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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1923)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHEW Rl 1(FK mr - JL-1- i i H, Aizl Trip to ANNOUNCEMENT RED CLOUD CITY SCHOOLS School will open Monday September 3rd. New students will enroll ami check credits Saturday, September, 1st. 9 to 12 M. Non-rcaidcnt students are lcquired (in accordance with the law) to show certificates permitting free attendance or pay one semesters tuition in advance. Students holding free High School certifi cates from Kansas will be nllowcd to apply the same on their tuition. (High School tuition $51 00 per semester, Grade tuition $27.00 per semester.) Tuition to be paid to the Superintendent. All students aio required to enroll in the Acadimic course (College Preparatory) unless accom panied by their parent or guardian, or presenting written permission to enroll in one of the special (Knglish, Normal Training, Commercial or Smith-Hughes ) When u rtudent elects upon a course he will not be allowed to change to another. Students arc required to carry four subjects. Only those students whose grades have averaged 009c or hotter will be allowed to carry more than four subjects. Credit will bo given for music, when the student complies witli the conditions established by the State Department of Education. Promotions will be governed by the following. Itequired average 80. No study below 70. A pupil cannot maintain satisfactory grades without Home Study. It is therefore imperative that peri ods of home study shall be free from interruption, and as regular and unbroken as though they occurcd at school under the supervision of the teacher. The following Courses of Study are offered: 'ACADEMIC Ninth Grado 1ST SEMESTER 2ND SEMESTER Eng. I Eng. II Algebra I Algebra II Biology Gen. Scicnco Language (Latin or Spanish) TENTH GRADE Gcom. Plane Geom. Plane Caesar or Spanish Cucanr or Spanish Greek History Konmn History English III llotany , ELEVENTH GKADK Eng. V.. Kit VI. Physics Physln European History European History Lang, or Math. Lnn or JInUi. TWELl'TH GRADE American Hist. American lliit. Eng. i VII. Eiig. VIII Elective Civic Elective Eieethe Note: Graduates of the above confrsc wjll be admitted to the State Uni. or any College of equal rank without examination. NORMAL TRAINING Ninth Grade 1ST SEMESTER 2ND SEMESTER Eng. I. Eng. II Algebra I. Algebra II Agriculture Bookkeeping Language (Latin or Spanish) or Dom. Sci. TENTH GRADE Geom. Plane Gcom. Piano Language or Dom. Sci. Language or Don. Sci. Greek History Roman Ilistoiy English 1IL Bot..ny ELEVENTH GRAPE Eng. V. Eng. VI Phyiics 1 hysics Reviews II Reviews II. Language- or Math. Language or Math. TWELFTH GRADE American Hist. Amuricnn Hist. Civjcs it Eng. VIII Reviews "l2 Keiow 12. Pctliigogj" 1'ractice teach Pedagogy & 01)!. Public School Music Note: Normal training students are urged to combine Normal Training with the Aca domic by electing two years or luiuagp, this permits a student to enter college upon graduation, without examination. COMMERCIAL ENGLISH NINTH GRADE 1ST SEMESTER Eng. I Algebra I Biology Electivo TENTH GRADE Eng. Ill Geom. Plane Greek Hist. . Electiyo ELEVENTH GRADE English V. Physics Algebra III. European Hist. TWELFTH GRADE American Hist. English VII Civics Electivo uNoto: Commercial work is offered to all students, those electing the full course being given preference in caso the department is overcrowded. SMITH-HUGHES TENTH GRADE 1ST SEMESTER Eng. I Algebra I Spelling Com. Arith. Eng. III. Geom. Plane European Hist. Typewriting I. English V Physics Typewriting III. Short Hand I American iftst. English VII Short hand III. Civics 2ND SEMESTER Eng. II Algebra II Gen. Sci. . Bookkeeping Com. Eng. IV Geom. Plane European Hist. Typewriting II English VI Physics Com. Geog. Short Hand II American Hist. English VIII Shorthand IV Com. Law. 2ND SEMESTER Eng. II. Algebra II. Gen. Sci. Elevtivo Botany Geom. Plane Roman Hist. English IV English V. Physics Solid Gcom. European Hist. American Hist. English VIII Elective Elective NINTH GRADE 1ST SEMESTER . 2ND SEMESTER English I Algebra I Live Stock Production Farm Shop Work Related Homo Troject English II Algebra II Live Stock Prod. Farm Shop Work All Year 1ST SEMESTER English III. Plane Gcc-m. Crop Production Fnrm Shop Work Related Home Project 2ND SEMESTER Com. Eng. IV Plane Geom. Crop Production Farm Shop Work All Year Note: The Students are required to do at least six months supervised practical work, under the direc tion of the Smith-Hughes, supervisor. This work Is continued throughout the summer months. ELEVENTH GRADE Eng. V. Eng. VI Physics Physics Algebra III. Solid Geom. Note: Students not wishing Uni. entrance credits may elect some other subject than this a rd year of Math. However everyone is urged to take the math, in order that they will be able to enter a College or