The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 12, 1923, Image 3

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Women May Depend upon
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
Minneapolis, Minn. " I had hn-d eo
miiph n hunt T.vriln E. Pinkhnm'M Vnrre-
.,- --, 7-- - ,r.
uiuiu uimpuunu uiui
whnn 1 realized I
needed to take some
thing to rehovc ray
pains and backache,
and to help build ma
up I began to taka
that. I had been
sick of! aid on for
years and barely
weighed a hundred
nnnnrin. lint now I
havo had such good
rnsnltn fhnt. I nm
Mnmmnnt!!niT thrt VfiP otnblo ComDOtind
to every one.n Mrs. J. J.Eiebek, 8039
18th Ave. South, Minneapolis, Mien.
Finds a True Friend
"Every woman who values her health
ehould bo proud to have a truo friend
like tho vegetable Compound," says
Mrs. W. E. Shaw, 8227 Walnut Street,
Chicago, Illinois. "1 had female weak
ness so badly that I could not sttnd on
my feet. Half of my time was spent in
bed and I had pains in my back which
wero unbearable. I trid everything I
could think of to helproyaclf.andwhona
friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
etable Compoun-l I began taking it at
once. I ro-anmead it without hesi
tation." Hlo Eccentricity.
"Severs, the proprietor of the
Huniy store, Is the most remarkable
mertfinnt In this townl" declared old
Hllty Kezldew of Petunia.
Iow so?" asked un acquaintance
frflfii a neighboring humlet.
Svhy, no matter how many foolish
rWtnkes he makes In his business
i never hlnmes them on the commu
nity." Kansas City Star.
Prepared Especially for Infants
and Children of Ail Ages
Mother! Fletcher's Castorln linn
Jeen in use for over HO years as n j
pleasant, harmless substitute for Cns- j
tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and
Bootbing Syrups. Contains no narcot- '
Ics. Proven directions are on each j
package. Physicians reconunend It. I
The genuine hears signature of
Our Bright Exchanges. i
Scientists can magnify the human j
voice 1 11,00 times, but they seem un-
able to do a darn thing for the voice i
of conscience. Brockvllle Recorder.
I'.ig success never comes to a siniirr
Some people find pleasure In wcrp-
You Walk in Comfort
If you Shake Into Your Shoes some
Allen's Foot-Ease, the Antiseptic,
Healing powder for shoes that pinch or
feet that ache. It takes the friction from
the shoe and gives instant relief to corns
ind bunions, hot, tired, aching, swollen,
seating feet, blisters and callouses.
Ladles can wear shoes one size smaller
by shaking Allen's Foot-Ease in
each shoe. Sold everywhere. Trial pack
age and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll 6ent
post Free. Address
Allen's Foot-Ease, Le Roy, N. Y.
Bad Breath
Is Usually Dae to
When you are constipated,
not enough of Nature's lu
bricating liquid is produced
in the bowel to keep the
food waste boft and moving.
Doctors prescribe Nujol be
cause it acts like this natural
lubricant nnd thus secures reg
ular bowel movements by Na
ture's own method lubrication.
Nujol is a lubrlennt not u
medicine or laxative so cannot
gripe. Try it today.
Stearns' Electric Pasto
la rOBnl7oJ as the ptinrantwrt
oztcrinlnntor for Rati, Mice, Anu,
Cockrout'liesaim i atrruitR.
Dou'turnstatlmn trylnx to kill Dicfo pets
wttli iowiIcts, IIijuUs or any experimental
Rondy for Uo-Bettor than Trapo
S-w. box, Sio l-o. box, $10
uiiiiiiiismiimi n
IUhLJ w'rait&t.Li ifi
B QPifc II
If SsaL Tflll
lllliKL fit 2 1 1
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 27.-13.
