,EED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . HI HAMILTON' CLEARANCE L II JULY SALE ! S rl Economy and Quality find their highest expression in our Clothing. Good Clothes Pay. It Pays Us To Sell Them. It Pays You To Buy Them; It is the Only Kind we do sell. We guarantee them be cause we know They Satisfy or money back. And BEGINNING JULY 6 we will give Extraordinary Values Bradley Bathing Suits Best Line in America 10 per cent discount One Special Lot of Children Hats 1-2prlci Boys Clothing Any Boys Knee Pants Suit at 2b'( Discount on our Already Low Prices Owing to lack of space we have omitted many exceptionally good val ues in this ad but you will find them in our store. Take advantage of them early. Mens and Young Mens Suits Consisting of Hart Schaffner & Marx and Micheals Stein $45 val., Clearance Price 40 val., 35 val., 30 val., 25 val., tt ( it u (( $36.00 $30.00 $26.25 $22.50 $18.75 V Palm Beach Suits Genuine Palm Beach'Cloth made up in High Class Way v Mr. $ 1 5 val. Clearance Price 1 8 val. 20 val. it (( $10.50 13.50 15.00 Gaberdine Suits $42.50 val. Clearance-Price 32.50 val. 27.50 val. u u ( ( $30 25 20 Mens Work Gloves All Leather Gloves - - 25c Good Solid Leather - - 75c Other Values up to - $2 Mens Oxfords $9.00 val., Clearance Price 8.50 val., 7.50 val., 6.00 val., 5.00 val., it it it u tt $6.50 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 Genuine Palm Beach Trousers $5.00 and $6.00 values, clearance price - $4.00 20 Discount on All Other Pants Underwear Mens Athletic, full cut, clearance price 65c Mens BalbritJUer, long leg short sleeve 95c Mens Porus Knit, extra value, long leg shui t slees e 65c Munsing Wear 10 per cent discount Mens Caps New Patterns, New Shapes Priced 50c to $1 Mens Dress Straw Hats July Clearance Price 20 Discount from our regular selling price Neckwear 1 Assortment Value to $1 Clearance Price 35c 1 Assortment Valnes to $1.50 Clearance Price 45c This Sale is for Cash Only W JL JL Mx Mf kti JL JsL JL JfcLJ JL idr JL $ CLOUD I WWWAWW UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hoarse in Connection Licensed Embalmer Dust Sctvlco to Otlicrn Moun3 Real Happiness to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD. NEB ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnska. Tuesday utU'in ion. .lulv 14, was foa, fully ho. The wind crime ft cm ! the south, mill felt as if it hit 1 p.ised thinugh htilf-a-di..'Mi tlrety litriiMiMS. , ...r,...N i.-..i7i.v mmi ,i.n,v' About iluiU the sky was overcast with uiiiCinrjiJ r 1.1111 1 uj iau i i i.i i .. t I'loitrk, Htlil tli .ii.Mls UIMV of st it iii. but it pissed oil with ii 'V.V.'ASSV.SV. .W '-".".S,V. '.WW .ritcruri In the I'oniolt i tit 1 A loud. Nob ih stcoiirt I'lnss Matter A. U McAUTHUU, lMitor ami owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local. I2 A.15 ii iii; sight sprinklt l)i. .Mil3. ido ad I3d (Ja-'jcr sport V.d. .diy in Hi t " !" p, - Hu a " vc li; hurr- to attend the i'cle-ln-at'on that he left witTiou: o .; nix his ihnnei and bofoio arriving in Hast ings lie disrovcrcd what ailed him. FLY NET A large assortment of FLY NETS and COVERS on hand. Priced Right. See me before buying. LEE R. WALKER Hurnass and Saddlery 2 Doors South of Farmers Unior. I mMmrtnTfcmerSS&limmimeM)9HtMrm mm mmmm WW &W SwMwl 9W awb$Eammw kW mWmWmmZimmZmE-EEmm)mmmmmmmmamm EhmuV-hAhhi -StL ih IBs bMm I dl 5sli HfeujBpBjjj KflKJ . $!taWaWawmmmmmWammmL fc""'l5jjjjpfrqMMMBBaMWM LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO -.it'll list. e-ty this the Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. y w Come in and let our salesmen show its manyj good points. Mis C. It Ciono is on tin Chirley Kitloy was in tho week HiiL'h Miner is home fiom worlu'n f tir. Atlolpti Hey ile turlvel in the city Tuesday. "ate l'littt spun it few days in Min don, this week. Dr. Datmrell noes to ChicaKO, Sittur day to see the world's fnir. C h. Cottiiifr roturtifd front the world's fair Vtdiifhdii.y uveiihiK Miss Mary .Miner is home fiom Xolie Dame, Itid , wnere slie has been at teitiliiitf school. Walt Wat i on and Henry Clntk were in tho vicinity of Campbell, tills week on business. Dr. .1 S ICmif-h leaves for Chtengn on Saturday evening for an oxteiuled vl-lt to iliu woild's fair. Claud l'tnlgh. while i.iuinn horses the other dy with some boy, had the misfortune to bo tin own oil' and lmL ly Injured. He had his j iw fractuied and was otheiwbo injured. A new bridfio is to be buit over tho rlvor at ttuiilo Hock. THHIli: AKB THHUK UKASOK-3 WHY We sell neiiily every customer that looks nt our IU'G:'. 1ST The lowest pilots. 2ND The llest Pittteins. 'IKD-THD VKUY 1IKST QlALITY Johnson ,V (lnvliHin Kuril. Co, Ittd Coud. Nebr WE SVAAs TIIBM FOK IiBSS AND nr.LlVKH THK (JCOI)S. -t .:' ,:'-.''.,,'-'.'i .rr..rrJ..'Ct.Tio.;.U i'v.'vi feVV--' CiV'Ym S ivctavcvzvc:'- " M SPECIAL SALE ON CJ3) June Weather Report Temperature: Mean 72 de , maxi mum 0(5 deg. on 24th, minimum 45 (leg. on 20. Precipitation: Total 5.0 1 inches. Number of drtyss Clear 15, partly cloudy 1. cloudy 11 Thunder storms Twelve, rievallliig wind N. B 8 days. Precipitation since Jan. I, 15.111 In. Chits. S. Ludlow, Observer. c.V TRINE'S HARDWARE STORE. , . Notice of Final Report. In the rootity Court of Webster County. Nebraska. ' IN TIIBMATTBUOFTHBBSTATK OP John C. Wilson, deceased. All persons interested in said estate, are hoioby notified that the Adminis trator has tiled herein a final roport of his administration, and a petition for the final settlement of such account and roport, and for a decree of distri bution of said estate, and for tho us. signment of thoreiil estate belonging thereto, and it discharge from his Sewnid earlier is hero on a visit to ' trust, all of which said matters have IiIh 1 1 lends and lolativos Sewnid has been set for hearing before said couit been attending school In Lincoln from ' on the llthday of July, 1021!, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M , when all persons interested may appear and contest the s.tnio Dated this With day of June, 1U23 A. D. IUnney, County Judge. (SEAL) tit YBAKS ACO :? VOILES 35 PIECES VOILES ALL DIFFERENT PATTERNS Values Up to $1.00 Special 39c yd. I ll!) i $ v:! R. P. WEESNER CO. ?3 M- f UJ :i jlP. S3S-3plfes some mouths past Tho In idge will now be pushed to oomplotlon. The cause of delay was tho want of a pile driver, One lias now been constructed heie, and business will now go ahead.v Geo. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm loans and Insurance Red Cloud, :-: Nebr. Mis. W. 11. Li pintott and daug'itor, ju'Mle, rctuincd home Saturday night loin Seldo" I'iw.i.s, where they lmvo been spent inj; the past couple of weeks at the homo of Mr. and Mis. Stnncer Amack. Vh? Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paints. And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Jits, llnui.-o.i Stcvvait and daugh ter were passengers to Lincoln Satin day nioining . After a slioit v'sit thcie with her paientsthey will go to I'1, .Chester, New York, for several weeks visit with iclntive.. 4 . Ji I1 fv Jl . .! 'I "WV, . h