The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1923, Image 8

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The Ideal
Two Weeks'
The Low Cost of the Trip
Will Surprise You
If your time is limited
If you want to crowd into two
woofo, perhaps the maximum vacation
Go to Coloradol
Colorado is as big as all New Eng
land, with Indiana added; two-thlras
is mountainous 100,000 square miles
contain 155 peaks that arc more than
13,000 feet high. Within the state
there arc 500 lakes largo and small;
0,000 miles of running water. Mineral
springs abound no one knows how
many there are. Every railroad lino
is an excursion line; motor high
ways radiato in all directions.
Obviously, in such a rogion, vaca
tion possibilities arc unlimited. Here
whatever your age or means, or i re
ferences, you'll find your vacation "as
you like it."
Where to go? There arc a thou
sand different places!
When to go? Any time! This sum
mer when you're tuckered and sock
ing escape from the heat and dust,
got out under that magnificent cool
blue Colorado sky, got the tang ol
the mountain air and the spicy smell
of pine in your nostrils, and you will
not have to ask anyone whether it
was the right thing to do.
How to go? Oh, just climb aboard
a Burlington luxurious limited! Colo
rado is not "Way off yonder," as
some people think. The journey there
is both quick and pleasant.
If you desire to continuo on to the
Pacific Coast and return via an en
tirely different route, that's easily
Don't wait until the last minute to
make arrangements.
Come in and see mo about it now.
Ticket Agent
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
Insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself Into a fancied
Because tire has never touched you
it doesn't follow that you're immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time and you better And time
come to the oflloe aud we'll write
a policy on your house, furniture,
store or merchandise.
R.elia.ble Insurance
Where I Reside
Tills is my city; this is my'stato,
For here I've come to dwoll
And have a share in building up
The place I.lovo so well.
Whate'er I say of this dear land
Shall be'thoughtfully expressed;
No other In all the world
Has beeu more richly blessed.
It is my home. The people hero
Arc all my kin. And so I say,
"I love this place, I'll do my best
To make It, what I may
"The most inviting spot of all,
That othors, kin of mine,
May come and pitch their tents
Tho shadow of its sliilne."
F. I). T.
1 0;00n.m. Sunday School,
thow the Publican".
11:00 Sermon by Kov. lui II. Wagoner.
8:110 p. m. Sermon by Rev. Ira 1$.
Plan to spend part of eaich Lord's
Day In the Lord's House ou will bo
rested and refreshned for the next
weeks work.
f.W !
yWS i
The best n't. m clock I over had is
The Boss's ctuow.
Trains of thought arc not often
overloaded with execsn baggage.
Nothing helps to promote industry,
enterprise and thrift like a growing
Politeness and courtesy are highly
important but gush makes most peo
ple sick.
Among the most needed inventions
is a pipestem that will not clog in wet
If all tho ads in a certain popular
magnzino were true everybody could
bo millionaires.
When goods arc sold regardless of
cost it docs not necessarily mean that
tho price is low.
Jnck Sweet says n doormat is the
thing you step over carefully when
your shoes arc loaded with mud.
Traffic on tho streets and high
ways would be safer if all automobile
dealers would go on a cash basis.
It is said brides wear white because
it is a symbol of happiness. Uli-huh!
And why do grooms wear black?
Tho sooner you discover that tho
world is not interested in your
troubles the happier you will be.
A Beatrice man says the reason he
doesn't advertise is because it brings
too many strangers into his store.
Bill Cratnb is glad there is no one
who tolls editors what to do. Geo
whiz! Doesn't he ever get any mall?
Someone remarks that ono trouble
with the farmer's dollar is that there
is always two city men waiting for it.
A woman's watch and a second
hand automobilo hold first place as
the two most unreliable- things on
Jimmie Lawrence says good coffco
is a gift of the gods. Sure! And
how about slicod plug smoking to
bacco? Hank Lcggett is now located in his
summer cottage at Mud Holo on the
Bend. Watch his paper for tall fish
The Omaha Bco is strong for prohi
bition but have you noticed that it
has a Brewer on its staff of em
ployes? No husband will admit' to hi3 wife
that ho is wrong. But, usually, the
case is so plain that he doesn't need
to admit it.
Young folks used to get moro real
enjoyment out of a cnbinet orflan
than they do now out of a twin six
An exchange remarks that the old
family doctor had his faults but it
takes half a dozen modern specialists
to take his place.
