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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1923)
M RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA-, 0HD5F I can oanlly prove thnt my nolpli I)0r3 ousht to Blvo moro to tbo church than I do. Busings may como bnck but If you want to bo nuro to got It you mil letted ko after It. The nvoiavc wife has a better :liancc to bo happy If lier husband is a grod sliijjlu-hnudetl liar. Flotch Menvln tlilnltH there would bo nioi o Christians If there wero tower blowouts and punctures. One Iroublo with too many people Is that they can't tell tho dlfferenco botween an Investment and i gamble. When tho wnr debts nro paid con gress will find plenty of uao for tho money so don't expoct your taxes to 3rop. Tho other day I heard two China men talking It sounded just llko most of tho stuff I get from tho radio. Most peoplo can find a lot of mean ing in nuwapnpora that tho editors never thought of whon thoy wero writing. An exchango remarks that tho oil jupply Is largo enough to keop tho world In gaaollno nnd hot water for 100 years. When anyono asks mo If It Is hat nough for mo I always think of i plnco that would bo nono too hot for him. It" Isn't unlucky to poatpono your wedding day, says a grouch of u bachelor editor, provided you koep on lolng it. A woman nlwajB selects tho paper mu want saved when alio needs a levvspaper to roll the blBcuIta on or to start n fire. The tronblo with most of us Is '.hat wo are Jealous because wo were -yit Invited to take part in tho l.e rlnthun Joy tide. Old fashioned youngones had to jet up so early In tho morning that .hey didn't feel llko running around irery late nt night. Some towns think they liavo done '.heir tiharo towards Improving tho roads when thoy put up algns tell ng how to get there. Somo folks think It is n disgrace o bo black balled from a lodge. Dften it means that somo coward look this moans of getting even. A Harvard man would bo supicmo y happy If he could llnd somo way ;o eat custard plo nnd chew fine :ut at ono .and tho snmo time. Pop peddlers, shoo shiners nnd lthera can agreo upon fnlr prices .'or what they have to sell nnd stick .o them. Hut rlvnl printers aro most apt to look for waya to cut ;ach other's throats. When you excuso yourself from a Mislness mooting because you aro so ray you can't possibly attend bo i to to post your stenographer so iho won't toll callers you aro play ng golf. mil Maupln remnrka that aomo folka aro bo constructed that when 3ver thoy see something In a paper '.hoy don't llko thoy immediately say llin editor is a willing tool for somo- NIO. When I ace n boy riding In n pullman and oatlng In tho diner I ilwaja think how much fun ho la Hissing by not riding In n day coach ind eating out of a shoo box. Hank Lofigott wont up Btnlrs two itops at a time the other day to save wear and tear on his shoes. When ho got to the top he found that ho had ripped his panta. It used to bo possible to make money by peddling books tolling what every girl and overy boy ought to know. But thero Is no market tor such literature nowadays. A city council will arrest and flno in editor for driving on tho wrong 3ldo of tho Btroot or doing without a tall light and then vlolnto tho law Itself by refusing to publish council proceedings and lot tho peoplo know what Is being dono with their monoy Old folks Hvo too much In the past; young folks oxpect too much from tho future. Ono thing that makes mo tired is that tho world never pays any nt inntion when I am doing good but If I happen to go wrong ovorybody ices it. Instoad of passing bluo eky lawa snd other reform legislation wo should lncrcaso the Tool Klllor'n 1'alary bo ho will attend to business bettor. ; , :,,. .1 'f; ' . NATION REPRESENTED ATFINAKCEGAPITALi Dy FRANCE H. 8I3S0N Chairman Public Relations Commis sion, American Hankers Association. Financial Now York Is peculiar ly ropresentntlvo of tho wholo na tion. All parts of tho country, tho Binnll towns us well na tho big cities, have sup plied the greater part of the man power and brain Glsoon power onabllng It to function as tho nation's financial cnpltnl, A recent Investigation na to tho origin of ono hundred leading execu tives In tho Now York llnancial dis trict, showed that no less than sixty por cent wero born outsldo Now York State, thnt no less thnn twonty-olght' por cent wero born In towns of 5,000 or loss, and only twonty per cent wero born In New York City. The birthplaces of theso men rep