The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1923, Image 6

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Sketch of President
Warren G. Harding's Life
Wuncn Qnmullei Harding, twenty
ninth president of the United States,
uiih born November 2, 1805, on his
grandfather's fanu Just outsldo Uio
vlllago of liloomlng Grovo, In Morrow
county, Ohio, IIo wus descended from
two pioneer American families, hardy
Holland Dutch on the ono sldo nnd lib-erty-lovlng
Scotch on tho other. Ills
father, Dr. Georgo T. Harding, la still
n practicing physician In Murlon,
C despite his advanced age of seven-ty-nlnu
years. His mother wus I'hoebc
Elizabeth Dlckcreon Uaxding.
Mr. Harding wus a self-umdo man In
the best nenso of tho phrase. Ho
worked on his grandfather's farm and
attended tho vlllago school until he
wns fourteen years old, and then he
entered the Ohio Central college at
Iberia. Ho worked his way through
that Institution by cutting corn, paint
ing his neighbors' burns und helping
on tho grudlug of tho roadbed of tho
T. & 0. 0. railroad. Ho also pluycd In
the Tillage band and was editor of the
college paper.
When ho graduated from tho col
lege, Warren went to work In tho vll
lago printing office. At tho tlmo he
was nineteen years old, his father
moved to Marlon with tho family and
there uided Warren financially In gain
ing control of tho Marlon Star, of
which ho was publisher until after ho
ossumtd tho oltlco of president of thu
United Stales. Already he knew how
to set type and to do all the other
duties of n printer, und when tho llno
typo was Introduced ho learned to op
erate that machine. Always he car
ried n3 a pocket piece the printer's
rule he used In tlioso days.
Tho Stur was his Idol nnd he was
very proud of It and of the more than
friendly relations that existed be
tween him and his employees. There
was never a strlko on tho paper, and
about un.iicvU jei..., ago lie Instituted
a proflt-Bhnring plan whereby the em
ployees received dividends that were
paid them In tho form of stock In the
paper. Mr. Harding was Identified
also with the Industries that sprang
up In Marlon as it grow from a town
of 4,000 to n city of more than 80,000.
He was & director In n bank and In
several manufacturing companies, and
wns a trustee of Trinity Baptist
Hla Rise In Politico.
As editor and publisher of a lively
Republican paper It was Inevitable
thnt Mr. Harding should tnko an nc
tlvc Interest In politics, and his tit tain
ments brought him to the front In the
state. Ho wns a member of the Ohio
sennto from 1000 to 100-1, and then
served ns lieutenant governor of the
state. In 1010 he was tho Republican
nomlnoo for governor, but was defeat
ed. In 1015 he was sent to tho United
States sennto, serving until 1020, when
he resigned to mnko tho campaign for
the presidency. In the ureconvontlon
campaign that year ho had been
looked on ns ono of tho possible nomi
nees for tho high olllce, but his defeat
In tho prlmnries for election of dele
gates from Ohio seemed to spoil his
chances. However, tho conservative
loaders of tho Republican party pre
vailed In tho gathering In tho Chicago
Coliseum, and Mr. Harding wns nomi
nated. Ills campaign was based large
ly on opposition to American partici
pation in tho League of Nations, and
was so successful that In tho election
r November 1 ho received '101 elec
toral votes to 127 for James M. Cox,
tho Democratic nominee. Ho wns in
augurated March 4, 1021, with n de
gree of simplicity In the ceremonies
that pleased tho American people.
-- " . v r
Glassed, when In Uio senuto, ou a
conservative, President Harding did
not depart murkedly from conserva
tive lines when In tho Whlto House,
though his supporters always said hu
was as progressiva as tho good of tho
country warranted und ns conditions
permitted. He, like President Roose
velt, hud u great coal miners' strike on
his hunds, and lubored hard nnd with
a meusuro of success to bring It to n
peuceful and Just end.
Arms Limitation Conference.
The outstanding accomplishment of
his administration was the great Inter
national conference for the limitation
of unnamont held In Washington, open
ing on Armistice day, November 11,
1021. At hiB Instigation the confer
ence was authorized by congress und
after feeling out the big powers nnd
dialing them ngreeuhlc he Issued Invi
tations to Great Ilrltaln, France, Bel
gium, Italy, Japan, China, the Neth
erlands and Portugal. Kncli country
sent some of Its most eminent states
men us delegates, thoqo of the United
States being Secretary of Statu
Hughes, chairman of the conference;
Senators Lodge of Massachusetts and
Underwood of Alabama, nnd ex-Sccro-tnry
of State Kllhu Hoot.
