The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1923, Image 6
RED OlidlJD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF tJBi wan ! niwmmi NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORM Recent Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. STANDING OF DALL TEAMS AT END OF WEEK. WESTERN LEAGUE Won Lost Tct. ivifMtu :::'. 20 .;2:s r.isi :.." 'Si ..vw nlJnliomti City .'lit 22 .577 n,.nl,n !! '-'if .tVUi Hi--. M(itni' 27 ::i .474 m Joseph 2." 32 ,4:1s sk:ii city 2:1 ::o .i:n l smt l'. :i" ..Till NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE Won Lout Pet. Lincoln 27 in .(Mil loitbury 21 IS ."! forfnlk lit 17 ..2K cntnd Mtiuii 2:t 2:1 .) I'.iatilce IS "J." .-lilt lliistlnirs !.' 2(5 .3:13 l'icldcnt Harding iind members ot hi. cabinet may utli'iul the Ak-Sar-Hcn festivities In (iiiinliii next full. The I'hille river N mil of Its lmiik nt Ashland ami tin1 k' miiiih-iiI's new t fie iiihgo has been IIuihIimI with wilier. Tin- I'latto river litis left It banks Mill has ovorllnwcd licit turn hinds. The river Is higher limn il has been fin many rail. Albert Hi'viHo, an Omaha youth. I' 'l hN left foot when he fell from a ilcycle ami 111 thrown under the ulu I'K of n freight train. ('ail Christcsou. , tind the horse he was ilillm; two miles north of .Mitchell vvoje .struck mill Instantly killed h. lightning during a storm. A monster competitive haml meet fni hands from all over Hie middle uiM Is to he he, In Omaha this full tunic1!- auspices of the Ak-Sar-Hen. James I. Woodward, assistant jios. master at (luiaha for the lu-l foity yenis has asked to he retired on a pension. He N entitled to draw .fOU a month. The tate roundup to he staged by the Ameileuii Legion nt l.luenln has iieeti postpnneit a week iiccniiso or tin pi utilising v, eat hi r conditions. It will lie held .lime 'J7 and 2S. A poll ion of the foot of the 1 1 live, yenr-nhl daughter of .Mr. ami Mis. hiM'ph I'i'uiism'ii, north of Hastings, was su Injured hy (ontaet with a mow ing machine that it was found neces sary to umpiitute it. W. 15. I'ate. lor twenty yours super Inlisnlent of the Alliance s4ooN, and n well known eilucator over the state was elected pi evident of I'eru normal hi I, oul nt a meeting of the hoard held In I'remont. An outdoor procession, In which mole than 2,."0l men, women and ch hlren mm died, marked the solemn i.Jng of tin feast of diir l.ndy of Per petual Help nl Holy Name church at t iiihu S 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 v . Dr. II. M. Hcppcilcn of the l.ulheinn hospital al I'.eniilce performed a very lute operation when he grnlteil a per tinti of the eighth tilt of .link Iturloti Into the patient's Jaw, which had heeu partially eaten nwny hy e.inier. A nntlonal conentlon of the Stereo tpers and Mlectrot.v peis union, ut width all uatiomil otliiers will he in attendant e, will he held in Omaha on July Hi, 20 and 21. Three hundred tut of town delegates ale expected. Two of the largest sh over caught around Do Witt weie lauded from the hail; waters of Hie swollen I!l Mine ler hy Churles t Su.der, veteran n.