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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1923)
RED CLOtfD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF U if B I -V l t ) Matrimonial Adventures is Wife's Visitor BY Henry Kitchell Webster Author of "lUiRrr llrnke," "Cniitiiln of li:iliivrr.M "Tlie Trailer mill UijiilUl," "Tho l lilprrlm; Mini," "A Klwr In KIkiI.I," "111." Skr Sinn," ".lime Mnilncm." "Ilir Ailinitiire." 'Tlir llmrniuh Iircl," "An Anicrlriiii J'lim lly," "Murv WhIIhMuu," "Kcul IMe," civ. Copyright by UnttM Frntur Symllcst --....... .. ................0... $ ? HENRY KITCHELL WEBSTER Like fo many of America's blK nuthots, Henry Kltchell Webster begun writing at an curly ano. Hln llrHt work brought forth storloa of mystery thrllturu. lie opcclallzeJ In Plot. 'J'licn lie turned from that form tt Jlctlon to material with more HiibHlance. For one of tho loading magazines he tiuv elect In the trop Rh and wrote articles, not purely for loial color, but utilities of the life with a HOCioloKlcal b.ickHroUnd. Iater iiitnc IiIm novels with their purtinyals of ical people and real pioblims, showing the power of Mr Webster's mental equipment, fi.r he U a widely cultivated person v.Uh a knowledge of th drama, nuislo and literature, lie Meak8 with authority on all of these mib- ICltH. Mr Webster Ih one of the nil thorn who tukes a long time nt his wilting, nnd the ntory that follow, written cxpreRsly for the Star Au thor Herles of Matrimonial Adven tures, was In process of develop meut during c trip through Ku rope. "111b Wife's V'lHltor" shows how very clever huubund.i uouie times are! MAUY STEWAUT CUTTING. Jtl. S " .................., , The toloplione rang for tho third Jnu since tlioy 1 1 ml nut down to din .lor. The innld, in her flurried haste !o iilnente the tyrnnt, set down the 4lsli of fried eggplant from which George had been about to help himself m the sideboard out of his reach. George nnd his wife sat listening In silence. The innld returned nnd said, "1 think It's for you, Mrs. Tnlt." George sighed nnd produced the eve ning pnper, which hnd been tucked tinder his leg against this precise con tingency. He didn't partlctilnrly ace nhout the news, of which lie hnd already read the unexciting headlines?, hut he did want to register n not unnmlahle pro test against these continual Interrup tions of their dinner. Emily Insisted on milking n more or legs formal meal of It. She'd have heen mildly annoyed with him If he'd gone to the sideboard find helped himself to the eggplant while the maid was nt the phono. Then why couldn't she Instruct Anna to say to these Importunate tele Iihonors that her mistress was nt din ner nnd ask them to call her In an hour? It wasn't as If they ever had anything to say. There was no use saying this to Emily. He knew her argument as well as his own. Anna's morale would lie mined If they short-circuited her t-ervlcos by helping themselves, and then where would they be when they luul people In to dinner? Iiut If he didn't want the meal Interrupted by telephone calls, why did he Insist on their dining at the bucolic hour of six instead of seven when most of their friends did? Of course Emily knew his answer to that. too. Hy dining at six they could, whenever they felt like It, go to the llr.-t show nt the Alcazar and see the picture right end to, instond of from the middle of the fourth reel. Also they could lind a convenient place to pari: the car. And they were home again by nine, so that if George had any eve ning work to do there were a couple of solid hours left for It. And as for set ting an example of propriety to Anna, Georg" felt It was rather hard. Ever since their first child, George, Junior, had been two , oars old, (Jeorge, Senior, had been submitting to Innumerable Miiall Infringements upon his personal liberty under the plea of setting a proper example. Hut now that Junior wns lu college, and his younger sister in 11 boarding school, It seemed to George at forty-three that he might bo ullowcd to t II- back In his chair If ho llkcd and empty his pipe scrapings Into the dessert plate. There was no good fraying any of that, either, for Hinlly knew It as well as he did. Well, he knew her answer, too, though this last word was one she bad never said. After all, they didn't live 16 New York nor In Philadelphia nr even In Chicago. They lived In Avo jila, Illinois, (leorge hail a good law practice In Harrison county, but the great cities and the great corporation bad never summoned him, and It wax becoming clout' t George at forty three that they never would. Avonla ;und the movies and tho bridge club pind a month's vacation nt Mucklnne Volant) was about his speed. He doubted very much If Emily, as regarded her own potentlnl speed granted a conjugal partner of suiH dent horsepower acquiesced. Emily might well