Tho conference ndjourned February
0, Vd'2'2, ufter negotiating these
A covenant of limitation to naval
armament between the United States,
Great Britain, France, Japan and Italy.
A treaty between the same powers
as to the use of submarines and nox
Ions' gases In warfare.
A treaty between the United States,
Great Britain, France nnd Japan re
lating to their Insular possessions and
their Insular dominions in the Paclllc,
with a declaration reserving American
rights in mandated territory.
.-ntv between the nine powers In
the coiuerence relating to principles
nnd policies to be followed In matters
concerning Chlnn.
A treaty between tho nine powers
relating to Chinese customs tnrlff. lle
causo France refused to consider the
limitation of land armament at the
present time, that pnrt of the confer
ence fell through. But what It did
achieve was considered n great step
toward tho attainment of world peace.
Tho trentles were soon ratified by the
United States senate and the British
parliament, and tho other nations fol
lowed suit, though for n long time it
wns feared France would not nccept
the pacts. However, President Hard
ing lived to see them ratified by tho
French chamber nnd senate.
Favored Entering World Court.
Mr. Harding had not been lnm? In
the Whlto House before It appeared
that he did not favor entire Isolation
of tho United Stnts from European
affairs, but believed this country
would have to do Its part In the res
toration of Huropo to peace and sta
bility. This feeling beenme more evi
dent early In 102a when ho proposed
that America should accept member
ship in the International Court of Jus
tlco which had been founded under
tho nusplces of the League of Nations
Tho President was as Insistent as ever
that this country should keep out of
the league, but believed the court was
or would bo Independent of the greater
organization. Against tho advice of
some leaders of his party, ho reiterated
this ndvlco on several occasions, and
his plan formed tho Bubject of some
of his addresses on his last nnd fatal
trip through tho West. Ho did not
think it would split his party, and
boldly continued to advocate It. Not
withstanding this, It was assumed to
ba almoit a arUlnty that PrMMenH
Harding would bo renominated In tho'
Republican national convention of
Mr. Harding's homo life was Ideal
savo that ho had no children. Ho and
Mrs. Harding, who was Miss Florenco
Kllng of Marlon, wcro dovoted to each
other und sho wns always his true
helpmate, both In Ohio and In Wash
ington. In the national capital Mrs.
Harding ipilekly mude herself loved
by all with whom she came In contact,
and during the Western trip site wns
nioro agger even than tho President
to meet und mix with all kinds of
Hit Western Trip.
President Harding's Alaska trip wns
originally planned for tho summer of
1022. Ho Inherited the so-called
Mrs. Warren G. Harding.
"Alaska problem." Alnska seemed to
be on tho down grade, with decrease in
population and mining output, threat
ened extinction of the fishing Industry
nnd numerous other unfavorable
symptoms. The situation apparently
culled for the establishment of a defi
nite Alaskan policy. Various pluns
were discussed, Including u transfer of
control to the Interior department
from the score or more of governing
burenus. President Harding's plans
for 1022 came to nnught, but this year
he determined to get first-hand Infor
mation. He was accompanied by Sec
retary Work of the Interior depart
ment, Secretnry Wallace of the Agri
cultural department nnd Secretary
Hoover of the Department of Com
merce, all of whom are Immediately
concerned In the Alaskan situation.
The President left Washington at
the end of June and Journeyed leisure
ly to the Pacific Northwest by speciul
train, mnklng speeches at St. Louis,
Denver, Helenn, Spokane and other
cities. Incidentally he visited two of
the national parks. First he went to
Zlon In Utah, the newest of our na
tional pnrks, which is a many-colored
gorge cut by the Rio Virgin. Next ho
visited Yellowstone In Wyoming, cre
ated In 1872, the first national park In
history and largest and most famous
of the nineteen pnrks of our system.
Here he motored, bonted, fished, fed
the bears and hnd a good time. His
plans nlso Included n visit to Yospmlto
upon his return trip, but that wns
Saw Much of Alaska.
The President celebrated tho Fourth
of July In the United States and then
started for Alnska on tho U. S. trans
port Henderson. His Alaskan trip wns
extensive. He went the length of the
new government railroad and visited
the capital, Juneau, und the principal
On his return trip Mr. Hnrdlng
stopped off nt Vnncouver, creating
precedent In that he was the first
American President to step on Cana
dlan soil.
