The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1923, Image 2

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Rccont Happonings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Won I-ont
Wlrliltii ru no
thImi rti :(.i
ornului -II! 10
(iklnliiiiua City II ,'tS
lii-s Miiliit's HI -1:1
si .iiccpii :i,"i it
J.iiiiv City U'2 ."(
Denver :il Til
Won l.ost
Vorfulk IK 1M
Lincoln II) III
Fnlrbtuy :H JW
Crniiil Mniiri :i) 10
Montrleo ill -fj
Hastings Ill) 41
.1 :ir
.4 IS
All grade schools liullt hereafter In
OiiiiiIim will lie niinicil after Hit' presi
dents of t In rnlti'U suites.
Viola I'litioii, 1,"., whs drowned when
:i companion, In a playful priuik,
pushed her Into u swimming pool ut
A shortage of S'JO.OOO was round In
the First National bank at Nlekorsnn,
following a clu'c'k made liy .slate bank
Two test wells fur oil will lie stnrteil
nriir Kearney Immediately by men
who have leased 'J0.000 aeres In min
eral liullt".
Children at play ulong the Klkliorn
river near Kinmi't. In Holt enmity, un
earthed the skull of a .supposed pro.
historic man.
Cusi Kuteiibeck of Uliea lias been
named .superintendent of the state IMi
haleheiles at Orotnu to .sticeeed W. .1.
O'Mrlen, resigned.
The animal convention of the State
Hankers1 association will be held In
Omaha this fall, with an estimated at
tendance of over 1,'JOO
Mrs. John llolnz of Fremont, was
painfully burned about the face and
body while nlteinptlng to extinguish
Humes in her home .starting froin an
elect rle Iron.
Dates for the trl-eounty tenuis tour
nament to he held hi lllootntleld have
Ix'eii .set for August t) unil 10. The
ilNirlct Includes the eoiintles of l'lerce
Cedar and Knox.
I'.aby Itnyuioud Aaron Menusli, I
miiiiths old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1.
Itctiash of Schuyler, Is the fourth liv
ing generation on each side or Ids
parents' families.
The llrst new wheat was marketed
In Fnlrbury last week, the price open
ing from SO to S.'Ie a bushel. Thomas
WiiMi threshed fifty acres testing (10
to . averaging twenty bushels an acre.
All hands In Nebraska are invited to
take part in the Mid-West baud contest
tn be conducted during the fall festi
val of Ak-Sar-!5cn, October l!--l, during
which SiMWO In cash prizes will he
In the 2 :'M pace to be held at th
State fair September U to 7. 1'!) horse
are eutoied, anions them being several
which are well known to nue fans in
this -ect Ion. The purse for J his event
will be .SI, 01 10.
It Is understood that the I'.urllngton
r.ulwny Is to build a new brick depot
.,! Ilubbell at once, taking the place of
the old frame one destroyed hv Hn.
.lune.'l. Mateilal has been ordered and
-peclilcatlous drawn up.
Records at the olllce of the the state
dlvUlon of automobile registration
show that there are U7,0(lo more ears
in Nebraska than there were hist ear,
.mil l Mitt there is now one automobile
fur every s- people In the state.
A ."lOO-word essay on "What Camp
OitVoid Means io .Me" submitted by
l.ermird l.llulberg, Troop CI of the
Omaha council of bo.v scouts, won him
a 1 l-tla.v trip, all expenses paid, to
Itasca Park, Minn, next August.
Ted I'auss. of Hooper, fanner. Is In
a critical condition, and his brother,
otto, sutlers from painful burns as ie
sulis of the explloslon of a stoma
tbieshing engine which they were
lining irom Winslow to Hooper.
.lake Sn.viler, of Columbus, sulTeied
a sorlousl.v burned wldle attending
a marshmallow roast, when a glil In
front ol It 1 1 1 1 llnillug her marshmallow
alire, tossed It over her hack fmni the
did of a stick, the blazing mass strik
ing Snyder in the face.
