The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 23, 1923, Image 3
RED CLOOD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I 4 i Motor to Church 't ttlttmhli Tr,,1tl!)t 1 VCn "Mj , w SUPERIOR 5-Pass. Sedan '860 f. o. b. Flint, Miclu 1 rTnTYl JSr,-f" rfeSHg&jfo M if mi IKE '!2kHnTHHIBpV Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General 3Iolors Corporation Detroit, Michigan Linoleum Truly Cosmopolitan. Six co n u trie, thousands of miles Distant, aid In providing materials for the finished Iliinluutii. says tho Detroit News. The manufacture of linoleum depends on three main materials tork, linseed oil and hurlap. Cork, the thief Ingredient, comes from Spain, Portugal nnd northern Africa, where thousands of people are engaged In harvesting It from the trees. The Un seed oil Iu pressed from the llaxsecd from the Argentine republic, which produces (he greatest nmount of Max Feed in the world. Hurlap Is made from Jute grown In India, but woven n Scotland. Caa't Be Improved. The Humble Worm Yes, you're (ootl to look at with your gaudy jlngs. But wait till I'm ti butterfly. 4ly wings will be as beautiful us ours. The Enrly Bird We won't wait for .it. You look good enough to eat s it Is. Douglas Fir for British Ships. In one of the two Inrge battleships iiw building for the British navy, noughts fir has replaced teak, accord pg to advices received by the L)cart ient of Commerce, presumably be cause It- Is much lighter In weight In omparIJon to Its strength. t:ver stop think of this ? We are what we eat! It's a startling fact, yet a simple truth. This is the reason every one should know that his food is really nourishing not merely filling. Grape-Nuts made from wheat and barley is one of the few cereal foods that includes the vital mineral salts so necessary for supplying proper nourishment for nerve and bone structure. In Grape-Nuts, too, is retained the important vitamin-B of the wheat. No food has greater influence in strengthening Ahe body of a growing child than Grape-Nuts. And remember, children need the very best there is in the way of nourishment. Grape-Nuts is just as delicious as it is healthful, whether served right from the package as a break fast cereal with milk or cream, with fresh or stewed fruit, or made into an appetizing recipe. Try the suggestion given below. rjMroi rjn i urn l mil Q TEalKllJJ. ft iV&r 'tlwafr v?Siii B GRAPE-NUTS BA .JZfiT ..SH ICE CREAM Prepare plain flavored ice cream in the usual way. Just before the cream hardens in (rcczini!,(iild Grnpo-Nuts as it comes from tho package, in tho proportion of one-half cup of Grape-Nut to one quart ofice cream. If you buy ico cream rcariy-made. add Grape-Nuts in place of nut meats. You'll find the result ing flavor unique, in Comfort Tho Chevrolet 5-Passengcr Sedan 19 most popular for family use, becauso it affords comfort, weather protec tion and the homo atmbspherc all the year 'round for five people yet may be economically operated with only one or two passengers. Its power, reliability and low up keep appeal to men. Women like ita handsome lines, fine upholstery, plate glass windows with Ternstedt regulators, and fine finish. Everybody appreciates its great value at $860, f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan SUPERIOR Roudst f .... $510 KUPr.HIRTourlnft . ... 825 SUPERIOR Utility CoUfO . . . 680 .SUPERIOR Scdanctlo ' . . . 8M SUPERIOR Sedan .... 860 SUPERIOR Commercial ChatsU . 423 SUPERIOR Light Delivery . . . S10 Utility Express Truck CIiumU . 579 Unconvincing Object Lesson. "You are encouraging your boy Jot.ta to leave home?" "Yep," replied Farmer Corntossel. "I reckon that 'ud be fur the best." "f'an't you persuade him to work?" "No. I do my best to persuade him that hard work and economy is tho makln' of u young man. Then he jes' looks me an' the mortgage over an' then looks at me In a way that makes me feel like I wasn't nothln' In his eyes but n bad example." No Danger. Old-fashioned Uncle BUI, Just back from a long sojourn In Australia, called his little nephew to him on tho morning of the Fourth. With fond recollection of his own prankish youth, he hnnded the boy n dollar, patted him on the head, and told him to enjoy the day, but not get hurt. He was somewhat surprised by tha lad's response. "Hurt? Me get hurt? Gee wills, Uncle BUI. I have enlisted with tha Boy Scouts to render first uld." Louts vllle Courier-Journal. It Is excellent to appreciate thosa who excel. Many n man Is unable to believe word he says. to !S Whore you don't find Crepe-Nuts, you won't tinii people. there's aReason0 iCT rtT. ff'Vrt l-v'it.! Tiffi AMEBEKN (Copv for Tl.l.i Iippnrtmpnt Htippllcil b7 tlin. Aini'iMi'nn Tallinn News rtervlcn.) MESSAGE SENT BY BALLOON Letters for Legion Post3, by National Commander Owsley, Dropped