The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1923, Image 3

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! v
If You Need a Mediclna
You Should llavo the Best
,Vc. J"ou ever stopped to reason why
It is that bo many products that nro ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain-tho article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that Iibb real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
nn endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited to those who are in need of it.
A prominent dnipgist says, "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, a
preparation I have sold for many years
knd never hesitate to recommend, for in
inmost every case it shows excellent re
cults, ns many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements nnd
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root) is due to the fact,
to many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid
which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Bwamp-Root by parcel post. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y., and
enclose ten cents; also mention this paper.
Large nnd medium size bottles for sale at
!1 drug stores. Advertisement.
Magnetic Alloys.
It Is generally understood that the
only substances thnt are magnetic, or
may be magnetled, are a certain nat
ural magnet, called lodestonc. and
Iron. There are certain mnngnnese
alloys, however, which are nmpnetic,
called the Heusler alloys so named
after their discoverer, Doctor IIouMer.
They are composed of copper, man
puH'-e and aluminum and are remark
able for the fact that in certain pro
portions they are magnetic, although
the component metals are not mag
netic. Doctor Heusler made the dis
covery by accident. He was turning
n metal allov containing manganese
in a lathe, when he noticed that the
turnings adhered to the tool.
FOR "01
Especially Prepared for Infants
- and Children of All Ages
Mother! Fletcher's Oastorla has
been in use for over 30 years to relievo
babies nnd children of Constipation,
Flntulency, "Wind Colic nnd Diarrhea;
allaying Fevcrishness arising there
from, nnd, by regulntlng the Stomach
nnd Dowels, aids the assimilation of
Food ; giving natural sleep without
opiates. The genuine bears slgnnture
Bush, but No Wine.
"Why do you keep cultivating that
big mint patch by the roadside?"
"A lot of people," replied the keeper
of the wayside restaurant, "smell It,
look hopeful and then turn In. Of
course, after making a few cautious
Inquiries they feel under obligations
to order buttermilk or something. I'm
using that mint ns a decoy."
A miser Is loved by his neighbors as
mice love n cat.
Grateful for Health Restored
by Lydia EL Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Chicago. 111." I am willing to write
to any girl or woman who is suffering
trom the troubles i
had before I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound. My back al
ways ached, bo I
could not go about
my housework, and I
bad other troubles
from weakness. I
was this was; for
years, thenmysister-in-law
took the Veg
etable Compound
and recommended it to me.In the time I
have been taking it and it has done won
ders for me. I keep house and am able to
do lots of work besides." Mrs. Helen
Sevcik, 2711 Thomas St, Chicago, 111.
Women suffering from female trou
bles causing backache, irregularities,
pains, bearing-down feelings and weak
ness should take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Not only is tho
worm ot tms spienaia meuicine snown
by such cases as this, but for nearly fifty
years this same sort of experience has
Lcen reported by thousands of women.
Mrs. Sevcik is willing to write to any
girl or woman suffering from such
troubles, and answer any questions they
may like to ask.
Don't Hide Them Vith a Veil; Remove
Them With Othine-Double Strength
Thl preparation for the treatment of
freckles Is usually so successful In removing
freckles ami giving iv clear, beautiful com
plexion that It Is sold under guaranteo to
refund the money if it falls.
' Don't lildo your freckles under veil;
art an ounce of Otlilnn and remove them.
Kvcn tho first few applications should show
a wonderful improvement, some of the
lighter freckles vanishing entirely.
no sure to ask the druggist for tfct
double-id reneth Othlne; it Is this that is
sold on the money-back guarantee.
(Copy for This tffpnrtmeat Supplied hi
the American T.oglnn News Service.)
Iowa Veterano Do Not Recklessly
Squander Allowance, a3 Had
Been Predlctod.