resented Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massa chusetts, Connecticut, Michigan, Mis souri, Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ten noosoo, Minnesota. Iowa, Florida, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Indi ana, Wisconsin. Georgia, California, Montana, Maine, West Virginia, New Jersey and tho District of Columbia. Tho samo situation is truo of tho younger men, particularly In tho banks. This reflects moro than moro ly tho attraction of tho big city for ambitious young men. It Is tho result of tho dellnlto purposo of Now York banking to equip .Itself to porform moat effectively Its work for nil tho nation. A brief description of tho mechan ism of tho nation's banking systom will make this clenr Many of tho New York banks aro bankers' bnnka. Thoy are great reservoirs of credit In which banks throughout tho country deposit unemployed funds in Now York. When crop neoda In rurnl dis tricts or Industrial expansion In man ufacturing centers lucreaso local re quirements for money fueso local banks call In tholr f inula from New York and In addition may ask tho big city banks for loans. Country banks frequently deposit na security tho notes of their own cus tomers, ofton secured, In turn, by farm capital such as ploughs, livestock and other possessions. Tho fifty thousand dollar note, for Instance, of n country bank In a big Now York bnnk may hnvo attached, as collateral socurlty, fifty or n hundred small notes of a hundred dollars up to n thousand or more, signed by local farmers and their wives. Into ono of the biggest New York bnnk3 comes in this way from tho South each crop season a smnll note secured by n plough and a harrow and a mnlo named "Molly" an Incident thnt has boon aptly de scribed ns "Tho Minting of Molly." It Is ono among many securing n largo Inter-bank credit. Thus Is big banklug In Now York brought close to tho plain peoplo of tho soil thus docs it flnanco their humblo husbandry nnd thus has It folt the need of recruiting Its officers from among men familiar and sympa thetic with local conditions able to visualize the needs of tho people thoro nd pass sound Judgment on tho credit factors Involved. It Is dun to the conditions thus pic tured that among tho officers of Now York's banks will be found rcpreson- tatlves from all parts ot tho nation. Thoy are the delegatea ot tho people at the business capital. Why Group Fights Group America is suffering from a lack of economic understanding. It Is, there tore, that we tlud group arrayed against group thnt we And the grow er at variance with the producer, tho producer with tho consumer and both with the carrier. It Is because of a lack of economic understanding that we And capital and labor frequently striving against each other. Yet each element la vitally Interested In each other for the final auccsea of thn en tire endeavor In tbo farmor growing a prime crop and getting a fair re turn; In the canner packing a palata ble crop and getting a fair return; In the carrier transporting without dam age or deterioration and getting a fair return; In the wholesaler making a wide distribution and gottlng a fair return; In the retailer satisfying his customer and getting n fair return; In labor aiding each ot tho procosscs and getting a fair return; In capital supplying tho money and credit to make each process possible and get ting a fair return, and In tho con sumer rocelvlng a puro, nourishing, dependable, wholesomo health giving nrtlclo nt a fnlr prlco. There Is this community of Interest in the pro taction and consumption of human requirements thnt nbould prohibit strlfo among the producing and con suming elements. J. II Puollelfer, President American Bankers Associ ation. fV. Gompero on Socialism r Stato socialism la repugnant to the American mind for a great many reasons. Amorlcnns gonerally prefer to carvo out tho future In freedom Thoy are unwilling to nccopt the Idoa of an all-powerful state. It Is tho American Idea that the peoplo shall order tlio stato and shape Its courso; not that tho state shall order the live of tho people, fitting the'" Into niclius to ault a buronucmtlc card ludex. Banuel Qompors, F. H. THE HIGH COST QF CHEAP MONEY Widows and Orphans Among Chief Losers From Unsound Currency. E.E. AGGER CITES EXPERIENCE Speculators Rather Than Inves-, tors and Producers Win From Currency Depreciation. Tho losses nnd co4s borno by tho government nnd tho people of thoj United States from unsound money' exporlmonta, from colonial timua