The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1923, Image 5

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I ,'
"Steeri Ivleane'' la now on sale at
Tiie farmers will soon be busy harvesting.
Heib Ludlow is driving n new Nash
Charley Lindley
Orleans Sunday.
vr.s down fioin
We ate now prepared to give reason,
able ti'rins mi botli New and Used Cms
payable monthly or In a lump sum,
Oglevle Bros
Mi. and Ms. Leo Walker uutoeii to
Fraiklin Sunday and" .pent the day
with lclatives. Mw. Walker remain
ed to spend n few days.
Louis C. Soldon. Jr., of Macon,
Missouri, and Eva L. NIcholsoi. of
Superior weio united in marriage by
Judge Kanncy Tuesday.
Next Wednesday is Vy Mi and
this office will be closed all day.
M'S. Molfott was a i avenger to
L'eloit, Wisconsin Friday morning.
Earnest Beauchump vis a pa sen
ger to Hastings Tuesday morning.
Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a passen
ger to Superior Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bevt Lindley were
down from Riverton Sunday cvenifig.
Frank Perry and H. S. Foe attend
ed the roundup at Hastings Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Ehly spent Sun
day with relatives at Lebanon, Kansas.
Mrs. Frank Peterson went to Hnst
i.ngs. Saturday morning to spend the
George Schnaf returned home Tues
day evening from Harvard where he
Im-i been epending the past few days
visiting with h's parents.
Attorney Walters returned to his
home at Illuc Hill Satin day morning
after ppcnd'ng a couple or days Sicie
attending to business matters
Mips Augusta Sowers was a pus
senger to Denver, Colorado, Friday
evening, where she will spend a coup
le of weeks v'siting with friends.
Mrs. Mildred Amack was a 'passen
ger to Denver, Colorado, Thursday
morning where she will visit at the
home of her sister for a few weeks.
- Lawrence ? Walter of "Guide Rock
is visiting his grandfather, W. H.
Si . '
One inche and eighteen hundreths
of rain fell in this community Tues
day night. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson
spent the first of the week at Os
, borne, Kansas.
The lad'es of the Christian church
will hold a market at Smith's shoe
store Saturday.
Miss Helen Robinson went to Su
perior Monday morning on No. 16 to
spend a couple of days visiting Svitft
her brother, Bruce Robinson and fam
Mrs. John Arnell and baby return
ed home Tuesday morning from Fre
mont where she has been for the
past" ten days visit'ng with her par
Forest Mountford arrived here
Tuesday evening from Omaha, where
he has been attending medical college,
to spend a few days visiting with rel
atives. ' v ' ;
Miss Hallie Summers went to Hast
ings Tuesday morning Jo spend the
day with friends.
Mrs. Alviiia Burg went to Pawnee
City Friday morning to spend a few
days visiting with relatives.
'Mr. and Mrs. Al Goodwin of Grand
Island spent the last of the week hero
with her father, Win. Waltc.-.
The Red Cloud ball team goes to
Guide Rock Sunday afternoon where
they will play the team there.
Miss Zella Taylor of Chicago ar
rived here a few days ago for a coup
le of weeks visit at the home of lier
sister, Mrs Miner Sherwood and with
old friends.
The state and government men arc
n w working in this county on a very
detailed sol survey which, when c;ni
pletcd, will have many Important uses
for the citizens. The work U being
done by the Conservation and Sur
vey Div'sion of the University of Nc
braska in cooperation with 'the U. S.
Bureau of Soils Dr. G. E. Condrn,
d'rector, is in general charge but the
field work is being directed by Mr
L. A. -Wolfanger.
The first part of the survey will
be directed towards the classification
and nnpping of all of the various
kinds of soil in the county. Many
hoiing will bo made and numerous
samples w' 1 be taken Tor physical
and chemical an:llyis When com
pleted, the report will be available
for every citizen of the county. It
will include a comprehensive (Us-,
cussion of the soil resources and their
best utilization and will, by means
ri a large colored mnp, show soils,
dra nago, towns and the locations of
all lonc'.s, houses,, schools,
cemeteries etc., in the county. Such
reports have been made on -17 of tiie
93 counties of the state and when tlio
whole of the survey is completed,
Nebraska will have valuable informa
tion for farmers and realtors and for
use in farm loaning road building and
in r.uiicultural instruction in the
The director of the survey requests
that the citizens of the county do not
take up the time of the ficd men, In
atking numerous questions, not be
cause the men could not answer them
but because' all of the information
worked out will be available later
and because the strenuous effort re
quired in this survey vi demand all
the energy and time of the surveyors.
Tins lurvey is made at the re
quest of many citizens of the county
ad at the urgent request of Repre
sentative Garber. In fact, the re
quest has been in for quite a whilo.
but not granted until this year. The
kindly interest and cooperation of the
citizens of the county is highly ap
pelated by the survey. The vvork
is none at state and federal expense
bu' the results will be for the bene
fit el all.
v YELLOW PENCIL s.ttiiAir.iiOAoiiflCewitniiil
LaZZfg ittildllie RED BAND V, I
.Mrs. Chas. Egglcston and children
returned home Friday evening on
train 17 from Superior whore she ha
bcen spending the past week visiting
with friends. -
A nine and one half pound boy ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Toplinni Friday monr'ng.
Ml, and Mrs Glen Foam drove
over from Wilcox Sunrtay innnung
to spend the day with relatives.
Mrs. A. 1). Ranney and daughter,
M'ss Anne, were passengers to Om
aha Monday morning on train 1
Miss Erma Brubaker of Inavalc
was a passenger from the local ticket
office to Ayr Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. 1). Robinson of
Lincoln arrived in the city Wednes
day to attend the big celebration.
