The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1923, Image 5
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF I i 1 i ,1 t '"t f, r V AS TOLD TO US " Isadore Johnson Mondav. was in Hasting? (iiunt day. Turner v:.s in Hebron Sun- Fred Temple of Kansas City was in the city Saturdov. Art Gilbert was a Omaha Sunday night. passenger to Ja Hubatkn was down fror.i Rla don SatiMty afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Low Khl; :pcn: Sun' day at Great Ilcnd, Knnsa.-. Jce Ellison has put up a new awn ing in front of his billiard parlor. Miss Hlanche- Honor was a passcn ger to Hastings Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Foe aie the parents of a baby boy born Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Starke return cd home the first of the week from Milwaukee 'r$'ss Lucille Robinson has resigned lver position as bookkeeper at the H. E-j Hall garage. !! i . 'Miss Virgin'a Tate wenz to Hast ings Wednesday morning for a short fait with friends. 'f.1 J ftitnf ItitinhAi fiMrl nii tt'AMf A A. VUlb J1I1.11WI U.1U MM "-! vw b eynolds Wednesday morning i spend the day with relatives. 'G. R. Beck has moved into the Mnlurer property west of the Inde pendent Telephone Co. building. j 'Miss Edna Cummings went to Erinklin Wednesday morning - to spjnd the day visiting with friends. 1 Miss Rosa Gregersen of Mlntlen spent Wednesday here visiting with her sister, Miss Ebba, returning home that evening. Sheriff Tuesday. Waller was in Hastir.g.a Fiod Slaby is now brnxomun on the Hastings freight train. Dr. K. S. Martin has had his office re-decorated and painted. Mrs;,JIuth Linn was n passenger to Superior Fiiduy morning. Dii'thdny Suit celebrating our year. July i!-21 Cowdcn Knley Clo. Co C. F. Gather was a passenger to Rochester, Minnesota, Saturday mori.1 ing. L ho five bell can now be four.: on a now tower back of the Firemen's hall. A large number from here nttcrfd ed the mito race- at Fi.v.iknn Wed nesday afternoon. Eveictt Hawkins went to Franklin Thursday morning to' spend a couple of days attending to business matters P. M. Whitehead went to Gilbert son Saturday evening nftcr spending the day hero attending to business matters. We are now prepared to give reason able terms on both Now and Used Cars payable monthly or in u lump sum. Oglovle Urn-,. Misses Alice and Mabel Pope were passengers to Superior Thursday morning. Frank Mnthis was n passenger to Colorado Springs, Wednesday morn ing on train 15. Rosencrans and Huffer have moved their real estate office to the room!" over Trine's hardware store. Mr. Finchcr went to Burbank, Ok lahoma, Monday morning where no will snend a few days visiting at the home of his brother. Jack. Mis. Throckmorto'i wr:u to Ila-t-ings Tuesday morning to spend the day attending to busims; matters, ictuining home that cver.rr.j-. State Treasurer C. D. -Rohinson Oliver Powell and Biuco Tloblnson tic parted Tuesday for Clipyennc, where they will spend a few weeks Mr. j-no Mrs. X. B. Bush dovc to Uoldrege Wednesday to srctul the day visiting with their son, Lynn, who is working for tho "urilngton as operator there. T. R. Manley, who h:is been work ing as night helper at the depot tor the, pas year, went to Oxford Wed nesday owning where ho will woik as freight clerk in the future. Forest Mountford wcat to Ha.-tings Tuesday morning after spending tho past few days here visit'ng with his naier.ts. He will spend the summer there woiking as intern at InglcsMc. Word has been received hero by friends of II. F. Thompson of his in tention to make his futuie Iiomo in Limn, Ohio, whore ho went atiout tin eo-weeks ago to spend h!s vaca tion. I Miss Sabilla McDowell accompan ied by her mother, Mrs Noah Mc Dowell went to Albuero.ue New Mexi co, Tuesday evening where Miss Mc Dowell will enter u sanitarium for a few months treatment F. N. Wells arrived here Wednes day morning on train fifteen from Lincoln to spend a few o:iys visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Teel. Mrs. Wells has been here for several weeks with her parents. Dr. Martin and Ike Johnson return ed home Sunday evening from a trip to Yellowstone Park. They report a pleasant trip and have taken tho cake for tho biggest fish stories. Also for pulling Fords up the nrntntnins. Mrs. C. D. Robinson and children returned to their homo nt Lincoln Tuesday morning after spcnd'ng the past couple of weeks here visiting nt tho