Modish and Pretty
Favor One -
L'Ki; the (S recks bearing jilfts. each
Miiuiner comes In with Ingrntlut
iii' in f.ibncs to i nit It inir wander
In.: faney. It cm lnol. in in tin face
.ereiii'Iy !ieenue It uKu bilngs mir
helmed old fmorlles. If dotted Swiss
were not among Hiie-e present when
the i oil of summer dres materials la
called, there would he rebellion.
The picture slums
dotted swIss In red. with white dots,
made up for the lusMe who sees 'the
dawn of her teens ahead of her. It Is
m plain, and ho adequately pictured,
that It does not need description ex-
Pretty Dotted
eept to state thnt the binding of the
round neck Is made of white organdie
and that the short sleeves are tinlshed
like the neck. It Is prettied up with
tlat organdie tlowers which are bought
ready made and are among the many
pretty trimmings for cotton frocks
shown In the shops. One of these Is
posed on the left shoulder nnd one at
each side of the girdle of narrow moire
Ribbons nnd laces, tucks and plaited
MIIk, are nil brought Into play when
Uitted swiss Is a little elaborated.. It
Is shown In the more delicate colors
and used for pretty party frocks. In
durk blue and light brown It makes
very piuctlcnl dresses and the sheer
nes's that suits them to dress-up times
and to the summer streets.
Welco" , happy midsummer days
when wo revel In the Joys of swim
ming and sea-batli.'ug! Of course, tho
beach-strolling maiden tlnds chief de
light In marvels of the couturier's
art. but for those who go In for pure
enjoyment to whom the dally dip Is
the health-giving sport throughout the
warm weather months, the practical
handsome one-piece knitted bathing or
swimming suit, If yon please, Is the
logical solution.
The linltted bnthing suit Is not, after
all, Mich u simple proposition as one
would think. In fact Its requirements
are more exacting than the more elab
orate, sometimes "fearfully and won
derfully" constructed fanciful bathing
and boacb- costume. There la no
vNHaWCBHaaaaaiu. 1 , fc vi
fRmm&R&mTli&)t " y 5; jfotrwmcnMMni manna
I I am.amm .-.... y g. i.imuA ' Lww.wffWyMy..ww.MJ
m km hm h? iW wm Pm M i v'l " S III
sL s'' 3 TJsssL. . ,' l "
v JHBgaWalSaaaBfcSxrtafc2tej8JSft
Piece Bathing Suifo
camouflaging the one piece bathing .suit
with superlative futbelow-i, Its standard
Is perfection In eevy detail. In tho
llrst place it must he,
shaped to conform to each eure and
motion of the hotly. Pure wool, non
slit Inhabit1 and fast color are reipilsite.i
to add to the list.
Such is the e.vpils tely modeled gar
meiit shown on the pp'turesiiuely posed
sea-Koddc-H of tills illustration. Tho
poitrayal In mere printer's Ink cannot
, show the brilliant maroon color which
. makes this one-piece bathing suit inoro
I than ordlnnrlty attractive. It la knitted
Swiss Frock
of pure wool with skirt stripes ot ted,
green and maroon, which also appear
on the trunks.
Note the rolled hose nnd smart
Kelly green sandals. A bandana
square of waterproof silk, In the snino
vivid green Is knotted Into a bathing
cap of Incomparable charm.
The kiddles scorn any hut the knitted
bathing suit nnd It goes without saying
that It must he one piece, for children
demand untrammelled action for water
frolic. If the arniholes are elongate
Knitted Bathing Suits in Favor
permitting perfect freedom, as shown
In the picture, so milch the better. It
Is said that even for the little tots tha
black bathing suit Is preferred, with
red net in popularity.
(, 1921, Weatcrn Nownpapor Luluo.)
fairy Tale
COM C l VlHIIN MV!II 1-HiON -- i
"Meo. moo." said Mrs. Cow. "1 real.?
must s.iv that I do not believe in all
this cMltcmcnt for new amusements
and lor new pleasures. It Is so silly
when the old things will do Just as
well. Moo, moo. joii don't llnd Cows
behiiMng in so foolish a manner."
"What Is the trouble?" asked Mrs.