The President arrived at Seattle
July 27 nnd reviewed from the bridge
of the Henderson n fleet of a dozen or
so battleships under command of Ad
miral II. P. Jones, each of which gave
him tho nntlonnl salute of twentyone
guns. Even then he wns suffering
from the aliment thnt resulted In his
denth, and soon after thnt tho rest of
his trip, which was to Include n return
to tho East via tho Pnnomn canal, was
President Harding mnde n public ad
dress at Seattle, setting forth his views
on the Alaskan situation. Some of his
points were theso:
"Alaska for Alaskans."
"There Is no need of covornninnt.
managed, federally-pald-for hothouse
development . . . there must bo no
reckless sacrificing of resources."
"Alaska Is destined for statehood In
n few yenrs."
"Where there Is possibility of better
ment in federal machinery of admin
istration, Improvement should and will
be eiTected."
Other conclusions presented by Pres
ident Harding wero:
Thnt generous appropriation should
be mnde for road building.
That the federal government should
bo more liberal In encouraging tho
technical, scientific nnd demonstration
work in agriculture.
That restrictions should bo laid on
the fisheries and on tho forests.
That tho development of tho coal
mines must await tlmo and economic
Thnt tho government should retain
ownership and operation of the Alas
kan railroad.
Reading to Nation's Chief at Time
Saw the Change for Worse and
Summons Help
San Francisco. President Harding
tvnB stricken by n stroke of apoplexy,
after having almost won his fight
against broncho-pneumonia nnd other
complications and died within n few
The end came suddenly without
warning while Mrs. Harding sat by his
bedside reading to him. Two nurses
were the only other persons In the
room nnd there was no time for n
Inst word from tho nation's leader
either to his wife or to the republic
he served.
A shudder shook his frame, weaken
ed by seven days of Illness and worn
by a trip of more than 7,500 miles
from Washington to Alnska trd re
turn ns far ns this city, he collopscd
and It was over.
Mrs. Harding Calls for Help
Mrs. Harding only had time to rush
to tho door and call "Find Dr. Boone
and the others (pilck," meaning tho
physicians. Brigadier General Saw
yer, personal physician to tho presi
dent, wns In n nearby room, hut when
ho arrived medical skill wan useless.
Mrs. Harding wns ns bravo and
strong after the end as she had been
to the end. Although nut robust and
still affected by her illness of nearly
a year ago, sho declared she would
not break down and sho did not
break down in the hour of her great
est grief.
Tho chief executive cf tho nation
nnd by virtue of his office nnd person
ality ono of tho world's leading fig
ures, passed away at n time when
his physicians, his family and his
people thought that medical skill hopo
and prayer had won the battle against
Disease Believed to be Conquered
The disease had been conquered,
tho fire was out, but seven days of
silent, though Intense suffering had
left their mark and a stroke of apo
plexy came without an Instnnt's warn
ing and before physicians could be
called, members of1 his party sum
moned, or remedial measures tnken,
ho passed from life's stage after hav
ing for nearly two and a half years
served his nation and for many nioro
years hiB native state of Ohio.
Remains Shipped to Washington
After the simplest private funeral
services in tho presidential suite at
the Palace hotel, where ho took to
his bed a week before, the president's
remnliiB were placed aboard a special
train which left San Francisco for
Washington, D. C.
Leaving San Francisco the funeral
train Is scheduled to run through to
Washington without stops except for
operating purposes. The body will bo
taken immediately to tho east room
of tho white hoiiBo where It will re
main until tho next morning, Thurs
day, August 9, when It will be trans
ferred to the rotunda of the capitol
to lie in state until 5 p. m. that day.
Then after a funeral service, the
body will be token to a special train
leaving Washington that evening for
Marlon, Ohio. The train will reach
Marion Friday morning, August 10,
nnd the funeral will bo held there on
Saturday, AuguBt 11.
Mind Seemed Always Clear
Never for u moment, according to
Secretnry Hoover of the commorco
department, who had been extremely
close to him, did his mind wander
even under tho burning of the fever
from which ho suffered.
Coolldge Takes Oath of Office
Plymouth, Vt. Vice President Cal
vin Coolldge became president of the
United States nt 2:47 a. m Friday,
August 3, Eastern Standard tlmo,
when ho took the oath of office In
tho living room of his father's fnrm
house In this little mountain vlllago
where he was born. Three hours
earlier ho had been notified of the
death of President Harding, and In a
brief statement ho expressed his grief
at tho passing of his "chief nnd
friend," nnd his purpose of carrying
out tho policies which "ho began for
the servleo of the American people."
