The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1923, Image 3

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The Quality Car
I teontmttat TrntferilileH
Wti l i nLU .T. I rt 'J
5-Pass. Sedan
r-i x" "V &
firitt 1 rurir.
'cr-vj &k -
PB MM 1&55
te?j-z9" l"sa
T-tnj- v
I xC f I JP. ftj?fY tW 9W?759wL Vf .1 Mr fm
icEC7TLla, Xf5' "
Division General SMotort Corporation
Detroit. Michigan
&ecrtary of the Treasury Will Never
Make Reputation as a Great
Two Scotsmen, noted f-r their rar
ity of speotli. were pla.vliit: golf. V
to the seventeenth bole neither spol.c
n word.
It began to r;n and Sandy ob
tervetl: "Shall we quit':"
"f'hatterhox." muttered his oppo
nent, as he drove oil the Until.
Secretary Mollori Is silent HUe that,
writes "r.Irtnd" In the Philadelphia
Enquirer. If, as our copybooks In
formed u, silence Is golden, that able
banker came by his j;''-'iit wealth in
the most natural way.
"This Is not n talkative cabinet"
rjiat from a Philadelphia con I man
ften brought Into contact with Mr.
Hoover and others of the preslden-
lal family.
"IJut." he continued, "Secretary
Iellon can say less In a day than all
he rest of them put together."
(Jootl Intentions wilt easily. Hotter
tart with new than try to stive the
A do? appears to always tiKree with
ttls niaMor except when he Is boln;
,'d by a chain.
e Meat
STARCH is the "meat" of the wheat berry. It
is the great energy-producing clement of the
grain. But, in order to do you any good, it must
be thoroughly digested, and it is right here that
such a food as Grape-Nuts renders special service.
Grafje-Nuts, made from wheat and malted barley,
supplies the meat of the wheat in most digestible form.
That is because in the making of Grape-Nuts
a large proportion of the starch is converted into
dextrins and maltose forms into which all starch
elements must be changed before they can be as
similated by the system.
Grape-Nuts not only digests easily, but also
aids in the digestion of other foods.
Crisp, delicious Grape-Nuts with milk or cream
is a complete food. It supplies the life-essential
vitamin-B; also iron, phosphorus and other im
portant mineral elements for nerve, tooth, bono
and other body structure.
The daily use of Grape-Nuts is a form of health
insurance which has demonstrated its value for
more than 25 years.
Yoor frooer has Intereitlntf dtolli ol our offer ot
for Grape-Nuts Recipes. Ask him about it; or r
Dept., I'ostum Cores! Co., lac, Hsttlo Creek, M
Not alone for evcry-dny utility
does Chevrolet represent tho
world's lowest-priced quality
car. It also meets the require
ments of particular people for
those social and sport occasions
when artistic proportion, high
grade coach work, and hand
some finish are in harmony
with the time and place.
You can be proud of your Chev
rolet, combining, as it does, a
high degree of engineering effi
ciency with modern quality
features that appeal to tho
experienced and the discrim
inating. Call at our showrooms and dis
cover the astonishing values
made possible by the exception
al volume of Chevrolet sales.
Vrico3 f. o, b. Flint, Michigan
MJIW.I'.tOH RoailMcr . .
SUI'KKIDIt 'louring .
SUI'KKtOK Utility Coiipo .
SUPKKIOIl Scilunetto .... 850
KUPKKIOK Commercial ChimlJ . 423
SUPHUOKMiiht Delivery . . . 910
Utility lUpri-is Truck Chimls . i75
The Girl I Love.
Several days ao ICd I.. Hall, of this
clt.v, came Int'o possession of a one
dollar hill, with the follow-In-,' Insoili
tlon neatly typewritten across Its face:
"This Is my hist doflai-, and I pivu
It to the li-l I love."
