindiiimntals of Publio
School Success' - E. J. Overlng,
Pres of Red Cloud School Hourd
Address "The Opportunity of the
Teacher" Miss Bluuche McCartney
Special music by Mr. L A Wagoner
aud Mrs liertha Wagoner
8:00 p. m. Music.
8:13 p.m. Address "The Liberating
Power of the Oo3pel"-MIss McCartney.
.Mls McCartney will leave the first
of the week for India. All will want
to hear her two addresses of Sunday.
The evening addess will show the of
fset of the Gospel upon the national
and individual life of people, in con
trast to those who do not have it.
Every pupil of the public schools, all
members of the school boards and the
teachers are given a special invitation
to attend the set vices of the day. It
will be an occasion of more than ordlu
ary interest.
Last Thursday evening the Masons
and Odd Felows staged a blall game
at which time the former won by a
score of 14 to 12. The feature of the
game was the home run hit made by
Oliver Powell, who came up with the
bases full of Masons and landed on
thte ball which hit ccnterfield, Porter
Hale, he losing the same and after
recovering the iame Oliver had cross
ed the home pljite. These two teams again this evening at which
25c will be charged.
Northeast Pawnee
State Line
Tho big profit that wafl mndo out
of gasollno makes lots ot folks think
there .may bo an equal reason for
somo other high prices.
WandiB -Pope returned home Sutur-
fay eVcning from Colorado Springs,
fzumfcgarid Denver, Colorado, where
ahey hiwfc been on an auto trip for the
jast idniple of weeks.
tor returned to their homo in Stcr
ling, Illinois, Saturday morning after
.Mrs. George Van Camp and kuign-'
tcr returned to their home in Lincoln
Thursday morning. They Have ueen
Ulllll 1III1IF II n II Pf tlllA aaajh... T... .... ..J M
, .,.. "... wm: iiuiu in acre lor the past coupio of weeks
wiu- uruiiv lunier noma aim Wltli i visit nc- with n- ,i
other relatives hero and fn Blue Hill.
Damcrell and friends.
Mrs. Robert
The only dlfferetico between Shel
by, Montana folks and other town
boosters Is that Shelby went farthor
and got less.
j -As nn indication that country edi
tors aro prosperous I uotlco that most
all of them ,havo pencil sharpeners
nowadays Instead of whittling their
oonclls with a knife.
t Mrs. Harvo Blair Is rerv sick at. this
writing. .'!";'" """'
Bert Gass hmiled hpgs to Red Cloud
Monday.; -.
Lewis Paget was shopping in Womer
There was a family reunion at Frank
Browns, Sunday
E I Elliott and Joe Ryan hauled sand
for a culbert Monday.
Mr nr.d Mrs. John Brown made a
trip to Lebanon last week.
The dance at Elmer Mollnes Monday
evening was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Guss Ring left Tuesday
morning for Norton to take in the fair.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
Mr and Mrs Nclse Rosk on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown came in
from Norton county, Friday, for a visit
with relatives.
Mrs. O. M. Noble spent Friday and
Saturday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. E. P. Carper.
Fred and Frank Brown and Charlie
Ttnrr loft Kundnv nvanlna fnr Knntns
City where they expect to buy cattle to
fa ten
Carlle Wilson whs visiting the Me
Conlo Bros, ono day last week.
Mr. and Mrs M.ix Jones wore trod
ing at Diwhvi vino Inst Saturthiy
Mr. ami Mis Bub L'ltitiliinti wero at
Lebanon the fore part of the week.
Mr and Mrs. F. Ryan, Mr and Mrs.
.1 lllng were at Red Cloud one day
lust week.
Mr. and Mis. Austin Spurrier were
doing their trading at Duckervllle ono
day last week.
Bcnnlo Mnpes, Ed Leadabrand and
Ray Gouldle were trading at Womer
List Wednesday.
(Jen. Johnston was visit'iig his family
and doing his trading at R-d Cloud the
last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs Harry Brown ate back
hero from Norton on a few days visit
with their folks.
Mr and Mrs. Ira Williams were in
Smith Center transacting business the
end of the week.
Herb Barber and Bennle Mobler
were at Duckervllle last Saturday do
ing some trading. ?
The majority oMhe farmers are thru
haying having trood calm weather" for
that work though hot. r
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan, Mr. and MrA
E. Elliot were at Womer doing their
trading last Wednesday.
Edgar Leadabiand, Chas Collins and
sister Miss Mabel were in Red Cloud
yne day last week transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennle Mohler ai.ri
family were in Red Cloud Friday morn
ing doing their trading, thev spent the
afternoon picking plums.
Mr. and Mrs E. E. Spurrier wero in
Lebanon one day last week visiting tho
former's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Thendoio
Spurrier, and doing some trading.
Mr and Mrs. Jim Collins were visit
ing the latter'a folks, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Barber, Thursday evening, tho
former testing his new Ford lately pur
chased. T
Rolie Stone is the first road boss
who finished up road makiug in north
west Logan. He certainly laid down u
good headline for good beneficial work
manship nnd I have no doubts but
others will try to Imitate him.
Pawnee road bosses who are now
finished haying will start in full blast
this week roadmalcing nothing to stop
them unless their gangs are broken up
by the Smith County fair aud rain will
not hurt but if anything will help.
Some of the old settlers say that
they never saw sunflowers making such
a remarkable growth as they have done
this year of course this is duo to the
Incessant and unusual 'heavy rains of
the season. I belelve they say what Is
right. "'The writer happened to drift
ing along the road in his car 'in;-look.
lug acrosk.the'field I noticed t?a-' team
and bifg'gy irt.a draw so I stoppeQi.'my
car to investigate thinking' it '& run
away team, but no, nearby wat(n kid
hewing down sunflowers, hayjliig .his
team tied to a limb. or branch;ofa.flUn
flower. I asked the lad vby.he.'djdirt
tic his team to the main trunk -that
they were liable to break loose aud
he would have to walk home. Be re
plied they were dandies If they broke
that limb, besides my leadstrap was
too short to go around the trunk. L
believe the lad was right they were
there to stay. I certainly was astonish
ed at the dimensions of the sunflower
but the kid remarked that was but a
small one compared to th'eone that fell
on his little brother last week which
cost his dad about ten plunks. Pe'oplo
talk that the soil and land in general
are exhausted and need fertilizers I
dont belelve one bit of it.
Regular services every first and third
Sunday In the month in the Adventist
church at 11 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "Cares
and What to Do With Them". Every
body welcome.
O. R. Heinitz, Pastor.
1.7 aQLTrr r i i i t '""""" iiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiium ill
iliiv J
A Million Dollar Investment ReturnlnqaHundned
cents on me uoiiar in oenews every yean
incomparable in (An indication 9f the progress of the States dh'zens
its wealth of ex- for the pasl year agriculturally. Industrially and
ri nciur rrATiiorQ J . , J. , . ' ' '
i, educationally,
A measuring rod of the States Wealth.resources
and possibilities
The Stale's Expression ofils Citizens' Ideasand Purposes.