The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1923, Image 6

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Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Won Lost Vet.
Wichita :t" ui .MS
Tulsa Ill 'JT .."!-
Oklahoma City .'! '!" -"M
nmnl :i:i -'i W-
i)f Moines :t :u .tr.'.i
si ..lost-pit -s :! .
Slouv ciiy -. :ti --i
Denver liti lit -ill"
Won Lont Pet.
Lincoln Ill ll .IW(I
Norfolk U."i H ."'US
Fulibury '-'"' '"
tiraiKl Muml '.17 U7 ..'00
Kent rice 'J I 'Si .171
Ilastlnirs Hi 1 -'HI
A charier ha. been Issued tu
Klvvuiils (lull nl (Snthcnbtirg.
Nearly a million lav dollars were
galhercd into tin1 Mate treasury tills
A Klwanls Hull with a membership
of out lift j has Iiim'ii organized at
Fall bury.
'I'll,, new Melhoilisi Hnireh at Willi
neta, erected at a cost of s:i'J,tl(K, was
dedicated lax) week.
Otto Ittnlehauselii lit. was drowned
while swimming in the hike at Peter
son's park ut Winner.
Mrs. (i. IS. .link of Harneslon has as
u guest her .sister, .Mrs. .1. Nolan of
Altoona, Pa., wlioin .she has not .seen
for over forty years
The annual meeting of the Nehraska
Press association will lie held at Oiiiii
ha August li, tu, and 11.
Airs. W. II. Welmer of lire was
attacked hy n lnllf ltr and severely
bitten before assistance reached her.
Mrs. C. 10. Craven of Ilroken How
wiib scrlouly Injured when she fell In
to an open cellar. She Is I J." .cnrs of
Mr, Kllrnbptli Ann Bnrger. 71, vvnl
burled at Ittnlr Inst week. .She is sur
vived hy 107 desecmdnntH In thru
Many empty Height cars on I lie Itur
llngton are mm Inn to western Nebras
ka where I hey 'H ,,u sidetracked
awaiting the movement of the wheat
.Mr. and .Mrs. (i. H. Uiismuii. residing
near Mroken Mow celebrated their
golden wedding uiinlvcrsir.v last week.
There were about eveiil.v-llvo guests
Charles Kelelson, was Instuntl.v killed
on his fin m neat' Loup Cll.v when b! i
fell from the mower he was openiting
ami was drawn In the gearing pari of. I
the imiHilne. :
The Mate fair hoard has c mpleteil j
plans which If the weather Is favor- i
able, is e. peeled to draw lite biggest ;
night crowds In Hie history of thu
slate expos tloii. ,
ller Lee, Jt.'l, elernn of world war (
died oil' a Mindbar of the Kcyapahu
rler near Untie, while Milling. Heart
disease Is thought to lane been I bo t
cause of Ills death.
ttalVaele I'.onaccl. .VI, laboier, Oiiiiiliu
fraciureil his wife's .;ull with a haud
a and ilieii made an unuccessiMl at
tempt to end bis life b.v bunging and
frwiuiing his own skull witli Hie n.
I.dol ellniuted to be worth approsi
malely K'J.ntjO was obtained by lobbers
who forced ihe'r wn.v into the llorack
Hi others general merchandise store at
Itralnard, ami escaped in an automobile.
Injuries be reelveil when lie waft
struck In (lie alidoineii by a slngleireu
caused the death one hour later of
I lei slid Uoiise, HI. sou of Mr. and Mrs.
(icorge House of Ueilblrd, In Holt
The Indian name of "Walking I'.ulV:'.
lo," conferred upon (!oeinor i'.r.van by
the Sioux-Saute,, Indians when they
made liiin a member of tin tribe at
Niobrara highly pleases Ihe state c
eeuthe. The hotiesi plate in Nebraska last
Monday, according to the oillcial
weather report, was Auburn. Kll
decrees. Ilroken How was flic next
hottest with JS devices. Valeiilliie wu.i
the coolest with 7S devices.
Nlncl.v Xebrasku lilh school ba0
passed Hie test for accredited set ond
Twelve Hits in Twelve Shots Won the Prize
3 jfifjmvfMmrvMi nnifimii Q '
I W JlBfflaEliv tv- it--: i XJTTI U .W--"- S
tami-i5, .. :! flKSfesa
I made. J J hits out of as many
After Years of Suffering From
Dyspepsia She Now Eats
Anything on Table.
