RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF i I 2 , k K AS TOLD TO US ' O. I'erginnn was down from Inavale the last of the week. Dick -Lewis.-was a passenger L.ncoln Sunday morning. to Attorney P. J. Munday was in Lir. coin the last of the'weck, Mis J. Wisccarver went to St. Monday morning on train 10. Joe Miss Blanche McC'aitney was a pas s-engor to Jun'nta Saturoay morning. J. H. Ba'ley, A. 13. I'eircc and &on, I.awience were 'n Giand Island Tues day. We ate now prepued to irire reason. Hnnk'cs, Bandanas, Hankies, rate able tonus on both New HudU&ed Cuts bow colors. Birthday special 5c payable motithly or In ii lump sum. Oglovle Bros Mr$. Edgar Cowden left for Long Beacli, Cnlilomia, on Tuesday even where she will spend several wee!? visiting. Yes I looked cvcrywherc4 couldn't find my Hubby, found him when ical slices arc 78c a pair. Hirthday Sale Cowden Ka'oy Olo. Co. Urovcr Cniey and Ernest Moran ville departed Tuesday morning for western Kansas where the: will work !n the ha: vest fields. Lost my wife found her buying bitthday bargains. Cbwdon-Kaloy Clo. Co. Raymond Slawson went to Cowles Monday morning to spend the with friends day PLAYER-MANO ROLLS AT ONE HALF PRICE. ZONA BERG & SON SUPERIOR, NEBR. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Watkins are sper.d'ng the week with his patents at Helena, Oklahoma. Miss Nellie Gilham arrived in the city Monday to visit her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ohas. Gilham. Chas. Gurney went to Hastings on ""Wednesday morning to spend the nay attending to business matters. Three carloads of hogs e:e ship ped to .Kansas City and three car loads of cattle to Kansas City fiom here Sumhy morning. Cowdcn-Kaley Clo. Co. Irwin and Clayton Alles went o Wheeler, Kansas, Wednesday morning whole they will help in the Harvest fie'ds there for the ne.t few weeks Mrs. H. G. Etheiton leturned.homc Friday morning from Cnlifomin wheic she has been spending the past couple of months visiting with her sou. COMPARE Our prices on rugs, und you will buy your next Rug of John sou A: Grithaui Furnltuic Co., Red Cloud, Nubr WESKLLTUKM FOR LESS. I f sztttTzgfi YELLOW PENCIL MtmAicn'.CAAMooTiancoiJNrR!is LTiisiSS wiMtfia RED BAND maocby I Perry Anderson returned to his honu at Ansclmo, Tuesday after n few days heic with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Anderson. EXCEPTIONAL BUYS!!! NEW AND USED PHONOGRAPHS, EVERY MAKE. ZONA BERG & SON. SUPERIOR, NEBR. Roy Herbergcr returned home Sat urday evening on No. 11 from Sioux City, Iowa, where he has been work ing for the past few weefcs. H. a Gellatly went to Hastings Saturday morning to spend the day attending to business matters. Miss Mildred McCaferr went to Sel den, Kansas, Wednesday morning to spend a few weeks with friends. Mrs. E. A. Moranville went to Lin coin Saturday morning to spend a few days visiting with relatives. Mrs. J. W. Auld and children went to Denver, Colorado, Monday cven'ns whcie they will snend a tew wccks. W. A. Romjue returned borne Mon day evening from Texajs -where he has bees' spending the past week at tending to business matters. Ralph Hunter, G. R. Beck, W. G. Hamilton, Fred Henderson and Dr. Hurst witnessed the ball game at Hastings on Tuesday afternoon. A. N. Crabill icturned home on Wednesday morning liom Kansas City whcie he has been spending the past few dayc attending to business matters. Mrs. Clara Walker and son and father, J. M. Burgess, left for Flor ence, Colorado, Monday evening to spend il couple of weeks visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barrett return cd to the'r home in Superior Monday morning after spending Sunday Ticrc visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrett. QUALITY FIRST AND FIRST QUALITY IN OUR PIANOS AND PLAYERS. CONSULT US BEFORE YOU BUY. ZONA BERG & SON, SUPERIOR. NEBR. A. B. Ciabill went to Kansas City Sunday morning to spend a few days attending 'to business matters. Mrs. Lester Yost und baby went to Omaha Friday evening to spend a couple of weeks visiting with friend-' SEVERAL HIGH GRADE USED PIANOS, S1.50 AND UP. ZONA 11KRG & SON. SITEKIOK. NEB:;. The I. 0. 