Frank Vogt, a farmer near Wolbach,
was very sleop.v. He la.v in I lie shade
of one of one of his horses In the Held.
Mat Yogi's horse, seeing his master
asleep also grew drowsy and la.v down
beside li I lit. Vogt awoke with three
broken ribs and u tale uo one will be
lieve although ( , true.
A stuii.pode of eoloied w niters, cooks
..lid kitchen help with the llngouhcck-j
Wallace circus occurred at a nurform .
unco in Omaha, when "Teddv." keener'1""'''
f the storeroom, and "Gohllo." head
..iter, unlliuborod their guns and "shot
"t" a iiuarrel over a can of washing
Walter W. Head ol oiunha was
ile.ted a vice-president of the Nlitlou-
rU boy scout organization. J
Albert Woss of O'Neill died in ti local I
ii.spltal from lockjaw. Tho boy's hand
was hurnoil when he discharged a to.v
llstol. Tetanus set In causing death, j
As part of a lighting syMeni loguldf,
i.ight air mall lllers, a
...udle-povvor hem on Is being Installed 1
,n the air mall landing Held at K.irt !
100k. Lights of this kind, it N said, I
:.u bo seem b pilots from 11 distance
.f l'JO miles. The manimoth beacon
tan be Hooiled, used us 11 spot light, or
Fred fhvPUH.Ron of .Tnirph Owrni.
of Geneva had his right foot almost
severed from the leg by n mowing
Tho Country club at North l'lntto
will hold Its llrst nnutinl western
Nebraska open golf tournament July
17 18-ltVJO.
A dope fiend entered the ofllec of
Dr. C. W. Wnlilon, tit Hentrbo, and
seemed a iiiantlty of narcotics and;?!.",
in gold coins.
V...... ..... ....I.I.,,. I ,1... 1,1 1. ........
State naiiK or approximately si, not I in
silver and bonds of an undetermined
amount, ami escaped.
Donald Motor Hilt, 2, son of a far
mer living near Lincoln, died after
swallowing kerosene from a can with
which he wns playing.
The formal transf. r Aibor I.odgo
at Nebraska City to the. state for usti
as a park and histoilcal museum will
lake place September U".
Michael Dempsey, Chief of Omaha
police, died In i: local hospital, as a
result or heart trouble, brought about
b.Vrii nervous breakdown.
1'he North Custom Nebraska tennlH
tourney, will be held at Kanilolph this
year, according to plans formulated at
a mooting of local tennis men,
Tlio li(.-.v ear-old son of K. K. IMerson
near ltrokon Mow, was badly hurt by
lings," when he wandered a half mllu
from homo Into a large hog pasture.
Nettle l-:, Holconih, daughter of for
mer Coventor llolcnmb was married
la! week Io Mujor l.awienco H. Hall,
('. S. A. at I'.elliiiL'Inim. WnslibiiMini
The eli.v administration ol Kearney I
is considering plans calling for the I
construciion of a now storm sower
ssl nt ii cost approximating nl'OO,
Ninety students representing thu j
various colleges of the I'lilvorsliy of i
Nebraska, graduated at the close of i
llie th-st six months' summer term last
w eek. i
Approximately S 0,000 worth of '
damage was done at Wisnor by II10
which bin nod the West brothers' build- 1
ing threatening tho entire huslnos-r
Donald llrovver. D.ninuth-nhl son of
Mi, and Mrs. IMwnrd Mi ewer i.r I're
niont was drowi:"d In a washtuh of
water which had been left on tho rear
porch of the l'aiullv home.
I. anil prices In Nebraska may be on
the Increase according to the pii
an elglit.v acre farm sold locoutly In
Hurt county. The proper was sold
for SLMiO an acre, or S'JO.SOti.
