ajvri i j' m fh I 1 V h if P IV WW. i u SL -sw zjimt TBfMBrwBBPm'Titr t LvHLl v J rBL. T.?SStfttiif itf?..i PJw'' "fjwMxI "tEKS TBBPBBhJj3lB . la EIPIIPVvUiriHOif HEFclRiEBfEfTw jS sBt A Newspaper That Gives The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year Rr 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JULY 19, 11)23 NUMBER 29. , SSSSfS'S! KEEP COOL an K ft SUMMER CLOTHING i A GABERDINE, MOHAIR, PALM BEACH SUITS 13. 50 to S35.00 STRAW HATS $1.50 to 93.SO o SUMNER UNPERWEAR BAL BRIGAN, PORUS KNIT LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES ATHELETIC 75c TO j 2.00 REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF "MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. d'i' k:W? Base Ball At Red Cloud, Nebraska SUNDAY, JULY 22, '23 Commencing at 3 p. m. Hastings Independents vs. Red Cloud The visitors have a good team and have won most of their games, while Red Cloud has won 10 out of 12. Come out and see Harry , Wallie, Joe and the rest of the bays play. V servlco y SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - I rid. J 2 Ox esedf) AULD AND JOHNSTON MAKE A HEAVY PURCHASE i. i SBasosea J. W. Auld and Clarence Johnston, who wore In attenda' ce at a thorough hied cattle sale in a leading Missouri city, tre first of the wee:., aic re ported to have purchased so-no twenty six head to add to the:r Webster county holding?, chief among the new sock be'ng; a . 10.001) 00 bull Wed AcNertiser. FRANKLIN I. O. O. F. PROVE KOYAL KNTERTAINICRS The District Insta ling Officers of the I. O. O. P. consisting of Dibtiict Deputy Giand Master J. E. Murna linm, L. C. Fras'er A. B. McArthur, n W. Stewart, E. J. Over'ng, Jr., and W. G. Hamilton together with twche other Odd Fellows and Rebeknhs went to Franklin Tuesday evening and installed the officers of the two lodges in joint public installation at that place. After the ceremonies the Franklin members served refresh ments which were remarkable both as to the number and the exceliencc of the cakes. The Frankl'n folks are royal entertainers and those who went from here are unanimous ir. saying that the occasion was a most excel lent one. Chautauqua Opens Wednesday morning the Chautauqua was opened by Miss. Nao I. Sorcnson meeting the children and organizing the Junior Chautauqua. She has a very pleasing personality and shows wonderful ability as an organizer. In the hf'emoon the Chautauqua was opened in earnest by Miss Cornelia Eusinger, as platform manager. This is quite an (novation as heretofore we have been used to a gentleman man ager. But Miss Ensinger shows great executive ability in the way she is handling the work. The Virginia Jubilee Stagers and J. W. Zollinger comprised the afternoon and evening program. The first appearance of the Jubilee Singers assured their audience of their superior ability as entertain t'ers, They acted as a prologue number at both-. afternoon and evening pro grams for J. W. Zelllnger lu bis por trayal of our statesmen and heros For years Zellinger has held first place la this art. His average time for costume changing is but thirty seconds. His characters appeare'd with lightening like rapidity and with such startling likeness as to be almost human, and which for the moment amazed the audience. Hi9 Huok Finn was recog nized immediately by the children. Hi9 Abe Martin was thoroughly enjoy ed. The heavier part of his program won his audience as one by one Per shing, Llojd George, the Tiger of France, Wilson, Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln and others stepped forth and gave extracts of their most famous speeches. If the remainder of the ohautauqUa is a repitatloa of the first day we are assured of its saccess. Defeats Osborne 5 to 0 Sondny afternoon the Red Cloud ball team gave the fans of Osborne. Ka , the sensitlon of seeing thnlr team suf fer a shutout on their diamond Smith was at his best striking out 13 and al lowed tily two to reach second base. He had ''cellent support and our team is gutting u reputation as a good ono and hard to beat Elton Pope's Ford Stolen Monday night, presumably about two o'clock, thieves entered the Chas Smith garage In the Second Ward and stolo the Ford touring car belonging to Elton Pope, and made their get away. They did not molest the Ford coupe belonging to Mr. Smith. A noise was heard by Smiths about two o'clocic but nothing was thought of it and the loss was not discovered untiUthe next morning. Elton U the mail carrier on route 4 and the ear is a great loss to them. The thieves evidently pushed the car a block or so before starting the en gine. Mr. Pope carried no insurauce. Gary Zeiss Dies uary .eiss, wno nnu been, to poor health for the past year died about 11 o'clock last night at the home of his parents Mr. and Mr9. Chris Zeiss re sldltfffln the first ward. ' He was born in this city and was '20 years old at the time of his demise. For a number-of years he conducted the delivery system for the merchants of this city after which he entered the Burlington railway service as firemau and was considered as an exceptional good employe but owing to falling health had to quit woik about a year ago Besides his parents, two brothers and two sisters arc left to mourn his demise. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon Clark Stevens Laid to Rest BAPTIST Am unable to keep up payments on my piano. First class condition nearly new. Any one can havo it by payiug me a small amount for my equity and keeping up, payments. If Interested write for price and full par ticulars to Lock Box 710, Omaha, Nebraska. Bible school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a in., Subject: "Terms of the life eternal." Evening Service is defered on ac count of the Chautauqua, which ends on Sunday evening. There wus good attendance and ex cellent luterest at tho weekly prayer meeting, held this week on Tuesday evening Those nresent expressed themselves well satisfied to meet a day earlier. The next will meet regularly on Wednesday evening 25th. I On Thursday evening July 120th, the Loyalty eluss of tho Blbl hchool will i have a social at the church with homo made ice cream and cake. Some speu ial exercises and music wlll'also be en joyed. Tho voung ladles auk special attention to this announcement.! By rotation Rev. B. 'S. Dnughertv will bo the preacher on tho evening of July '20th at the Union Service, at which time the- report of tho Commit teo on Seats will no ready and will bo given. The Chautauqua Is now on and wo are all hoping for literary and financial success So mote it bo. I. W. EBSON, .Pastor. Clark Stevens, who had been in fail lug health for some months, died Tues day morniug at the home of his son, Hoy, in Hastings. He was taken to Hastings, Sunday, for medical atten. tion and examination. Be was bom in Hamilton countv Indiana, January us, 1330 On August 17, 18C0 h was married to Margaret Criswell they coining to Webster county in 1891 where he engaged in farming until about fifteen years ago when he retired aud moved to this city. To this union were born twelve children. Qve of whom tochether with I the mother proceeded, Mr. Stevens to the eternal home. In 1918 he was married to Mrs. Groat who together with his four sons, Bert, Wert, Ottand ; Rov and three daughters, Mesdames A. D. Stanley, Clare Pope and Glen Pearn are left to mourn the demise of a kind and loving husband and father, After moving to this city Mr. Stevens was President of the Farmers Inde pendent Telephone Co., and worke'd faithfully in building up the company and also served a term as Alderman of the First ward. The romalns were brought to tho family homo in this city, Tuesday evening and funeral services were held at the Methodist church, of which the deceased was a member, this afternoon after which interment was made in the city cemeteiy. THERE MUST BE A RBASOX ' Why we sell moro Bugs than other' stores. Johnson it Giahaiu Fumltuie Co, Bed Cloud, Nebr WE SELL1 THKM FOB LBSS AND DKLIVMl! TUB GOODS. tf 'KW?BaaaaaaaaS Kodak as you go All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak, counter. Finishing service that .pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. i Autographic Kodaks $6.$Qiif. --" E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist G ROCERY ITEMS THAT AR.E Special Values 1 Seedless Raisins, 1-Lb Package SPECIAL No. 2 1-2 Large Cans Peaches SPECIAL 1 2c 18c No. 3 Large Cans Sweet Potatoes ?1Ar sprcniAT. & H 25c 50c 75c 75c SPECIAL Tall Cans Alaska Red Salmon SPECIAL No. 10 Gallon Peaches SPECIAL No. 10 Gallon Loganberries SPECIAL No. 10 Gallon Blackberries SPECIAL ,. HOW IS YOUR "ANT" DON'T FORGET WE HAVE THE MAGIC IIOODO THAT ABSOLUTELY DRIVES THEM AWAY. R. P. WEESNER CO, i Mr and Mrs. V. L. Watkins return- Sponco Potter. eil Wednesday evening trom a weeks visit at Enid and Helena, Oklu. Tliej wero accompanied home, by his patents I Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Watkins, brother John and nephow LeBoy, aud her sister Mrs. Hazel Gibson, unci children, Marshal, aud Maxine Mis. Helen Gnmel of Arapalioe Is here visiting at the home or her uncle Mrs. D. B. Stunkuul accompanied by her daughter, Helen, loft for Pa droni, Colorado, Friday evening on No. 17 where they will spent: a couple of weeks with her son, Lee, who is Jon a farm near that place. Lylo Harris and Miss Edna Cum m'ngs surpiiscd their many friends Saturday by going to Mnnkato, Kan sas, where they wore married by the county judge. The newly weds left Monday morning for Wheeler.. Kan sas, whoro they will make their homo on a farm. AN ATX. j',HS