"I was so weak and slek even n 111 Mil
housework wa.s it burden to mo, butr
I've (.'allied twenty-four pounds by tali
Ins Tanlae and feel ho well nnd stronj;
I believe I could spade up the ground
for a Rjirden." said Mrs. Klla Itambo,
41U.'I South until St.. Oiualia, Not) .. .
i "For three years I had ludli;".sHnii
, o laid even the .lightest diet caused
mc.hntipi of sulTeriiiK alter meals, i
bad awful headaches- and nervous
spells; pains all throimh my body, my
i deep was restless nnd broken, and I
was so run down nnd weak I couldn't
do nil my hoticework.
"Well, Tanlae ban given me such
n wonderful appetite that anything
from ham and eevs to apple pie tastes
delightful to me, and everything, even
potntop. agrees with me perfectly. I
haven't an nelie or pain of any kind,
'and een a hard day's housecle.inlnj;
doesn't tire me out. My friends all
i.. i r-uii new l tut llugsiiip Pittsburgh :ii ConMunliiiopie,
tliots, winning the Sl.fiOO In gunnery prizes for the crew.
I Ionic tine. It's nil due to Tun-
Houses Many Denominations
Tanlae Is for sale hy all good drug
gists. Accept no subMltute. Over i!7
million bottles Bold.
Yeggs paid a da. light visit lo thear..scl Is reipilied by the Norib Cen.
ink of Walton and relieved lis vaults, tral Assnelalioii of College and Set oml-
.'siV'iKi In cash i.ud llbcrt.v
of about
The deatli of HenJ. !'. Halley, oldest
pioneer of Heaver City, leaves but eight
members 1 utile (1. A. It. Post of that
A freak pig having eight legs, two
bodies and one head is tin exhibition
in a store In Arnold, a small town near
A. W. Downey, clt.v engineer of
Aurora for many yeur.s. was found
dead on his front porch, a victim of
heart trouble
L. K. Jones, manager of a municipal
ice bouse, at Omaha, was locked in the
place hy an unmasked bandit and the
cash register robbed of $."0.
The Healrlce city council has en
gaged K. V. Capps of Iilulr, as im ex
pert engineer to take charge of the
water and elect rlc extensions.
More than a thousand persons at
tended the Joint mission festival of the
.Missouri synod Lutheran churches of
Thayer t-oiint.v, held at bolder.
Fremont boy scouts who were
marooned by Hoods, ami later icscued
from their camp on an island, have re
turned to tlnlsb their outing.
Robbers looted the rudcrhcrg &
Moyer general store at Cereseo escap
ing with merchandise ttimated by the
proprietors to he woitli VJ.UIH).
Omniums have lost nearl.v .siIO.OiHl dur
ing the last two .venrs by Joining suit
clubs which promised new suits and
then went broke before dellver.v.
Leslie Coulter, llyearold son of
I'red Coulter, a farmer residing near
Randolph, died from an abcess caused
hy swallowing a tact; two years ago.
St. Mink's Lutheran church, sm
miles northwest of Falls Cll.v, cele- j
brated the fortieth anniversary of the
organization of Its "luugregutloii on
Sunda.v, June 'J I
The Omaha I'.lble Institute will open
a live week's training toui-se for Chris-1
t.ilit woil. eis July to. The course in-1
eludes all subjects needed for elliclcnt ,
Christian teaching.
(!. A. Axelsou of (Srand Island was,
"leeted to. succeed Louis Mnest hlcr of,
Omaha as head of the Fraternal Older!
of F.aglcs at the convention In Hast
lugs. Moenhler was recently killed In
tin automobile ciash on his vvu.v to the
S. .1., l."i. ami F.inlllc M. Mar-
ary Schools, aciordlng lo I'tof A A.
Wvi of the Cnlverslty of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson ol l're
inont. celebratetl their golden wedding
anniversary last week b.v entertaining
Hit1 entire membership of Sinai Luthe
ran chinch. Mr. and Mrs. IVior-on
had been residents of Fremont slum
Sweeping i eductions in freight rates
on wheat, corn and oafs from I'.U
Nebraska points into oinahn, ranging
from three to twentv -seven per cent
and effective .Inly '-'.'l, have been an
nounced b.v the state rail wa.v toiumls
siou. Shows at Ak-Sar-Hen Ken are going
under full blast each Mouda.v evening.
Thousand, of Nehriiskans who will he
Initiated into the Knights or Ak-Sar-Hen
will be eiiterlalned tlieie ibis ear
by the picsentation of the "Chimes of
Pulling a boy's coaster" on which
was loaded a 100-pouinl steamer truck
and two heavy suit case.', a woman
giving the name of Lhcrhurt. and her
son, 1,1. en route on foot from I'mr
bury to Hastings, were given bulging at
the Hcntihc police station.