It is all right to applaud the go
getter, the fellow who pulls off big
stunts every now nnd then, but the
chap who sticks to his job and accom
plishes something every day is often
the most valuable
All reformers have moro or less
hard luck but the ones who try to do
their reforming with a club fare the
worst in putting their ideas over.
Ono advantage of living in a small
town is that you have a chance to
pick new potatoes and fresh eggs off
your own vino and fig tree
When daughter brings her young
ones home for a visit she frequently
remarks that she wishes dad 'had
humored her as much as he does them.
Now that Governor Bryan is nn
Indian tho next important question is
where is he going to wear his
feathers? Ho can't stick them in his
Speaking of labor shortage, Ed
Howe says there is no shortage of
men able to work but there is a real
shortage of men who are willing to
While his wife was away on her
vncation Jack Walsh discovered that
cut glass will break just as easy as
tho other kind when hot water is
poured on it.
I'd like to experience again t'.e
thrill I had when I took my first rail
road ride. Modern youngsters have
so many remarknblo experiences thnt
they take nil of them ns a matter of
course. I was sixteen yenrs old when
I rode on tho cars tho first time
Lots of young folks aro surprised
when they graduate from high school
or oo""p and find that it is rtill
nercs.iaij, to work f- p living. To
many of them get the notion that edu
cation is a substitute for perspiration.
President, Snvlngs Bank Dlvlnlon,
American Bankers Association.
AlthoiiRli tho United States Is today
upon a solid gold basis, wo neverthe
less know of our own knowleilgo what
Inflation means. It
would tako Ions to
recall In detail tho
bitter experiences
which this nation
suffered during tho
Civil War and the
yetrs which follow
ed It, and in our
present easy condi
tion wo might think
such c o n d 1 1 1 oji a
could nover again
8. H. Beach
arlso. But with ouch men as Henry
Ford nnd Thomas A. Edison talking
about commodity money thore Is no
forotolllng what may happen.
Ono of Uio plainest lessons taught by
financial hl3tory Is that whonover a
nation Issues paper money with noth
ing back of It, that nation Is on thy
road to disaster. Look at Russia with
Its worthless rubles and Germany
with Its worthless marks. Think ol
what happened In Franco during tho
years Immediately following our Revo
lutionary War.
Tho common people of Franco rose
In their might, tore down tho Bastlle,
nnd made reprisal for centuries of
kingly crltno and oppression. The
profligate court had piled up taxes un
til they wore unbearable The en
raged populaco killed King Louis XVI,
and nlso his queen, Mario Antoinette.
But they only threw themselves out
of the frying pan Into Uio flro so far,
as finances wcro concerned.
Unsound Money Tyranny
At tho very worst point of their cur
rency Inflation they found themselves
under tho absolute domination ol
Robespierre In order to meet the
growing scarcity of coin, paper mono;
callod asslgnats woro issued. First
400,000.000 francs worth, then 800.000,
000 wcro added with tho distinct un
derstandlng that tho 1,200,000,000
would bo tho full extent of tho issue
This pledgo was soon broken and fur
ther Issues brought tho total up to
3,700,000,000 francs.
Frightful depreciation was the In
evitable result: and legislation waa
passed making It a crime, with
years' Imprisonment as the penalty,
y. li
any one should refuse to take the pa
per asslgoata at their face value. Just
think of ltt A French peasant, after
working the entire year to produce 'a
crop was compelled by law to accept
payment for that crop In paper mon
ey, which-ho know to bo, worthless, or
go to prison. r .,
- it wbb simply legalized ,robbery
When tho penalty waa, Increased tf1
twenty yoars Imprisonment tho Inovi
table climax came. Tho Relgn of Ter
ror was at Its height Robosplorre'
wa3 In supremo power. Ho suggested
that more asslgnats bo Issued and If
tho people did not tako them tho gull
lotlno should bo tho penalty.
Robespierre's End
This unheard of outrago was more
than tho people could stand. An un
known man aroso on the floor of the
convention and denounced Robes
pierre, reciting tho heinous crimes he
had committed, and so worked upon
the feelings of tho audience that
Robespierre, the tyrant, became
Robosplerre, the coavlcted criminal.
Two days later ho was led to the guil
lotine Franco had learned her finan
cial lesson well that money most
hare value back of It
Tho fallacy of unsound money U
sure to confront us again. Never la
there enough of everything for all the
people. Tho struggle for existence la
a real struggle, and thoso who And
themselves In tho lower strata of hu
man society are ready at any time to
grasp at flat money or any ot tho oth
er things which misguided politicians
hold out to them.