0. F. lodge Installed. o," ficcrs Monday evening;. After instal lation, ice cicam and cake was serveiT. M'ss llallie Summcis wont to Hastings Friday mo-ning to spend a couple of days visiting with fi tends. Mrs Hay Sutton und children went to Oxford Wednesday morning to spend a few ('ays vis'ting with i datives. WE SELL ONLY THE BEST AND HIGHEST GRADE PIANOS MADE. ZONA BERG & SON, SUPERIOR, NEBR. Mrs. R. V. Nicholson and baby left Thursday evening for Los Angeles, California, where she intends spend ing several weeks visiting at the home of her brother and with her mother who also lives there. Circle Tour of our Golden West Going via the Pacific Northwest Returning from California via voioraao The Low Cost of the Trip Will Surprise You It ih an experience of a lifetime to become acquainted with the groat storehouses of scenic, climatic, agri cultural, industrial and other wealth in the Pacific Northwest und Cal:-fornia. In making such a trip, it is both natural and logical for one to select thut outc on which the most and the best of the astounding wonders in our fascinating West can be viewed from the car windnv. Mr. rnd Mrs. Paul Newhouse drove over from Guide Rock Sunday morn ?ng to spend the day with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Newhouse and with other relatives. State Treasurer C. D. Robinson and son, Bruce, and Oliver Powell return ed home Wednesday morning' from their fishing trip in Wyoming. They report that fishing was good. COOL WASH -s Dresses IS tl for HOT WEATHER Now that warm weather here you will need COOL WASH DRESSES Have a Large Line in the READY MADE OR PIECE GOODS Mis. Georgia Walker returned on Monday evening from Lincoln where she had been spending the past two weeks visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chailes Shcror. Mr- Dorothy Wilson a rived home fiom Lincoln Saturday i-.crnlng to spend a few weeks visit'ng at the home of her parents, Mr. and Irs, C. II. Potter and with fuencs. Mr. and Mrs. Lcn Aultv returned to this city Friday after spending a year with lelativcs at Saltsburg;, Pennsylvania. Its hot you can hear the corn snap and the Palm Beach suits are snappy at 3G.4S Birthday sale. Gowden Kalcy 0?o. Co. Mrs. Cora Mackey and children went to Oakland Monday morning where they will visit for a few days with relatives. Chas. S. Ludlow local weather ob server, states that 1.56 inches of rain fell Tuesday night which will make the farmers smile. BIGGEST BARGAINS IN PIANOri AND REPRODUCING PIANOS EVER OFFERED THE BUYING PUBLIC. A LARGE COMPLETE STOCK. ZONA BERG & SON. SU PERIOR, NEBR. John Hill, traveling engineer fr the Burlington from Wymote sj-enr several hours in this city Tuesday morning attendng to matters in i - nect'on with his woik going to W; -mere on No. H. GINGHAMS If you prefer the Piece Goods we have All Kinds VOILES PRINTED FLAX1NS DININITIES CPEPES V. BARBARA PHARES J, CONCORDIA, KANSAS, IS READY FOR ROUND-UP f , . V-r Mr and Mi. Vernon and c'm! dion returned to their home in Ul, -oh Tuesday morning after s4:cut!.i the past few flays 'hero with Ills i .v cnts, Mr. and Mrs. ChrL Zeiss a t' with relatives in Inavale. '.Mrs. Max Marshall wont to Wy more on Wednesday morning for a v:sit with friends before returning To the end that Burlington pationsito her home at Council Bluffs, Iowa. She had been hcie for the past two JUST RECEIVED A BIG SHIP MENT OF THE HIGHEST AND BEST GRADE NEW PIANOS AND REPRODUCING PLAYERS. AM ERICAN BUILDS. ZONA BERG & SON. SUPERIOR NEBlt. FOR WESTERN LAND G64 acres six miles out. One of the best equipped farms in Os borne county, Kans. 215 acres cultivated, 55 in alfalfa, balance pasture and oak timber. The buildings on the farm are worth S15.000. 200 ton silo. Price S40.000, mortgaged S13,000.want $5,000 cash. Will take S22.000 in Western land. L. E. WOODWARD Osborne, Kansas may reap the fullest possible mcasute of delight, benefit anil inspiration which such a wonderful trip affords, schedules have been developed and perfected via two widely different routes sj that the most of the best scenery is passed during daylight hours. Through the comb'nation of these two routes par excellence into one grand circle tour of our impressive and progressive West, you can travel several thousand miles, through a dozen great states, on one ticket. You can see practically every kind of scenery, every phase of topography, every variety oi plant lite, every species of nnimal life, ever soit of mineral wealth, and every beauty of landscape that the entire American West affords. Aside from the broadened vision which travel only can give, such a trip may take you to the land of your dreams, to a home in this wondor'and of natural beauties, to an opportunity in this wonderland if natural wealth, with a future wide open. Let mo tell you .more about it and let vnir home-town railroad iutro d ice .cu this