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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fc CHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Hod Cloud, Nebraska. Bride DENTIST OVBU STATE HANK Red Cloud Nebraska Dr.R. V. Nicholson X DENTIST UDLISHBD EVBKV THURSDAY Intend In the I'oAtofllce nt Hcd cloud, Neb as Second Class Mutter' lied Ooud, Sebrask A. D. MuAUTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertising Rates How About a New Harness For Fall Plowing? 1 havo a good stock of Harness on hand, a few sets of n-ts. lef t, priced right. When In need of anything In too Imrnoss Hue cull on tm. LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery 2 Doors South o! Formers Union. T Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local. ' " 12$&I5 LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO MJpfe5 YELLOW PENCIL KWttttttrr.eAHmooTMWteu.iRBS if jSS5 laitdifiQ RED BAND made by f i .gAGLEPENCL CO. NEW YORK. U.S. Arj the world WOMEN OF THE OLD "SOUTH 7)( iu 3)11 ii PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 -:- Ind. Phone 12 m ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank have opened up a sav-child- savinu is f. v 7E WISH to announce that we W infjs department in our bank For the use of Ih. n.ii jwlnlts nnd overv oni' Thrift and s.r somethinil that has been neglected. We kindly invite vou to take advantage of this sav- 1 tags idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. g THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK f 7PP';rnmmmiii!mM!, niii'ifflimMWii tfi w w tsi u R-i..n..t.ia.i. uaui'i u 5eo. Hutchinson Is visiting In Ivans, this week. O. J. Warren was In Lincoln the tore part of the week. Dr. DHinerell and wife returned home from Lincoln, this morning. Henry lllchmond, editor of the Her ald Is on the sick list this week. C. .1. l'lntt and wife and Mi&s Ger tie Llndley have gono to worlds fair. Hugh Miner and Frank Cowilen took a run up to Cowles Sunday on their wheels. F. 12. Teel of Frontier county, was In Red Cloud this week visiting with 0 C Teel. Harry Stroup wns giving an exlbltlon the other day by stopping plunks and balancing them on his nose. Miss Ella Remsburg Is home from New Mexico, where she has been visit ing. Sho will leave iu a few days for Lincoln where she goes to teach school. The Red Cloud and Stillwater base ball teams, crossed bats and locked horns here last Friday. Both clubs support some strong players, and the game whs thoroughly interesting from beginning to end, and caoh odd play good or bud, was cheered vociferously by the large number of ladles Hiid gentlemen present; the boys played nine innings, which resulted in a 25 to I- score in favor of Red Cloud ' Not one cross word passed, and Cowles with her usual hospitality, invited boih I'lubs to supper at the "Central"' Capt. rlutt, of the Red (.Inuri team, ran 'i foot iaci- with Archio I-om, but being away from Imini', and among str.uigi'ts. he came out si-cond best. Had by No Means a Life of Idleness, Since Their Domestic Duties Wcro Many. There Is still widespread conception that the wives of the ante-bellum southern planters led u life of ease ar.d Idleness. Such was far from tin truth, says a writer In the New Yorl. Sn. Woman played a vital part It1 I1 e old southern economic system, a i.'i... v,!ili!i kept her b isy and loudei' !ir w-;i grave ies;io:i"lbllitle. -" wi.s the head of the doincth '! of tl plantation life. Not onl.v ;, ' o . p rvls!? the housework of ! " u.i;!.o.:i but she had to look itfte; . vnpv! n;' (p'ariers as well. As fit. ' o liive- I I a::i' .s a''. 1 .!';'.. it., :i u :; i i- !' el.1 fond, their clothing. uT' under her care. ;(! tl at a distinguished : t was astonished, when in '"ip.oii. to llnd Mr. ....r-uiuided by negro girl- '''"Mi years old, busily Mi ir- 'or the slaves of the -.1 :.. n -i v ' .it ; is '' 'r-ti - s'..; i t ! ! f;v ;i li.''i''. 