The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1923, Image 1
i i & i V ; o 'I'll I hi -1 .statu li " H0C,UW :Sa TiL-J!:yJt!!":; !iisijv. 8seNJaM lllllH A RcwsHIKr Tkat Aires The News Flfty-tui Weeki Each Year Fer Sf.GO VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. AUGUST 30. 1923 NUMBER 35 'mff. BM3agS jr-t Til i7BB,l tHBOHRnBit,- 3&raa!iafeWHa9MBl ifcllliili COMING A NEW PLAY EVERY NIGHT LEWIS STOCK CO. y wmmzmm&gmmMmBSi i ONE WEEK AMUSEMENT ONE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPT. 3rd ONE WEEK PLEASURE COMING Finest and Best Tent Theatre in the Land HMICSgSEr smmsmmMmmim AUGUST CLEARING PRICES 1 I 1 1 DRESS STAW HATS OFF MENS OXFORDS in Crawfords 25 per cent discount UNDERWEAR at Big Reductions Mens Athletic full cut 68c Porus Knit, long leg short sleeve 68c Big Reduction in all Summer Goods for the rest of August1 Palm Beach, Gaberdine & Mohair Suits 1-3 OFF REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. 11 IW Red Cloud Pastor Goes to California A few weeks ago Reverend H. A.' Frantss had aunounced bis resignation as pastor of tbe Red Cloud Brethren Church - At that time bis plans were to locate .at. Carlston, Nebraska Jto Tbayertoonnty. Some very untavor abIedaTelopentsjregardln the high school sttuattop there bavclatelyjattde it .impractical that Mr! , Frank .aKould looatethia fanllf ; there. Oft tJfia, a c count satlafaatarv arraaoamacta Were made by whieh.t'h, present -pastor jtilil -v me bis services in that Ideality". Program for Old Settlers Pic nic fo be Held at Cowles September 13th. List' of survivors "Of pra-grasshoppcr days, Henry Kceney. Pioneer Batching, Emanuel Peters. The First Church Building, Noah Wagoner. first Lady of Cowles, John Waller. . Beginnings of PoUdant, Louis ;Pelr 8, !8o2, iind came to the United States with her parents; they locating at Diuenport, Iowa. On August 30, 1877, she was united ifi marriage to J. II Ilaiison, To this nnton wore born two sons, Kdward of Casper, Wyoming, and Will of this city, and one daughter Mrs. Emma Eiiyeart of Boulder, Colo, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson moved to Web. ster.'county from Gage county, Neb., in 11)09 whero.they bave since resided. The deceased was a faithful member of the Methodist church. Funeral contlnt for 'tne present relieved. ATewift$p ago Kevere'nd Fronts ac cepted the pastorate of the Brethren church In Pomona, California, and will Ford it thru, starting from here in about ten days. Pomona is a oity of 20,000 population situated about 40 miles east of Los Angeles, in the citrus fruit distt let. Just three miles from Pamona one of the colleges of the Bret hern church Is located In La Vcrnc. This college privilege so near will bo much appreciated since dally bus ser vice may bo had to and from the college.- elger. rgu,MUl.JohnplI.' Iceawcreb0ld at the Melodist . w runf y.v..w,.p.. . ..- ,,,B.Ai n.,J (., .? M--. IVUUIUU AUCOUV IVCJIUUU lVV JM9WT .M an. andMV.'Frantz wi&1 '(Deep-Well Digging, William CraUUJ, Thomas Crouch. Buffalo Jerk, Charles Ourney. The above will be interspersed with lively talks about Indoor life by Mrs in charge. . Rev .0 . Last Friday the Franklin, Guide Hock nud Red Cloud I O. O. F. members and their families held a picnic at the golf links. In tho morning thu Frank lin and Guide Rock lodge teams cross ed bats, the former team winning by a score of 17 to 0. In the afternoon Red Cloud played Franklin the latter wln nhig'bv apofe of 2 to 1. Brothers E. J. Ovorlngj O. ft. Nelson, Slieim Shlp' man ahd Dan Garber were the local speakers and they eaoh made splendid talks. Grand ..Warden Groves and Grand rjblefjatrlarcb Button of the Encampment also gaye, short talks. The reccs wore then fulled off which brought tliuMVOuVloXQlose, . ' ytIJNrJrnxXJ .,r - i WE. I1A.VC. WE.1K VII I THRESHING COAL Parker, Mrs. Pace, Mrs. Arueson, Mrs. H MoCunc. Music by the Cowles Orchestra vocal music by Laban Wagoner. By order of the Commlttc and I The Malone-Gellatly Co. WWWUWWWIWWU Yes, Garber 's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. s Geo. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Class of '22 Holds a Reunion What has become of the pep of tho High School Class of 1922? Has it vanished and become shattered? The reunion proved that tbe old class spirit of fellowship had increased one thousand fold. Fourteen members of the class eagerly arswered the oft repeated summons of "Meet at Patten's and bring your lunch". All sorious thoughts of work were laid aside for a real holiday; Goldenrod beach winning the honors by a unanimous vote. Three o'clock found a Dodge, Ford and a "Studey" speedily making their way eastward. After the dusty ride some chose to swim, others to apply more artificial powder to hide mother earth's natural provision. Falling in their attempts to drown themselves, the swimmers awakened to the fact that it wan "most eatin' time." With a cry of "Let's eat", a most de ltolous and glorious repast was spread before the flics, ants and incidentally the members of tho class. Leaving the "flames (of passion)" to partake of the foisuken morsels we once more journeyed to the beach. The pull of gravity exerted upon the skating rink floor was surely testod To one member the "pull" (or was It the "push") seemed most uncommonly powerful resulting only In a briiibc and tenr (present of tore). These" wero quickly healed by tho great water melon feast. We all agrco that John Coon can raise tho ripest, bweetost and "heartiest" watermelons in the couti. try Pluus are made to have a teunlon every j ear to keep In touch with nil members of the class and to follow them thru llfe'o journey of happiness aud service Red Cloud, Nebr. BAPTIST Bible' school at 10 a. in. Morning service at 11 a in.. Subject "What the Religious World is Think-' ing About." I Evening service at 8 o'clock. Sub ject: "What was Heard nt the As sociation." Administration of the Lord's Supper at morning service. General Prayer and Conference meeting on Wednesday evening. Meeting of tbe Choir on Friday evening, Many things the past week have been of Interest. Good attendance was noted at the mid-week meeting, and the Farewell Party for the family of Mrs. Christian was greatly enjoyed. The song service on Friday evening was Inspiring and the service of the Choir on Sunday morning was fine aud muoh appreciated All at home speak enthusiastically of the Sunday evening service, and a good audionce at Indian Creek also had a good evening of music and address. Monday evening the Minis terial Association foregathered on the lawn at Bro. Tweedy 's and gave ex pression to their high regard for Rev. Fmntzand family, Incidentally par taking of a very sumptuous repast. (lIoihVchickeu9 have diminished in number during tho week!) Ono event of solemn import, has been the passing of Sister Hanson, whom all had learned to rcspeot and love. Tho memorial sormon will be remembered for long, aud tho life so completed in the earth, for n period not to b6 measuied. What a comfort It Is to "Seek Him who tufyeth tho Shadow of death into thu morning, thu Lord is his name." All not attending elsewhere, cordial ly Invited. I. W. EDSON, Pastor. t m m 3 C The Deep Rock Oil Co., have added u Ford truck to their equipment here Mrs. J. H. Hanson Dies Mrs. J. 11 Hanson passed away nt the family home In the becond ward Friday morning after a brief Illness. She was born In Denmark, November AUDITORIUM RED CLOUD, NEBR. WEEKLY PROGRAM BEGINNING THURSDAY, AUQUBT 30 Direction E. C. PRESTON This "The National Paramount Week". OPEN EVERY NIGHT Tickets on sale at 7:30 p. m Program at 8:00 p, m. Matinees at 3 p. m. Saturday and Sunday Only. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 "THE GO-GETTER" with Seena Owen. Troy Barnes. Tom Lewis. William Norris. Peter B. Kynes great story of the man who got the thing he was sent for. This rapid fire comedy but the story is one of the most inspiring ever writ ten. ITS POPULARITY HAS BEEN AMAZING. Here's one you wont want to miss. Also The Mack Senneft Comedy "Home Made Pies" Adm. Children 10c, Adults 30c. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4th. "ADAM'S RIB" with Milton Sills. Elliot Dexter. Theodore Kosloff, Anna Q. Nilsson and many other favorites. In "Man slaughter" you saw one side of the Modern Girl. HERE'S THE OTHER. Surprising scenes include the Natural History Museum, filled with 30 foot skele tons of million year old monsters: the Chicago Board of Trade: vision scenes showing the life of prehistoric man. Besides this master production you will see one of Larry Semons comedies "THE AGENT". Admission Children 10c, Adults 40c. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 5th and 6th GLORIA SWANSON in '' "MY AMERICAN WIFE" The Romance of a musical star and a Soutn Ameri can diplomat. A tale of -adventure on three contin ents, of life in the upper worlds. The most lavishly produced picture Miss Swanson has ever appeared in. Her supporting cast includes Tony Moreno and Walter Long. Also Pate news, A comedy and Topics of the Day. Admission Children 10c, Adults 30c Norma Talmadgo in "ETERNAL FLAME". Harold Lloyd in "SAFETY LAST". Thomas Meighan in "THE NE'ER DO WELL". m m D 3D -" - .wt v- jir-tijiij.y'iiH'iviierJOTiwrassaaWBtJa'3Eiya