President Coolldgo mnde Immediate
preparations to start to Washington.
Buckingham Palace In Mourning
London. Tho following announce
ment wns Issued at Buckingham pal
ace: "Tho king commands thnt tho court
shall wear mourning for ono week
mourning for ono week for tho Into
Honorablo Warren G. Harding, presi
dent of tho United States of Amorlcn.
Tho mourning Is to commence from
this date."
Last Speech Was to Press Club
San Francisco President Harding's
last public address wus to tho mem
bers of tho Seattlo Press club.. It
was largely oxtomporancous nnd dealt
with tho need which tho newspaper
fills in tho community.
White House Flag at Half Mast
Washington. Tho Amorlcan Hag
which llios over tho whlto houso
whenever tho president Is In Wash
ington, but which is put away when
ho Is absent, roturnod Friday to Its
ttalf flying at half mast.
Rocoat Happonlngs in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Won Jyist
Wichita CI 30
TuIbu c:i 39
Oklahoma City 68 45
Oninhn 53 49
DeB Mollies 53 60
St. Joseph 42 62
Denver 39 63
Sioux City 30 C2
iMirioni &()
Lincoln 4j
Grand Inland 47
Full bury 45
IlllHtlllKH "
Ikatrlcu 39
A t'(Pnt (ten of niil'iinuin ....1..I.. ..
the Omaha Wool Pulling company's
plant caused a lobs of !?!)0.000. 1 Dundy Renklemnn, Sept. 17-22, 12 P.
,..'!!!; J,,,,1rle,'n,h ,I,,,"m"1 r,,V,"tk!!' 'morela'eneva, Sop,. 12-11. S. 12. Rnl
of the State Irrigation association will oton.
be held at Bridgeport August ill. FrankUn-Franklln, Sept. 11-14. A. T.
1 hiring the excavating for the unl- Frontier Stockvllle. Aug. 23-31. a A.
inuu nun. 1. .11 111 1. 11 coin. 11 tuiu r
petrllled wood believed to be cedar,
was uneartheil.
The Western I'ns-engor nssoclntion
has agreed to it one und a half round
fare to Omaha and Council I Huffs for
Merchants Market week, August 120 to
Dr. J. V. Illnchman, for many years
chief surgeon at the soldiers' home
nt Grand Island, has tendered his
resignation to thu state board of con
trol. "ISessio," wonder deer at Hivervlew
park at Omaha, nationally famous ns
the mother or triplets, born lust Au
gust has further distinguished herself
by bringing twins into the world.
Mure than ,'()() editors will attend
the coinentinn, to be held in Omaha,
August (1 to 11.'. All mill anils leading
Into Omaha hae agreed to reduc
their passenger rates for the editors.
Nebraska fanners nre realizing only
J to Ti per cent on their Investment In
farm property, according to K. I.
Tnjlor farm management demonstra
tor i.t the state college of ngrlculture.
F. L. Vluch. president of the Leigh
.State bank, 1ms been appointed special
state bank examiner under the new
guarantee fund commission. It will
be his duty to make special examina
tions of banks that may be In bad
Five hundred delegates nre ex
pected to attend thu thirty-seventh
nni.ual national convention of the
National Harness Manufacturers and
Leather (loods Dealers' association of
the United States to be held at O11111l.11
August 111 to lfi.
Arrangements have been com
pleted for vncclnntlon ngnlnst hemor
ihaglc septicemia or shipping fever,
at public stock yards over the state
by the federal bureau of nnlmnl In
dustry. Plans have also been made to
disinfect regularly several of the
smaller yards.
A homecoming celebration will be
held August 1(5 nt Fairmont In honor
of old settlers many of whom settled
In that vicinity In the sixties, and
hauled their lumber and provisions
from Nebraska city. The big feature
of the day will be m ox roast served
with buns, He tea or coffee.
While 11 herd of cattle was being
driven through the village of Palmer,
11 bull bioke nwny from the drivers,
tore Into tho yard In which the ( enr
oll! (laughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Kaniarar
wns pluylng and with Its horns tossed
the girl 10 feet. The child suffered
such injuries thnt her condition is
Fred Harrison Kembel, 17, station
nry llreman, nnd Miss Frances iMim
Spaeth, 12L", both of Adams County
wero the first to llle application under
the new state eugenics law under
which couples contemplating marri
age nre compelled to Me nppllcntlnn
for n license ten days before they
actually obtain It.