believe she was born for better things. She'd been a good deal of a belle lu her day. She was too loynl to liiiMTit lost opportunities In his piescnt'c. let alone to lllng them at him s mis-lies but a consciousness that ,he might be lying ready to her hand 1 mile him walk warily. She should inline the best or Avonla In her own j.ny. and If there was n faint flavor ( absurdity ubriut some of t,ho refine ments she Insisted upon, and about the seriousness with which she took her committees and her classes aild her clubs, It did not behoove her husband to rail, no matter how often they called her from the dinner table to the telephone. He had had time to think as far as this, his mind slipping rapidly past the familiar landmarks Just as his eye slid down the columns of the newspapers, before he perceived that Emily was not, this time, talking to any member of her drama committee, nor to any cltlren of Avonla, nor to anyone she'd had the slightest expectation of hear ing from. It was n man (leorge could tell that from the quality of her voice and he seemed lo be throwing her Into a good deal of a flutter. "Why vvliy, yes," she was saying. "Oh, but we'd love to have you! . . . Yes. That'll be lino . . . We cer lalnly will. Only I'm nfrald you won't And us very exciting. . . . Four o'clock Saturday then." (ieorge, ns she returned to the table, fastened hi gaze upon the paper. When sho wns rattled she liked to he allowed to take her time. She sat down n hit heavily in her chnlr, drew a couple of long breaths, resumed her knife and fork, and then asked, "Did you hear any of that?" "Not much," he told her. "I thought you sounded sort of surprised." "I should sny I was," she admitted, "when 1 hadn't heard from him for nineteen years. Calling up on the long-distance to nsk If he can come and spend Sunday with us! Sur prised I" "Who?" George wanted to know. "I don't know why he should want to. He certainly won't And any ma terial for a play In us. Still, It'll be nice to see him again. I don't sup pose I'll know him." "Look here," George demanded, "whom are you talking about?" "Oil," she said, as If she hnd Just heard his questions; hut It was another moment before she answered It. "Why, it's Charley Hawkins Haw thorn Hawkins George, you know who he 1st" "I know who Hawthorn Hawkins Is, but why do you call him Charley? And why does he call us on the long dlstnnce nnd propose to spend Sunday with us?" "Why, he's giving the Sheldon lec tures down nt the University this year, and he looked up Avonla on the map and saw how near It was so he phoned to nsk If he could come." "Hut why Avonla, and why us? If you know him as well as that, why haven't you ever told me anything about him?" "George," she cried, scnndnllzod, "I told you nil nhout Churley Hawkins when we were llrst engaged and you didn't even listen. Ho wasn't famous then, of course. And I hnven't heard from him since the note he wrote with the wedding present ho sent us. Now, for goodness' sake, don't nsk nny more questions, hut let me eat." It was from preoccupation rather thnn obedience thut he let her alone until she rang for the maid. Then, "You haven't been writing to him, have you telling him he wns great nnd so on?" Her eyes flashed nt film, hut the en trance of Anna procured film a polite answer. "I couldn't very well write to him when I'd never seen one of his plays." "Ever read em?" he asked. "They are published, I suppose." She shook her head and wnlted until Anna went out ; then she svvoopod upon him. "I never thought you'd be so silly," sho declared, "as to be Jeal ous. And about n man I haven't thought of for twenty years." "Jenlous!" lie retorted furiously. "I'm not." "What are you then?" she asked with an alkaline sort of smile, and he found the question unanswerable. "Well, I hope you will be decent to him anyhow." "I don't know whether I will or not," he told her. "That depends." She didn't speak to him again that night. Two days later, coming home from a rather strenuous bout of shopping, Emily found her husband home from the olllce a good hour earlier than usual reading u small green paper covered volume, which he put down hastily as she came In, and then took up again and held out to her. "'Three I'lnys by Hawthorn Haw kins,'" she read. "Why, where did that come from? 1 tried to get it at Street's, but they'd never even heard of It." "I'iiiiic, in the mall," he said. "I found It when I got here." "Addressed to me?" she asked. "Why yes. I believe It was. I opened the package without thinking." "Charley sent them on, nf course," she remarked; "so thnt I'd have, some thing to talk to him about." "1 don't believe ho did," (Jorge said decidedly. "Not unless he's nil unusual ass." Shu flushed angrily at that, hut he went on before she could speak. "I said I thought ho wasn't an ass, not that I thought he wns, There'd