From Dig Ucgo. Messages from the ulr were literally showered on posts of the American Legion from National Commander Al vlu Owsley recently when letters were dropped from the basket of one of the entrants In the national elimination balloon race. The messages were re ceived In a number of Eastern states over which the balloon passed on Us 400-mlle Journey over the country. Anticipating the general direction the balloons would trnvel from the na tional headquarters city, a number of personal messages from Commander Owsley were mnde ready, and tho pilots planned to throw these from tin basket, attached to tiny parachutes, as they passed over the towns and cities, inter to be delivered to the commander of the Legion post In that locality. The balloon which carried this mes sage wan entered as "The American Legionnaire," and was piloted by Capt. 0. E. McCulIough, vice chnlrman of the Legion's national committee on neronnutlcs. Captain McCulIough waa nttuched to various balloon schools during the war nnd mnde many flights. Ho Is now division pnssenger agent for the Pennsylvania railway, and In this capacity handled transportation ar rangements on the occasion of tho vlsltB of the king and queen of liel glum, Marshal Koch, the prince of Wales nnd other European notables. Assisting Captain McCulIough was Lieut. Carlton I liond of the army air Konlce now stationed nt Aber deen proving ground, Maryland, os n Legionnaire. Lieutenant liond has participated In u number of balloon races, being In the basket with Major West over, who won the 10212 diminution race, which started at Mil waukee. On this trip the bag landed In the Province of Quebec. I'anadu, 850 miles from its starting place, 'nils victory entitled them to competition In the international race for the James Gordon Hennett cup, which started from Geneva, Switzerland, but they were forced down shortly after cross ing the Alps. The ballpen used by Captain McCul Iough and Lieutenant Bond, and from which the messages from tho Legion' head were dropped, was of SO.00O cubic fOet capacity. It was of the army typo Md had been supplied by the com manding officer of the Three Hundred nnd Eighty-second airship company, G. H. Q. rPM'rvos, Third corps army area. The balloon safely landed nt Frank fort, Pa., a few miles west of Pitts burgh, in this race, after being In the air for nearly 24 hours. The aeronauts were forced to land when they encoun tered a terrific storm. LEGION MEN URGED TO FILE Thousands of Acres of Public Lands Are Thrown Open in West ern States. American Legion members nre urged by national headquarters to consider filing entries on more thnn 110,000 acres of public land In four Western states which have recently been thrown open to entry to ex-service men. Tho nren comprises the second lnrgest offering of public domain for homesteadlng In several years. Lnnds thrown open under the order Include: California Thirty-six thousand acres In San Ilernnrdlno county, near Kelso, nnd In San Diego county, near Cnmpo. Colorado Eighteen thousand ncres In Costilla county, near Itussell. Ncvnda Twenty-two thousand acres In Nye county, near Carrara. Utah Forty thousand acres In Washington county, near Central. More than 11,000 acres In Juab coun ty, near Mona, Utah, will he opened to Veterans after the state has made se lections from tho trnct In accordance with public land grants to It. WILL SUBMIT BONUS MEASURE Omaha Legion Members to Urge Stata Legislature's Action on Pigeon holed Bill. Omahn members of the American Le gion plan to submit the bill, providing bonus to World wnr veterans to the people by Invoking the Initiative at the next general election. Sponsors of the measure, which will bo patterned after the Iowa state bo nus, say the bill will provide for tho payment of r0 cents per day to every service man or woman who, at the time of enlistment, was a resident of Ne braska. There will be a maximum clause of $:!,'(). No distinction will be nimto between domestic and foreign service. The state bonus measure has been before the Nebraska legislature three times. In 1010 tho legislators dropped the bonus and passed an emergency re lief bill for nervleu men and their fam ilies. In lOlill the bill passed tho lower house by nn overwhelming majority, only to ho hold In committee In the senate without being reported out for a vote. .ULillUIS AT WORK ON lift CONVENTION Wcut. Gen. rUmiir Liggett, In Charge of Arrangements, Doing Assisted by Many Other;. With n powerful former lieutenant peneiMl. who commanded :he Hist army of u million fighting mm In France, at the liel'ii, ami Important committees ticnili'd by e-oillrt.'