Iowa's veterans who received tho
itnte bonus are, contrary to expecta
tion of some persons, placing tho
aioney In savings accounts, using It
for the payment of debts nnd for tho
extension of business. It had been free
ly predicted by a certain element un
favorable to payment of such coinpen
intlon that the money would be squan
dered In reckleos fashion.
Newspaper reports from nil sections
)f the state tell of the receipt of the
vurrants by the former soldiers, and
fvhnt they expected to do with the ,
aioney. i
Iowa business houses have conduct-'
Ed wide advertising campaigns, sug- (
posting to the former soldiers uses that
might bo mndo of the compensation
money. According to word from vari
ous parts of the state, the savings
banks profited most from this cam
palpi. Karl Hrowulle, an American Legion
member of Davenpoit, In., who received '
the llrst warrant, put It In a savings
bank to draw Interest. Harlem Wyntt
of Des Moines, tfhvt to receive n check
In that city, told repot ters that his
check was going to make the last pay
ment on a HttJe home. Another vet-'
eran said that his plumber was wait
ing In his business place for the check
when it came by Still another
"vet," appreciative of bow ho obtained
the money, said to ropoitors: "I'lvedol-'
lars of my check goes to Join the
American Legion and the rest to the
Interesting facts in regard to the
payment of compensation In the state
were developed. Mere tb'in l.'O appli
cations In the state were not signed by
the soldiers becaiive they were unable
to write. Instead, tho llnger-prlnt
method was used. When the warrants
were cashed the finger-i-Tlnts were on
the backs of the checks. Two hundred ,
and llfty nurses will receive checks Tor
service In the World war.
A tendency on the part of Iowa vet
erans to take advantage of the Insur
ance offered by the government is
noted by American Legion olllclnls. A
survey of records of or.o post showed i
about CO per cent of tho men receiving
compensation relnstat"d their govern
ment Insurance. Nonily SlfiO.tMX) In
policies was reinstated in one day, ac
cording to olllchilH of tMs post.
The Iowa law allowa W) cents per
day, with a maximum of ?:1TO. All
claims of conscientious objectors have '
been set nslde until after all other men I
have received their pay, when their
claims will be considered.
Afflicted Ex-Service Man Tells of Com- '
radeshlp Displayed by Indiana i
World Warriors.
The spirit of comradeship among for
mer soldiers of the United States Is j
deepened, rather than diminished by j
time, nccordlng to evidences of friend- i
ly aid nnd help for veterans temporar- j
Uy In need. This is particularly true j
among organizations composed of
World war lighters, such as the Amerl-
can Legion. i
Many striking examples of this com
rndeshlp come to the attention of nn
ttonnl otllcers of the organization. A
splendid example was noted In a recent
letter to Legion ofllclals concerning
friendly nets of an Indiana post townrd
n slr-lr romrade,
Written liv H. L. Rogers, n veteran j was oiitameu rrom tne iionseveit .mo
nf ltntierv E. Fifth Held artillery, the niorlal association, which Is gathering
letter tells how he was taken sick ns
he passod through Lebanon, Ind., with
his wife. After reaching n hotel there
Rogers was told that he was threat
ened with pneumonia, and his limited
resources were a source of worry.
"That afternoon," Rogers' letter
says, "the adjutant of the locnl post of
the Amerlcnn Legion enmo to the hotel
and made mo feel I wns among friends,
promising that my comfort would be
looked out for. The next morning I
awoke to see n bouquet of carnations
In my room. In the afternoon the post
commander cnino to see me, and In him
I met another line fellow.
"I was sick for n week. Although
food wasn't much It left me broke, mill
when the finance officer made me ad
mit It he brought n ?10 bill for meals.
When I was strong enough to wnlk
about I decided to go to Chicago. The
American Legion gave me car fare, the
adjutant guaranteed my hotel bill nnd
a member of the post took us to the
train in his cnr.
"What do you think of a bunch of
fellows like that? Do you think they
would bo Just ns regulnr sports If they
weren't Legion men? I confess I don't
know, but I think these buddies have
caught the one big IJlea of tho founders
of the American Legion. . . .