-lieiiuiin of that place. Tlie (Mi weie ImrTalo, weiliinir -S ami :il poumN c;u h. Itohpit, the two-year-ohl son of .Mr. and Mr. Allien Slliii.'siet., H Injr mar Artailla, was acchlentally drowneil in a Iie gallon stone Jar. The child fell is to the Jar head llrst, ami was neaily tirowncd when foiunl. lie died a few minuios later. Twenty-thiee Hoy Senilis nmrotmed h. Hoods on Fremont Maud in the I'laite ilver two miles southwest of Fremont, were rescued In ho.tts and tnkiu to the mainland two at a time while a Idir crowtl stootl on the Imnh wutchlni: Hie lesctie. Sinuller stieaiiis' in central Nehns ha a;:alu are swoIIimi, Wood river helnu t at of Its luinKs, hut tlolii no serious niimaire. Local rains, nam a tpiartei f an Inch to an Inch, tell at Cairo, Kavcnnn, St. .Michael and St. Liliory, following heavier tlownpouis, amount. mi: almost to cloiitlliursts. Uuth Ciitin, .", thiimhter of K, S. tiiiun, Lincoln huslno-s man, was Mile win 11 run over hy an autouiohlle on ! ifsidente sjieft. Mis. Hoy Liiialey of uour Xortli l.eitd, was prohahly fatally, hurt win 11 sruck hy ll;:htiiliiK as she was spnted a the porch at her home durini: a tnrin. ' (iiivprnor Iirynn has appolnietl J. ,1. 1'. oley of Hrolton How. forinor head of t e state Imuktiii; tlepartmont ; M. U. SclIIvaii of O'.Velll, former hank ov. miner ; A. .1. Haritf of ivieiliiirc ami I". A. HocilPker of Nehiiwku us .state I 11K oN-amlners. I Ire cauod hy ti party of Joyriders t'iriiwint; 11 lh:hted Ipitvt hint Into fie rear of an auioiiioiiu partly de t oyed a car thlvcn h.v V. II. .Maxwell, I'.irt Wayne, Intl., on the Lincoln IiIkIi way east of ('ohimhus, Vesultln;: in erious hums to the tlrhir. 1'nder the contract hetween thestato end tho Ailams Stamp and Stationery inpaiiy ot St. Louis, automoDIle nam I er plates for the use In Nebraska next yi. r will have black lei tors on u vvlilw I tnhgroiiiid. With these colors tho numbers me expected 10 stand out and he more easily seen than the present black and gieen color. THE TAX LEVIE8. Total Taxes for all Purposes for the Year 1922. In 1021! I he totnl taxes charged tho people if the stale for nil purposes ti'c $.r3.4."i7,4SLr)li. divided" us follows: Plati- taxes I 7,HCG,1H.0S ( niiiiiy tnxoR ,..,,,, taxon !.832.', I2 NOIlool taxes 2I.!M3.C0'J.H City niul VIIIiiku Tuch 8.105.G1C 16 Terminal Tiien for use of lllllllll lllllltl'H TowiihIiIii Tiixki UraiiuiKc t.i.MM 711,801 1S l.i7S.os:t 70 417, cm OJl III U'U.CiB 3.'l lrtlgHtlnn Iiixim 1 'oil laxcH MlHcellani uiih tuxca 1.6 01)7 'Jl ,ln so fnr as the state taxes arc .1 lerued the le'lsl utile innki tl " up proprlutloiis to linel the stales t "!, and tin State Hoard of i:i!itl,".nilon and AsM'ssiuciiJ then makes a levy to meet the iipproprliillon.''. The appre prlations made liy tlie I02il e.sset of the leai-lature were sulitantlull.v iv d'lced Iroiii the iipprnpihuloiiij nmite two yenrs linn. The iiiellmd of providing funds fot Iho various siiImIIsoiis of the state differs fiom that of Ihe Mnli' in tint the levies aio maile hy Ihe urlous couiily hoard-) ami (lie espcitdlliiicy are niiide on the ha.sls of the lev.v. The t'siahllshinii of these levies Is now he iny coiishleied hy the vaihuis tuN'ns: suhillvlslons of tlie state. The ne.t ititiiuiil meeting' of the Kayles will he held at Heat rice. Neaily a million ins dollius were mithered into the Mute treasury this month. A poultry club has hecn oi-i:anh'.eil at Ashlautl with a start of seven el al ter niemhcr.s. otls Wilson, 1.-, s0n of oils Wilson, sr ut Wahusii, was drowned while swlmmlni: In Weeplnu Water creek. The state asylum at Lincoln has HHS Inmates, the Inryest liumher lioiistt there In the hlsiorv of the institution I'arol Watson, son or .Mrs. Clara Watson of Callaway, lost the sl-,t ()f one ot his e.vtw, which wi.s struck h.v a nail he was driving. St. Honifiice Ciiiliole hurt li nt Moh teiey, In Cumlni; county, vva totally destroy eil hy lire of unknown origin, with a loss of s'jriOiMi The village of Chttoiila In Cime count.v has voted to issue So.tio:) Imuds for the