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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1923)
RED CLOUD, KXBRAJntA, CHIEF ippoppw " r'fct'-1 -'W.'FTJP ! ii A . , ...,.. -,-S. ir i.- -l .- fHE RED CLOUD XHlEF Red' Cloud, Nebraska. UBL1SHED EVERY THURSDAY Dr,W.H.McBride Dr.B. V. Nicholson Ei -A. ess-Hi am hP" DCNTIBT DENTIST OVER STATE BANK J?cd Coud Nebraska b 7A ?td Ootid, Ncbmsk 'ntcrcd In the Poitofuco nt Hod rioud.Neb m Second Class Matter 'ie Nr,.,;;.n.. i - Tri-l.uw l pttuirAtcrrtnatitfiTHtfiteutiTKit A. B. McAltTUUR, Editor aud Ownor Advertsing Rates nm'M ifin RED BAND MADE .B Get your Auto Tops and Curtains Fixed Up for Cold Weather A Kftfs of New Tops put on-Priced Right i LEE R. WALKER Hnrnoss and Saddlery 2 Doors South of Farmors Union. V. --, s nriiMnr, . Yv THE LARGEST PENCIL FACTOR A CHULL WNUL LU VW UAYi. U..i. in wc world Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, 12tf & 15 SS I'lIOKNMX HO.SinRY LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO in! 3 - (ni i D fe- &i PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO ri FARMERS, ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 V- Ind. Phone 12 m ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK WWWWWVWWrtMMftMWWrt UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hoars In Connection " Licensed Embalmer Best Service te Other Nmm Real Happiness te Ourselves. BOTH PHONES " RED CLOUD, NEB IrVWWWWWWWVWWWHjVWWrW "mbjB ltMBMJeMBMeirM"''""'"TiSSfl vBBm BBBBBBBBBBBj Mi nBBBlBj VfffcIeeeetMTW) B PWl nlH XnBHnfiClBBnr t BiSBBH ijBYmFBmi? BBB9S7twJrBlHi7 H irl yajBanlai i In i i J . 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB v. VEfcE9(BBBBBBBHB S . u Prof. Caster is home Irom the worlds fair. Hurry Strotip went to Nelson, Thurs day with a phonograph. Wm. Lotson arrived from Doadwood, S. D., Tuesday, and rcturnod yester day. Mrs. Heudersou and daughters Dora and Edna, of Womer, Kansas, were in Red Cloud, this week Geo. Matkins, the 6econd.hand fur nituro man, was up in Red Willow county this week nud says that the com crop is very line up there. J. A. MoArlhur, who has been spend. Ing a few weeks at Otter Lake and other Michigan towns, has returned home satisfied to live in Nebraska. 20 YEARS AGO Mrs. Earner is attending the Hast, ings reunion. Miss Sadie Overing has retnmod from Hastings. lien McFarland left for Denver the first of the week. Dr. R Damerell Bnd 11 P. Mizer are in Denver this week. Uenjamln Hudson of Rosemont was in town Saturday. J. H. liailoy and wife visited with relatives in Maukato, Kans., this week. Miss Lizzie Poindexter and Miss Blanche Foster are in Hastings this week William Edson opened his school In district 17, north of Guide Rock, last Monday. Dr. Creignton has removed his ofllce to rooms over Miner liro a. grocery department. Ned Grimes of Dluc Hill was iu the city Monday. He will attend the Omaha School of Pharmacy this win ter. I Jake Nustein has closed out his cigar manufacturing business in this city uud returned to St Joseph, Mo., where ho will make his future home. 10 YKARS AGO Comfort, Economy and ' Efficiency rOMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. V Economyfor it wastes no fuel. You burn v kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick ofx operation and every bit of' heat is concentrated close under the cooking. : , Come in and let our. salesmen show its many good points. We Give S. St H. Green Savings Stamps With All Cash Sales. Tribe's, Hiardware Store Dr. Ashcr of Campbell was in town this week. Dave Saltzman was home this week from Grand Island visiting his mother. Mrs. Frank Huffer add daughter, at. tended the picnic at G aide Rock yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kent and daugh ter Tillle took in the picnic at Quids Rook, Wednesday. Chas. WhiUkor and family departed Wednesday for Denver where they will visit his brother. Father Fitzgerald and his sister left the last of the week for Colorado to enjoy an outing. Chas. Amack of Bird City, Kansas, was iu this city Friday visiting his brother Geo. Amack and family. J. H. Kellog aud wife returned to their home at Piatt Center, Wednesday after a pleasant visit with his parents, Mrs, Walter Warren aud daughter Reva arrived home from Iowa this morning where they had been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robertson left to day for Lincoln where they will visit their daughters aud attend the state fair. Mrs. W. A. May of Lincoln arrived Wednesday morning to vUit her moth er Mrs. Marker who lives in Catherton