Mr. Hall Is of the opinion that a
real "human Interest" story awaits
some hudtllnt; "(. Henry," with thu
necessary tact and patience to llnd this
modern lover, remarks the IuillanapolU
Parting with one's last dollar ffc n
clicumstance which mlfiht easily bo
fraught with trajtlc slynlllctince at any
tlii'.e, and In this case It seems doub
ly so.
Hut. of course, "the jrlrl I love" tnny
have been his sister, his "last dollar"
may have pone for candy, and tho
next day may have been his regular
pay tl:ty. Who knows the answer?
Some one does!
Yes, Indeed.
"Old that rich uncle of yours leave
many heirlooms?"
"I should say so. A new heir looms
up almost every week." Hoston Eve
nlnj: Transcript.
"Da jou believe the human race
originated with Adam?"
"Well, Adam or atom."
C.mimm Jjrj
of the Wheat
" there's a Reason"
nvr 7sftO rm
writo to Recln
rpllOM very Immlilo beginnings tlio
hUp-over iipi-on dross lins been elabo
rated lo a point where it N accepted
la a proper costtitiio for Informal wear
throughout llu Mtnitncr season. This
pir drt"sos if this rlaxxlllcntlmi arc
bell);.' made not only of cotton an. I
cltighaiu, but also of tlner materials,
such as tub slll.s, pongee. (Utility, (lot
led swlss, I'letu-h gingham and linen,
ns well as ratine and heavier glng
hums. Organdie or solfntiitciliil may
bo tised for plplilg", pockets and
panels, or as collars and caff-.
In the g.irinuits shown below-,
'i. "it.
tK&4 r-r-r. 1
tfri. ,1
v, -
Wash Silk and
illlc printed In a tine shock Is used n
the model at the left. Plain silk forms
the binding of the long sailor collar
nnd the two patch pockets. A band of
the same silk finishes the short sleeves.
A nnrrow white leather belt holds the
fullness nt the waist.
Striped dimity Is used In the delight
fully cool an.l fresh-looking tire's
shown nt the right. Two long stlohed
panels arc placed at the sides, forming
pockets at the top; these are further
or lamented with rows of pearl hut-
tons. The V neck has a coll
vestce of embroidery, vrlth stun
ored dots, and the short
Bleevcs are finished with the sum
broidery. A leather belt Is nl
with this model, but Is of Ida
forated leather.
White linen is a splendid
buying material for a dress ft
ing wear. An extremely effective model
has long sleeves and a narrow double
collar, piped with red or Jade. The
blouse is held at the waistline with a
wide band of the same material.
It Is good to live III the year IDIJ
when bathing suits are knitted
snug-fit ting, sensible and handsome.
Gone are the years when we donned
ungraceful, full skirted affairs that
hampered the freedom of the bod.
Not only do we aspire to look well
mliKl wind and wave, but pari of the
pleasure Is a charming hetich-proiii-enadlng
regalln. The handsome knit
ted suit and capo to mutch us Miuwu
lr$ ' 1 vi .-Pi i
I W' i - Y i PK
In the pi. lure appeal to thu Ideal of
the in .isi f istldloiis.
The Kii.i tod beach robe with Its nc
vompuiivlng salt has Just the dash of
rolor die tonus for at shore resorts.
Its InspiiaMon Is traced In the colorful
Navn.'.o blanket. The long graceful
robe is :i protection against the sun
and eppe.ils to those who are looking
for i: irui-mont that combines utility
with stle superlative and highest
iiesthetb Imh.
Annum practical knitted bathlni
stilts the most popular are those of all
wool regulation offered In a wltlo
'J "KK
". W
Striped Qimity
range of solid colors with Introduction
of gay stripes.
Hound, square or V necklines are
approved in wool Jersey models and
choice color combinations are to ho
had such as navy and red, navy and
gn.-oii, In-own anil tan. black and pur
ple. Jade and white, also tan bordered
with nasturtium.