con-iructlon of a new s,.i,0ol hulldln'. .Nearly l'ik) tru:tlsts aitenileil the iiuhual ctinvenilon of the slate I'luir mateiiiUal ussoehiilon at Halln.s last week. One of the new lawyers cieated at the ha r cumilmuliin hy the supreme court at Lincoln 1n-t vveek. is a wn man, I'loremt! .ei.ser of I'.eaver City. Two ami soveiiteen-liiunlicdths In ches of ruin fell in omahu dnrln a 'J 1-hour period. Tlie storm was most severe hetween s and Id in the morn Inu. Aliout l.'i t'tillons of alcohol ami hoo.e-taken In rahN hy police was poured Into the city sowers ul Nor folk under the supervision of i Itv of ll.lals. .Miss Katherine Win ley. lueniher of Ihe Sim,, hoard of contiol, ami .1 o'Hllen, Mipeiiuteiiileut of the tate llsli hatchery, liave teiuleieil their ie siL'liatlOlls. The state fair hoard has completed plans which If tlie weather Is fnmp aide. Is epeeted to draw tlie Idlest nliiht ciowds in the hlstmy 01 tli; suite exposition. Lmils L. .Moesehlcr. Til, of Omaha state president ,,f the Order of Kuuics, who was liijuied when an autoieoh h In wlihh lie ami Ceorye Miller, were ildln, plunged fiom a hrhlKe iieui Meichesur, tiled later In a I. in id 1 hospital. Wendell Heme tif Lhiioln. Junior at the university of Nehr.isUa, was awarded second prize- in an essay eon. test eoiiiim teil ly ihe Institute of In toi national education, New York, in coiiipetliion with more than a liundied siudeiiis. W. II. Orr of I'alU city was elected pieshlent of the southeastern Nehras ku Press eluh at the annual mceiin lit Id at Auhuin. S. W. Thin her of Teeuniseh was elected vice pieshlent, ami -Miss Huniie Ilaskltis of Siella, sci relary. Urpoits teaching County Afieni Hoyd IM Indicate that the hessian tly hn appe.iuti in soiue 0r Cace county -wheat lieldc Another pest known as the L'nullsh !.'U'eii ilihs. sometimes mistaken for the "j,mii liti." also has heen fnimd in some ilchK, The semi-annual state school fund appoillotiinnit nnioinitln- to sit7..,l.1 1 cert Hied to state Siipeiintenileni ,nhu M. Maten hy State Trensiucr ('. I) Uoliinseii, Is Hie largest slnulu uppoi-tli-unieiir ever maile hy the stale Thf illstrlhutiuu will he made linincdlnidy Mrs. Lee W. Hdwartls, wife of Dr. Kdwanls of Omaha, and her dniuhier, Aune, weie injured in Des Molne., vvli -n 11 taxi in which tiny wete rid hi1.' strui k a stieet car. The,'emcnt Of the ll.irv ml l.lvt'stotk Shipping as oclation .1 10 itpenulve nii.rki'iiin; phm tor farm. r a d llve-toik uU'Ci's, has heeu t.ik. 11 over hy the runners Klovator. Mr. l-'loivnce D. Owen m. n, urand chief of honor, or"o pi,-i 1 ent.if the Deuce of Honor oi .i.i l;a, was ciettcd nnilonal w.itdi ( tie Di'U'iee of Honor Pioieelive 11- oda tiou 111 convention at Mlimenpiihs. Assessment of railroad property in Nehj'itska this year will he prai.l.' II. the same as last year, nicordim. to a still emeiil liy W. 11. Siiiiih, -' te t commissioner. .1. A. Hey nolds, telephone m, n ei ut I'IIkci'. and Clytle Stewart, u 'i 1 ., wire chlet of Cherokee. la.. Imw 1,11' I ,0P awarded the Theodon N. ai medal for saving a lite. Hey nolds saved a hoy from drowning .Inly L'l, WM, and Stewart tescued and rcsits-cl-luted ti llnenuin who had hevu made unconscious by contact with a live wire at the top of n telephone pole May 11), llCU. Italians Celebrate Their Entrance I .- Xp. m V " 'C'' v x m . ' I IS Capt. Amundsen Capt. Hoi .1 il -. ju.-. -mi. w.ic ?;;-'.. .. ;- r- -j- 1. - 'hi I J 1.4 vsr?" s. jLtc- . visarr" .-. - - s 'tt''TL.i a e5jJ" ll -" -. j .. W. "- " v.1.a.a .l. a " " m WCI'-i, . H "swsts,. -,..-..- .