have been a card or un Inscription If It lind come from him. Anyhow, I wouldn't thank him for it unless he gives you a lend. Rend 'em anil say nothing. And don't leave 'em out on the sitting room table where they'll he the llrst thing ho sees, either." Her Binlle conceded thnt this advice was both friendly and Intelligent. "Hut where did they come from?" she demanded. "Search me!" he told her. "They don't postmark this fourth-class stuff. No. I didn't mean anything uncompli mentary. As far as I read In the first one, It seemed pretty good. I thought you might have sent to Chicago for them." She pointed out that there wouldn't have been time. "Oh, well," he concluded, "I don't bellerc Ifa tnrtch of a mystery. Some old friend, most likely, that be told he was coming, sent It along so that you could sur prise him. You'll read 'em tonight. I suppose.'- She said she would, unless he want ed to go out somewhere with her; but he said he mut go back to the olllce and woik. "I'm going to be piotty busy between now and .Monday," lie added. She looked at him sharply. Ton're going to be here tomorrow when he comes, aren't you?" "Oh. yes, I'll be here you bet." ft was so evident, though, that the hist brace of words had escaped him in voluntarily thut she forbore to remon strate. They kept rather carefully away from Charles Hawthorn Hawkins as 11 conversational topic that night. Next morning, however, Just before he left for the olllce, George uneasily broke the Ice by saying, "Don't count on him too much, Emily. He may not come, you know bend you n telegram this morning." She asked hotly why he said that, and added, as tho suspicion Mruck iter, "I believe you've been telegraphing him, yourself, not to come." Hut this Injurious charge she at once retracted. "They're supposed to be sort of temperamental and changeable, that's all," he explained, "nnd I thought he might change his mind about this." "You wish he would, I suspect," she observed. "Yes," he answered, unhappily, "I suppose I do." She gazed at him n moment In mute exasperation. Then her expression softened and sl4 gnve a reluctant laugh. "I think you're the most ridic ulous person In the world," she said. "I suppose you think he's coming out here to break up our happy home and get me to run awny with him," He looked so glum over this thnt she gave him up us hopeless. "Oh, go along," she cried. "Hut I'm going to kiss you llrst, And you will bo home sharp at four, won't you?" It was an hour earlier than this thai she found him In the dining room unwrapping a package containing two bottles, one of gin and the other of Scotch whisky. "(Sot 'em from Walter nurhury," he explained sheepishly. "Walter has a regular bootlegger comes around once a month. Heen meaning to lay In something like this for quite n while." Her astonishment over this hit of uunhaslied mendacity made It possible for htm to get on to something else. He put tho bottles nway lu the side hoard, turned his bnck upon It, nnd gazed at her so Intently thnt she frowned Inquiringly nnd presently asked, "Well, wfiut Is It?" "Nothing." he said, "only I think you're looking great Just as you are." Now this was tho unadulterated truth. At forty, after two children nnd nineteen years of marriage and Avonla, she still looked intlnltcly de sirable to George, and never more so than In the sort of clothes sho was wearing now, a small felt lint crammed down upon her small round head (she'd been out doing some last-minute marketing), a sweater, a sport skirt, low-heeled shoes; her face molstly flushed, Innocent of powder. It was true and Emily knew It was true. All the same, she saw through him and smiled derisively. "So you want me to look like this when Mr. Haw kins comes?" she asked. "Well, I won't. I'm g'dng up to dress this minute." "I wish you wouldn't, Emily," lie pleaded. "I don't want you to dress up for this chump. I don't want you to do anything special for film. I don't see why you should. You don't care anything about him, do you? Nor nhout what he thinks?" Her Hush deepened as she met hlu look. She reached out suddenly and took hold of lilin by the ears. "Idiot!" she said, "Idiot I" Hut in the Interval between the two words sho kissed him, nnd she did not dress up for Mr. Charles Hawthorn Hawkins. Perhaps because her husband's per formance occupied the first place 111 her attention, she found it hard to re member what a celebrity Charley Hawkins had become. He was curiously nnchanged, through all his changes. The twenty pounds or so he bad put on hadn't made him look older; bad servod only to accen tuate the plump, cherubic look of boy Ish Innocence there'd always been about til 111. He talked about himself a lot, Just as he'd always done. Emily shot un uneasy glance nt George now and then ; for Instance, when Charley spoke offhand of the foremost American