The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1923, Image 1
. T'l f H Li B WJ (A SmU " ,tulo UUto.iiml biuitty ., IjIUUUIU . r. 'yttaujo(tP-?a i 1 j UT V y-'ir&iffniuj" f1dbv ,-. f . - 1 . . " J - . A Newspaper That GWes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, AUGUST 2. 1U23 r KEEP 0 3ME 1 DE1 SUMMER CLOTHING GABERDINE, MOHAIR, PALM BEACH SUITS 13. SO to 35. OO STRAW HATS 1.50 to 3.50 SUMMER UNDERWEAR BAL BRIGAN, PORUS KNIT LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES ATflELETIC 75c TO 32.00. A- REMEMBfcR WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. vs,zm itz3&iEEi3isBEBSi v hitvIco y ii. .tir fr.yegr SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 120x RmOSfc rgesasg-g LEBANON 36 ANNIVERSARY tfftSE BALL TOURNAMENT Thursday, Friday .and Saturday, August 9-10-11 The great Anderson & Srader Shows with their new Carry-Us-All. Ferris Wheel- Sea Plane and 7 Shows will be here Ball Game Each Afternoon at the School House Park Big Free Acts and Free Wrestling Each Evening Pavillion Dance Every Night. Old Fiddlers Contest. fS-Eg'CpJ Don't Forget The Big THREE DAYS I. 0. 0. F. Picnic Aug. 24 i C. C. Howe Sells Cafe Monday evening the FiHtiklin und Tuesduj Ciilil.. Koi'U I. () O F i'niimiitli'1'S whereby C meet with Ben Ahem l.og mid do- e.ife to Mi ciih-d to hold i pii'iik' leu- Friday, who lime August '.Mth. The pieii'i' will ho held lit thf Country Oi'ih umiimls und llio prop hiii will Ik. unniiiiiii'Ml next week. :i dciil whs completed (J. IIowo disposed of his and Mih. Floyd Pievost tuken possession of tho Ike Johnson Given Shower Tncsdiv evening ono of the ovpiits of the K'tisou whs pulli'd when Is-idoie JoIiiimhi wus escorted to the golf link1 wiieie lie was tendered u "showei" by thirty-flvo of hisKcntlo mon frionds. Iku received several presents after which lunch consisting of roust hn; oars, weinies, sttinlwiches and beer were served, everybody pre sent hud an enjoyable time and wish ed Ike n happy voyage when he em barks on the inatrimoniul seas. bHiue. binro coming to this city Mr. Howe hits made niutiy friends und also cjiidiicti'd a tii at class restaurant. Mr I'lexoslhiiH had considerable ex perience in conducting restaurants and uo doubt will niuUc u sueocs-.. ' Tho Chief welcomes Floyd lo our bind- K ness ciicle. oil, J. W. Linn Sells Out Red Cloud Loses One But Won One Wednesday Sunday afternoon in the presence of the largest crowd of the season at the the Starke ball park Smith Center played the local team a ten inning game au M by a bcore of 3 to2. Dahl and Haye6 were the battery for the visitors wh'lle Naegli was on the mound for the looal team and Wei green was behind the bat. Doth teatma made errors but the game was full of pop from the beginning to the last man was out. . Smith Centengot Tchlts and lied Gland G. The local team hasn't given up hopes yet of defeating the visitors. Wednesday afternoon the fans were given another real game at tho Starko diamond at which time the fust Man kato club crossed bats with our team Red Cloud won by a score of H to 1. This was the second defeat of thu sea sou for Maukuto and they have a good team. Tho local team goes to Esbon Saturday afternoon aud Alma Sunday. J. W. Linn, who lias conducted u picture show in the liessc Auditorium for tho past three years, has sold the sumo to a former resident of this city, K. C. Preston, who took charge Wed nesday. Tho new owner lias conduct ed shows ut Hustings, Superior und Grand Island for the pust several years und no doubt will give tho people of this community llrst class pictures. Mr. aud Mrs Liuu and daughter Nan departed Wednesday for Omaha after wliloh they will leuve for tho l'ucltlc coast) where they expect to locate. While iu tho show busiuess hcre Mr. Linn' made many friends and also gave the people the best shows he could secure. The- Chief wishes the Mr. Prwlon success here aud likewise 11111 Linn wherever he goes. ' Hugo Players Coming .Red Cloud will be offered a solid week of dramatic plays, music and vaudeville, starting oa Mouday night, when the Famous Hugo Players will open an engagement here. They come well recommended, having an establish ed reputation in the territory they cover yearly in Kansas and Nebraska. Last season the Hugo's played six weeks engagement in Grand Island, where they are to return shortly, coming, here fiom Superior, where they are favorites from former engage ments. The compauy numbers thirty people, which includes an excellent band and orchestra. The compauy is well balanced aud all plays will bo new to this city, opening with "Pal O' Mine," a rural comedy, which hinges about two crooks, a dishonest banker and his beautiful daughter. There is a mock marriage, which turns out a reul one and plenty