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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1923)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHEEr D Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVEIt ST ATM HANK Red Cloifk Nchrnskn Get your Auto Tops and Curtains Fixed Up for Cold Weather All Kinds of New Tops put on-Priced Right LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery 2 Doom South of Formers Union. 3 PHONE YOUR COAL N H u ORDER TO FARMERS' Bell Phone 29 DO ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that wo havo opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and wo arc for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK WUVAArWAMMrWWWWVWWAMMn UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse In Connection Licensed Embalmer Bait Service to Others Means Reel Happiness to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES IrWWWWNrWUVWVArVWWWVW Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT-for it BMBBHIVtilBMBIllIlH IbSBU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBT J llt I IBBBbHI II ' ' " "' -V1 itrti$aTKRlR IbH3HBbHbbsbbbbbbb111 ''in KtiMBLS.BfeJBBEJ V- Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. We Give S. & H. Green Savings Stamps With All Cash Sales. Trine's Hardware Store Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Kcd Cloud, Nebrnsk IE ELEVATOR D Ind. Phone 12 IE inintnmnmmiitBiniinimini'jnnnttiti.nntiBmaniK RED CLOUD. NEB KMV i means a cool kitchen. 'HE RED CLOUD CHIEF Hod Cloud, Nobrnsktv 'UDLISHED EVERY THURSDAY titer ed In tho I'oMollIco nt Itcrt (loud, Nob as Second Class Matter' A. IJ. McAHTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local. " I2J4&I5 Out Where the West Begins (with apologies to Arthur Chnprnan) Out whertt the sun buts down ti little htrotinor; Out where they woik ttbont four hours longer; Out where thpy raise the corn ami clover; Utit had nothing to show when the year is over That's Whoro the Ve9t Degins. Out where tlie tnaverlcks bellow and bawl; The fanner weeps at the long freight haul; for he knows that t lie railroads will K'et Hall; Where the risks are f?reat am tue profit small; That's Where the West Deins. Out where the funnels rave and cus; Hut do not Mriko and raise n fuss, As they pay for oods sold Pittsburgh Plus! Where tilings are in a gosiiawful muss That's Where the West UeKins.. ti. Clemens Erlnndcr. LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO Dick (iray was in Superior this week. The band boys go to Grand Island till- WPl'k. Lew Vance came home from Chicago Satiudtty Charley Piatt ami wife arrived homo from the world's fair Wednesday The little bubo ot .Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Law, whii'ii has been very seriously ill, is convalescing, we are pleased to leal n. Col Ueib Crane, of the IMnnmlngton Echo, was a pleasant caller at this of. lice whilo seeing the elephant on Thursday at Sell's show. Miss Nellie Warren entertained a large number of young friends on Wednesday afternoou. It was a very pleasaut uirair, and the little folks enjoyed the occasion very much. This week Mr. Oliver M. Noble was united In marriage to Miss Emma Kizer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs S. It Klzer of this city, Rev. B. L. Elyodicl. fttlng. The young couple have 'the best wishes of the Chief, and thlr young friends "'m' There will be an old settlers pignic at Amboy, on September 13, at which time Hon. J. S. Gilliam, J R. Wilcdx, and others will orate on their exper. ince in the wild and woolv west. Everybody come, both old and young settlers. 10 YEARS AGO Geo. W. Hutchinson Is on the slok list this week. J. II. Bailey left on Sunday morning for a short business trip to St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Darrol lturden return ed home Friday from a visit with friends in Kansas. Harry Letson, manager of the Miner Ilros. Company store, left. Wednesday morning for Chicago to purchaso fall goods. Marion Meroor went over to Leban on, Kansas on Wednesday to play with the Smith Center bund at the Lebanon anniversary. Vera Bailey of Itrighton, Illinois, ar rived in the city the first of the week for a visit at the home of J. H. Bailey and family. Mrs. Karl Patrick left last night for her home in Omaha, after a months visit at the homo of her father Dr. Henry Cook. Miss Grace McCall roturned home the latter part of the week trom Val pariso, Indiana, where she has been at tending the University. Mrs. licit Hatfield and daughter, Vera, returned to their homo in James town, Kansas, the Urst of tho week, after a visit with Mrs T W. Hatfield Ben Williams, a former Red Cloud boy, who has been working as jeweler at Storm Lake. Iowa, has moved to (Icnevn. Nobraska, where he has secur ed a good position. Mi's. C. W. Crockett nml son left for Cuspcr, Wyoming, Saturday morn ing where, they will innko their future home. Mr. Crockett, who up until u month ngo was salesman for the Brown Fruit Co., of Grand Island 1ms been there for the past three weekfi where he hns accepted a similar posi tion with n fruit firm In that city. EAGLE wS3) M-Z&ZZ YELLOW PENCI L '. .KHAU MhtK.llTWlS I ZZi nuitmfio RED BAND mace by I State Line i p vs Mrs. Ilntvo Hhilr li on the lek list. A good rain visited this part Wed nesday night. John Urown made a trip to Inavale last Saturday. ' Clifford Noble iniide a trip to Red Cloud. Saturday. Joe Hyan helped Ed Elliott stack millet Inst week. Frank ttyan