actress as Ethel. She wondered whether George was saying to himself, "Ass!" Hut ap parently George was nof. He seemed to lie enjoying the go-jslp of the (he ater as much ns tho tales of Capri ami Taliltl and other wondrous places thi playwright hnd Inhabited. Emily herself didn't talk much. They drifted back occasionally Into reminiscence, but since this, of course, excluded George, they didn't go far with It. George had spoken of being busy, of the amount of time he'd have to spend upon a case that was coming up Monday, but he showed no signs of going off and leaving them to their own devices. She didn't know whether she wished he would or not. Intrin sically she wasn't especially anxious to be left alone with Charley, but If George was Maying away from his work in order to watch them, she was furious witli him. Only, It didn't seem like thnt. Tho two men got around to the war, nt last, and the humble but absorbing parts they hud respectively played in It, nnd After nn hour of this, she bade them goodnight. This wns Insincere, so fnr ns It was addressed to George, for she fully Intended staying awake until he came to bed, and asking lilm a few questions, but her modest share of the unwonted alcohol made her sleepy, and she never knew bow late the two men and the bottle of Scotch sat up. She got no chance next morning, either, a private talk with George before they met their guest, and in consequence- George's calm announce ment ef the day's program and his total .liiutmitlon of himself fiom It fell upon her like a thunderclap. She caught him alone 11 few minutes after hreakf.ivt and asked him what be meant ly It. "I d'Hi't mean anything hy It," ho protested "i have got to work all day, Jim as I told you. Hnwklns un dcrstutuls nil right. I told him about It last night. He'.t got to leave this afternoon and there's no good Sunday train from here, so It seemed decent to say that you'd drive htm over to Hockpurt." "You're simply throwing me nt hln bend!" she protested. She detected a touch of bravado In the way he said, "Nonsense J He en mil to see j 011, didn't he?" Hut Charley wns already coming downstairs with his bag. so there wasn't time for any thing more. Well, the events of thnt day were In George's head, then, whatever they turned out to be. George bade their guest a cordial, almost paternal farewell nnd, clapping his hat a little too much on one sldo of his head for a Sabbath morning and an hour when he was certain to meet their neighbors going to church, strolled down the street In the direc tion of Ids olllce. It was seven o'clock that evening when slie stopped their car at the curb after her return, nlone, from the flfteen-nillo drive to Ilockport. George was reclining, very much at his ease, upon the Gloucester swing on tho veranda. "Hello I" he called to her. "You back already? Had a good day?" fehe choso to regard his second ques tion as of n piece with tho llrst, nnd she enuie up tho front steps before she spoke at all. "I suppose you're famished for sup per," she remurked, ". . . If you'vft lieen working all day." "Oil, I got home nhout an hour ugo and scrambled myself some eggs. How about you?" "I'm not speclnlly hungry," she said. "I'll get myself a glass of milk hy nnd by." Sho sat down facing him. "George," she demanded, "why did you send for thoso three plnys of Charley's?" He snt up. "Why did I send . . . T "It wns either you or Anna who Rent for theni," sho Interrupted. "Charley swenrs ho dldn send them nnd that ho didn't say anything to n soul ubout coming out here." Ho lay back again. "Oh, nil right," he conceded. "I telephoned to Chi cago for 'em the morning after I found out be was coming." "Hut why?" "Oh, I don't know. How could 1 know wbnt he was going to be like? I didn't know whnt ho was coming for. So well, I wanted you to 1l ready for film. She took n minute or so to digest this icply. "I suppose you mean," she mused, "that you thought he might bo coming out here to see how much of a hick tho girl was that he wanted to marry once, after she'd lived twenty years In Avonla. And you wanted to fix mo up so ho wouldn't laugh. I suppose that afternoon dress Miss Mnltland made for me doesn't look like much." "Oil, d nl" he said, and got to his feet. "Look here, Emily I You're all right in any dress. It wasn't you I didn't feel sure nhout. Hut he might have boon any sort of ass. Of course, I saw he was all right before I'd talked with him ten minutes." "No," she said, "you needn't have worried about that." She let the voltage accumulate dur ing a longlsh silence. Then she ndded, "He kissed me thin nfternoon. He'd been rather sentimental all day, and when I said good-by to him he kissed me." "Well," said George, after a silenco of his own, "he certainly Is a darned nice fellow." She stnred nt him, speechless. "Oh, I'm not much surprised," he went