of comedy is in jected by Chester Hugo and Walter C Esmond, as tho "pals." Mr. Esmond will bo remembered as having appear ed in Red Cloud with a similiar dra matic organization. There will be an entire change of plays, vaudeville and music each night during the week. V Married TrLasuThursdav evening at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. John Aubushou occured the wedding of Miss lieuluh Fay Pegg to Mr. Orvln Harris, Itev. Hcluitz otllclatliig. The bride is the daughter of Jack Pegg and for several years mudo her home with Mr. und Mrs. Aubushou and for tho past two years has been one of the obliging operators for tho Independent Telephone Co. Mr. Hurris is a son of Mr. und Mrs. Alf Harris and for several years has been engaged in funning. Tho young couple expect to boon make their home on the farm. ENTERTAINS FOR A 15 RIDE TO BE On Friday nfternoon Mrs. Phil Sherwood and Miss Jessie Kellogg gave a Kensington-Bridge, at tne home of the former, for Miss Verna Hutchins, whose approaching mar riage to Isadore Johnson Is the topic of tho day in the swish and swirl of Red Cloud's society. The gifts comprising tho kitchen shower were cleverly concealed In a big wedding cake, which was proper ly decorated with minature brides. Place cards also consisted of 'cewpie dolls in the form of brides. Ices and cake were served. Wednesday's Com mercial Advertiser. Coon-Bittfield Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Geo. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, Nebr. D. C. Henderson Passes Away D. 0. Henderson, who hud been in failing health for several months, died Sunday evening at the home of his sister, Mrs. U I). Ilickard in Hastings, whore he hnd bsen making ills home sluco his Illness. Three years ago he in compauy with John Scott came here from Osborno, Knns., and purchased! an Intel est In the State Bank, and Mr. I Henderson was cashier up until u fow1 months ugo. He inudu many frionds here who were shocked to hear of hih uuuiiau luu oniciD wuiu luit kuiiiuuiu his demise Funeral services were held ut Hastings, Monday nfternoon after which the remains were taken to Wet more, Kunsus, whore outertnent was made beside his parents. The marriage of Miss Alta Coon to Mr. Ernest Uittfleld took place Wed nesday at six o'clock at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Coon. Tho ceremony took place under a bower of flowers the Rev. H. W. Cone ofllolatlng. The ring ceremony was used. Th3 bride was attired in light blue romane crepe and carried ten rosos. The groom wore conventional black. Miss Jennie Coon was bridesmaid and Mr. Frod Hittifleld of ICcnsuw was best man. Following tho ceremony a four course dinner was served to forty guests with Mihses Alice Whituker, Dorothy Oatman, Goldle McConkey and Ida Coon serving as waitresses Tho bride o graduate of the Red Cloud high school Is assistant cashier 'in the Statu Bank of Kenosuw, Nebr The groom la one of Kenesn,w's highly esteemed young farmers They will make their home ut Konesaw. The out of town guests were Mr. und Mis. Chris Blttfleld, paronts of the groom; Mr. and Mrs Henry Blttfleld and family; Mr. Fred Blttfleld and Miss Cleo Maxwell. NUMBER 31 ?--z2. .IT-'-. ' AHli4'4U z-zr - f?i - - - 'j r? 1 7k4vjM2MXFHH MWTXMMm sSHeI yV" L" . i . ' ! - r -'. r' J 4.ull Kodak as you go All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up. , t, it - , E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist Litfrv. LOOK AT THESE PRICES SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES DOES'NT IT? 25 Cases Fancy Evergreen Com "i WHILE IT LASTS, 3 CANS FOR -25c This is not a cheap Standard Pack, but a strictly Fancy Evergreen Corn. NO. 2tt CANS YELLOW FREE TEACHES, PER CAN LIGHT HOUSE LAUNDRY SOAP 10 BARS FOR LAltGE.tfANS SWEET POTATOES, PER CAN 12&c 18c 25c 10 dozen hand made brooms made from last year's broom corn strictly fresh stock good heavy brooms Wo have just two kinds of these brooms An extra good broom and we are offering them at special prices for a few days only. ONE ASSORTMENT ONE ASSORTMENT . C5c each . 80c each R. P. WEESNER CO. Mas. Ficd Moedo went to Hastings Friday morning where sne will spend a couple of dny visiting Ticroie re turning to her home in Lnnunlc, Wy oming. She has been ncre ror tne past few weeks visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carpenter, and with relatives in Seldcn, Kansas. Miss Virginia Tate went to Hast ings Satuulay morning whcie she had her tonsils removed. After she 's re leased from the hospital there she intends leaving immediately for Moul ton, Iowa, where she will take up her work with tho Midlnnd Chautauqua. She lias secured ?. position with them as Junior Chautauqua Manager. ; Agaai-ji'nrjPUfMiiftJlif.iif J&JWIMWMIIflM&aa