The Spring Running Meet held at
Ak-Sar-Hen Fit Id, .lime 'Jt-'S, was He-
most suetessful since the races weie
established according to Charles I..
Trimble, secieiary. Mine than "no
horses weie entered and the atteiul.
mice was larger than ever.
More than a hundred specimens (
dlseii'cd live stock ale sent in lv ihe
fill liters of Nelnask.i lo the i ullee of
agriculture of the l'nlverli,v ot e
liraska oath month, according to i'ee-
I tors iu the animal patbolog.v depuri-
mem. who diagnose the use.
Thlriv-two talis ot .voting trout, nvei.
aging "i.oihi to the t an. bae btei
fin t it NnI into Long Pine creek this sea
son, lllgbl more cans are cpciicd
soon. This will make a total of up.
nolmaiel. 1'Jii.iiiHi n-out with which
the creek is tOi ked this season.
Asa result ol the lecent beavv tains
and high waters In the sti-eams o(
Polk counl.v much ilainuge was done
at the bridges over Clear creek, a
stream of water which parallels tit
Platte river ami over which theie Is
scilrcel.v a bridge left I hat lias net
been damaged.
Flflv Heatrlce business men have
Tanlae Vegelahle Pills nro nature's
own remedy for constipation. For sale
e-e-j where. Advertisement.
, Airplane Used Petroleum.
j What appeared to some as an epoch
making event in the development of
airplane and automobile motive power,
I Is the recent successful trip near Co
I penliagen, Denmark, of an nirplano
I using petroleum as engine fuel, saya
Popular Mechanics Magazine. It vvns
I observed by experts who witnessed the
I test that the plane flew Just as well as
' with gasoline, that there was less vl
1 hratlon and no soot formed nor was
i there any self-lgnltlon in Hie engine,
f which ran 100 less revolutions than
Ibis (iiuiutinit.v tliurch or .Im Height, Queens, Long Island, the first
church In the 1 nlted Slates to unite under one minister and one roof '21 de
nominations, was dedicated by Hlshup Luther 11. Wilson.
Mount Etna Works Great Havoc
Princess Maud, niece of the king ot
Liigliind. and her llance. Lord Car
negie, oldest son of the earl of South-esk.
For many years druggists hnvc watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician' prescription.
Swamp-Boot is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do the vrork nature intended they
should do.
Swamp-iRoot has stood the test of yearp.
It is sold hy all druggists on its merit and
it should help you. No other kidney medi
cine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and sirt
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
(treat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer 3c Co., Uinghamton. N. Y.4 "for a
ample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
m BF " . 'm, oii 2Et2iS?&BBBBMPKlMBB Za bbbbbbbV yJy '""Jffk. 9
KM ! 'SfflBfyjMBm! B ilililBBBBBi EE 1bM
n M VJbPibK'" tH ! sbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbV 'bbbI i
JO ''bHbbV bbbbbbbI H "js- H
I y m Bm''yMrVBm!aa. 8 bbibbbV JKCB ,. H I
y ,fe .Aisfev ii iMw m3
my h mwtgmm&W;
m baKUi...ri naBu'y r
BnB3BBrwkv' iA6eu3r
Behind the Scenes
Telephone Operatoi Sorry, nlr. Mr.
McComiell Is ut an Important confer
ence and Is likely to be away all aft
ernoon. Customer Can you tell me when ho
will be back?
Telephone Operator (t ojlice liny)
When Is the basebal.1 game over,
Johnny? Five o'clock V (Over tl
phone): No. I don't Hunk he will bu
back before half-past tUe. This l, an
Important conference. I'll tell him jou
called." Cohoes (N. V.) Sentinel.
Fre?h, sweet, white, dainty clothes
for baby, if you use Ued Cross Hall
Hlue. Never streaks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell It. Advertisement.
The Art of Selling.
Secretary Mr. Terry said to tell you
he Is too busy to talk to you today.
Life Insurance Agent Tell him ha
won't have to say a worl.
Mount I'm i is L.tviii,, .1 nes or violiiu i-iuplnm several villages
have been desiio.vetl Thousand of Sltlllans have been rendered homeless by
the immense rivers of lava emitted by the volt aim.
Hard to Tell.
"ITfl!" "Yes, mailame?" "Is that
dog growling or has my husband come
In';" Louisville 'otirlcr-.Tourniil.
Monument to the Colored Mammy
(liiardt, IS, were married In a tttxl ut ' responded to ihe appeal from the Inns
J'.eatrlce by County Judge I'red Mess.
mote who stood on the running boiitil
while lie tied the knot.
"Hob"-llohan, ltuiliiiglou switchman,
sustained crushed hips and internal
Injuries when he was aughl between
u box car and a switch engine In the
Iturliugtou yards at llavelock.
