The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1923, Image 5

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Karl Spenco of Franklin wns in the
city Saturday.
CliRS. Liiiflloy was down from Or-'l
loan tin's week
Lew Man was n passenger to Hast
bigs' TuoMlav morning.
Lee Walker was in Hastings Tues
day attending the fair.
Joo Pizer went to Hastings Mon
day morning on train 4.
Only two mo'.o weeks and the fall
term of school will open.
Harry Deidrieh was a passenger to
Hasting? Thursday rooming.
Attorney A. M. Walters wns down
from Blue Hill Wednesday.
Carl Allen has accepted a position
with the Monte Cristo Care.
Miss Minnie Christian was a pas
senger to Hastings Monday morning
N. P. Phillips was in Franklin last
week where he was on the police
Smith Bros. & Copley and Ogleyio
Bros, linve installed new Deep Rock
gas pumps.
Oliver Powell and Art Gilbert were
attending the County Fair at Hast
ings Tuesday.
Rev. Jno. A. Borons ar.d D. Fitz
gerald were passengers to Superior
Saturday morning.
Don't fail to see the Mansor.s vs
Odd Fellows ball game this evening
as it will be a thriller.
Mis. Laird Potter went to Hardy
Friday morning for a couple of days
visit with her parents.
Frank Sibcrt wont to Kansna City
Sunday morning in charge of a
stock shipment fiom here.
Morton Smith went to Omaha Mon
day morning to spend a few days at
tending to business matters.
Lynn Bush went to Cambridge Sun
day morning on train 15 after a short
visit hero with his parents.
Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hastings
came in Thursday evening to spend a
few days visiting with friends.
Giestcr Roberts is visiting in Fair
bury with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W H. Roberts, for a few days.
Horace Brown of Delano, Cali
fornia, arrived in the city last Thurs
day to spend a couple of weeks.
Mrs. John Day of Orleans has been
here for the past few days visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Rhoda Foss of Beaver City ar
rived here Sunday morning to spend
a few days visiting with Miss Thelma
Miss Gladys Yost was a passenger
to Lincoln Monday morning where
she will spend a few days visiting
with friends.
Mrs E. M. Card went to Superior
Friday morning on train 16 where she
will spend a lew days visiting with
her daughter.
Mrs.'G. A. Shultz and children
left for McCook Friday wjiere they
will spend a couple of weeks visiting
with relatives.
Coming to Red Cloud, November 8,
9 and 10th, Hell's Hnlf Acre the
American Legion Carnival bigger,
better than ever.
Mrs. J. A. Burden returned homo
Sunday morning nfter spending the
past few days in St. Joe attending
to business matters.
Sarah Leidebrandt was a passenger
to Maitland, Missouri, Friday morn
ing where she will spend a couple of
weeks with relatives.
Miss Myra Cook arrived here from
Omaha Thursday evening to spend a
couple of weeks visiting with her
father, Dr. H. Cook.
.Mrs. Jessie Hamilton returned
home Sunday morning from Franklin
where she has been spending the past
few days witli friends.
Wo arc now prepared to give reason,
able terms on both Now nnd Used Cars
payable monthly or In ft lump sum,
Oglevle Bros. .
Mr. ai.d Mr Je Crow of Republ -can
Civ- we.c i 1 t r city Monday e -unite
to Hasti-1;-, wheie hc will tin- '
um'cvgo an oper .tio.i I
FARM WANTED Wanted to hear
fioni owner of immoved or unim-
cd farm for sale, in this vicinity. L.
Jones, Box GOT, Olncy, 111.
Miss Edith Zeiss returned home Fri
day from Ft. Collins. Colorado, where
she has been spending the past couple
of weeks visiting with frleiu:s.
A ball tournament will be held at
Guide Rock commencing Friday after
noon and ending Sunday afternoon,
when all four teams will play.
Mrs. R. 15. Eustis and two children
of Bcllaire, Kansas, were passengers
from here to Salem Tuesday morning.
They (hove here from Bc'lalre.
Mrs. E F. Bennett and sou return
ed home Friday evening from Friord
where she has been for the past ten
days visiting with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs.. Paul .Polnickv and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith returned
home Sunday evening from Crete
where they spent a week'r. outing.
E. F. Bennett returned home Fri
day evening from Chicago where he"
went the first of Inst week to buy his
Christmas stock for the holiday trade.
A largo number from ticic witness
ed the Smith Center vs Red Cloud ball
game at Franklin Sunday afternoon.
Smith Center won by a score of 0 to G
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley cf Kenosha,
Wisconsin, who have been spending
a few days hero at the Lctson home,
returned home on No. 1G Tuesday
morning They have been spending
the past few weeks in different Colo
rado cities.
Three carloads of hogs were ship
ped from hero to the Kansas City
market Sunday morning. The stock
run thiough hero Sunday consitcd of
seventy four cars for the Missouri
river markets. They were handled in
two trains.
Chas. Bourne, who has been bruke
man on the Hastings-Red Cloud pas
scr.gor for the past several months
is laying off for a few days visit
with his wife in Hastings Durintr
his absence Brakcman Carr of Mc
Cook is on this run.
