The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 23, 1923, Image 5

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K K X X K K X S? S K K W K
Rev. D. Fitrgcruld won: to Scwaid
Monday morning.
Dick Viponi' was on tnc pick list
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Mitchell spent
Saturday in Hastings.
Grant Turner and films. Rnrictt
were in Axtcll Mondny.
Jap. Mtirnahani has
jifeition with A. D. Stanley.
Hew J. M. Bates went to Bcnklo
wan Sunday evening on N'o. 17.
E. V. Stevens of Hastings was in
the city the first of the week.
Rev. If. A. Kraut?, went to Wymote
Wednesday morning or. train II.
ger to
Phil Sherwood was a passen
Blue Hill Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. L E. Evans aro the
parents of a baby hoy born last night
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crow were passen
gcrs to Hastings Tuescay morning.
'Mrs. Christine Patmoro was a pas
senger to Hastings Wednesday morn
ing on Xo. !.
Mrs. Chester Sheoloy and baby re
turned home the last of the week
from Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
to Hastings Thursday
spend a few days.
Jamc3 went
morning to
Mrs. Jacob Petersen went to Hast
ings Wednesday morning to spend
the da' with relatives.
Mr. John Jcncs of Bladen is here
spending a few days at the home of
Mr. and M: . A. Clark.
F. 1. Smith wont to Kansas
Sunday morning in charge of
stool: shipped from here.
Frank Campbell went w Ayr Wed
nesday morning to spend the day at
tending to business mattcrn.
C. M.-Funk went to Superior Thurs
lay morning after a short visit here
at the home of Mrs. H. Hummel.
Mr. and Mrs 'Ohas. Schultz went to
Hastings Thursday morning to spend
the day attending the Adams County
Mrs. Irving Cummings went to
Hastings Saturday morning to spend
a few days visiting with her son and
J. S. Holmquist of 'Blue Hill drove
here Monday evening and took No.
M out for Obffeyville, Kansas, Tues
day morning.
, Mrs. Ida Richardson and daughter,
,' Fay, drove to Hastings Tuesday morn
J ing to spend the day, returning home
i that evening.
M'si Opal Wccsner returned home
Saturday evening from Lincoln where
she had beer, visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Zeiglcr.
Big Sale of School Sup
plies for ten days beginning
on August 25th at Cotting's
Drug Store.
B. F. Mizcr went to Kansas City
Sunday morning on No. 1G, where he
will spend a few days attending to
business matters.
Rev. and Mrs. S. Hardmnn and
daughters, of Arapahoe have been
spending the past few days here visit
ing with friends.
Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and children
returned homo Sunday evening from
Guide Rock, after spending the week
with relatives there.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carpenter de
patted Tuesday for Solder., Kansas,
where they will spend a few weeks
visiting their children.
Dean Dickson returned to Superior
Thursday morning after spending a
few dayi heie visiting with his father,
Ed Dickson and family.
The many fiends of C. T. Dicker
son mo glad to sco him located in our
midst again. Ho has accepted a posi
tion with A. D. Stanley.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lnfe Herberger and
daughter of Chicago spent the first
lof'the week hero with, his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herberger.
Mr. and Mr. Al Slaby spent Sun
day with lelativc at Cawfccr City,
Mr. anil Mrs. W. I). Edson attended
the county fair at Rladcn Wednesday
George Denton of Cowles bus pur
chased a now Studebikur cur ' of
Oglevle Bros.
Mr. nr.d Mrs. Glen Fearn and Ed
Foam wore down from Wilcox the
lii?t of the week.
Mr. Emma Mellcr was a passenger
v Chamite, Kansas, Saturday morn
ing on train 10.
George Schaaf loturncc! home Tucs
on v evening alter spending a tew
i -i at Harvard
Mrs. Raibnra Pharos is in Omaha
tl is week purchasing fall and winter
goods for her store.
Two carloads of hogs were shipped
from here Sunday morning to the
Kansas CJity market.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry St roup and son,
Everett and wife attended the picnic
at Lawrence, Wednesday.
Mis. Barbara Pharos wen: to Guide
Rock Sunday morning to spend tbe
day visiting with relative.
There is some talk
company electing an
of another
oil station
the busines. district of this c":
We are now prepared to give reason
able terms on both New and Used Cars
payable monthly or in a lump sum.
Oglevle Bros
Coming to Red Cloud, November 8,
9 and 10th, Hell's Half Acre the
American Legion Carnival bigger,
better than ever.
Dr. Warrick will meet patients and
those needing gliisse at Dr DutuerulK
Monday, August '27. Hours '2 to 0
Next visit October.
Hen Cop'oy and Perry L"vejoy Went
to Omnlui, Wednesday night to drive
buck two Fnrd car for tho Smith
Bros & Copley parage.