Oliver Powell home. Mrs. Oliver Powell nno Miss Margaret Hoxsey ac compar.icd them for a few days visit. Dr.ES. DENTIST M ss Helena Rathjen returned homo Wednesday evening from Omaha where she has been spending the past several week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold came in Thurs day morning from Frankl'ii to spent: the day at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A. E. Boles. M'ss Florence Ehly was a passen ger to Guide Rock Friday morn'ng. after spending the past couple of days here with friends. Mrs Harry Cramer and son went to Grand Island Friday morning wliore they will spend a few days visiting with her parents. W. A. Romjue went to Kansas City Sunday morning to Spend a few days attending to business matters. Vacation Thousand Marvels Yellowstone National Park iu Gardiner, out Cody Roosevelt sold: "TIic geysers, the extraordinary hot springs, the lakes, the mountains, the canyons, the cataracts unite to make this region something not wholly paralleled elsewhere on the globe." These and a thousand other wonders found nowhere else on earth, plus the thrilling grandeur of the Cody Road through the Buffalo Bill coun trythe land you will never is Yellowstone Park on a Burlington-Planned Vacation. The ideal and complete tour of Yellowstone Park is in Gardiner, out Cody hecause in no other way can the visitor gain the advantage of viewing the thrilling scenes between these rail gateways and the Park proper, or sec the wonders within the Park in the order of their increasing importance. Nature's grand climax comes where it belongs. Ask anyone who has made the trip. This unforgettable ninety mile motor trin is included in your Burlington tour without side trip, extra transportation cost or bother. Via the Burlington, on a round trip ticket to Yellowstone alone, you can, without extra rail cost, visit Denver and the Colorado Spring-Manitou-Pikes Peak region. You can, at small cost, visit peaceful and beauti ful Rocky Mountain National Estes Park, Colorado Glaciers, Clear Creek, and Platte Canyon resort regions, the world-re nowned Royal Gorge and other delightful Colorado pleasure spots. Two weeks, if that is your limit, is ample time for a glorious vacation, but three would be better, in the land of Eternal Wonder. The low cost of the trip will surprise you. If you are going farther West, you can conveniently visit Glacier or other National Parks en route. No matter where you want to go West the Burlington can take you there its service is at your service throughout the entire West. Let me help you plan your trip. Misses Millie and Lctha Wolfe of St. Francis, Kansas, have been here for the past week v'slting with friends and relatives. C. A. Bourne went to Hastings 3at urday evening to spend Sunday there with his family, returning to his work here Monday morning. John Steward arrived here from Wympre Thursday morning to spend a few days visiting with his unc?, Will Hines and family. Porter Hale is now secretary of the Red Cloud Fire Department the writer having resigned this position the first of the month. 3EVC3-X-a21 JZ0 YELLOW PENCIL tts.mmrr.cvmooTHttcowmui5 cZZ loitCilfio RED BAND made by I mW WHHmiMmUBB WHHHnBIVIiyMllwnHHHBflnHHHHI f IPBn HWlMi " COOL WASH - Dresses IS for HOT WEATHER Now that warm weather here you will need ' COOL WASH DRESSES Have a Large Line in the READY MADE OR PIECE GOODS GINGHAMS If you prefer the Piece Goods we have All Kinds VOILES PRINTED FLAX1NS DININITIES CPEPES BARBARA PHARES Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stcvons of Hast ings spent Sunday here visiting with his father, Clark Stevens, returning home via auto that evening. Mr. mid Mrs. A. ft. Gel wick am? baby wont to Lincoln the latter part of last week to spend a couple of week:', visiting" with f 4 lends. .Mrs-. Chas. Sutton of Nebraska City is here visiting for a few days witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hayes and with her sister, M"s. Minnie. Mrs. R. V. Nicholson intends leav ing for Los Angeles, California, whore she will spend several wcct.s visiting at the homo of tor brother. Mrs. James Tnnqunry anil children leturned to their home at Kepuhliean Friday morning after spending Thurs day hero with her mother, Mrs L.uit-lov wn " "' " f The Fiddlin' Contest and Old Settlers Meet There were three "airload of hogs shipped from here to the St. Joe mar ket Sunday morning and two