'i i, i : '). :1 e I'll I' I-'1. C- 1' wl W' t!iov were Irvd ' .pliero of the south ti j del'.ned. It was si'i i-sv so far as It went Ml nt upon the planta it of which It grew i -' of the slaves and the oli.t a which it pro ' of the South found ft of the occupation for CARRY THE MILK IN BASKETS 1(1 YK.A11S AGO UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse In Connection Licensed Embalmer Best Service to Others Means Real Happiness to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB wAftrtWYWWWlvwJftAAArtp A. 1'. lily of McCojk whs in town Monday. Joe Crow and will Robertson were in St. Joe this woek .1. H. Hnlley has returned home from ti visit with relatives Ht Topeka, Knna. Walter Warreu, wife aud children spent Sunday iu Superior visiting with friends and attending the Chautauqua R. U. Wallace and Robert ltradou of Franklin spent Suuday iu this city as the guests of Mr and Mrs. Edgar Cow- rlrsrt Mr. and Mrs C. A. Sheeley taken in the circus and visited with relatives in Guide Rock, Monday. They were ac companied by the Misses Tilla Kent and Irene McGuire. Mrs. Barbara Phares and Miss Tillle Cook leave Sunday for Chicago and other eastern markets. Mrs. l'nares goes to purchase fall and winter goods for her store and Miss Cook to study the fall style of dressmaking. O. C. Teel wife an.i daughter, Miss Fay, leave Monday for western points Mr. aud Mrs Teel will spend some time visiting in Denver, Colorado Springs and other sceulc Colorado points, while Miss Fay journeys to California where she will enter the University of Berkeley for the coming year. r.'rluie of F'l'IpliiD Deliverers' Wo'k Hr.- Ltd to Their Superb Physi- cr.l Divcicpment. Tr adlni: s. ft!. the Manila' ik,,.'.M"s ftvshly fiaming earabiio ml In t.di Spanish w'.tse bottles to his ct-totupr-s' front doors long before mi'. rise. I'nllke tl.e Anieilcnn nillknian, In has no equipage In which to transport Ids' wares-, but carries them In tw" wicker baskets slung from the ends m a bamboo pole which is laid acros tin shoulders through a wooden uecV yoke. Cnrahao milk Is said to be delicious when served In coffee or chocolate, surpassing In flavor both cow's and goat's milk. Because of their early morning track work. Filipino milkmen are superior physically to any other type of work logmen In the Islands, with powerful leg muscles and broad, strong shoulders. m FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Extension Ager.t H. Fausch.) R. Horseferry Road. Visitors to London will remember a Btreet back of Westminster nbbey, which was called Horseferry road. It lends to a bridge across the Thame und once had the only horse ferry nl lowed In London, a monopoly granted to the archbishops of Canterbury, and when most of the traffic of the old ferry was diverted by the opening of Westminster bridge, the see of Canter bury was granted 11,000 compensa tion for loss of revenue. The old ferry, which continued to ply until the erec tion of Lambeth bridge, GO years ago, had a plnce In English history, for by It James II and his consort passed from Whitehall to the Surrey side one dark night in Dec-ember 1GSS, en route for France and exile. The king threw the great seal Into the river from the ferryboat during the crossing. It was picked up by !i fisherman and given to William of Orange. M ", J-wS- UUIflflfl, V?j Economy and Efficiency fflSilBB s COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. - Come in and let our salesmen show its manyj good points. We Give S. 8c H. Green Savings Stamps With All Cash ; , ' Sales. Trine's Hardware Store HOG OHOLERA Hog cholera, is. raging in, this county There has been out breaks in certain parts of the county in times past, but but never was it so general and as early in the season as this year. Some of the symptoms are off-shed They may come to the trough, but only nibble at their food and then turn away. Great muscular weakness is shown by a weak, staggering gait, the hind parts sway from one side to the other. In mny cases a cough will be noticed, the cough i usually dry and breaking. It frequently happens that many hogs die before any particular cholera symptoms arc noticed. These are us ually affected with the septicemic form and perncute typo of the disease. The only successful method of cheeking the disease and for proven- ,tioi; out- breaks is vaccination. Am unable to keep up payments on my piano. First class condition nearly new. Any one can have it by paying mo a small amount for rny equity andkeoplng up payments. If interested writo forprico and full par tloulara to Lock llox 710,- Omaha, Nc braska. Carvings as Guides to Water. In the country uruuntl Saline valley, Inyo county, Calif., Indian rock carv ings can still be seen, nnd many whites know how to read them to the extant of using them as guides to water. In east ern Arfzona these -rock carvings were made by the ancient tribe from which the present-day Hop! descended. This s proved by the similarity between these pictures and those