There Is a general feeling for bright
color. An effective color which seems
to tit Into the Hue of the sky and
ocean, Is the new n.-v; blue. A knitted
Knitted Suit and Cape
one-piece garment In this lovely simile
N enhanced with gray stripes. An
other effective combination is solid
j (.'How with trimmings of black nnd
vvhlti' check.
A now effect hi knitted bench cais
Is tin- accoi'dlon plait, attained throirgl
i-li'vci- novelty Mitch.
Jtx&t, &c&.
f ? ' ' Hf
a r t 7
ar and &S KfaSIS.
" n'" Ik? iSV
kimono 'pi A BU
e em- K'j E
so worn "-" ?"v2-j ' ',-.. Hw
ck per- M' VgK
bolco In t6gPmMmf''' wm
r morn- si
(S, l-'.'3, WeMctn N.wnpipci Uolcu.)
Western Canada Farmers As
sured of Bountiful Yields.
Conditions Reported From All Parts
of the Provinces Satisfactory In tho
Highest Degree Pass Expectations.
From as enrly ns April 17, when
seeding became general throughout thu
Western Canadian Provinces, wan
there nil thing but optimism In the
feelings of the farmers of that coun
try. An uninterrupted chain of favor
able conditions have bound the early
seeding data with the conditions of,
the crop today. There were no set
backs. There may have been n hall
storm or two with some 111 effects
through portions of the country, hut
the track they took was so small
that the percentage of loss was nl
most Imperceptible compared with the
whole. Rains fell Just when needed,
the sun shone as If regulated by the
farmer himself, the ground, generally,
was In perfect condition and fully re
sponsive. It Is now a quest on of rlvnl
ry between districts and provinces
which will produce the greatest re
sults In crop yields and averages. Out ;
In Alberta, whether It be In the north
or In thu south, that which gave as
surance, In n well-prepared seed bed,
of an excellent crop Is imsslng expec
tation, and expurts say there will bo
produced a crop away greater than
ever befo.o In the hls'ory of the prov
ince, and Alberta has had somo big
yields. Tlien, In Saskatchewan there
exist the snme conditions. The ex
treme north and extreme south will
vie with the east and west In tho
story nt hnrvest and threshing time.
Manitoba, while not boastful, com
placently watches fields of whotft,
oats, rye and barley that promise to
set n new record for that province.
The fact Is apparent that Western
Canada will have a crop yield In nil
grains away ahead of any year In the
history of the country. This will be
pleasing news to the thousands In tho
United States, who have friends and
relatives farming In that country. It
should not he forgotten that these,
crops will he raised on laud that In
many caws cost less than $10 nn acre
nnd some of It was procured by mere
ly homestendlng. It Is possible todny
to secure Improved farms at very lnvy
figures, nn well ns raw or virgin
prairie. Any Cnnndlnn government
ngent will gladly give Information as
to tho condition of the crops, and
dates when special rnles tnny be hnd
by those who wish to look over what
Is probably one of the greatest grain
fields on the continent. Advertise
ment. Location He Was Looking For.
A street mendicant, noticing that n
pal was trailing a citizen, fell Into
step and Inquired: "Why are you fol
lowing that man?"
"I heard him say," explained the pal,
"thnt he was on Easy street."
This explanation wns mulled over
for n block. And then: "What If lie
docs live on Easy street?"
"I Just wanted to locate It. I've al
ways thought I'd like to work the back
doors along that boulovnrd."
Especially Prepared for Infants
and Children of All Ages
Mother! Flotcher's Castorln hn8
been In use for over 80 years to relievo
babies and children of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic nnd Diarrhea;
alloying Foverlshness arising there
from, and, by rogulntlng the Stomach
nnd Bowels, aids tho assimilation of
Food; giving natural sleep without
opiates. The genuine bears signature
Really Great iaea.
"Whatl You are planning to go to
Vlennn?" exclaimed Gutenuch. "But
thnt will cost you a fortune."
"Ob, not so much," replied the other.
"You see, I'll have ray yonth restored
by Dr. Stelnach and cotno back on a
child's ticket."