carloads of cattle and six of hogs to Kansas City. Mrs. Leslie Wilson of Seward Has been here for the past few days v:s't ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rciher, and with otlicr relatives. .Mrs. E. A. Cre'ghton returned homo Wednesday evening from Lincoln, where she has been spending the past few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. Guild and family. Mrs Clarence Eshelman of McPhcr son, Kansas, has been here for the past few days visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Goblc. She intends returning home soon. Mrs. Georgia Walker and son, 01 lis, were passengers to Lincoln Fri day morning where they will spend a few weeks visiting at the liome of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. STicrer. Miss Madalino Manley, who Is talc ing a liurses course in one of the hos piti.te in Omaha, arrived here Satur day evening for a few days visit with hoi parents and with ot;-er relatives. mmm N. B. BUSH Ticket Agent The flag will fly again in this city on the pole on Webster street as '".vcrett Milan, Mo. stopped in this city Wednesday evening ami climbed the pole stringing a cable thru the pulley. Tin- big eeluliiHtion of lust Tliuihdiiy pt-pvts what cn-.ipcn tiv boosting can ' do, iiud likewise tho I'lTuctlveiieiiH (it our local booster organixat ion, consist ing of tin; busiiiL'ss men of Red Cloud ' When Mr. Linn decided to (,'ive a Fiddlin Contest nud taking all tbej responsibility of seeing that it went tbiough In lip-lop shape, and bad plans well under way, tho HoosUr Club got their beads together and dr. cided to have mi Old .Settlei'sMcctund , general celebration In coniucton. 1 which was dono with the le.sult Hint ' Red Cloud Had about O.OCO visitor that day, and a guiud mid chirius tlmo for the old settlers, mid tho funi -ly, lib a carnival company was 011 I and with 11 incrrj-gn-toiiiKl, ferrts-whoel and Humorous other things to enter tain the cbililien 11s well as the older ones. About one bundled old settlers iu gisloiL'd at the Hesse. Auditorium und took advantago of the. free dinner and free movio tickets. Joe McCrnckeii, tho only entry In the Fiddlin' contest, over the 73 year ago limit, pleased the crowd with an ex hibition of hU jkill, and was awarded tho $5 prize. Immediately after dinner the local baud boys gavo u concert in front of tho auditorium, and soon after the. auditorium was filled to capacity, and a program consist ing of talks by Old Settlers, telling of their experiences in the early days, and readings, violin solos, etc, tho meeting being conclud ed by Judge Hlackledgo with a short talk. The program lasting until late afternoon, tho Hesse exhibited the "Sheilc of Araby" running a continual show mull the Fiddlers contest was called at l):Uo. Garry Wilson of Smith county Knn., won first prize, tho silver loving cup and $10 in cash; A. C. Cuntilntrbam, Red Cloud, second, $15 in ca9h; II. F. l'avne, Inavale, third, 87.50 in cash. At '1 o'clock accompanied by tho band a large and enthusiastic urowd went to the Starko diamond where Superior played tho local aggregation and lost to Red Cloud by a score of 13 to 1. A big platform dance in the street, and tho dance in the auditorium, with the entertainment furnished by the carnival closed the day's festivities late iu the evening. . A KM r BLA CKSMITHING Ploco Oils Mowing Machine Repairs McCormick and Deering Sickles $3 to $3.25 Sections $1.30 A a O St&niey ; j 1 r r -", -r ioniai? ism n 1 " pHIKy, s juj ; 1 11 11 t W UUUUU UUUDD I T 11 H.i 1 f ill 1 i' urn unmn 11 m 1 11 w ii 1 11 .mm V AT RED CLOUD SUNDAY, JULY 8, 3-P. M. ALMA vs RED CLOUD The Alma Club is one of the best teams in the southwest part of this state and are coming doWn. with the idea of showing our team a real game. ' COME OUT AND SEE IT I'onductor 11. R. Childress, who has been rur.n'ng between McCook und Red Cloud for the pa t few weeks on trains 10 and 17, took No's J nnd 11 tho Hastings pa.songers, Wednesday morning. Ho will run this' train for several weeks, during the absence or rMr. Ellis, who is visiting with his daughter in California. jr w - - - "r" - ill- Ii ilfr 11 fr 11 Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIG'i OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska PHQNE YOUR COAL i ORDER TO FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 -:- Ind. Phone 12 DH Dd U 4?R S3 I Red Cloud, Nebrask "r'a y- V xu'msmp&i