made In mod ern times by the Hopl, nnd by the fact that the sacred snake, worshiped !y the Hopl for many centuries, was dug up In n ruin near Sprlngervllle. rhe Ulnekfeet have a tradition thnt many years ago a delegation wns sent south to the land of the Hopl, by their bead medicine mnn, to worship and pray before his sandstone figure, for :he return of the buffalo herds to the Blnckfeet country, after a migration. Cursed to Wander Over Earth. People without a country, the gyp sies roam to all four corners of the earth. It Is said that many years ago i Moslem saint of Turkey cursed the Oeoplo with these words: "May you lever more enter or belong to the u'.fc races of the earth, but as out--lists be scattered, homeless, wretched mil poor; ever wandering and tolling, lever realizing wealth, never enjoy ng the fruits of your labor, anil never icqulrlng the 'steeni of mankind." I'he curse didn't work In nil Its par Iculars. For Instance, a lot of gypsies ire not poor. It Is said that many "lave pretty fair bank accounts. And the saint cursed them to everlasting wll. But who ever saw a gypsy work? WORK LET US FIGURE WITH YOU WHEN YOU WANT SOME PRINTING Whatever price we quote, you may be sure that the quality of work you receive will be the best it is pos sible to produce. We will be glad to come to your place of business, and talk it over. BOTH PHONES The Red Cloud Chief L I BMaMeM BBMBiaMUMMSiUWeMMnKMMMMt I'll il'.NIV II "Ml z; I - . . J. . REMARKABLE VALUES SN UNDERGARMENTS for WOMEN The fabrics arc soft and fine and the fashionings ample. Here are decided savings on attractive, seasonable merchandise. "Eiffel Maid" Unions S1.49 Buttonlcss Union Suits made of the finest diminty, batiste and marquisette in flesh and white. Children's Knit Unions 39c Fine Swiss rib weave with button seat and neat finished band tops Gauze Vests 19c Ribbed Knit weave in pink or white made with either bodice or band top. Night Gowns 69c These garments are made of good, firm, pink material with color embroidered tops. Confiners 48c Back or front closing, pink or white, sizes 32 to 46. Step-Inns 89c Made of dimity, nainsook and crepe. They come it, shades of flesh, honeydew, orchid and blue also white. Silk Teddies & Bloomers $1.95 This is a wonderfully attractive assortment. These garments arc made of Radium and Crepc-de-chine very prettily trimmed. "Carter's" Unions 89c Finest rib weave cotton in pink or white made with bodico top or built up shoulder straps iu loose knee style. ONE PRICE TO ALL "Get the Habit" save S. & H. Green Stamps. I'ICTOKIAL HKVJKW TATTKHNB Monster Planet. Everything connected with the sun Is staggeringly big. Those little dark sun-spots which you peer at cautiously through the medium of n smoked glass ure, most of them, many thousands of miles across. One was measured nnd foimd to have a diameter of 13,000 miles which means that the earth could have been pitched Into it like a golf ball Into n pall of water. Lines to Remember. Most of us seem to be hastening through the years weighted with the consciousness that more Is being ex acted of us than we can ever properly accomplish, until human life Is fast threatening to resolve itself into u ceaseless pursuit of the things thnt are destined to remtln undone. What shelter to grow ripe is ours? What leisure to grow wise? Dawes Hicks. Faithless Husbands Evade Law. Wife deserters In Nottingham, Eng land, cannot be arrested on Sunday, according to the statutes. As a con sequence 00 per cent of the warrant taken out against wife deserters are not served, though a reward Is placed on the head of each man. The faith less husbands leave tho city on Mon day morning and do not return agalm until Sunday. Royal Flower Giftc Barred. There Is an old superstition In the English royal family that it Is un lucky for a royal lover to send pres ents of flowers to his bride-to-be. Proper Adjustment. A little girl nt Swope park Saturday afternoon wns severely criticized by her mother for feeding popcorn to the jcoats from a pustehonrd box. The child remonstrated that the goats wore hungry. "Yes," said the mother, "but you should have given the popcorn to the ducks, nnd let the goats have tho box." Kf.nsas Pity Star. Pit Apparently Bottomless. In a volcanic crater In the Sangro de Crlsto momvdn? In San Isabel Na tional fore Is an apparently bottom less pit, wlli black marble sides, In which depth soundings of l.fiOO feet have failed to touch bottom. k