My wholo purpose Is to drive home
the fact that danger lies ahead and to
urgo ovory one to let no opportunity
go by to uso voice and influence to
ward keeping tho wampum ot those
United States, as It la today, the
soundest currency In the world.
Investigations mado by tho Missouri
Bankers Association have revealed
that 3G3 banks In tho atato In towns
of undor 2,000 population aro paying
thqlr cashiers and chlof executives an
avorago ot only $110 a month. Only
273 of tho 1,102 reporting banks In
towns under 5,000 population pay tho
presldont a salary. The report says:
"It Indicates that, oven allowing for
tho economy ot living in small com
munities, tho cashiers and managing
ofllcers of thoso 1,162 banks, who re
celvo nn avorago of $140 per month,
olthor must hnvo porsonal moans to
begin with, or must maintain tho
standards necessary to their positions
as tho leaders of their communities and
tho bulldors ot the commonwealth by
means ot 'side lines,' such as selling
insurance, collecting commissions on
Urn loans, and trading in real ostute,"
if i
L(' Us l'.IKl't Mil I fillllllj UJTl? shop.
ping ill Stiil'li Center S.i'iml'iy.
ni Ii til inn i? n trip to Ilt-d C'lrii.t
CUl'ord Noble helped Kit Kill, it
tlii'sli cls Saturday afternoon.
Will Williams finished thrashing Pu
nt'tea nf oats which leveraged hoinu ID i
bushels to the acre.
Fnink Ryan nt.d wlte whs triuliug iu
Womer Friday noon.
John Collins was trading In Womer
Lewi- l'aget's spent Sunday lit Lee
Albert and Let lib Delka spent Sun
clay at ISverett Myers.
Northeast Pawnee
A good tunny are now (muling coal
prior to threshing.
Mr. and M s O a Prill were in Red
Cloud last Saturday.
Thorp DavU luuled hoir9 to Red
Cloud on Frldtty last.
Frank and Jim Rynn hauled hogs to
Red Cloud last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Barber were in
Smith Center last Wednesday.
Mux llelyhan huuled bogs for Bert
Payne to Red Cloud ou lust Saturday.
Oeo..Johnston was In Red Cloud one
day last week visiting and dolug some
Mr. Rol Stone attended the funeral
of Clarke-Stevens ou last Thursday nt
Red Cloud.
Bonnie Mohler and Jalte Williams
drove to Red Cloud last Saturday unci
did their trading.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mountford were
In Red Cloud lost Saturday visiting
their f-jlks and doing their trading.
Mr. utul Mrs. Stephen Couldie were
doing their trading at lied Cloud and
t.iltiiiL' In the Cnutanqua one day last
Not much threshing done yet, but
the few that have threshed are well
pleased with the yield and quality,
pirticularly oats and barley
Almost all have tbelr corn laid by
and those who have the second crop of
alfalfa stacked ure busy cutting weeds
both in the corn and arouud the fields
and premises.
Mrs. Wm Reliehan of Topekais here
visiting her family aud relatives In
Pawnee and Logan as her visits were
few she now aims to remain here for a
number of weeks.
The corn is growing by leaps and
bounds and is further nnvanced than
it has been for years, enough moisture
so far in the around, but a rood rain
would be highly apprecihted
Mr Wm. Hooper one of the oldest
gentlemen In this vlclnitywas the'flrst
to have roasting ears this year having
them in the middle of July, free to his
neighbors to help themselves.
Willie Williams threshed last week
filling up his granarie to full capacity
liuvhiK 11,000 bushels between oats Hiid
barley, the greater part of the former
pinking 45 bushels to the acre.
Mrs Win. Reliehan, Mr and Mr".
John Collins, Ohas Collins, Jake Will.
lam?, Ed L adabruud and C. M. Coale
were entertained at an ice cream
party given by Mr aud Mrs. Beanie
Mohler on last Friday evening
Miss Lettle Dilka was assisting Mis
E. Myers in painting the interior of
the house one day last week. Both la
dy painters aims to take a number of
contracts this fall and guarantee to do
their work iu a workmanlike manner
and according to specifications.