A check or automobile licenses Issued
in Douglas county up to April I, ills-'
dosed that than .",000 persons in
the county and city of Omaha had
failed to list their cars for taxation. ,
On account of the growth of I'laln- ,
view and on the grounds or Its com. !
morcial and sanitary needs, the city j
council has passed a resolution making I
provision for installing a owerngo
s.vsteiu. '
Several cases of typhoid diavo been
reported in I'nlvorsll.v I'lace altlio j
ph.vslciatis added that they believe thu1
cause of the disease s under control 1
since a chlorlnator has boon Installed'
in the clt.v reservoir. 1
Itev. .lames M. Mrown, who has 10-j
signed fiomthe pastorate of the West
minister I'lesbyteiian church, at,
coin, moved his famil.v to I lti-ln-) .
vvhi'io ho will do college extension wuk I
tor Hastings college. I
The adjutant general of the Nebrus-1
ka National guard has ssue, an order
for a toui-day school of ln-11 ut lion for
'Ulcers ami enlisted 1 oiumlssloned
olliceis m .shlnml to Login August i
and end August .,, the da.v before thu
annual encaiiiprrrent begins.
I'll odors of Ak-Sar-Men are making
plans whorohv Omaha will bo. 01110
i enter for Hue stock shows In futuro
.vears. Facilities for such shows may
be had at Ak-Sar-Men Held and It H
the plan to hold tho shows n .ounce
tion with tho fall festival.
The worst scourge of Hies south
western Nebraska has over had is
musing much loss to dinners. .Milk has boon cut down mio
half, all live stock is rapidly losing
welglu and farm operations have been
Interfered with. Local dallies havu
had to Import milk to supplj their
Twoiily-s- contrails for Hunts h.ivu
been received b.v Chairman Webster of
the Ak-Sar-Men patriotic pageant and
parade coiuiultieo. Tentative nrrangi-
iiients have been completed for an ad
ditional number from Omaha Institu
tion, and several from Lincoln Chair
man Wobbler sa.vs that there will ho
forty bands In the parade and ruoio
than people marching. I'rncth--ally
ovory organization In the clt.v wdl
he represented.
Following wheat and o.its hai vests
in Paw 1100 county, it U said tho chinch
hugs are entering the corn Holds dosij
to small M'll'i Holds in large numbers
Whether they have hatched out In
sullldcnt numbers to damage tin -n
gcnerullv thruoiit the county Is not .vet
Klo.vd Wheeler ami William Draegor,
swimming in the Klkliorn liver near
Norfolk, in shallow water, caught a
weighing llft.v -seven pounds
"" "s" -' '" " '""' d the men
llhed it out with a hook. It I tho
largest cattish caught in that part of
the state for many .vears.
Tho State pioss association vv.ll
,1"l' "N nc-'vl meiMiiiK 111 Omaha August
1('' " ,m'1 ,--
''"'"'.vra will Imve a Maby Mee." Club
s,imv "lis fl"-
'" " ll"ul frenzy to gel water for ii
,ll'lnli "'"' ' '"l'il' .MliN "r pester-
'"-' lll,,' ll(!l'' "l" HI"' cattle on Hid
,o1"1 l'"ers farm, near Miller sum.
1""1''1'' lrokedown a feme surrounding
''""K1' reservim- and plunged Int.. tho
'0"' I"'"'- "- I'-'1 "'"'' " I'l'i'd man
'' "ttraded by their bellowing
'""' "nl'il on the scene, KM) head of
cattlo valued at $10,000, had been either
drowned or trampled to death.
Copy lor Tlih Department Supplied by
tlif Amrrlcan I.'xlnn Nrwn Kervlce.)
Soldier Patient In Toledo (Ohio) Hos-
pital May Do Martin Lyons
or Dert Jordan.
Is Martin Lyons n patient In the
Toledo (O.) hospital for the Insane,
1 soldier of the t"n!tod States army
prior to 1017, or Is he the man vvitosc
'dentlly he has at times claimed IU'it
Jordan, a World war veteran?