The blrlli rule In Nebraska during
P.rjl was 'Jl..' per cent per 1.0IM nopum
lo save the Heatrlce state leaguers
from becoming tlnanclally embarrassed
The cll.v council of Neltgh and boaid
of supervisors of Antelope counix .no
considering uttcmptlng to iluinge the
course of the Klkhorn river back to lis
old bed, which was abandoned thiue
years ago.
A bond Issue of S'.IO.tKKI Hint crea'is
a rural eleettie and power tllstiiii 'n
'I his Is a model of the "Colored
Munitn.v" fountain which Is to be erect
d In Washington on Massachusetts
ivenuo near Sheridan circle, having
been authorized by the Inst congress.
The fountain was designed by the
Washington sculptor, tleorge Julian
a tribute to Hit; faithful
y 01 nays gone ny hy
the South.
Hon, while In '.'SJ. li was
.1 a
de- I lodge county was approved. 'Ph. 1-
crease of 1.8 per cent. The birth rate pmvldes tor the taking over ol tw.he
iu Nebraska iu 10'JU was ihe same a! miles of electric lines that wen 'unit
'lie birth over the entire country. I two .venrs ago.
The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ! 'rite village ot Clalonla In Cage
.frank Schmidt of Heaver Creek ac
Hde utility hanged himself when he
became entangled in the rope holding
the weight of u gate.
A note threatening to kill him If lie
carried 011 prosecution against !",(
count.v ha voted to issue .villi nun bonds
for the construction of a new - hool
Three generations of inlmir n
one famil) preached at the : i-'iin
same topic, dividing their time .md win
alleged bootleggers taken In raids n(Hiureli In Scottsbltin' Sunday .n im
South Omaha was received by Robert siibjett into three parts. The lb-v
Smardick. star fderal rum sleuth. I W. c. Lessley, pastor of the l iit
Almost lifld cattle, .shipped from the Christian church had as Ids guest : t
Tcmik panhandle, for grass feeding, week hU fill her, the Rev. o. Y. i.e-s.
t milled and ran Hiroiiuh the streets 1 ley, of Mollis, Okla., who lllls been a
of Oakdale, in Antelope county, creat
lug (onsblerable excllemeut and doing
niiicb damage to private properly.
minister for forty years, and hi on,
llillard, a Cntiicr unlveislty student
who is student piudor at HrocU.
1 'aSsr-ifli
I mHfflfcBr M nny. ,l",, ,s
K 1 amtfgJIf v fc i oioreu niauini
i bBLeI Cf. latflt II j -lie women of
I 1 lSwEa 1
7ter,,t WWi A-JzrrJ&wr I i latlir9iWf .BbI'L ' WttTWlu .j it1 ur tf w wigwag vmaaaw w'it j
S 5 it 1 s'3.JwWf3k 1 til ', i 1
I'rtmess aldemar, favorite at tin
court of the late czar, has arrived Ir
Los Angeles, and lias achieved Hit
goal shu set fur herself when she es
caped from Kltaterinberg prison In
HIP.) a place on the screen. She saw
her mother and father killed In prison,
Her brother escaped, but was reported
killed in battle. Her husband, a naval
olllcer, left for Ids ship two hours after
marriage and was drowned.
New Platform for Airplanes.
At present an alrplnne must run or
glide for some distance before taking
off, but an Englishman has Invented a
platform to eliminate this. It Is a re.
volvlng platform which moves rapidly
buck as the airplane starts ahead,
treadmill fashion, so that the piano Is
i raveling at a high speed when It man
ages to get olT the platform. Perhaps
houses will have roofs like this In the
lay of (lying lllvvers.
"Fhr Pnrn Rnninn.Q
-W VW4fcf MWAtk
ired and Achino
feet g
Trial puckneo and a. 1'ooU Ease Walking
lion irnt vrre. Annrf n ai.i.i..'.s i iMJTia
KA3K, lx lloy, N. Y.
Negro Advancement.
Sixteen years ago the first negro
agricultural demonstration was em
ployed to carry on extension work
imong negro farmers. According to
reports to the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture there are now '28."i
negro men and women agents, under
whoso direction more than 11,000 ne
gro farmers and their families are
following approved practices In farm
lug and hnmemaklng,
HKMHatK mmm
OPTICIAN -i-T-n-.a
1123 O Street :: Lincoln, Neb
ECOLN'S Rooms for $1.50
Lunch Koem In Connection
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Dottlei nnd Dairy Surptlci;
CajtJ and CliLtcn Coopii Poller.
1300JoneSt. 1 1 W. Third St.