precinct. Mrs. Jay Pope returned home the first of the week from Denver where, she has has been visiting her son, Win. fred Pope nnd family. V Roundhouse Foreman, HVuck re ceived instructions this' morning tp lay off five men on his force. While a' reduction in the force in the mechani cal department is expected later in the year it is very unusual to luy off any -men so soon. You will be Very Much Pleased with the New Fall Dresses now on our selling floor and awaiting your inspection The Coat Frock Is Just The Thing It is the big style idea of the present season; slim, straight and made very graceful by such added touches as soft embroidery trimming, fur trimming and self trim in contrasting shades. The more popular materials used are Poiret Twill and Charmain in navy, new shades of brown and tan. Satin for Fall Dresses The silk frock for the coming new season favors Satin, Canton Crepe, and Jacquard crepe made especially pleasing with effects of lace trimming or tiers or drape effects. Basque styles are popular. Many new shades un describable in print. POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL $16.25 to 85.00 ONE PRICE TO ALL mm WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS -7iiii l'UTOKIAI. UEV1KW PATTKHNH CHRISTIAN "My soul longeth, yen, oven fainteth for the courts o' Jehovnh." Sunday morning, we will have Sun. day School and preaching service as usual with the addition of a special ex ercise by the primtry group, we uuder stand. The delegates to our Conference at Superior w-re accompanied home by Mrs F. E. liullock of D.iylon, Ohio. Mrs. liullock is one of our highest Sui - day School ofllcers and n story teller t of unusual ability; for thU reason, we were very fortunate indeed to nave her for a story hour and address on Wed nesday evening Does Advertising Pay? Ask the man wbp ktpttho Victrola dog in that attentive attitude. ! .; Ask the man that'dicdovered chewing gum Wriggled. .' Ask Ihs man who taoghC Ivory Soap to stay on the surface.' -' " Ask the man who proved holeproof hosiery. f Ask the man who haa'achlevedaskln one loves to touch. Ask the man who keeps' cool in alpu betical underwear. Ask dad; be knows. - Legal Notice. To FRANK CALLAND: Yon are hereby notified that on May 14, 1923, Jennie Calland, filed a notltlnn .Mllnlt vnll In tll Dilltrilt Court of Webster County, Nebraskp,' the objeot and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the pround that vou have been guilty of extreme cruelty towards the plaintiff and of non support and desertion. You are required to answer said peti. tion on or before October 15, 1023. Jennie Calland, Plaintiff, By E. 0. Caldwell, Her Attorney. r- A'''iii t. - W t?S""1 - "" ' jfc - "aTlTir""pT'"PfTT? Kodak as you go ' 5 - ' Netice ol Final Report - All roads lead to pictures arid ",. pictures lead to our Kodak counter. Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist ' . ; . M ir. I IJ t ,. 1 J .. .V.J V..1-.' . J" ' 7" Cholera Kills Hogs Many fatal diseases CAUSED BY WORMS are mistaken (or Cholera.. Rid your hogs of worms with Kamarika. Avoid losses. S2.S0 size will treat 64 hogs weighing 75 pounds each. At Cotting Drug Store Newrock's Kamarika , , f Laboratory f Arapahoe, Nebr, ,i In the Connty Court of Webster County, Nebraska. ." In the matter of the estate of A. D(j MoMurray, Deceased All persons Interested In said estate, are hereby notified that the Executrix has filed herein a final account and re port of her administration, and-a peti tion for the final settlement of 6uch account and report, nnd for a decree of distribution of the residue of said estate, anil for the assignment of the. real estate belonging thereto, and a dlschargo from nor trust, all of which said mattors have been sot for hearlug before aald court on the 8th day of September, 1023, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., when all persons inter ested may appear and coutest the Bime . Dated this 29th day of August 1023. ... . n PiVMP.v. , , . County Judge. J was on trains 4 and 11. J. SCHAAFS& TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 120x u -i b1. -S? Wl 96S Mr. and Mrs. Childress and child ren returned home Monday morning on trajn 11 froin Denver, Oolorado, where they went Friday evening for a couple of days. Visit?! During hta nhsRnee Conductor Burney of McCdqk t CARD OF THANKS Wc extend our thanks to those dear friends and neighbors, who helped so much with their kindly sympathy and fbnnutiful flowers, in the recent death of our beloved wife and mother. , . , , J. H. HANSON t AND, FAMILY m'1