Ilrowiiainl.U'blte Con, who was sitting
next Mrs. Cow In the meadow.
They were both having n pleasant
ufti'iiinoii chat. Some of the other
cows ititii wandered on to the nearby
brook to have a unlet wading party.
"You see," said Mrs. Cow, "1 have
heard the farmer talking, lie Is for
ever wanting new things sometimes
they are for his work and somet lines
for Ins pleasure, too. lie Is talking
now of a new car. lie te-ed to lie well
pleie-id with Dolly, the horse. Rut
now lie talks about a car. Then there
are tlie children. They see something
new and they want It. New-fangled
to.vs ntiil such things.
"Then theie Is the farmer's wife. I
heard her talking about n nun style
hat and u new stile dress she thought
of getting. She hadn't anything new,
she said, In some time. Rut there she
was wanting something new In style I
I don't believe In all this."
Mrs. Rrown-nnd-Wlilto Cow chewed
slowly, and then said: "Moo, moo, still
I wouldn't get excited about It."
"Oh. I shan't," said Mrs. Cow. "I
only tl (Might I'd talk about It to you,
as I'e been thinking about these
"I see," said Mrs. Rrown-iind-Whlto
".Vow, the farmer Is eager for new
things. Now things seem to interest
him greatly. I suppose, if they had
new kinds of cows, he'd want them I
Thank goodness, though, we don't
change. And why should the farmer's
wife want something In n new style?
"Dear me, do cows ever change their
styles? Do we ever look unhappy be
cause we can't have ribbons and bon
nets and shawls and fur coats? Do
we ever look sad because we can't
have sllK- waists and best shoes for
Sundas? Of course not I
"It is true that we wouldn't tlnd silk
waists very useful. I can't Imagine
myself being able to button or hook
one up. I'd find it very awkward 7
feel sure. And I don't think bonnet
would be becoming to us. Shawls
would get In the way. I fear I'd find
"They're Well Pleat.
ft shawl ns much of a mnsanre ti I
would a lot of files, and I'd try to
swish It off with my tall.
"Rut the main point in, we're int al
ways thinking of something nw and
exciting and styll-m and different.
"We're satlHflra.
"And our young calves are the sams
"We never henr them snyliifr to us,
'.Mamma Cow, may we hav6 a nw air
plane or a new train of ear which
goes by Itself?'
"No, they're well pleased with the
ood old calf pleasures of chewing and
fating and drinking and wading nnd
resting and caring for their mothers.
Oh, I'm so glad I never had a chllrt
who asked me for this and who asked
ute for that. And I never wanted to
rush off to go shopping or to n picture
show. A picture show wouldn't Inter
est me. If they showed Wild West pic
tures I'd not be Interested. I'vo heard
they're exciting and I like cnlm things
better than excitement.
"As for funny pictures well, I
haven't much of a sense of humor.
There are not many who will admit
that about themselves, but Mrs. Cow
will. I'm not onp who laughs. I don't
even think things are funny enough to
smile at very often.
"I wouldn't want to own an automo
bile, because they go Joggling and
bouncing and hurrying about. If they
were tilled with growing grass and had
h little brook running through them, and
If they hatdly moved at all then I
might like them better.
"Rut, no, I'm satisfied with what I
have and with good old Cow ways, and
so are nil of us and so are our Calf
(blldren. Oh, I don't helleo In all this
excitement for new amusements and
for now pleasures."
"I see you don't," said Mrs. Rrown-nnd-Whlte
Cow. "Well, neither do I."
Not Jimmy's Fault,
Mamiim.llmniy, didn't I tell you
the other day never to bt me hear of
you pluliig with those, naughty boys
Jimmy Yen, uiaiiimn ; but you
needn't blame me If you heard It; I
didn't tell you,
Be sure k
good breacll; use
cap "mw!WlwMvw(&MK2iBQim
sB XWsiMiwS
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread"
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, HI.
Corroborating Dnddy.