Plans for the purchnse by tho fed
eral government of the Nebraska
State Soldiers' home at Grand Island
to bo converted Into 11 hospital to care
for tubercular world war veterans
havo been abandoned.
Visiting rural mall carriers attend
ing the annual state convention to be
held in Heatrice August V. ami M will
be the guests of tho chamber of com
merce nt n picnic to be held nt park on the evening of
August 1!1.
Stnte veterinarians nre puzzled over
a malady affecting the feet of cattle
In a herd near Oenon. Thirty-five
yearlings and li-year-olds are affected.
The disease forms with a swelling Just
nhovo the hoof which Is followed by
u break In the skin and then fester
lug. In the worst cases, the skin and
flesh slough off.
Johnson county owes no bonded In
debtedness. One oar ugo the county
had standing !?1211,S.mS:i In registered
warrants During the year this was
reduced to .flO'-V? 18.02. Tills wns a
reduction of the total Indebtedness of
the county for ono year of S 1!), IS'J.Sl.
Many Improvements are being modo
nt the state fair grounds in anticipa
tion of n record attendanco this fall.
Fourteen thousand Mpmro feet of ce
ment sidewalks huvo been hi Id where
11 new midway Is bein
with many permanent stucco booth
An innovation nt this year's con
vention of editors of Nebraska and
Western Iowa Is u central garage for
tlioso who coino to Omaha by automo
bile, according to Arthur C. Thomas,
chairman of the Chamber of Com
merce convention committee
Idea was suggested by olllcors of tho
Nebraska Press association.
Lilt of Counties, Place, Date and Names
of Secretaries.
Follow ing In n rcglHter of the dales for
holding the various fairs over the s He,
ns compiled by the Nebraska A4oiMttlon
of fnlr mnnngcrs, and nny information or
further particulars may ho hnd by ad
dressing Wm. 11. Smith, Socrctary-Treas-
urtr, nt tho State llouso at Lincoln.
Adams Hastings, Aug. 14-17, J. F. Ulg
lln. Antelope Nellgh, Sept. 11-14, J. C. Har
ris. Rootio Albion, Sept. 17-21. A. W. I-imb.
Hoyd Unite, Kept. 12-14, 12. W. Lath.
UufTnlo Kearney, Aug. 22-26, O. H.
Hurt Oakland, Kept. 11-14, G. A. Kull.
Hu tier David City, Sept. 18-21, W. II.
McUnllln, Jr.
Cass Weeping Water, Sept. 26-28, O. V.
Cedar Hnrtlngton, Sept. 4-7, Anthony
Chase Imperial, Sept. 12-15, I2dwnrd
Clay Clay Center, Sept. 21-28, II. II.
Colfnx Leigh, Sept. 4-7. O. 12. McNary.
Custer llrokcn Dow, Aug. 21-21, Frank
J. Davis.
D.iwis Clindron, Sept. 18-21. F. W. Pat
terson. n-iuson Lexltmton. It 12 F-lkltiburir
Dixon Concord. Aug. 28-31. L2. J. Hughes.
Dodge Scrllmcr, nept. li-ll, Walter
DodKi Hooper, Aug. 2S-31. Anton Tun-
! "Waterloo. Br, t. li-it, B.
Furniiu Uenvcr City, Sept. 11-14. M. II.
Oagi Ilentrlce. Sept. 2I-2S. Doyd I'.lst.
C-arden Lew dim, Kept. 19-21, V. 1C.
Onrlleld Uurwell, Kept. 11-14, A. F.
Oreelty Greeley, Sept. 3-6, A. J. O'Mul-
Hull Grand Islnnd. Sept. 11-11, Rudolph
Durtsehl, Wood Ulver.
Hninllton Aurora, Aug. 28-31, W. C.
I jliirlan Altnn, Sept. 1S-21. It. W. Porter.
iiaytH uayea center, Kept. 19-22, II.
Illtehcock Culbertson, Sept. 13-13, A. It.
Holt Chambers, Sept. 1S-21. H.C. Coop
er, (oil O'Neill, Sept. 25.:R. John L Qiilg.
Howard St. I'uul, Kept. 18-21, Charles
Jefferson Fnlrbury, Sept. 18-21, O. It.
Johnpon Tccumsch, Sept. 18-21, Carl II.