down, doubtless total moro than our staggering World War approprla-1 tlons, It Is declared by E. E. Agger, an authority on economics, In the Journal of tho American Bankers' As-' Boclatlon. "Choap money," he says, la very costly, slnco frenzied flnanco,' speculation nnd business disaster have Invariably followed In tho wnko of unsound currency. IIo cites his torical experlenco showing that wid ows and orphans wero among the chief sufferers. "New generations of adults, like children, havo to learn over and over again that, when playing with flro, ono runs tho risk of being burnod," Mr. Agger Bays. "Indulging curren cy horosles constitutes such an adult playlng-wlthilro. A glunco ovor our own historical experience would donf onstrnto this to the most ardent 'easy money' ndvocato, but such advocatea nro usually thoso to whom history is bunk.' Soft Money Advocates Seek Profit "Unfortunately thoso who are will ing to kindle tho kind of conflagra tion involved In 'soft-money' experi mentation are not the only ones hurt. Indeed, they may extort an ndvan tngo for themselves. Hut tho record la all too clear concerning tho mass of peoplo. Heavy losses, injustice,' uiBorgnnueu production anu numer ous other evils are inevitable. "Unsound money projects Impose heavy costs on the government Itself. Tho Unit effect of cheap money Is to ralso prices. Mounting prices mean thnt, to meet its needs, tho govern ment must appropriate always larger sums. Again, dallying with unsound money weakens tho govornmefit'8 credit. Prospective bond buyers be come hesitant when currency depre ciation Is threatened, because thoro la danger of agitation toward tho pay ment of government obligations In th4 cheaper money rnJicr thati In specie Any such weakening of goverment credit moans lower prices received for bonds, consequently greater burdens on the Treasury. Assuming that, In the end. sound principles triumph, tho Indulgences of the unsound currency days leave further costs to bo met. If paper money has been Issued it must be red omed If a government bo unwilling to stoip to repudiation it must raise much more In taxes to pay for the paper money than It ro eelved at the time of issue." Tho total effect of paper issues in increasing the coat of tho Civil War la estimated at about 5600,000,000, Mr. Agger says, continuing "Much more serious than tho costs ot unsound currency to tho govern ment nro the heavy direct and Indi rect costs Imposed upon tho people. Our productive system U controlled through prices, and the upset ot prices, caused by a deprecating currency, in terferes with tho proper harmonizing of the different linos of production. Prlco changes are not Instantaneously or uniformly effected throughout the whole system. Tho result ot an In flationary movemeut Is a stimulation of speculation and over-Investment In some lines, with inadequate develop ment in other lines. The period ot speculation seems a period of prosper ity, but how falso and unsound Is such prosperity Is disclosed In tho stress and agony ot tho Inevitable period ot liquidation which, Nemesis-like, fal lows on the heola of the boom." Wealth Unfairly Re-dlstrlbuted Mr. Agger then describes "tho dis tressing effects ot an unsound money on the distribution ot wealth among classes and Individuals. Cheapening money through Inflationary expedi ents Is a glgautlc fraud upon tho cred itor classes as agulnst debtors. All thoso dependent on fixed lucomos, or receiving spocltled sums In terms ot money, are penalized when tho 'pur chasing power of money Is depressed. In like manner the stockholder profits at tho expense of the bondholder- a fact which Implies a reward to tho moro speculatively Inclined at tho ox panso of tho conservative. "Advancing price causo discontent and glvo rise to njtatlon nnd unrest among thoso whoso Incomes cannot promptly be adjusted to meet higher living costs. Str.kos aro fomented and production Is curtailed. Every body shares In theso burdens. Lack of Btnblllty In money also undern.n s ,md weakens habits of thrift. A cor rosion of tho moral Integrity of tho people Is Inevitable Dishonesty la stimulated uud a desire to gain by speculation rather than to eurn a llvo lllmt; 1 by prnducM'c- and useful labor causes a marked deterioration In pop alar habits and character." LUTHERAN Kpnlnr service- every flrM Mini tlijrd I buiiilay t.i Hi; iiiuiitli id tla AilVfii'I-t chin eh nt 11 n m Pu-Hililng at 11 it. tn V u are c'oidlnllj invited to nittnd Oil' t'l,.'ict"i O K. Jetnllz, Pastor