made u trip to Womer Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. Ora Prill made a trip to Red Cloud, Saturday evening. Lewis 1'ngets went to Crystal Planes, Wednesday, to nn ice cream social. Lewis Paget and family attended too show at Smith Center, Tuesday. Several from this corner attendpd the anniversary at Lebanon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carper and Van Carper speut Sunday at Mrs. 0. M, Nobles Northeast Pawnee Everett. Myers is assisting his brother' Rov build his barn. Ralph Barber is working for Jim Ryan haying and cutting weeds. Herb Barber drove to Inavale from Hicre to Red Cloud Inst Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ryan dono their trading at Red Cloud last Saturday Mr. and Mrs B Vohler dune thHr trading at Geo. Riuifs last Saturday. Mrs. onie aim son unit ml weie trading at Wnmiir one day last week, i Mr. and Mr.. Ous Ring were, visiting and trading at (Jeo. Rings the middle j cif hist week. Mr and Mrs. Lewi Womer tho end of Pagett were nt last week doing' .some trading. Mr and Mis Austin Spurrier were in Lebanon one day last week doing some trading. Mr. Btid Mrs E. E. Spurrier were in Smith Center doing som trading one day last week. C. R Leadabrand and Chas. Collins were in Red Cloud last Saturday tram acting business. Carl Abbot was hauling hay for Elmer Spurrier, Friday and Saturday filling up his hnrn. Mr. and Mrs. E. Myers were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelsien one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs Ben Wapes and faml'y were at Red Cloud the end of the week transacting business. Mr and Mrs. Harve Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown were at Smith Center oue day last week. The platform dance nt Elmer Mo lines, Thursday night was well attend ed, harmony and good order prevailed. Burt Payne rented and moved on to his sisters farm (Mrs. Simmons) north of Lebanon Mrs Simmons Is to movo to Lebanon In order to be near high school. Auto and truck owners can now af ford to make longer drives and more hauling owing to the cheapness of gasoline. There is still more room for improvement In lessening tho price of other sundry articles. Mr. and Mrs. Orby Stone went to fled Cloud last Saturday to meet their cousin Floyd Stone who was in uma, Colorado for a couple of months with his parents who reside there. Floyd is well improved from his injuries. Mr. and Mrs. John Ring aro back here from western Nebr., being thero since last March, John is so glad to be back that ho was willing to give a bonus or gratuity to his renter, Burt Payne to got possession and shelter under his own roof. Besides being so tickled to get back that he asked all his neighbors to make merry and feast on chicken nnd Ice cream. It seemB all like to be back in Smith county. Cholera Kills Hogs Many fatal diseases CAUSED BY WORMS arc mistaken for Cholera. Rid your hogs of worms with Kamarika. Avoid losses. 32.50 size will treat 64 hogs weighing 75 pounds each. At Cottlngs Drug Store Newrock's Kamarika Laboratory Arapahoe, Nebr. Mixing i Printers INK With Brains Printers' ink has made thousands of men rich when it was mixed in the right proportion with Brains LET US HELP YOU MIX THEM BOTH The Red Cloud Ghief (B I'll .UNIX GET READY FOR SCHOOL Yes! they're almost here again School Days. Children regard the opening of school as a thrilling event. The fun of having new cjothes is part of it. Select school clothes in our Down Stairs Store they're not the kind that must be replaced when the newness wears off. Father's money goea longest and farthest here for we buy only aervicable things. For Little Girls Dainty frocks and slip-overs can be made by mother very inex pensively with Gingham. Pretty patterns in checks and plaids aud plains for trimming are to be bad from 15c to 29c For the Boys A good pair of bright blue denim overalls are just the thing. The kind that arc made from best material, cut good and roomy arc the kind. They're easy to wear, will stand rough usage and less expensive than other apparel. Price according to size 98c $1.19. $1.23 ONE PRICE TO ALL "Get the Habit" save S. & II. Green Stamps. They are an honest dis count on the merchandise bought at this store. I'lCTOHIAI. HKVIKW PATTKll.NS The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into n fancied security. Uecanse lire has never touched you it doesn't follow tlmt you're Immune Tomorrow -no todBy, if you huve time and you better find time come to the ofllec mid we'll writo n policy on your house, furniture, htoru or morchundiso. LATER MAY HE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.eli&.ble Insurance Tho Webster County Tenchers Insti tute will be held August 211-31 in this city. PHONES m II -.11 Stockings For Boys and Girls and they mutt be good ones tod. Tireless feet that arc always on the move demand that very best of materials must be nsed in stockings. You will find them here in both black and brown, all sizes 15c, 19c, 23c Shoes For All The Children Good, sturdy shoes with service in every stitch. The very best shoes for the price will be found in the Down Stairs Store. To be had in kid or calf leathers in either brown or black. Priced ac cording to sizes, 5 to 8; 8' to 2; $1.65, $1.98 up to $3.19 Hudson futher reduced in price $1375f.o.b. Essex $1045f.o.b. SEE OSCAR MATT1S0N DEALER INAVALE, NEBR. The W. 0. T. U. Cothty Convention will be held at i he Indian Creek School house next Sunday. ra I fi 4 7 4 -!