Robert's parents were llgurlng house
hold expenses, when his mother cried,
disgustedly, "Oh, I enn't figure I"
"Daddy's right 1" exclaimed her little
don ; "Indies don't malm good business
Say "Bayer" and Insistl
Unless you soe the name "Bayer" on
package or on tablets you tire not get
ting the gcnulno Bayer product pre
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
years nnd proved safe by millions for
Colds Headncho
Toothncho Lumbago
Earache Rheumatism
Neuralgia I'nln, 1'nln
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists nlBO sell bottles of 24 nnd 100.
Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Mnnoacetlcncldcster of
Ballcyllcacld. Advertisement.
A Modern Wedding.
"Do you take this woman for your
wedded wife?" "Yes, parson, with
If a man In wise nnd good be Is wiser
and better because of tho friends ho
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent at a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, lirer and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be junt the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is
soon realixed in most cases. It is a gen
tle, healinc vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at nil
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium
and large.
However, if you wish first to teat this
great preparation- send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bingliamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
The man who does nothing will nev
er live to ilnlhh the Job; there's too
much of It to do.
Thanking "you In advance' may he
to save the trouble of thanking you In
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exquisite face, skin, baby and dust
ing powder and perfume, rendering
other perfumes superfluous. You may
rely on It because one of the Cutlcuni
Trio (Soap, Ointment and Tnlcuni),
25e each everywhere. Advertisement.
Not much more Is got, personally,
by being n nonpartisan than by being
:i partisan.
Many a girl's popularity with the
sterner sex Is due to i rumor that she
has money.
Black - Tan - White.
least Foam
"I made ii
all myself
Organized Dnrbnrlsm.
War. which socletv draws iinon It
self, Is but organized barbarism, an In
, herltance of the savage state, lion ever
disguised or ornamented. Louis Ne
I million.
Explaining a Moral Victory.
"What Is u moral victory?"
"Twin to an artistic success." New
York Herald.
She Have you traveled extensively?
He No, but I've traveled fast.
From Life.
For true blue, use Red Cross Rail
Bluo. Snowy-white clothes will bo
nuro to result. Try It nnd you will nl
wnyn use It. All good grocers have It.
Think twice before extruding tho
mighty dollar from your pocket to in
vest in a got-rlch-ipilck scheme.
News Is news until It Is read.
Willis J. Abbot, editor of the Chrlstlnn
Science Monitor.
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world's
standardremedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles-
The National Remedy of Holland for
centuries. At oil druggists in threo
lies. Guaranteed as represented.
Look for tha nam Gold Madal on avary
box and accept no imitation
Kill All Flies Z
fltml anywbtrt, DAISY LY KILLER attrmcli an
kills all fliM. Ncit. clean, ornamental, eonronltnt and
eneap. luuuiiii.
on. IJfcrfa of metal.
can't mill or tlnonn
will not aoll orlnlora
anytblnir, Gaarutead.
at vuar dealer or
b EXPRESS, trapald. II a. -
HAXOLD 80alEK3. 1M Da Kalb Am . lirooUia, N. T.
Kcurorea lIor and
Daautr to Cray and Faded Ilabj
nmooi Ctirm. Wka. t'atcUoii.W.T
uv. anaai uuai irrairrniia.
HINDERCORNS tUmore. Cnma. Cat
louar. ate., atnpa all pain, eeiurca romforl to tua
Cert, tnakea walalar . Uo. br tnall or ut Prua
tiala. UlacoxCaamlcal Woraa.i'aictiui.'aa.K. Y.
Requires No Attention
Guaranteed Three Yeara
At Your Local Station or
Mac-Dry Battery Co. of Neb
2(117 Farnam St., Omaha
. Ox-BIood - Brown
sSftSJ V?
In the handy box that opens with a turn of the
Ley. No broken sails or soiled hands. Softens
nnd preserves leather. Sheds moiiturc. Shoo
shining with ShINOlA is a nifty thrifty habit.
"The Shine for Mine"