University. European Hist. European Hist. TWELFTH GRADE American Hist. American Hist. Civic Eng. VII. Farm Organization Eng. VIII. V ,j ; Special Course Farm Accounting The methods of instruction in the Smith-Hughes course shall combine supervised study, laboratory demonstrations, recitations and field trips, supplemented by individual practicums and home projects The development shall be from the standpoint of productive farming and not that of scientific investiga lion. In order to receive credit from this course the pupil must conduct his Home Project work suc cessfully. No credit will be given if the student fails in this practical application of the work. The instructor of this course shall be a graduate of a four year agriculture course in a standard agriculture college. He must meet the state lequirements for professional credit in educational cours es. He must have had at least two years practical furm experience. The Smith-Hughes instructor shall be omployed the year round. During the summer months he visits and supervises the work of the Smith-Hughes students. The home project, shall consist of a farm enterprise, on which books arc kept, inventories taken, . and final statements made, and undertaken by the pupil with full responsibility on his part for both fi nancing the project and doing the work. The individual praticums, which shall consist oC practice in particular farm jobs to develop skill anu efficiency in farm operations. General Farm work. Farm boys arc naturally doing many jobs about the home farm, and an ef fort will be made to so organize this general work as to make it supplement the students agriculture in struction. Town and city boys taking this courso will b encouraged to accept employment on the farm duiing the summer months in order to meet tins requ'remcr.t. Patrons wishing further infromation in regard to tho different courses offered by the Red Cloud City Schools may secure it by confering with tho Superintendent. A. B. GELWICK, Superintendent Red Cloud City Schools. Justice Above All. "'ho flpntlment of Justice Is so natu ral, so universally acquired by all juunklud, that It seeniu to be Indo ident of ull law, ull party, all r Udon. Volttlra. ' New Zealand Bird a Plague. Thi I tn, a parrot of Now ".I'nlund, s luryi as a chU'Uoii hawk, has been known to kill thousands of aheap pearly to satisfy n crating for kid a7 fat A gentleman is a mnn who knows how to be polite to his wifo. The school tax indicates that raco sulcldo Is not popular In Nebraska. A great man appears great only by contrast with his fool associates. Too many people find fault with religion without knowing what it is. Not all the air you find around a garago i3 free, especially the hot variety. It is not considered good form to swat a fly while ho is crawling ovor tho butter. Hcv to mnke Surprise Cream Puffs: Fill them with peppersauco instead of custard. Friday is ono of tho seven days on which it is unlucky to try to beat a railroad train to a crossing. Ono wny to keep your wife from asking for money so often is to give lur a quarter unco in awhile. Tho ond .Vert clear t:ijy como Iv. k but it is rca unablv certain Unit it will always cost at least a dime. A lot of trouble might be avoided in this work if more people were deaf and dumb and were unable to writo. Fnb Brown is raining his nzor b: 'c hujrs to cut hU corn this fall by rub-,' n their bc'rboncs aga'mt it. All rf us shoul 1 believe in Kinking improvements but doing things a new way often means that they are done worse. Wo all ngreo that there arc too many laws. But every man knows of one or two more that ought to bo passed. , Different kinds of correspondence shows up in court but nothing is quite so interesting as a fat man's love letters. Sometimes I think tho world is going to smash. And then I rend another popular novel and don't caro if it docs. - n Why does anyone take tho trouble to inform us about advances in the cost of living? Wo always find it out oon enough. C When I mnke a success. ,of, what I undertake it is the result of good judgment. Whon the other fellow wins out it is luck. f If you are not getting as many pails of milk from your cows as you would like why not invest in a sup ply of smaller pails? Why do members of congress go to Europe to study tho situation when, to hear them talk, they know all about it before they go? One cause of continued poverty is the willingness of the general public to invest in things that promise to pay CO percent dividends. One way to bring national prohibi tion would be to pass a law compell ing everyone to get drunk at least once n week. It would then be con sidered ns smnrt to do without hootch as it is now considered smart to drink it. One good thing that can bo said for flics ond mosquitos is that they keep lots of people from just sitting around nnd doing nothing. No man is ever ns good as wife thinks he is when she is