Kearney Mlndtn, 12. n. Trounh.
Keith Ogallala, Sept. 11-11, Ralph
Keya Paha Norden, Sept. 12-14. John
Knox Illoomfleld, Sept. 11-15. W. II.
Lancaster Lincoln, Sept. 2-7, A. II.
Lincoln North Platte, Sept. 3-8, K. M.
LoKan Stapleton, Oct. 12-14. Thomas
Madison Madison, Sept. 11-14, Geo. F.
Merrick Central City Sept. 20-28. T2rIo
Nance Knllerton, Sept. 11-11, J. P. Rosa.
Nemaha Auburn, Aug. 27-31, Col. II. L.
Nuckolls Nelson, Sept. 17-21, Georgo
Otoe NehraBkn City.
Paw nee Pawnee City, Oct. 1-5, D. W.
Perkins Grant, F. A. I2dwards.
Pli ret PItrce, Aug. 28-30. L U. Fran-
Polk Osceola, Sept. 25-28, Gilbert John
son. Red Willow McCook, Oct. 2-5, Ulmer
Red Willow Hartley.
RIclmrilBon Falls City. O. W. Sheely.
Rock Rassett. Sept. 12-15, Fred M. Hop
kins. Saunders Wahoo, Sept. 18-21, Guy 12.
Sootts UliilT Mitchell, Sept. 6-7, Jns T.
Seward Seward. Aug. 2S-31. I2rlo Smil
ey. Sheridan G01 don, Aug. 28-31, Joe W.
Sherman Loup City, Sept. 23-28, Roy
Sioux Co. Harrison, Ave. 30, Rex. T.
Stanton Stnnton, Aug. 28-31, Krvlno D.
Tlmer Dreshler. Aug. 28-31. 12. J. Mit
chell. Thurston Wnlthlll, Kept. 12-15. K. C.
Vallej Ord. Auk. 27-30, II. P. I.eggett.
UashliiKton Arlington, Kept. 18-21. C.
O. Marshall.
Webster Hidden, Aug. 22-25, S. P. Dun
can. York York, Sept. 17-21. O. W. Schreclc.
District Fairs.
Trl-State Craw foul, Sept. 6-S, Dr. A W.
S. W. Neli Dist. Maywood, Sept. 23-23.
Julian Calkins.
Neb Dist. Show Norfolk, Sept. 25-28. J.
Ci. Pollock.
State Fair.
Lincoln Sept. 2-7. 12. R. Danlelson.
Miss Kllzabeth Kelly of Nehraskn
City was seriously Injuted when 11
playmate hurled a golf ball, .striking
her on the head.
The -loth iiunuul "Old Settlers'
picnic" will be held In Nemaha, August
L'.'l. This has become unite un annual
event in this part of thu state, and
this year there will be a larger gather
ing from far nnd wide than has been
seep, before.
The Nebraska State Fair Is n part
of the Middle-West fnlr circuit be
ginning in Missouri and ending nt
liulsluna. This circuit Includes ten
fairs that show In tho following or
der: Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kan
sas (Topeka), and (Hutchinson); Ok
lahoma, (Oklahoma City) nnd (Mus
kogee), Texas, (Dallas), nnd (Waco),
und Louisiana.
Fall plowing, despite tho continued
dry weather has opened up In nearly
all sections of York county. Many
farmers are heeding the ..dvlco of tho
stnte ngrlculture college In moving
their pastures.
Plans nre under way lending to tho
federation of the Methodist nnd I'res
b.Uerlun churches in Tnhle Hock. Tho
plan considered contemplates that
each denomination will maintain Its
Individuality, by keeping up their
benevolences nnd the federation will
eliminate thu expense of maintaining
tho two churchon when ono can do
the work of the two.
II. C. McKelvle, Nebraska repre
sentative of tho Amerlcnn Shorthorn
Ilreeders association, announces timt
the linn of cattle breeders, Johnston
fc Auld, at Hod Cloud, have nui'i I.ummI
'2r head of registered shorthorns fr
:l. i.uihi to be added to the hreedlii"
herd of liOO, "
Twenly-soven hundred dollar-. In
cash prizes are to bo uwnrdeil winning
bunds In the Mid-West lSuiul cnniet
that M to be staged at the Auditorium
October 1M under the auspices of Ak-
Snr-Hen, Omaha Chamber of i-m.,
; moree, the Hot nry club and the Must
j cal Trades of Ontahn.