"Hut Jesus said, suffer, the little
cklldreu, and f.rb;d them uot, to come
unto me: for to such belongeth the
kingdom of heaven". "2,033 news
papers, with a combined circulation ot
14.233,251, curry dally quotations from
the Scripture somewhere on their
pages, most of them at the head of the
editorial column," Herald of Gospel
Next Sunday morning we will ob.
serve Cradle Roll Day. The Cradle
Roll Superintendent, Virginia Cald
well, and tho Primary Department un
der the direction of Kuby Hanson and
Ann Uanny are preparing an Interest
lug program. The program also in
eludes a special sermon for the par
ents. Let's give the babies u hearty
welcome with a full house.
The women have a treat in store for
Friday of next week. Tho Missionary
Society is to meet with Mrs. J. J. Pope
who has promised us several numbeas
of Negro mtislj in addition to the
study of the lesson.
Bible bshool at IU u. m.
Morning service at 11 a. in,, Subject:
"History repeating itself; Modern
sjciiui-n, PhuiiMUtiiud Suddueees"
No evening Service. Union ' Service
on lawn with Sermon by Hov. H S.
Monthly Covenant Meeting on Wed
nesday evening, followed by Commun
ion next Sunday morning.
Cordial Invitation to nil not regular
ly attending elsewhere.
I. W. EPSON, Pastor.
State Line
li frSi i tt
hH rw cb h h hi hv yM
II ll IV
$110 b
Why Pay Excessive Rates
The Great Northern Steamship Company
Announces that Arrangements are Now
Being Made for Monthly
$ 1 1 0 Round Trips to Europe
Boston Southampton BostonGothenburg
$11 0 $138
One Way $65 One Way $75
Connecting for Connecting for
London, Liverpool, LeHavre Chrlltlania, Stockholm, Helslngfors
Danzig, Riga, Copenhagen
The Company plans to carry approximately two thousand passengers
monthly. Make your plans now (or a trip during the coming season.
A round trip, with all expenses on
shipboard included, at no more ex
pense than a vacariou right here at
home! To meet the ever incrcasiug
demand iu this country for an in
expensive and at the same time
thoroughly comfortable and enjoy
able trans-Atlantic voyage, is the
prime object of the Great Northern
Steamship Company. Organized
by progressive business men who
realize the exceptional opportunity
offered for inexpensive travel in
Europe, the Company will cater to
the thousands of intelligent persons
We have an opening for an energetic representative in your locality. This
Is an excellent opportunity for a person of character to build up a
permanent business both for himself and the Great Northern.
Z3T Cut out and mail with your name and address "iSX
A. Wikstrom
Information Oep't.
Edmunds Bldg., Suite 54
Boston, Mass.
I am interested in securing full in
formation regarding a trip to:
(Mark a cross) One way Round trip
Germany .
Baltic Proviuccs .
Finland ..
Street or R. f. d.
City or towu ..
The Malone
1 felCik-S4 It'll
W I I vS$FL '' i i i i j i ""li nun inn mi 'I Mil I III li its J
I MMEN5ITY s on the uollar in benefits every year.
incomparable in (An indication of the progress oFlfie 5tates citizens
its wealth of ex- for the past year aqriculrurally Industrially and
CLUsiVE features (educationally
NEBR AS K A AT j A measuring rodof theSfates Weallh.resources
A GLANCE (and possibilities
I., iinJni .. - s ah c i
who wish to visit the battlefields of
France, the Shakespeare country,
Scandinavia, the Laud of the Mid
night Sun, etc. A chance of a life
timcl So it would seem; but it is
more than that. The company will
build (or a permanent business,
planning ou setting a new standard
of high-class ocean travel on a one
class basis. That this can be done
at a fair margin of profit has al
ready been proved aud is further
outlined in our prospectus. You'll
find it extremely interesting.
United States Service, Inc.
Head Office, Edmunds Bldg.
Boston, Mass.
( Check )
Enclose find i P. O. Order for
( Draft )
as payment
in Part
ln( full
units of the shares of The Great
Northern Steamship Company. Inc.
Price per unit $50.00.
(Four Preferred and two Common
Shares to each unit.)
Have Certificate and Receipt issued
in the name of:
Name ....
Street or R.f.d
City or town .
The above price quqted for immedi
ate acceptance only.
When buying on installments 25 per
cent of purchase price must accom
pany order, balance may be made iu
ten monthly paymcutc.
- Gellatly Co.
Dollar Investment RelumingfcHundred
UI.HIM iurwutuiv i is,yVm. m,
tri - martv trwnufw ?nrw -i irrinvnv it