W. A. Romjuc returned home Wed
ncsday morning from Texas where he
has been for the past few days buy
ing several cars of stock cattle which
will be fattened on his farm this win
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Esmond left
for Brush, Colorado, Friday evening
for a short visit with her parents be
fore going to Scottsbluff where he
will join the Arington Stock Com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hatfield and Mr.
and Mrs. Herald Gilbert, who have
been visiting for the past week with
Mr. Hatfield's brother, Curt, in Con
cordia, Kansas, returned home Fri
day evening.
The Smith Coiwity Fair Roosters
and the Smith Ocnter kid band was in
town Wednesday advertising" their
fair which will be held t:ic last week
of this month. While here the band
rendered a few selections.
Fred Temple returned to bis home
in Kansas City Sunday morning after
spending the past few days here and
in Inavale attending to matters in
connection with his work with the
Wilson Egan Sanders L. S. Com. Co.
This Country Has Three of the Four
That Arc Certainly Known
to Exist.
There are only four "fossil forests"
areas In the world, three of which are
In the United States, the other being
near Cairo, Etrypt. Of the fossil for
ests In the I'lilted States, one Is near
Callstoga, Cnl., several extensive for
ests are In the i'etrllled Forest Nn
tlonnl monument. Arizona, and the
others are those In Yellowstone Nn
tlonnl park.
Though the whole history of the
process of fosslllzatlon Is not fully un
derstood, It H probably dependent
upon entombment of the tree In iiki
tcrltils saturated with water cnntnlnliu
n considerable amount of silica In sola
tlon. This slllca-chargeil water wnv
drawn up Into the wood by cnplllarltN
the silica being deposited In the eel's
and vessels of the woml after the wa
ter evaporated, making nn nceiira'c
east of nil open spaces. Then, while
the slow process of decay went on, as
each particle of organic matter wns re
moved, Its place was taken by the slllea
until flmilly all the wood substance
had disappeared and Its place atom by
atom had been taken by silica.
The forests of the I'etrllled Forest
monument nre geologically much older
than the others; those near Cairo,
Egypt, are believed to be the youngest
The Arizona forests belong probably
to the Trlnssle period. Therefore
these trees may have been burled be
tween 5,000,000 and 15,000,000 years
Belief In Efficacy Originated in Old
Times and Only Comparatively
Recently Was Abandoned.
The red coral of the Mediterranean
sea Is mentioned by some of the ear
liest of the Greek writers. Orpheus of
Thrace mentions It In a poem as a
valuable remedy for the sting of scor
pions and for snake bites, and its mys
tical origin Is described by Ovid. The
myth that the coral is soft In the water
nnd becomes hard when exposed to the
nlr persisted until the Seventeenth cen
tury. It was used in early times by
the Mediterranean races not only as a
Jewel and as an amulet for resisting
fascinations and as an antidote for
the stings of scorpions, but, nccordlng
to Dlosorldes, It was used as a medi
cine for the spitting of blood and for
Red coral, powdered and burnt, was
regarded as a very valuable drug for
almost every kind of disease during
the Seventeenth century, and It re
mained in the British Pharmacopoeia
until the end of the Eighteenth cen
tiry, and was still sold In chemist shops
as late as 1812.
Ended Critical Situation.
In front of the only vacant scat on
the early morning subwuy reposed a
small handbag and u suitcase, the
latter pressing Itself against the knees
'of a male passenger who occupied the
next seat. Another man entered the
car and sat down, and as the owner
of the luggage made no attempt to re
move it the newcomer was obligedto
sit with It under his knees.
He looked uncomfortable and turned
with an Inquiring look to the man be
side him, who seemed oblivious to the
glances directed at him.
, At last he could stand It no longer
and again turned to his neighbor.
"Hang it, man!" he exclaimed, "if
you must tnke suitcases into the sub
way you might at least keep them
under your own seat!"
The other was about to reply, when
the train drew Into tlio Times Square
station. A woman passenger on the
left of the uncomfortable one arose
and, smiling, stooped down.
"Pnrdon me," she said, "I'm getting
1 off here and those bags are mine."
New York Sun.
Keating Car Wheel Tires.
For heating railroad car wheel tires
before mounting them by the shrink
ing process, an electrical method Is in
use In France In which the tire forms
the secondary of a transformer, being
heated by the Induced current. The
transformer hns two laminated horizon
tal arms, one above the other, connect
ed by a pair of vertical cores. The up
per arm Is pivoted and counterbalanced
so thnt It can be swung around to per
mit the introduction of the tire. It Is
then swung back, putting the trans
former Into operative position.
Any woman can make any man do
anything, If she can only persunde him
that ho Is doing something really dash
ing nnd daredevil. Rut I admit It
does take a clever woman to persuade
11 man thnt there Is something dusking
and dnre-dovlllsb In attending n vil
lage church.
I never had the bump of nmbltloa.
As long as n woman loves her hus
band, nnd hns enough to eat, I can't
see thnt It matters In what order she
walks out of a drawing room. From
"The Lower Pool," by Ellen Thorney
croft Fowler.
To Mako Floor Wax.