Leo McAithur returned home Sat
urday evening from Portland and
Hillsboro, Oregon, where he had been
spending the past few months. ,
: 4
Gordon Hamilton, George Hughes
and Alfred McCall returned home
Sunddy" morning !f rom Crete where
they spent a week camping out. t
Miss Edith Beckwith accomp
by her mother, left for Akron,
Monday morning where they Intend,
spending a couple of ..weeks visiting1,
with relatives.
Morton Smith, Fred and Glen
Robertson and Cecil Cummings, who
are working for the Allied Construc
tion Co., at Elm Creek, spent Sunday
with home folks.
Mrs. C. B. Crone, who has been
spending the past few days here with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson
and family, returned to Hastings
Thursday morninr.
1 ed and
Elbert Hildebrandt, who
have been opciating a meat market
at Steele CP.y, have purchased the
rr out market at Bloomington and have
taker, chnigc of same.
Mrs. R. V. Nicholson and baby re
turned home Saturday morning from
Los Angeles, California, where she
has been for the past few weeks vis
iting with her mother.
A large number of ball fans from
heie tended the ball games at
Giddc Rock Sunday afternoon. Bert
Elmore and Wallio Walgreen played
with the Guide Rock team.
Mrs. Earl Hall returned home
Thursday evening on No. 11 from Lin
coln where she has been in one of the
hospitals of that city recovering from
an operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Kitty Hansen and. children,
who have been in Brooklyn, New
York, for tho past few weeks visit
ing with her brother, arc expected
home in the next day or two.
Miss Blanche Mcdartney returned
homo Tuesday morning from Imperial
where she went tho latter part of the
week to give a lecture on her cxpcii
ence in India as a missionary.
Tho Masons dofoattd tho Business
Men in a seven inning ball game lv a
M'ore of III to (j, Tuesday evening. The
former team plays the I O. O. P. team
tonight at which time an admission of
ten cents will bo chargo to pay for the
balls and upkeep of tbe grounds.
For Salt' I Jon I geiit'e 'rlv ng matt
and 'I'i'liitf vviigoii Clarence Lewis
Mr nail Mis Tom lin-ton of Nor
man spent Wednesday evening at the
Rev I W Edii home
Will Hines, who has been working
in Falls City for the past month for
the Burlington, returned to his work
heic Saturday evening, his position
at the depot having been restored.
Mrs. Mary Sinks of riollingham,
Washington who has been heie for the
past two weeks visiting with her
brother, Chas. Rassor and family, re
turned to her homo Sunday evening
Wo are belling Rugs in every town
within the radius of f)0 miles. People
drive here lict'auso they know that
our rugs are the Best Pattenis at the
Lowest Price .lohiison .V Graham
Furniture Co, Red Cloud, Nebr. We
sell thetn for less.uxl deliver the goods.
Fi lends of Mr. and Mrs. Stanser
A mack of Solden, Kansas, have re
ceived word of the arrival of an eight
pound boy at the A mack home last
week. He will be known as James
Glen Fry arrived hero from Lin
coln Monday evening to spend a few
days visiting with his parents, Mr.
and Mr. Wm. Fry, berorc going to
Colorado, where ho intends teaching
the coming school year.
Mrs. E. R. Slawson and son, Ray
mond, were pa-scngcrs to Lincoln,
Thursday whcio they will1 .spend a
few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Slawson before going to their
future homo in Kansas Citv.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer and son
were passengers to Bladen Wednes
day morning where they will spend
a few days at the home or bis brother,
Howard and family and while there
take in the Webster County Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hanson of
Benklcman arrived hero via auto
Thuix'ay evening for a couple of
days visit with h!s sister, Mrs. Lee
Walker and husband. Tr.c couple arc
newly weds and arc making a trip
through the state visiting in different
cities with friends.
Frank Delahoy of Blue Hill spent
a lew hours m this city between
trains Thursday morning. Mr. Dela
hoy was at one time freight clerk at
the depot here, hut is now doing con
tract electrical work. Ho is
home from Arapahoe where ho wired
thc( new school house beinjr built
ttiQrc, ' ' " i
The following, taken worn a letter
written by a Burlington official to
Agent Bush, might be of Interest to
most of us, inasmuch1 as both the city
and the Burlington hav recently in
stalled o chlorinatbr to- treat their
water supply. "To, emphasize the ne
cessity for keeping this plant In con
tinuous operation quote for your in
formation a few figure& on chlorlna
tion. In Chicago from 190G to 1911
there was no treatment and the aver
age annual death rate was 14.9 per
100,000 population, from 1912 to 191C
while experimenting with chlorir.g
treatment this rate decreased 50.