on. "You see, lie told me nhout it lat night." "Told you. Inat night!" she echoed. "lie didn't say ho was going to kiss you," (ieorge exclnlmed. "Said he'd always been romantic about you, and nil the more after he'd got nld enough to icallze how kind you'd, been to a ridiculous, priggish kid. lie said you'd contributed more to his education than anybody else he'd ever met, and he'd always felt grateful to you. Heen wanting to come to see you for years, but was afraid to. Scared to death, he said he was, until he saw you were Just as you had been ; hadn't changed n hair. Actually wrote a telegram to say he wasn't coming and then tore It up. "Well, then, why shouldn't he have a . . . day In the country? I hope you showed hi in a good time. I guess you did, or ho wouldn't have kissed you." He perceived now ?hnt she was cry ing. "I don't blame him for that, a bit." he went on. I think he ehowed darned good Judgment. Hecause you are a peach, Emily, and that's tho truth." He patted her awkwardly on thfe shoulder. "Como on in, old Indy," ho concluded. "What do you say to some scrambled eggs? You're hungry, that's all the matter with you," i Legion. (Cop. for TI1N Department Supplied by Illy A inn lean Legion ewn Hervlce.) WHAT LEGION POSTS CAN DO Essay Contests, Participated in by Children, tiring Out Many Good Suggestions. Carrying out a national program of activities In community affairs Ameri can Legion posts in many localities aie holding essay contests among school children. The post at Mouson, Maine, recently held a contest among children of the seventh and eighth grades 011 the subject, "What the American Legion Can Do to Hotter Our Town." The winning essay, written by Miss Anna Zimmerman, contains suggestions which Legion national olll clals believe worthy of adirptlou by other posts. The essay, in part, follows: "The erection of a soldiers' monu ment would keep alive lu the minds of the small hoys' admiration of bravery and patriotism. This would also make the town look better and would show other towns that we had contrlbut'-d our share towards defeat ing the Kaiser. "Clean streets Is another Item of great Importance. The children could be encouraged by the Legion to keep tho streets and sMownlks free from all kinds of waste mutter. "Another tiling of Importance lj a public playground where children of all ages could go and play any time that they wish to. This play ground would require a supervisor to keep the grounds lu good condition and to Introduce proper piny. This would keep the children off the streets ami therefore there would be less chance for accident. "A band stand would be n very nice thing for the town to have. We have a very nice band, but there Is no goml place to play outdoors, wbllo If they bad a band stand, they could give concerts at least one night In etery week. "A gymnasium would be of great value to the young people of this town. There Is no place where sports can be enjoyed here. There could nlso be a public swimming plnce where children could learn to swim. "Among some of the Important things Is to have a good hall which would ndd to the town a great deal, ns there Is no ball to have entertain ments and socials given by the town unless they use the halls owned by private parties. "The Legion men could open up the quarries that are now out of work, which would draw young .men as well us men with families to come here and live. "They could also help stimulate Americanism among the people of Mon son by example and by patriotic en tertainments." LEGION EXTENDS GLAD HAND Placing in Federal Position Member of Canadian Body One Example of Comradeship. The hand of the American Legion Is ' always extended In fellowship to vet rans of the allied armies, lu many 1 cases this Is done lu dally association 1 and In comradeship, and In others, In ' actual aid and lliiiinclnl assistance for the former coinrader.-at-arms. T. T. Watson, 11 member of the Great War Veterans' Association of Canada, Is a lli-m believer lu the friendliness of the Legion, according to n recent letter 10 T. C. Lapp, editor of the Veteran, the olllclal publication of the Canadian organization. This letter found Its way to National Adjt. Lemuel Holies of the American Legion nnd is nn Illustration of the splendid feeling existing lie tween the organizations In the rolled Slaies and Canada. Watson wrote: "I starved out lu the Okangan valley and came to the V. S. Hat broke. "Went Into the American Legion and nI.ed whnt was the chance for a mem ber of the G. W. V. A. to get a Job. They .