A good floor wax Is made by melt
ing a scant half-pound of beeswax, set
In a pan of hot water. Add gradually,
stirring well, a qunrt of turpentlnv, and
when mixed, a half-cupful of ummonla.
Cover closely the saucepan containing
It and set outer vefwcl of hot water at
the back of the stove to heat It for ten
minutes. Apply warm with a piece of
flannel and polish with a. rough floth.
533 5&gS3K CBSSE cgSJZriSga ft) czmm:z-',v?, &Kmvrrn g,3rsgra?ra
Have a Large Line in the
.Itir Chaplin was down from Cowles
I.OhT 920 Hill in the business dis
trict of Bed Cloud. Aumist 1st. Kind
er let urn to this ofllce mid receive re
wind. NOTICE: On mid after this date we
will discontinue giving S. A. II Green
Trailing Stamps Johnson .v Graham
r'urnituio stori.
Dr. Warrick will meet patients and
those needing glasses at l)r Damerolls
Monday, August '27. Hours to i.
Next visit October.
Mrs. E. Albright of Omaha arrived
hero Wednesday evening to spend a
few days visiting at the riomc of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Albright and with
James Mefford and Mrs. Eliza
Moranvillc, both of Red Cloud, wore
married last week at Council Bluffs",
Iowa. They returned to this city
A large number from here have
been attending the Adams County
Fair at Hastings this week. They
all report that the fair was an excep
tional good one.
Miss Margaret Dickson, who has
been here for the past three weeks
visiting with her father, Ed Dickson,
returned to her work in Kansas City
Friday morning.
John Clnuson, who is running the
coal shtd for the Burlington at Horn
dori, Kansas, spent Sunday hero with
his family, returning to Hcrndon
Monday morning.
Supt. M. F. MacLarcn of McCook
spent a short time hero Wednesday
afternoon attending to Burlington
business matters going to McCook on
No. 17 that evening.
One carload of hogs were shipped
from hero to the Kansas City market
Tuesday morning, one carloud of cat
tle to Kansas City nnd one carload
of mules to St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cox of Atlanta,
Georgia, who have been here for the
rmst counle of weeks visitincr with
his mother, Mrs. C. C. Cox, intend
returning home Thursday.
Mrs. L. Snow nnd son arrived here
from McCook Wednesday morning to
spend n couple of days with her hu.'i
band. Mr. Snow is engineer on the
Red Cloud-Hastings passenger.
Mrs. John Marshall and daughters,
Evelyn and Virginia, returned to their
home in McCook Saturday morning
nfter spending the past week hero vis
iting at the N. B. Bush home.
Mrs. John Harrison and children,
who have been here for the past
week visiting with her brother, Bay
Nelson and family, returned to their .
homo in McCook Saturday morning.
v 1, nuill 11 1,111 III 11111 I wuiv, j-iuitnii'-t, 1
a nig. SI10 saved enough on this rug i
to buy a nice rocker. She li goliiK to
sed her friends in to buy their rugs.
Johnson it Graham Furniture Co., I
Red Cloud, Ntbr. '.".' I
Ur.. . 1.1 ., 1.. .1.. I., 1, ...... -!!. l.'n.,onn
Now that warm weather is
here you will need
If you prefer the Piece Goods we have
few TC-&" "',i,?"'V A 'tfv s ffl'JPH
The greatest live stock show of tho
middlo west will bo staged at tho
coining Nqbraska Stato Fair, Sept. 2
to 7th Inclusive. Barns will bo full
of Just Buch wonderful BpeclmenB as
U pictured above. -We know you do
Yes, wo grow them big in Nebras-
ka just as big as they do anywhere.
Nebraska's swlno show alono la
A Shorthorn and a Horoford two
yenr obi helferc typical of tho strict-
I Iy beef type. It 1 not so mutciM
I Juht what breed of animals you are
raising mil 11 it umicnui mui iiijj
should be pure bred and como trjm
real producing ancestors. This way
TheTouniFairwill bo
t l 7ri.".'0JSviVl T JWwrC.-C9".WB.EtHrT ' MflJ"WIfyTil IJk.jWaa
WJfJWwif WwWmKWfmSVFm . K Jt?w h ' & tHk&vC'
Ttf VvftVJru,wI-wM;rr? iwi.r .
.r!.v"iws.'Tyi jxffLiTcwi -j-rja wjj'9iF,ix- ? i-1"
All Kinds
not want to rulsa this opportunity of
Boeing Nebraska on display bo all
arrangements are being completed
for your visit to Lincoln tho first
week In September. . 1
worth a trip to (ho Nebraska Statt
Fair which will be, held' at Lincoln,
Sdritember 2 to 7th.
yv -,r
ftKteW WvI7voiM(
Ht . Mi
it, Is possible to turn a loss Into a
profit. An annual visit to the State
Fall at Lincoln, September 2 to 7th
Inclusive will bo u real education to
you. csneclally 1' you are desirous ot
keeping abiea.-t 01 1 m piogicss that
our agricultural and live stock Indus
try Is making. - j j
Held atBJaaeli Next Week
&-.- Itan w
unt "i'icwwnipisjasaawfwyjii'OTS