Notice to Water Users Alter I lik (Into people tuny use City Water as neei'od for -priiil(lliig or oilier Minn! eh us they see lit as the Mipply Is belter since the recent inln, nnd ut piesnit there U no hbur'ayo A inn gements have nlro been made tu use creek water tJ buppl any Mmrt iige thut tuny come, su the City expect to give the people till tho water they uiuit during this year. The of creek water Is only tern porary ami will only be used iu case ot shortage until h better supply can be decided upon. II. M Heard, Water Com. TRULY "RIGHT CLEVER NAME" Wonder What the Upfortunate Young ster Will Think About It When He Grows Up. The womnn, to oblige n friend, re cently Included In u trip up town the delivery of a mossmgo to that friend's laundress. Kllzu Jackson, the laun dress, wus colored nnd lived, uceonllnt: to directions, on t'ie fourth Hour of h dingy brick iipaitmoiit In Hur!e:ii Tlu womnn, having id ntllloil the hired nnd number, cllmV I whit uppi'.ti-' In lie n si', rot stishv im kiv'. n '.sMi'P iih .-'...- i s ,id "I Mr. JuckMiu win ilKi'ov eio I l.i . . pllliiw c. e-i lii :i:i !i: rt'.'.U'n! ' , of o:u n.i'.i ..nd ! ivi !:. -no. .i' flio rii'Un M'sir: : ! M-wrni I":s!o .1 r i'is. Tlii' yrtiin-V. I ;i"uu' I i! - "h o. . . '! r n . it wn:. :il) o:'i t il .Nil ': ii I' " K.-. io.ll. ! ! o I i'.i-v i com", ill. i in.d, nf !.;. mil.:-. in ! I Ki-. iit'- l- r .Ii.oksnn." ;'M 1'.? i'".:'.r Pi rt I : -i llltb.'t. Willi 1.01 h.miN sol j ; if!. ,i .n hor hip-. ' i-Vrtills'i-r '." tin '.Mitnini rai-el u t :. ! -.1 !. i. ti. "I rooki .i : i r'- . iI'.'M oloer iui'.i nnd lii.'h -in, ::,'. ...ii'il M. Jiu-k'-oii oiu.f. in''.. "Yuh soo, Id fntlierV !. n. 'i'" ! rdln.-i. 1, nn niliu'' Illl.n. nn' su wo .l"i''rnlly put nnd two illother, mi' culled liliu lVr" Now Vnris Sun. GAS USED TO FCIL THIEVES Really Ingenious Contrivance That Will Not C2 Appreciated by thj "Cracksmen." Some of our property losses have resulted from Iho Inroads of trucks men who suoieeiL'd In gcttlnc Into n number of our vaults and safe-. Recently an Ii.ontlu fellow with n l:noh.!gt nf t'ludly kiihc- ilct'Id.'d to capitalize his undeiMtaiidlng of poi mui gust'.-, so lie perfei-tod a fragile glass' cotitiilniT that Is now beli-K em ployed to protect all kinds of dopo.-l-torles from thlovo-i. Any mou'inent of "tho door to v. li'ch the gas container Is attached, or un unusual Jar, mich na would re-mlt from an explosion, breaks the container nnd releases the fluid, which kills the burglars Instant ly. Any effort to remove the vial by drilling It from the door likewise re leases the gap. It would be n grand thing, from the standpoint of safeguarding property, If some of these gas containers could be attached to many other kinds of private possessions'; but such a sug gestion would likely be inconsistent with my present effort to set down ways to conserve life. Floyd W. Par sons In the Saturday Kvcnlng Post. Poitiers' Powder Puffs. Poitiers was fumous In days gone by for the great victory over the French when the Illnck Prince took King John of France n prisoner, nnd waited on him na his guest. But Pol tiers la best known today for Its geese, which have tho purest white feathers of any species, and their skins nro rendlly transmuted Into "fur." It Is mainly from the soft plum age of these birds that powder puffs nre made. The whiteness of the feath er Is attributed to bathing In the lo cal waters, which contain salts of llth In. Humbler parts of the goose's ward robe become dusting brushes, tooth picks, nnd other unhorolc but UReful wnres. Tho goose farmers of Poitiers, hnvo bred geese for centuries mainly on nccount of their skins and down. ' Pacific Coast Indians. Tho origin of the nrt of the Pacific const Indians Is u subject which has puzzled students In their Investigations Into the relations between the peoplo of North America and the peoples of the rest of the world. The resemblance In facial feature between the so-called Slwash and the Mongolian race Is In some cases fo nmikod that It Is com monly believed that the Pacllk' coast Indian is descended from u wnnder Ing tribe of Chinese, nnd tho Idea that I'l'lintn' n'ii 1 "im n-ii'hed till" con tinent over the Hehrlng straits Is cred ited b.v many Investigators. Other au thorities even huo professed to sec n resemblance between tho nrt of tho Ilnldti Indians and tho nrt of the .Tnp nnese. But, of course, nothing of a definite character enn l.e stated. wvAPVV.vAv.v.v.v.v..v.v.v.. Place Your Coal Orders Now The