"In conclusion, let me say that I
navo learned what tho emblem of the
Legion stnnds for, that I tako Increased
pride In being permitted to wear It,
nnd that, a4 time goes on, I hope my
.gratitude never lessens to fno 'greatest
xlend of the ex-buddy.' "
Facsimile of Former President' Pjr-
sonal Mcssane to Men In Trnchet
la Sent Out.
A copy of the only personal messaga
ever prepared by fonner President
Theodore Roosevelt for American sol
diers In France, written on the day he
was apprised of tho death of his son,
Quentin, has been sent to every post of
the American Legion, to the form of n
specially prepared facsimile of tho
original message. This letter was pre
pared for the soldiers of America and
was to be conveyed to them by Cass
Connaway of Duffalo, N. Y., who was
unable to deliver the words of Roose
velt because of war duties.
Through the 11,000 posts of the
American Legion Mr. Connaway line
been able to complete distribution of
the message, and It will be framed in
Leglmi homes, presented to libraries
and museums, that all Americans mny
read of the feelings of n lighter to tho
lighting men of America.
Connaway was an attorney In Indian
npolls before the war. Ills two sons
enlisted, and his wife took up lied
Cross work. When he found he was
the only one of the family not in serv
ice he closed his office nnd volunteered
ns n "Y" hut secretary, unable to enter
the army on account of his age.
Defore he was ordered to France,
Connaway conceived the idea of carry
ing a message to the Hoosler boys nt
the front, telling them of how they
would be welcomed on their return to
the United States. fJov. .Tames 1'.
Goodrich of Indiana prepared a splen
did message, as did l'.ooth Tarklngton.
Meredith Nicholson, Ceorge Ade and
other well-known Indlanatis. Then
Connaway enlarged en his original Idea
and wrote to the governors of every
state for similar words to the men of
their commonwealths In the trenches of
France. All respon-'ed, and to these
were added a tribute, penned In long
hand, by Cardinal rs:i,bxis.
(in .Inly 1.", 1019, Mr. Connaway sub
mitted bis plan to former President
Roosevelt. The dav following, Quentin,
his son, was killed ns ho flew over tho
i German lines, word being received In
America July 17 of the death of tha
, young nvlator.
Connaway sailed for France and
fchnrtly nfter landing was assigned to
duties with the legal division of the Y.
1 M. C. A. He was unable to send the
i message direct to the men nt the front,
but succeeded In having It printed In
1 the I'arls edition of the London Dally
Times, though few of the fighters were
I privileged to see It. Continued duties
j with the "Y" ns chief of the claims til
, vision, Judge advocate and chief of tho
' legal division held up delivery of the
I niessnge. Connaway then returned to
the United States and was separated
from the service to become managing
director of the Buffalo real estate
Still feeling his obligation for deliv
ery of the words from Mp. Roosevelt,
Connnway sought permission from
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., now assistant
secretary of the navy, for authority to
Issue the letter. Further ecnnlsslon
mementoes for presentation at Roose
velt house In Now York city, the birth
place of the president, nnd where the
original of the message will be plnccd.
Identlcnl copies of the statement to
the troops were prepared. Then the
Amerlcnn Legion was nppealed to as
being the best means for distribution
of the message and It went forward
through the various posts of the or
ganization. The message follows:
"To the Soldiers of the American
Expeditionary Forces Overseas:
"I send my heartfelt greetings to
yon men at the front. You have
made all nf us who stay behind lift
our heads high with pride by whnt
you are doing. It Is you men,
and only you men, who are doing
one vital work for the American
people today. All good Americans
at this time owe homage to the
lighting men at the lighting front.
What you are doing Is vHal for the
honor and tho interest, for the fu
ture welfare, nnd for the very ex
istence, of our republic; and you
nro also battling for the liberty of
every well-behaved civilized na
tion, big or little.