From 1917 to 1920 the entire supply
being treated and this dcatn rate was
reduced to 1.35 per 100 000 popula
tion showing Chicago almost fioo
'from water borne disease. Through
carlcssncss the chlorinator was not in
operation for eight days at Alpena,
Michigan. Nine people paid for this
error with their lives and 107 cases
of typhoid. From manv sources we
have similar reports and conclude that
where chlorinators are Installed con
tinuous operation and proper care is
Referee's Sale of
Real Estate
Notico is hereby given that whereas
In the action pending in the District
Court of Webster County, Nebraska,
wherein Ernest James Doyle is plain,
till' and Edward Doyle et al, are do
fondants for the partition of tho real
esttito hereinafter described a decreo
of said court has been entered confirm
ing the shares of the parties and di
recting partition and a report of the
referee has been made that a division
of tbe. land cannot equitably be made
and the court has approved such re
port and direotcd a sale of tho pre
mises Now therefore I, E Q. Caldwell,
referee In said action will on tho 'J'.'ud
day of September, 1923, at two o'clock
I', M. at the south front door of the
court house hi Red Cloud Webster
Countv, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion to tho highest biddor, for cash,
the following described real estate, to
wit. Block l'J, in HiillrOHd Addition
to the city of Bud Clud, Webster
County, Nebraska.
Dated August 15, 1023!4
E. G CALDWELL, Reforeoj
"" Be'ruafd'Mc'Neny'AtCorVcyr f
H ffvr-Sif5-. -..
Have a Large Line in the
qiiHWflfcaa) &xm?ozz&
Regular sorvlees every tlrstand third
Sunday in tbe month in the Adventiat
church at 11 a. m.
O. R. Helnltz, Pastor.
Bible school at 10 a. in.
Morning service at 11 n m., Subject:
"Piayer, Praise, Preaching; Supersed
ed by What?"
I'nion evening service on Lawn; lust
of the series.
Monthly covenant meeting on Wed
nesday night.
Welcome to all.
1. W. EDSON, Pastor.
Tho church picnic which was held
last Friday at tho Golf grounds was
thoroughly enjoyed by all, aud asplon
did attendance of our people and their
friends. We were very pleasantly sur-,
prjseu ay naviugan, unexpected guest
(tbe Rev. JIardman and his family. And
our good Bishop Beeeher and his fam
ily. This social event will long be re
membered by all. '
(1 Remember the regular service at the
church next Sunday. Church school
at 10 o'clock and Morning Prayer and
Sermon "at eleven o'clock.
There is a cordial welcome for all
who wish to worship with us.
' ' Rev. Basil S. Dougherty.
Sunday School at 10 a. ra.
11 a.m. Sermon "Tbe Day of Small
8:.l0 p. m. Sermon "Unconscious In.
Sunday, Soptember 2, will bo observ
ed as Public School Day. A special
sermon on the value o! education and
the relation of the Church and Public
School will be given in the morning.
All the School Boards, Teachers and
Pupils of the township arc given a
special invitation to attend this ser
vice. There will also bo a basket dinner
and afternoon meeting and a Epccial
evening service. Details of these will
be announced next week.
Kansas Pickups
Mrs. Flora Blair is quite sick at
this writing.
Miss Grace Brown made a business
trip to Smith Center, Tuesday.
Master Glenn Spurrier spent Tuer
day with Steven Price and wife.
Frank Brown has been on the sick
list but is better at this writing.
John Snow and family took in tho
fair at Hastings part of last week.
E. E. Spurrier and family spent
Tuesday evening at the home of D. K".
Dewoy Snow and family have re
turned home from a pleasure trip in
Earl Abbott and wife visited Sunday
at the home of their uncle, P. U.
Threshing and putting up prarie hay
are the order of the day in Ducker
vlllo vicinity.
Mlsi Edith Grcwell is spending a
week with her bister, Mrs. Ke, Alloy
rt Exeter, Nebr.
Mjss Marguerite Cunningham, south
of Lebanon, visited last weolc with.
her cousin. Mrs. Melba Abbott.
Now that warm weather is
here you will need
If you prefer the Piece Goods we have
Building For
Telephone Needs
JMnny people become new telephone subscrib
ers each month of the year.
Wherever practical, we aim to have the neces
sary wires in place, switchboards equipped,
telephones on hand and other mechanism ready
when service is requested.
fJPlanning today for tomorrow's telephone needs
is one of of the many things we are doing to
furnish relia,We spqtiqe at the lowest possible
cost to the 'ptiblic.
v r , ' ? r ' f
CJYour ihterestsand ours are the same.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
A Nebraska Company Serving Its People
ESPITE tL squalls that Uavo
few rnonthJ, Treasury Savings
to culde tho investor luto a port of safety.
These certificates guaranteed absolutely ob to principal and Interest
by tho UutteJ States government, ato issued in of $l,y00, 5100
and $25 at coit prices of $820, $82 and $20.60, respectively. They are free
from all stato and local taxes (axtiopt estate and Inheritance taxes) and ta
normal federal lacomo tax. v ' v r tv
Thy atafflaailyflfrociuapte tfoopgh asy-ipoafofflcq, i t
All Kinds
swept Investment sea during the past
Cortlllcatos still Btand na a boa'con light
xywg-nrsmuinn m , mmRSK3xrm3tmia3a a