To lnsuro gllstcnlng-whlto table
linens, uso Red Cross Bnll Bluo In your
laundry. It never disappoints. At all
good grocers. Advertisement
Jack Giving a dance, eh? Who's
going to furnish the music?
Clurence Won't need any ; there's a
boiler factory next door.
All tho world loves n lover. All the
world loves to bo amused.
Black - Tan - White - Ox-Blood Brown
StUNOlA preserves leather as paint preserve buildings.
Quick and rsiy to ute. "ifiiSii- BkW Shinei ia harry.
SHINOLA HOME SET iKIJtoL- T , .. ... . Jl.
Makes Shinin8 Eoiy iJf'millSW Ptm
Gentiroo Briule Dauber Ltf.VfjIUKPTM' jul Gu the hand. Bdogt
cleans around Uv sole and lS,PmiJ&iil the brilliant ShinoU
appbe. the pob,h thor- gfcs, with a Jew ok.
, Tto Ship fpt Mma 4Qi
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
Now Is the Tims to Get Rid of Time
Ugly Spots
Thprn' no longer tlin HllitlUfl-t need of
fcdliiK nulinmrd of your frcukltm, at Othln
ilnulilo utretiKlh In KUarutitcod to remov
thetn hoinoly apotn.
Simply t-'et nn nuncn of Otlilnn from any
ilriiKKlut anil nmIy little of It nlitht n
morning nml you (houlri "(ion nop that v i
tho woret frecklo. Imvo t)iRM to (llmipiv
whllo thn Heritor onoi liavn vnnlnhoil fin
tlrely. It Is nrlilont thnt mora th.n .
uunco In ncmltil to coinplntoly clear IM
kin nnt until a brnutltul, clour complsiloi,
lie iur to Hk for thi (loul)tn.trengt
Othlno, na tilt U olcl umlcr KU.r.nte ol
money back It It fulls to removn frokltk
Creamery nnd Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Dottlei and Dairy Stipptleit Erl
Casta and Chicken Coopij Dolltta.
1309 Jones St. II W. Third St,
IIAIIV CIlICKHi pay when you Kt tbam.
W ahlp CO.t. itellvnred to yom' boma.
Mlnrit lOn mrli: I.vitliornx. lie; liar Hock.
Itaita, lc Konl Itntrhcry. IIowIIiik (Irnen, Ky.
INCOLN'S Rootru for
- Lunch Room In Connoctlon "
LATE Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
If ll rVll aOl
The world's standard remedy for kidney;
liver, bladder nnd uric acid troubles tho
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for the nnmo Cold Madal on rwy
bos and nccapt no Imitation
What's an Abecedarlum?
This was a machine constructed by
Wlllluii. S. Jevons and described by
him In his "Principles of .Science." It
designed, by using symbolic terms, t
perform analytic reasoning without
malting a mistake.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
who are conittnntly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation thnt
hiia been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Lu
soon realized. It stands the highest for
itB remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of tho
prominent Life Insurance. Companies, ia
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement thnt one reason why
so many applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to tho American people, and th
large majority of thoso whose application
aro declined do not even suspect that they
Imve the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot U on sale at all drug stores in bottle
of two sizes, medium nnd large.
However, if you wish first to test thui
srreat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co,, Ilingliamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
All Dolled Up.
"So that la the dowager duchess?"
"Tho same."
"Who Is her modiste?"
"I think she nn nphot
Btcrer." Judge.
Far Gone.
"In love, hey?"
"Why, he reads poetry to her oyta;
tho telephone."
Or Rare Combination.
"Yes. she's married to a lawyer, and
a good, honest fellow, too."
"Bigamist l"
No outsider has much Influence with
n man's conscience. It Is extremely
If one Is a good Judgo of human
nnture, the easiest trait to decipher la
'&' uaadi ru nil ";L
-xr-JJUOfc-r :
- w1U-!ws!a