"I congratulate you on the grent
good fortune that la yours In that
you now have the chance to en
dure hardship and peril for a grout
Ideal and to render to our country
tho greatest of all service. I would
give anything to be over with you.
"Faithfully youB,
"'juunnouE uooskvrt.t
Necessary Tools
for Repair Shop
Important to Have Solid
Bench to Use Tools to
Farm ninehtnery can often be re
aired at homo and made to do for
fcevernl seasons, nils would seem to
be the thing to do under present eco
nomic conditions, rather than to make
new purchases of expenslvo equip
ment A good solid bench Is necessary'
If tools are to bo used to advantage.
Where the farmer desires to do most
of the woodwork aud blncksmlthlng
It will be necessary to add a forge,
dies, tongs, etc.
List of Tools.
Tho following list Includes tho tools
without which It Is not economical to
carry on a quurtcr section farm, say
agricultural engineering division men
at University funn:
Machinist's vise, 4 Inch.
Vlso screw, 1& Inch.
Anvil, cast Iron or pleco of railroad,
70 pound.
Saw vise, 10 Inch.
Framing square, 10 Inch x 24 Inch.
Marking gunge, 8 Inch.
Dividers. 0 Inch.
Rule, '2 foot.
Level. 20 Inch.
Hand miw, 20 Inch, 8 points.
IUp saw. 28 Inch, 5& points.
Illicit taw.
Files: Flat bastard, 12 Inch; mill,
10 Inch ; round bastnrd, 10 Inch ;
round, 0 Inch ; slim taper, 0 Inch ; slim
taper, 5 Inch; half round, wood, 10
Post drill.
Hrnce. 10 Inch.
Blacksmith drills. ifc Inch shank),
. Inch ft-Hl Incli n' m., ,i U. innii
lilt stock drills. U Inch, 5-10 Inch,
Inch and 4 Inch.
Auger bit. U Inch, Inch, Inch,
Inch and -i inch.
Hxpansho bit, Va Inch, I) Inch.
Gimlets. Xos. !, 5, 0, and 7.
Jack plane, 15 Inch.
Chisels: Cold. Inch and ?; inch;
socket llnnor, Inch and l'.fc inch.
Draw knife, 8 Inch.
Hummers: Nail, li pound; black-
I Fiiilth cross peln, !,. pound.
.Mallet, mortised handle.
Punches: Center, Inch x 4 Inch;
solid, Vi inch, 5-10 Inch, and 7-10
Inch; revolving belt, 4 tube.
Wrenches: Knife hnndled monkey,
12 inch; pipe. 14 Inch; crescent, 0
Inch; crescent, 10 Inch.
Double end engineers': Cnp screw,
M and TelO Inch ; nut C-10 nnd "! Inch ;
nut, 7-10 and Inch; nut, 0-10 nnd
1 ;k Inch.
Pliers, slip Joint, 0 Inch.
Screwdrivers, Uurwood, 3 Inch and
0 inch.
Wrecking bar, SO inch.
Oilstone. India combination 1x2x7
Oiler nnd oil cnn.
Tinners' snips (smnll).
Soldering copper, Vi pounds
Riveting machine for tubular rivets.
Cut Alfalfa When New
Shoots Begin to Appear
"Under average weather conditions
alfalfa should be cut when the new
shoots begin to appear nt the crown,"
says A. C. Amy of tho farm crops sec
tion, University fnrm. "These shoots
are yellowish white In color and may
be easily seen at the base of the al
falfa plant If tho weather lias been
very dry for a time previous to Uio
date tho crop would usunlly bo cut,
the appearance of these new shoots
will be delayed more than the devel
opment of the crop itself. Under such
conditions It Is well to watch the stago
of blossom and cut when approximately
one-tenth of tho flowers have appeared.