-'- " ul ;.i"'jii. . , r ..'aJj U IH Wj fl!&22S2BEgrtt ild Amundsen Is' hero seen, hehlutl the sled, giving the word to his ninlemuies to "mush on" out of Nome, 'nlmvrlghl In the center of the Ice fields, where he hud cstahlMied the cuinp from which lie plans to Imp plane Might across the North l'ole. Ala ska, for W 01T for an air Mother Gets Degree, After Another )wm& J$Sk Jc & m Mrs. Katherine Houlon Clay of Newark, N. J., photographed with her three children. While attending to her household duties, and at the same time taking cnuics In Minna rd college, she has Just received her A. H. degree, and now plans to resume her studies for a Master of Arts degree. Most of her Mudy'lng was done In subway and tube trains. Disturbing the Rest of Pocahontas 1 y -$fflJsjmBnm'- - y IMvvurd Page Huston of Chicago, with Canon (ledge, the blind rector of ftt. George's church at dravesend, L'tigland, turning over the Hist toll in tho search tor the hrues of Pocahontiib, who was burled In tho churchyard In 1018. Leaves Nome for sssssssmaifesaK Into the War Exercises commemorating Italy's en trance Into tho World war wcio hold lit tho cemetery nt Dclll I'iikIIii. Pre niler Mussolini nrrlved on the scene hy airplane to attend the ceremonies. The photograph shows n general view of the consecrntlon of the monument. His Polar Flight u t jT. 4: ft Jit. vs. i $$i.-:JJ) .. '"iV t inV."'-V Fl n LAST YANK TO dS Louis I'. Von der lle'tle of (.'lilcago. who Just arrived home from the Ithlue and has taken up the work he left a good many months ago to help Uncle Sam. He Is a machinist. Von der Ile-lde married a tJuriiiuti Red C'rosi nurse while In the service. He Is the lust Ameilcan soldier to arrive honin from overseas service. HEIRESS AND FIANCE ' .. ir lJ33iSKIKr ll -re Is i.n e. liisive jMj' 1 of Miss Gloria (ionhl, one of the great est heiresses of Atactica, with her llaiice, Henry A. Hlshop. Jr. Miss (iouhl Is not only one of the most populnr of the youngeret, hut has tie pilred an enviable reputation us nn .iinateur dancer. Mr. HMinp Is tho miii if Henry A. Hishop ot Hrldgepi.rt, Conn. You've Got Him. Compicr tlie world and the hesh and the devil vflll surrender. Hosfon KveHlng Transcript, RETURN WS!MsWM tit.mH?r,,ti1r I I sfW IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SBndavSchool Lesson Dy ItnV. I. D. riTZWATU.t. D v.. Teacher of ErEllah lllbl In tho Moody Dlble Institute of ChlcnKo ) Cpyrlsht, 23. WoiUtn NVwsi.frpcr Union. LESSON FOR JULY 1 JOHN, THE DAPTI5T (May ho iikcm! with lrinpernnco appll citlnnc ) l.HSSON Ti:XT Luke 3 3-S. 7-2 1-2S. UULDKN TEXT "tic tih.ill be Krocit In the MkIu ot tin.- Lord, ninl sli.ilj orliilc ncltlicr wine nor btroni; Irlnk" La Ice i .in. . 1I"iy,,i,,"5Nl:r' MATKUIAL - .Matt. 1. 1-1.. II 2-15. .Mai. 3 1-0 V.UI-MA"Y TOPIC 'II u Haby. .John. JPNIOU TOPIC The Man Who Pre tmreil the Way for J.hus 1NTEK.MIHHATE ANP SRNIOIt TOP 1C The Herald of the Christ. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC Character ami .Vorlc of John, tlm Uaptlst. .Tohn was e great man. In nn nouncing ids birth the angel said, "He shall he great In the sight of the Lord." He was not only great In the Lord's sight, hut was great when measured by the standards of men. In the teaching of this lesson n survey bhould he nuide or John's life and work. I. Dirth and ministry Foretold (Matt. .I:.'!; cf. Isa. 40:). He was thought about and his work planned long before he was born. Ho rtime as God's messenger. Ills life was n plan of (Jod. He was said to be a man sent from Cod (John 1:0). Them Is a sense In which every life Is planned everyone Is sent from God. Everyone should remember that God has something to do with his lire. II. His Character. 