-aid the chance was line and un til they found mo a Job there was lied and board and an advance lu money. Inside of 1M hours they placed me In 11 good lT. S. federal Job, where I still am and likely to remain. "I write this to show that the Ameri can Legion lias the friendliest feeling for all Canadian returned men. Their motto Is 'Every returned man a Job.' and they seem to ho carrying It Into effect." ' Watson made his application to the Tncomn (Wash.) post of the Legion, which placed him at work In a local hospital. On Equal Terms. A rookie who bad been assigned to tho cavalry much against his will ap proached the sergeant nnd remon strated. "Say," he objected, "I never rode n horse in my life." "Oh. that's all right." countered the sergeant, easily, "We've got a horso that's never been ridden In bis life. We'll start you ofT together." Amer ican Legion Weekly. Juvenile Scalper. Teacher: "I thought I told you to sit In the seat next to Mary Jones." Willie Wlseacro: "Yes, ma'am, ye did, but I sold It to Tommy Smith for a nickel." American Legion Weekly, GREATER RESPECT FOR LAW Legion Probation Plan Snvcs Many De troit Ex-Service Men From Stigma of Prison Terms. Judge Thomas M Cotter of the lie conler's court or Detroit, Mich., act ing mi suggestion of the American I.e. glon. has successfully put into opera tion a probation plan, which has in stilh'il In Hie minds f many former service men a high regard for the an thority of the law. The system was suggested In Win. following discharge from military scr Ice of many thousands of men, of whom some were forced to appear In police court on minor charges of mis demeanors. I'lider the plan Inaugu rated many of these men were spared the stigma of a prison sentence, due to a far-sighted policy instigated by Judge Cotter. Only the word nf the man himself, with a promise to be a better citizen, and the word from some American Le gion olllclal Is necessary to save the mail from sentence. The plan work.i remarkably well, according to the re- Judge Thomas M. Cotter. ports of the court. Out of 817 forinci service men who appeared before Judge Cotter, only six or seven re appeared In his court to answer charges for violation of the statute-.!. 'f'he plan has been adopted lu every police court In the city of Detroit. At the time of the Instigation of Cm probation system Detroit was filled with bolshevistic propaganda, and the success of the Legion system Indicates the turning point of many former sol diers from disregard of law and order to a high respect for the law's au thority. FROM CONVICT TO COLONELCY American Legion Acts to Obtain Par don for Man Who Made Record in British At my. Kenneth K. Thomas had been con victed and was serving a term in a Virginia penitentiary on a charge of bigamy at the time of the outbreak of the World war. Willie employed In one of the prison farm projects be escaped, made Ills way up to Canada, where lie enlisted and was soon In active service. lie established v. splendid war rec ord, reaching 11 colonelcy before dis charge. During this time he kept the Virginia authorities Informed of his moMMiieiits, ami promised that lie would return and serve out his term as soon as the war was over. Itecenlly the mnu returned to IMcb inoiid and ilcclnrcit that lie was ready to complete Ids prison term, admitting his Identity, and acknowledging bis war record. Delay In return, it l' said, was duo to the fact that for two veins lie has been in a hospital recov ering from tho effect of wounds. Ills splendid record for lira very and attention to duty won high esteem of the Hrlllsh army ollldals. The Ameri can Legion lias taken up the light to obtain pardon or parole for the man, and the case has been presented to the governor of Virginia by Interest! d Legionnaires. Roy M. Hancock Among Missing. Diligent search If I eiug made for Hoy M. Hancock. f vmerly a private In the .Motor Transport Corps of the army, a World war veteran. Mrs. Hat lie Hancock of Chattanooga, Tenn.. waited lu vain for word from her son following the wnr. Government of llcials had him classified as 11 deserter. Early In April Mrs. Hancock received word from the slate hospital for the Insane at I'ort Sam Houston. Texii", that her son was a patient lu that In stitution. On the heels of this infor mation came word that he bad escaped and no trace has Iipcii found of hint since that time. Hancock Is twenty eight, the feet nine Inches in height, dark hair, and has a horseshoe tat tooed on his right arm below his el bow. In the emblem are the words "Good Luck." Following the govern ment's discovery that the man was a mental patient and not a deserter, ho was given an honorable discharge. Donation of Memorial, oniclals of the Illinois department of the American Legion, state oflichilsainl prominent Chlcagoana gathered recent ly at Cicero, a suburb of Chicago, for tho unveiling of a monument to the soldier dead of the city. The monu liieut wns given by a Cicero real es tate dealer and bears the names on bronze plates of those Cicero men wh made the supreme sacrifice. Dedlcu tory exercises were under the direc tion of tho Legion. "trz 'rjvyimamnmi&iW&S. -v