Delay In cutting the first or second
crop makes the subsequent crops cut
the same year later. Alfalfa may bo
harrowed with a spring tooth hnrrow
or other similar implement Immediate
ly nfter tho first or second crop has
been removed. This hnrrowlng aids
In keeping down grasses that ruin Uhj
stands of alfalfa.
Mulching Tomatoes Most
Excellent as Substitute
"Where your tomatoes are not to bo
thoroughly cultivated, mulching Is n
good substitute," says D. a Mooring,
extension horticulturist, Oklahoma A.
and JL college. "It consists merely
of adding a layer of throa or four
Inches of straw over tho uround be
tween and around tho tomato plants.
This mulch will prevent the growth of
grass and weeds, holds the tomatoes
up off tho dirt to prevent rot and nt
the same time keeps the food conditions
more nearly normal and In this way
tends to prevent tho stem end rot,
which Is quite common whore there aro
abrupt changes In weather conditions.
This mulch will also enable you to get
around over tho ground to better ad
vantage In case of wet wenth'er."
United States Now Ranks
Eighth as Dairy Country
Did you know that tho United
States ranks eighth ns a dairy coun
try? Denmark, Germany, Canada,
Norway, Groat Uritnin, Switzerland
and Netherlands nil show higher aver
ages per cow than this couutry. Ho
tween October 5 and 13 dairymen from
all over the world aro going to meet
nt tho National Dairy show, Syracuse,
N. Y., nnd try to find out tho reason
for this by compnrlng notes.
Scale House on Farm
Easily Constructed
Structure Large Enough to
Serve as Business Oflice.
A scale on the farm has lnnumerv.
able uses. It Is n check on production
and guarantee of fair weight and Indi
cates that tho furmer who possesses
ono runs his farm on n business basis.
Tho platform of the scale Is con
structed so sturdily that tt does not
A Business Farmer1 Scale House.
deteriorate rapidly, but the scale
beams are much more delicately built
and should be carefully protected.
A very commendable method of
protection Is shown on the accom
panying photograph where a mono
lithic concrete Mructuro was erected
around the scale box. The structure
Is really large enough to serve as a
business olllco for the farmer and It
will afford secure housing for his
Such r house as this can be easily
constructed by anyone who has ordi
nary skill. The walls are cast In
forms which are built up of smooth
boards strongly braced. The roof also
Is made of reinforced concrete. The
walls should be made 0 Inches thick,
but reinforced with -lnch rods nt fl
inch Internals both crosswise and
lengthwise. Any roughness or Inac
curacies In the wall surface may be
rrtmoved by applying a coat of cement
Valnt made by mixing cement In water
to the consistency of cream or a brick
or carborundum block can be used to
rub down the surface, before It has
dried entirely.
Disinfectants to Kill
Lice on Cows and Calves
A good method of getting rid ot
lieu on cows nnd calves Is to get m
good scrub brush and then prepare a
solution of one of tho coal tar disin
fectants or sheep dips. Creolln Is good
and It should be added to warm water
until the solution Is quite milky. Rub
this solution In with the brush, taking
particular pnlns to get It on the nf
fectcd parts. A sprayer can be used
but Is not as effective as n brush. The
work had best bo done on a warm,
sunny day In order to prevent chilling
or cntchlng colli. Another good remedy
Is to rub on back of the horns and
ears, where tho nnlmals cannot lick
It, a small quantity of mcrcurlul oint
ment. Caro should be taken not to
use too large n qunntlty of this prep
aration, as It may be absorbed by the
system nnd salivate the animal treated.
It will bo Impossible to get rid of
tho llco if tho quarters where they
are kept nro not treated also. Spray
with n coal tar solution. Redding nnd
refuse removed ought to bo burned
or hauled to a field where nnlmnls will
not coma In contnet with It. After
this Is done scatter Hmo around tho
floors and whitewash the walls and
ceilings, If you caro to go to this
trouble. Unless tho qunrters are
elenned and disinfected there will be
n reinfection of trented animals when
they are put back.