This Is the question which ling puz-
:lud authorities of the American Le
'Ion and other agomies for the relle! '
jf the ex-service man since the man
iviih found wandering about the street!
of Toledo two years ago.
As L.vons, he has boon Identified b.v
the War department as having served
In the army in II) I o. I'inger print ,
aided In the establishment of this Iden
tlllcuthiii. When discovered In Toledo he xnvc
the authorities the name of llert .lor
dan, said b.v War department otlkial
to have boon an olllcer of the World
war. Cards and letters In the man's
clothing bore this nuiin. Since then
he has become paral.vzoo and lol use
of voice and humK hut has Indicated
that his correct name was Martin
L.vons, He once claimed California
as Ids home state, and when found
carried 11 photograph or a Salt Lake
City (I'tali) lestaurant in ills pocket.
Through the ageiic.v i.r the Hod Cross
It has been determined that such a
man was a patient in a Stockton
(Calif.) hospital, but was discharged
or escaped, lie N then thought to .
have enlisted In tho I'liltcd States arm.v
at Alameda. Calif.. In 101.', hut wa
dioppeil two months later as "men
tall.v detlciont."
He is now hopelosly bedridden, due
Io the paral.vllo allliction, and Is In
the Toledo Institution, the ward or the
women or the American, Legion Aux
iliary, who believe that he is a World
war veteran. Tho Injury which caused
Ids Illness is due to a deptosslon of
the left side of the skull, hut Ids arm
from wrist to elbow shows signs of
skin grafting. The man claims thin
resulted from service In Franco.
About six foot in height, the man Is
of splendid ph.vshiuo. weighing In the
neighborhood of I0O pounds. Ho has
snmly halv, blue e.vos and strong, ro
llnetl features. When found he stated
that he was thlrt.v -three .vears of ago,
and Indicated since that he has two
brothers anil two sisters. Any Infor
mation as to the man's Identity or as
to his family should ho sent to Mrs.
I C. Conrad. IL'07 Kast ltroadway.
Toledo. (., chairman of the hospital
committee of the Ohio department of
the American Legion Auxiliary.
John Gose and Others of Committee
on Aeronautic TVent Fireproof '
Oacodne Tank.
Unvirit lost ids right leg and suf
fered severe Injuries caused by a '
burning airplane In the World war,
John llenr.v (Jose of Washington, D,
C, a member of the American I.e.
glou's national committee on aero
nautics, with other aviators, who had
received similar Injuries, set to work
to devise a sjstem to eliminate for
others the dangers that caused their
own Injuries.
The result was the invention of a
Hroproof gasoline tank, containing a
llro-restlng chemical which extin
guishes any lire that may start from a
leak in the gasoline tank s?tom.
Another Has); containing acid I in.
stalled over tho engine of the airplane.
This Husk releases Its acid as soon as
a certain toinpeinture has boon
reached. The Invention Is built In
much the same maimer as a thorium
Husk Is constructed.
Mr. Cose entered the service at l'ort
Myer, Ylrglnla. He served for a time
In a battery of field artillery until he
obtained a transfer to the aviation
service. He received training with the
Canadian Royal KlyliiK corps at To
ronto, and completed his course at
Hicks. To:. Commissioned a llrst l.ou
tenant, he wont overseas with the
'I'w out. v second aero squadron. Later
he was detached for service with tho
Mrltlsh Royal Flying corps, it was
while ho was with ;he Mrltlsh that he
sulTeied the accident.
Hying at an altitude or between ."00
and 1100 root, a shoot of Hume shot
from underneath the front g.iollne
dink of Ids plane. Lieutenant (lose
Immediately put the machine Into a
sideslip to put the Humes out. and also
to make a landing. Tho plane clashed
nn one win; and the p'lot was pinned
In the burning wreckage. Struggling
to get free from the blazing plane, ho
broke both legs In the attempt. Mean
while the tiro was burning around bis
legs and body. Kvcntunlly, comrades,
risking their lives, stir-coded In pull
ing the nontenant from t Ijo plane.