in n good humor or as bad as she thinks he is when she is mad nt him. If that now dope that makes people tell the truth is a success I'd like to buy a few barrels of it to give to some Nebraska editors I know. A poet says that to make life worth while we must snuggle up to beauty. I'd like to follow tho advico but The Boss watches me too close. It used to take a man years to drink himself to death. But in these efficient days of bootleg whiskey tho job can be done in ten minutes. Tho weaker tho body the better chance a disease germ has. Perhaps this is true of the mind. Anyhow, it is nn easy way to account for n lot of tho fool notions that become so popular. EUROPE $110 Why Pay ExcessVe Rates The Great Northern Steamship Company (Incorporated) Announces that Arrangements are Now Being Made for Monthly $ 1 1 0 Round Trips to Europe Boston Southampton $110 One Way $65 Couucctiug for London, Liverpool, LoHavro Boston Gothenburg $138 One Way $75 Connecting for Chrlltiania, Stockholm; Helslngtors uanzig, Klga, Copenhagen THE ABOVE PRICES WILL INCLUDE RAILROAD FARES TO POINTS AS FAR NORTH AS STOCKHOLM The Company plans to carry approximately two thousand passengers monthly. Make your plans now (or a trip during the coming season. A round trip, with all expenses on shipboard included, at no more ex pense than a vac.irioit right here at home! To meet th'e ever increasing demand in this country (or an in expensive 'and at the same time thoroughly comfortable and cur able trans-Atlantic voyage, is the piime object of the Great Northern blcamship Company. Org.ui2td oy progressive business men .10 who wish to visit the battlefields of France, the Shakespeare conntr Scandinavia, the Land of the Mid night Sun, etc. A chance of a life time! So it would .seem; but it is more than that. The coirpan will build for a permanent business, planning on .setting a new standaid of hih-clais ocean travel on a one class basis. That this can be done at a fair m.-'iu of profit has al ready ueen proved a'Ki is 'in,, w '1 u 11 r-.ali7c the exceptional epportrmtv onered for inexpensive lu.vcl in .(uthiudin our prc.-jectr i r-rope, me company v.m eater to mut il extremely interest!" the thousands ot '.kl'i,.cnt pcr-.c:is WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW YOU KAY BECOME A PART-OWNER IN THE MOST TALKED OF ENTERPRISE IN YEARS Wo have an oponlng lor an energetic representative in your locality. This is an oxcollent opportunity for n person of character to build up a permanent business both for himself and tho Great Northern. " Cut out and mail with your name and address " . ; A. Wikstrom Information Dep't. Edmunds Bldg., Suite 54 Boston, Mass. I am interested in securing full in formation regarding a trip to: (Mark a cross) One way Round trip England France .. Germany Italy Sweden Noaway . ... Denmark Baltic Provinces Finland Russia SUBSCRIPTION BLANK .19. United States Service, Inc. Head Office, Edmunds Bldg. Boston, Mass. ( Check ) Enclose find P. O. Order for ( Draft 1 $- as payment i 'Sffi'- Name . Street or R. f. d.. City or town State units of the shares of The Great Northern Steamship Company. Inc. Price per unit $50.00. (Four Preferred and two Common Shares to each unit.) Have Certificate and Receipt issued in the name of: Name : Street or R.f.d City or town State The above price quoted for immedi ate acceptance only. When buying on installments 25 per cent of purchase price must accom pany order, balance may be made in ten monthly paymentc. ftArVSIVWWYWtfSSV.VAV.V. !: WE HAVE WEIR CITY THRESHING COAL I The Malone-Gellatly Co. ;! The Letter Q. Tho ortfT'n of the letter Q Is Inter esting In view of Its Mmllnrlty to tho letter O. Tho name la derireti from the French word Queue, raeanlnj tail, M the letter Is O with a tall. ,. A Chadron merchant says it is easy to live a peaceful nnd undisturbed lifo If lve spends no mnnoy for advertising. An enstorn judiro says it Is right nnd proper for tho wifo to rule tho home. Since women hnvo nlwnys as sumed this right why waste tlmo stating n self-ovident fact? An oastern authority says nil fat men should wonr corsets if they wont to be beautiful. I know two Nebraska editors who should have their measure taken right away. 11, I I i Cit5fJV L " I 'l innii.iiliilHHlllllllHMII , LLlLLilL jj (( Li! I I jg&r-as?gKm g 1 1 1 IV ASTOUNDING IN IT5 IMMENSITY INCOMPARABLE IN ITS WEALTH OF EX CLUSIVE FEATURES. A Million Dollar Investment Returning a Hundred cents on the Uollar in benefits every year. (An indication of Itie progress of the 5tale;s citizens for the past yean agriculturally industrially ana educationally. NEBRASKA AT A measuring rod of the States Wealth.resources A GLANCE land possibilities NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE K TfieState's Expression of its Citizens' Ideate and Purposes. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES-FARE AND ONE THIRD ROUND TRIP, i l