summer. weeks visiting with her patents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ainack. Fred .Ternberg, who is at the hind of the Water Service Department ror the Burlington on the McGook division has been heie.for the past tlnce days with workmen supervising the in stallation of the chlorinator, which will treat all water used fo'- drinking purposes by the Burlington at tY' point in the future. Monday morning the residence oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. M'lford Smel ser caught on fnc, the blaze being caused by a gasoline stove exploding. The house was badly damaged and Mr. and Mrs. SmcKer had their house hold goods dc-troved. Had it not been for the quick woik of the F'io Department probably the house would have. been entirely destroyed. Mis. Earner owned the residence. No Divorce for Ham and Eggi. We never expert to henr of u suit being brought In court for the divorce of hum and cbrs. The two were united In the early days of the republic and art; Inseparable. New Orleans Stairs. The cowboys and cattlemen gather cd hcie resting or training for tlic strenuous work and play of the com ing roundup make a spectacular ap pearance about the city. A score or mote repicscnting the gieat ranches of the west and northwest arrived trie first of the week from Belle Foursche, South Dakota, bringing their highly trained roping and bull-dogging mounts in spee'nl palace stock cars attached to the passenger tram. These western chaiactcr.-, with their jingling spurs fancy boots anil beaver cd hats, that aie high, wide and hand some, attract much attention a.i they gather 'n number on the .stiecis ens cussing the coming chances for rcoivl .smashing. The dates, .kly 1H-I0-U0-21, give t. e men f the r.mgo ample time to reach Che. enho in nice tmi! to enter the eents there. Among those alicady picsent ate: Lcona d and Maye Strong; Rodley Ford, Uolorado; Fiank and Bonnie McCarroll, Boise, Idaho; Hugh and Mabel Strickland, F.t Worth, Texas; Bud Hampton, Guyman, Oklahoma; Hank Durnell, Los Angeles, Cali fornia; Dan Dix, Hollywood, Calif ornia; Mike Hastings, Pendleton, Oie gon; Babe Courvs'er, Denver, Colo rado; George A. Newton, ."ortland, Oregon and many others who have tidden to stardom via the loundup trail. More then two hundred head of frontier livestock are being gatheicd from the hills near the Wyoming tine and the Dismal river country of Ne braska, and three longhorncd Mexican steers, bucking horses and mules will iJ ,!.! Ik. arrive at any- unie, i'l-uihiuiui.-u the ranch hands galled wranglers and their bosses. Everytlrng at the Cloud County Fair grounds where this mon-tcr celebration will take place is astir this morning as the heavy stockades and new blcacheis are going into place. Those in close touch with the sport world declare that this will, out do anything attempted in roundup outside of Cheyenne', Wyoming, and Pendleton, Otegon, where tlie same rules and icgulat'ons arc In fbice and many of the same hcadlinere compote for piizcs. f r r "HU-RY" You'll Have To HURRY i1"; U N. II. BUSH, Ticket Agent. Just One Hour Each Day. An hour wnstcd ijnlly on trllles or Indolence would. If devoted to self Improvement, inn1 c an Ignorant miin or woman wNe in a few yrars, and, employed In pond workd, would make u life, fruitful and death a harvest of worthy deeds. Fifteen minutes a day devoted to selMuiproveiiient will bo felt nt the end' of a year. Samuel Smiles. Time Properly Spent. What Is meant by redeemlnt; time? It Is lo Ull the hours full of richest freight, to till them with the Hf " thought, feelltirf. .K'tlnn. as . v pass by. One moment nf Mli-cnnit est, one good action really dune, ye-, one effort to do light, reull made, bus the seal of time put upon It. .lames Freeman Clark. Out of the Mouths of Kids. "Aw, that's easy I I'll bet my dud tould do It with bis little flneer!" iJ V Birthday Sato of Out Low Prices & loses July 21, 1923 Cowden-Kaley Clothing Company h i iiiij A M Red Cloud, rei -jtirj r ,Ti-i 5SF" i A f l" It ii bil Nebraska . Ill 5 LOOK THIS OVER J JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD g tn WROTE "THE RIVERVS END" AND OTHER GREAT NORTHERN VT STORIES, BUT NONE BETTER THAN 5L" ll "Jan of the Big Shows" Showing FRIDAY and SATURDAY if IT C H ST THIS WEEK AT - : BESSE AUDITORIUM Willi A TWO KEEL THHILLY, LAUGH V COMEDY a "Assorted Heroes" BUSINESS DUILDEK I'ltlCES 30c and 10c 1 : : o r J ?i 7;h-b.v ; .-iWi j More Tain more grass. .85 inch' fell last night. i '' u&imsmB&maa8t&&5&&ffl