. and "buck pri vates" alike, preparations for the American Li-gloti's llflh annual conven tion, to be held In S'an Francisco net October, are progressing. Gen. Hunter I.Uv-'ctt, a favorlto among l.iuinniuilrcs because of his ef forts lo build up tlw I.eglnti in San Fram Ken, ilntls the important tusk of direct mi: arrangements for the big na tional pothering a pleasant, though busy and comprehensive Job. Not all of the work of preparing for the comentlon Is being handled by Legionnaires. San Francisco has made n systematic study of conventions and tho result has been the development of an flllcient corps of prominent busi ness men, who, originally "hobbylng It" as convention workers, got Into the hang of the nctlvlty so well that they tlud themselves galled Into conference y '. lfi LIEUT. GEN. HUNTER LIGGETT I . ( every nine a muor conclave comes t the eitj. Many of these distinguished citizens, staid business men, whosn "bit" dining thu war may have been tho selling of millions of dollars in Liberty bonds and thousands of other fiplendld deeds, are today "drafted" into the committees preparing for tho national convention. Their ability to handle elllclently and well the "short cuts" that have been ferreted out through the staging of more than one hundred conventions each year, will serve the Legion convention workers most effectively. Their part Is certain to add to the already tentative program that Is now In the making. San Francisco expects 1H0.000 vis itors to attend the convention. NAVY IS TO BE REPRESENTED Numerous War Vessels and Men U Represent Department to Attend Legion Convention. Nine battleships, ,'18 destroyers and numerous auxiliary vessels will par ticipate In the nuvnl show In conjunc tion with the national convention of the American Legion In San Fran cisco October 15 to 10. The personnel attached to the ships will number 000 commissioned olllcers, 100 warrant of. fleers mid 10,000 enlisted men. Authorization of the battle fleet'i presence was granted by Theodora Itoosevelt, Jr., assistant secretary of the navy. The ships will anchor off San Francisco October 12 nnd will re main until October 28. Included In the licet will be the battleships Cali fornia, Maryland, New York, Texas, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Idaho and Tennessee. Legion convention officials are en deavoring to emphasize the naval pro gram of the gathering to a greater ex tent than has been attempted In previ ous years. To that end, the nnval au thorities of ii number of countries al lied with the United States In th World war have been asked to send vessels. VETERANS TO PEOPLE TRACT American Legion Indorses Washington Land Settlement Project for Former Warriors. Indorsement by the American Legion of a land settlement project of the state of Washington has made It pos sible that the tract may be completely peopled by veterans of United Stntes wars. This, the Whlce Uluffs-Hnnford land settlement project, was considered for opening in the spring at m'' ami snr. i llclent applications were received at that time to settle the tracts with vet- erans as homesteaders, but preliminary work delayed the opening and only n few were granted land. Tho legisla ture in 102.'l Increased tho npproprla thin for the settlement project ana made available 100 tracts for veterans who, under tho state law. aro given preference In settlement. Further aid was extended to the aspiring agricul turists by provisions for loans from the state with which to stock thu farms. Complete colonization by veterans of tho trnct Is tho hopo of Legion men, who offer every co-operation to the war fighter who seeks to tnke advantage of the opportunity for homesteadlng. Cuticura for Qoro Hands. Bonk hands on retiring In thu hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu ticura Ointment. Kemovo surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Ir only one of tho things Cuticura will do If Soap, ointment and Talcum aro used for all toilet purposes. Advertisement. l'.y gaining round after round of npplauso the orator climbs tho I ud der of fame. lied Cross Unll lUue :s tho finest product of Its kind In the world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows this statement to ho true. Advertise ment. Criticism, llko charity, kuchIc: begin nt home. BABIES CRY FOR "CAST0R1A" Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother I Fletcher's Cnstorln has been In use for over .10 years as n plcnsnnt, hnrmless for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops nnd Soothing Syrupfl. Contains no narcst Ics. Proven directions nre on each package. Physicians recommend 1L The genuine bcnrB slgnnturo of There's a Difference. Most people like candor applied to everybody and everything except iiiein selves and their affairs. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years dniftRints hnvo watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swarap-Root, the great kidney, liver nnd bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Rot is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidncjH, liver and bind der do tho work naturo intended they should do. Swamp-Root haR stood the test of years. It is sold by nil drupgists on its merit nnd it should help you. No other kidney medi cine has so many friends. He suro to get Swamp-Root nnd start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great prrpnrartion send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Ilinghnmton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and meation this paper. Advertisement. Temptation never falls to come t thoso who wait Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see tho name "Unyer" a pnekngo or on tnblets you aro not get ting tho genuine Bayer product pre scribed by pbyBlclans over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Golds IlendachQ Toothacho Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Buyer Tnblets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 21 nnd 100. Aspirin Is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononcetlcacldcatcr of Sallcyllcncld. Advertisement. A mnn who never mndo n fool of himself Is unable to apprcclato humnm sympathy. V H "feast Foam Every girl should learn how to make good bread. It should be the foundation of her home cookery training. Send for free booklet "The Art of Baking Bread" ffrcam .. - ' ' "' ,if . Sl7A Tar iTjWv- Ss. WOMEN FM FORTY TO FIFTY Will Be Interested ia Mr3.Hookcr's Recovery by Ike of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound St.rntil.Minn. "Iwascoinffthroueh the ChunRO of Life nnd suffered from a run-down condition nnd tho troubloa a woman lias to ro through ntthat tlmo, hot tlushcu, nervous ncss and hondaches. At times I was not nblo to do my work, but since taking; Lydia E. Pinkhnnva VcBotnblo Com pound I am gaining; .everyday and can do mv work with more easo than I hnvo for five or six yonxa, I owo it nil to your prcat medicine."- Martha IIookeii, 114 College Avenuo, BL Pnul, Minn. When women who nre between tha ngcsof forty-five nnd flfty-fivo orobesoi with ouch annoying symptoms as ncr vousness, irritability, melancholia an heat flashes, which produce headache, dizziness, or a sensoof sufTocation.thcy should take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vogo tablo Compound. It is especially adapted to help women through, this crisis. It is prepared from roots nnd herbs and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. Write, in T.vrlin V. Pinkhnm Moriirlnn 'Co., Lynn, Massachusetts, for a fro copy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Privato Text-Book upon "Ailmcntu Peculiar U Women." . a There to Stay. Two aunts hud come to visit nt Esther's home nt different times this summer, nnd each brought a smnll bnby. Esther's surprise and chagrin was great when they left, taking their lmbles away again. Then one day 11 new baby sister came to Esther's house. When they told her the news she hurried over to our house nnd an nounced : "We've got a real stay baby now, 'cause this one vus horned to us." Describing It. "What kind of 11 place Is your neigh boring hamlet of Slapdaddle?" Inquired u recently arrived guest. "Well, I'll Just tell you," replicsl tho landlord of the tavern at Grudge. "That outfit of tarraplns aro so far behind that they are Just now taking up the roller skating craze for the first time." Kansas City Star. EASY TO USE J2U POLISHES liquids or Pastes AUltopiifcwrSK&des PARKER'S HAIR riAI !AM ItoiBOYMDuianin-RtftptlUlrraUlaJ 1 Damva& r.iu AKj BMtrty lo Cray and Faded HaM nmrnx Oirm. VtktL Htf horur, W.TJ HiNDERcoRNs JaoH. tc. itAp all rain, n RmoTH CVmit. ft trtt, snake waiting run, ltd. tr mall or at Drue- V I I kin cuta, uueoxmamiaai woraa, IIOVH AND (illtLS MAKK 3.0 Sell 30 bottle perfume, 10 cunts eaoh. Bend name nnd uilOrenK. No munny PACIFIC CO., 342 Mimon. HAN KRANCISCO. CALIV. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 33-1923. Small Town Bright Lights. The 100 per cent electrically lighted town of the United States Is Johns town, Colo., according to 15. A. Thomp son, manager of tho Fort Lupton Light and Power company, that supplies the current. Every home In town Is wired for electric lights and with few excep tlons all these lights are used. f Of the Vikings' Brood. He Yes, I suppose tho sen must be In my blood. You see my grnnfnther was vice president of a marine Insur ance company. Harper's Magazine. Their Busy Season. Townley Hello, old man; thing hutninlng out your wny? Hubbubs Yes, mosquitoes. A lot of worry comes to thoso wha wait. makes good bread Northwestern Yeast Cov 1730 North Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111. mm 1 1 HLWLV i . ' -Jt'tVAJUyC f - -t!f- awHttwggawfc