Mallone WSAWUVVVV.VJVtr,.V.VVAV-V.VVV.VA,VV Round Trip to EUROPE $110 -m Why Pay Excessive Rates The Great Northern Steamship Company (Incorporated) r Announces that Arrangements are Now Being- Made for Monthly $ 1 1 0 Round Trips to Europe Boston Southampton 11 0 One Way $65 Connecting for London, Liverpool, LeHavro THE ABOVE PRICES WILL POINTS AS FAR The Company plans to carry approximately two thousand passengers monthly. Make your plaus now for a trip during the coming season. A round trip, with all expenses on shipboard included, at no more ex pense than a vacarion right here at home! To meet the ever increasing demand in this country for an in expensive and at the same time thoroughly comfortable and enjoy able trans-Atlantic voyage, is the prime object of the Great Northern Steamship Company. Organized by progressive business men who realize the exceptional opportunity offered for inexpensive travel in Europe, the Compauy will cater to the thousands ot intelligent persons WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW YOU MAY BECOME A PART.OWNER IN THE MOST TALKED OF ENTERPRISE IN YEARS We have an opening lor an onergetic representative in your locality. This is an excellent opportunity for a person of character to build up a permanent business both for himself and the Great Northern. C2" Cut out and mail with your name and address "Z A. Wikstrom Information Dep't. Edmunds Bldg., Suite 54 Boston, Mass. I am interested in securing full in formation regarding a trip to: (Mark a cross) One way Round trip England . France Germany - Italy Sweden - Noaway Denmark ... --- Baltic Provinces. .1... Finland Russia Name . -,., r t j The above price quoted for immedi- Street or R. f. d ate acceptance only. When buying on installments 25 per City or town .. cent 0f purchase price must accom pany order, balance may be made" in State - ten monthly paymentc. Sherilfs Sale. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue otan order of sale Issued from the ofllce of Clara McMillan, 0 erk of the District Court of the Tenth Judicial District within and for Web. btor county, Nebraska, upon a decreo in nn nctlou pending therein, wherein John Klein la plaintiff and against Walter J. McCoy et al are defendants, 1 shall olFer for bole at public vendue, according to the terms of said decree, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at tho south door of tho Court House at Red Cloud, Nebraska, (that being the building wherein the last term of fiihl court was huldeti) on tho 10th day of July, 1023, at 2 o'clock p. m. of Bald day the following described property, to.wlt: Iho South West Qunrter, except ubout one and one-half nore thereof In the southeast corner thereof used for a cemetery, of Section Ten In Towushlp Four, Itiuigo Twelve, Webster county, Nebraska. Glveu under my hand this llth day of Juue, 1023. JACK WALLER, Sheilff. i i. tarjwmn 4 - Gelatly Co. Boston Gothenburg 138 One Way 75 Connecting for Chriltianla, Stockholm, Helsingfors Danzig, Riga, Copenhagen INCLUDE RAILROAD FARES TO NORTH AS STOCKHOLM who wish to visit the battlefields of France, the Shakespeare country, Scandinavia, the Land of the Mid night Sun, etc. A chance of a life time! So it would seem; but it is more than that. The company will build for a permanent business, planning on setting a new standard of high-class ocean travel on a .'One class basis. That this can be done at a fair margin of profit has al ready been proved and is further outlined in our prospectus. You'll find it extremely interesting. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK .19. United States Service, Inc. Head Office, Edmunds Bldg. Boston, Mass. f Check Enclose find P. O. Order ( Draft for as payment in F5. f for- .... units of the shares of The Great Northern Steamship Company. Inc. Price per unit $50.00. (Four Preferred and two Common Shares to each unit.) Have Certificate and Receipt issued in the name of: Name . . . Street or R.f.d City or town State GARFIELD COMMUNITY 10 n. ni.( Sunday '.School. Review of the characters studled'during the quar ter. 11 a. m., Sermon,.v'X)oes Education Pay?" 8 p. m., Program by Young.Folkspe. partraent. 8:iG Sermon, "Looking for an Ideal". The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fancied security. Because flro has never touched yqu it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, If you have time and you Uctter 'find time come to the oflleo and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance L h X V