What was lott of his tight leg bud to
ho umputated.
"My one thought during the 10
months l wan In the rnspltal was to
Hud a tire-prevent Ion siiulpiuont that
would save other ll.vers from m.v own
experience," Lieutenant (lose stated.
An organizer of the American Le
gion post at Ilrlstol, Ta., Lieutenant
Close has been connected with the ox
service organization ninco tho o.njy
days of its exUtence.
Plan to Capture World Markets
i mMQ. I
l5life.' k .t ilW W
"We'll 'sell the world!" said Dr. Julius Kluln, director of the bineau of foreign and domestic commerce, shown,
here, third fiom loft, with his assistant dliectors as they completed .their preliminary work for the ll)l-'J4 Hoover
orograrn for making the world America's market place. Left to right, they are: Thomas It. Taylor, Louis Domor
itkey, Dr. Klein. O. P. Hopkins and Robert A. .lackson.
William M. Uu.v or WiiHlilngton.
president of the Shorthand Reporters'
association, standing beside 00,000
lmges of shorthand which he person
ally recorded during the proceedings
of the commission for the adjustment
of foreign clnlms in London.
Here Is the vla.v uiodei li Allnn i'ol
nsek, well-known sculptor, which Is to
be cast In bronze to adorn Michigan
nvenuo In Chicago. It is called the j
"Spirit of Music." The statue. Is six- .
teen feet high and will he placed on a j
granite piatronn live teei mgn. i-oi-nsek
thinks music 11 sexless art and
for this reason hu has combined In
his statue the strength of the untie
uul tho beauty und grace of the fe
iule form.
1 Curious Use for Ice.
V'f to the present it has been not
tlble to leave only small cavltleayin
concrete, but u big advance has been
brought about by a new foreign
I method. Iieees of Ice that correspond
to the measurements of the cavity r
inilred are embedded in thu concrete
mass, and small channels are left tn
allow tho water to run off when the
Ice melts. The process is of particular
advantage In reinforcing concrete with
Iron. The Iron parts are not built In
during thu stumping, hut are attached
to tho blocks of Ice before the woik
Is begun. The repeated moistening
usuull.v necessury in concrete work Is
not required In this process, for the
melting of the lco makes up the hsH
by vnporutlon.
',&L VlkA J
Cherokee Princess Is a Seer
l'liiicess Wahletka, of the Cnerokee Indian tribe, who is u hnlfbreud, tiei
father being a French Canadian and her mother a daughter of Spy Buck ot
the Chorokces, has Just proved before such research workers as Dr. Walter V,
Prince, director of the American Society of I'sychlcal Research, iTofoasot
Hodge and others, that she possesses peculiar powers of seeing Into the future
11ml also delving Into the past. Her ability to read minds is remarkable. Shf
Is seen here reading the mind of Mrs. John Westlleld In New York.
Celebrating Green River Day
I Stiii'tlii with .1 pageant of the ovoilami u. 1 I in wimh pioneers, trapperii
I and pony express riders took part, the "linen River Day" celebration nt
j Green River, Wyo.. llnlshcd with a good old-fashioned western barbecue. TI1I1
I photograph shows "Doc" Frye, famous cook, making coffeu for r.,000 assemblcvf
runchers, shliipers and railroaders.
Immigrants Thronging Into America
-TV &v& JBSij mxm mw&r&i2?Z't&nm( f feX
'ySK. '"'', ''' 1 jat,-: " ,.y ' v a?,
ii "Cf sr wPS: . nti 1
Already tlio new (piotas of itiiiulgrauts Imvo been IHlert in the case of,
most foreign countries, and many will have to return to their nntlvo lands.
Here are a lot of fortunate ones who liavo ptiKBod tho cxntulnntlon ut Kllli
Ifcland and aro going ashore at the Mtitterj-, New xdfli.
for America