3. Humble (Luke .1:1). He did not seek human praise and commendation. Ills supreme concern was to proclaim the Christ. He did not make himself prominent was only n voice calling upon people to prepare for the Mes siah. His person and habits were a protest against the luxury and hypo crltlcnl formality of his time. U. Courageous (Luke H:7). He faced n great multitude and struck hard at their sins. He did not trim his mes sage to suit the crowd. He even tie nounced ihe religious leaders of his time nml demanded of them fruits w'orthy of repentnnce. HI. His Preaching (Luke 3:3-8). 1. Demanded Repentance (vv. JUt). Suddenly emerging from his seclusion, he came Into the region of the Jordan, as a messenger of God, calling upon the people to repent In preparation for the coming of the Messiah. 2. Demanded I'ronfs of Penitence (vv. 7, 8). He Insisted that their false religions he abandoned their sinful hearts renovated showed them that the vile passions of their souls must he uprooted. A change of mind, that Is, the turning of the soul from sin to God, was necessary. This Is a prepa ration which must bo made before one enn see and experience the salvation of God. IV. Jeaus' Testimony to John (Luke 7:'J4-28). Hecause John did, not seo the Interval between the "sufferings of Christ" and the "glory thnt should follow" he wns perplexed. Therefore he sent a deputation to .Trsna for light. The prophets did not see, or nt least did not mnke clear, the Interval be tween the eiuclllxloii of Chtlst and Ills second coming. The two events were so presented as to appear to ho In close succession. John In his preaching hns stressed tho mighty Judgments which should take place at the nppenrance of the Messiah. The turn things were taking (he himself being Imprisoned with the gloomy prospect of death), wns In great contrast ttv the coming of the Messiah In fiery Judgment "thn ax Is laid unto the root of the trees" and "the chaff Is hurne.l up with un qucnehnble fire" (Mntt. -10. 12). The trend of events pu.zlel Mm. It was not hick of faith, but confusion of mind that prompted his Inquiry. Christ's testimony defended him ngulnst nny such nn Recusation. Christ lndlcnted him against a vacillating mind because of the sto-niT erf persecu tion, lie was not like a rcsd shaken hy the wind (v. 21). Ho bod lived a life of self-denial, therrforc he did not deny his faith In Christ bemuse of tha dungeon (v. 2o). Jesus declared thnt no grenter prophet hnd urlsvn. That which perplexed John was the delay In Judgmentthe day of GoiVt patleneo while gntherlng out the Church. This was n truth not disclosed to the prophets thnt whhh Paul mtido known because n sproUl revelation had been granted (Kph 3:3). V. The Martyrdom ef Jshn (Marie 0:14-20), Wldlo John wns In pr'son Herod hnd frequent Interviews with Mm. John boldly told him that It war unlawful for him to have hi" brother's wife. lie did not inJnre matters evrn with tho king. This fo enraged the licentious Herndlns that Khe caused Ida dvutli Ho sealed his testimony with his blood. Seeking the Name of God. Tho Turks carefully collect cvorj scrap of paper that comes In their way, because the nnnie of God may be writ ten thereon.- Ilh liter. Men of GcnlUi., Men of genlui nre often dull and Inert In society: as the hli.lng meteor, when It descends to earth, Is only a etonc Longfellow. Protperlty and Advsrclty, lie that swells In prosperity will bo sure to shrink in adversity. Colton. . ? .1 .! V SS,