Dairyman Has Problem
in Feeding His Stock
Since sows and cows have becomo
coworkers ns mortgage lifters tho
dairyman has another problem In feed
ing. Ho has tho Job of supplying
plenty of minerals to be used in build
ing tho bony framo of hogs. Salt,
ground limestone, nnd bone meal, equnl
parts, 1b a practical and economical
mineral supplement to keep beforo
hogs, according to animal husbandry
men at the Kansas station. '
Tho cow population of tho United
Suites Is going up. Thero nro 25.C05,
000 milk cows In this country, count
ing tho 24,420,000 on farms and 1,2.10,
000 In towns, nccordlng to tho Depart
ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Fifty gallons of milk per cnpltn were
consumed Inst year. People In tho
cities drank or nte In some form or
other two gallons per capita more than
they did In 1921, but the average was
pulled down because farmer and their
families failed to Increase their con
sumption. Fertile Eggs Cause of
Immense Loss to Farmer
Fertllo eggs cost tho farmers n tre
mendous sum ench year. The roosters
make tho eggs fertllo and tho fertllo
eggs mnko tho blood ring.
This great loss Is shared among tlio
poultry keepers who neglect to pen,
sell or cook tho roostem. Infertile
eggs are quality eggs. They keep
best and market best. Mnny produce
buyers nro offering three cents pro
mlum for them. Swat him hard.
Pr Few, if any, BB
I remedies can equal tho I
value of Pe-ru-na for ca- I
tarrh of the stomach. I
I At this season it is cstN I
mated that every third I
I person is more or lest I
I troubled with this form I
of catarrh I
I i$!'iUk Hitvo the I
IKjjH 5t Prp?r I
Srj' Medicine
Mffi fi 1 in the I
HHEb House I
Hrw Sold I
HjSNjj Everywhere I
IHPfeipwM I
The Great Game.
Wluthrop Allan, the golf champion,
said at a luncheon at Los Angeles i
"Golf Is a very fascinating game. A
lady was talking at a dance to a rich'
Hum's Mm,
"'You've started In to work nt lasr,
haven't youV' she said. 'You go down
town to your father's olllco quite regu
larly now, don't you?'
" 'Yes,' Mild he, 'I do. You see, I be
gan to play golf recently, and I got hv
wrapped up In the game couldnV
sleep for thinking about my stroke, np
nppetlto and all that well, you see,
It's like this, don't you know. I hnil
to take up business to keep my mind
off golf.' "
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor cillclency as
well as promote skin purity, skin com
fort nnd skin health. No mug, no
bllmy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irrb
tat Ion even when shaved twice dally.
One soap for nil uses shaving, bnth
Ing and shnmpoolng. Advertisement.
Ideal Wedding Present. '
"What Is this?" asked Rrown. '
"A wedding present," replied Jones.
"What Is It good for?" Urowu still
"Nothing that I know of. It Is Just
u wedding present." ,
"I don't understand." ;
"It's this way," explained the metv'
chant patiently. "You give It to youf
friend ns n wedding present. Pretty
soon n friend of his gets married. Ho
passes It on, nnd bo It goes. It Is very,
Children's hnndkerchlefs often look
hopeless when they come to the lnun
dry. Wash with good sonp, rlnso In
water blued with Red Cross Ball Blue.
National Park for Poles.
Tho Society of Friends of tho Tatra
mountains, Poland, Is working out a
plan for transforming the mountains
Into a nntlonnl park on the lines of
Yellowstone purk. Scientific Ameri
can. Autol6ts See Face on Rock.
Automobile tourists driving through
Boulder canyon are Impressed with
Chief Nhvot, n huge rock Imngo of a
famous Indian whose camp was located
for yenrs In tho Colorado Rockies.
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
,8ut8lrt NfwTcrt
Vaseline '
Yellow orWhite
. scfaPtti diet oti
S7. fyLUAKJ"'
A . .
i ..- 'At ... t.
- -SUI w