.Mrs. Laird Potter wor.t to Hardy
Saturday morning to spend the day
visiting with her parents and witn
W. J. Linn want to Hastings Tiiur
day morning to spend the day talcing
in the Front'or Day celebration be
ing put on there last week by tiie
Hastings Elks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Saladcn nnC
daughter departed on No. 15 for Lo
Angeles California, Thursday morn
ing on tra'n l.r where they will make
their future home.
Mrs. E. A. Creighton was a passcn
gcr to Lincoln Sunday morning on
train IG whore she w!ll cpem! a row
days visiting with her s: to:-, Mrs.
Fred Guild and family.
Mrs. J. E. Jarboe, accompanied by
her husband arrived hero Thursday
evening on No. 11 from Hastings.
She has been there for the past seven
weeks recovering from an operation.
Now that warm weather
here you will need
Have a Large Line in the
If you prefer the Piece' Goods we have All Kinds
F. J. Munday was? a passenger to
Edison Sunday morning on train 15
where he spent the day visiting with
Walter W. Brown of Pauline and
Josephine M. Nowack of Blue Hill
were married by' Judge Ranney last
Miss Fern Fitz went to Mindcn
Thursday morning on train 4 where
she will spend a few days visiting
with relatives.
S,mith Bros. & Copley will go to
Omaha Friday after some Ford cars
and a sport model Nash touring car
for Frank Bean.
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Starke depart
ed Friday morning for Milwaukee
where they will visit relatives. Grant
Damon accompanied them and he
will spend the summer in Wiscons'n.
Mrs. Elmer Mitchell and boy ar
rived here Saturday morning from
Akron, Colorado, she be'ng called by
the serious illness of her mother, Mrs.
AIvcs. Mr. Mitchell arrived Monday
morning on No. 14.
Miss Florence Ehly was a passen
ger to Guide Rock Thursday mormng
where she will spend a few days vis
iting with her parents. Before re
turning to her work here she will visit
with friends in Lincoln.
W. A. Romjue went to Omaha Mon
day morning on trnin 4 where lie
will spend a few days attending to
business matters.
W. J. Mc'i'hor on was a passenger
to Omaha Monday morning where
ho will spend a few days attend ng
to business matter.-.
Mrs. Esther Linstrom and son re
turned to the'r home at Grand Island
Tuesday morning after spending trie
past week here visiting at the ttio
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wolfe
and with other friends.
A Royal
Outing Place
Rocky Mountain
National Park
The Low Cost of the Trip
Will Surprise You
There's jio denying the fact, the
best investment many folks make is
their vacation.
To enjoy the bast of health and
make the most of life, one must, of
necessity, have an occasional change
of environment, altitude, climate and
method of everyday living.
So named because it represents the
i typical scenery of the higher Rockies
than which there is probably no
mountain range more majestic a
rcst-and-play-land, a natural, wild,
beautiful and healthful outdoors
this Park is a refuge of peaceful gran
deur and a haven of quietness which
has remade many a tired soul.
Here, hid away for a time, one
leaves "nerves" behind while doing
as one likes. The sportsman many
hunt or fish, the worn out loaf or
ramble, the more energetic ride,
drive, climb mountains or play golf
or tennis. Kiddies scamper and
grown-ups forget dignity and indi
gestion. All can be out every day in
the pine-scented air and enjoy the up
building sleep which only the a'r of
the mountains can induce.
Miss Martha Abel of McCook has
been here for the past Tew cays help
ing her mother pack her household
good for shipment to McLbok. Mis.
Abel is going to make her future
home with her daughter in that city.
5L .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson and
daughter, Miss Fay, wcic passengers
to Hastings on No 4 Thursday morn
ing where tncy will spend a couple
of days attending the Frontier Day
celebration being put on there last
Miss Zella Taylor of Chicago, wr.o
has been here for the past few days
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Minor
Sherwood and family, wont to Lin
coln Tuesday morning where she will
visit for a few days witli friends be
fore returning to her home.
if A
PIoco Oils Mowing Machine Repairs
McCormick and Deering Sickles $3 to $3.25
Sections $1.30
Am Dm Stanley
-,, .tLd
Two ears of cattle and one car of
hogs were shipped from Iiere Sunday
morning for the Kansas City market.
Including that loaded here there
were one hundred and seventy-seven
cars of stock through here Sunday
morning enroute to the Missouri riv
er markets.
F J. Grico left Sunday morning for
Pasadena, California, whore ho will
visit for several weeks at the home
of h's brother, Bort. Before return
ing home he intends visiting several
cities in the northwest nnd Canada.
Mr. I. D. Hewitt was a pas.-cngor
to Lincoln Wednesday evening where
she will spend a few days visiting with
her mother. Mr. Hewitt is working
second trick at tho depot while Mr.
Thompson- is on his vacation.
Mrs J. F. Pooro, mother of Mrs.
A. F. Alves of this city and Mrs. E.
A Mitchell of Akron, Colorado, pass
ed away Saturday evening at her
homo southwest of tho city. Funeral
services wore held at tho homo Mon
day afternoon nftcr which the re- W$fffi$u8i
mains were, taken to Hastings and &iJu)lL!&i!li
shipped to Ncwlon, Iowa, for interment.
An agieeable feature of this moun
tain paradise is its unrivaled variety
of hotel accommodations, which
range all the way from the "million-
dollar" hostelry and broadsprcadng
rustic inn to the modest cottage and
out-post tent.
ltlble h-jbool nt 10 u. in.
.Moiniiit,' Sot vice at 11 a. in. Subject:
"I'rcpiiiliig loi War to End War." A
jot mon of national oburactcr.
Evening Union Service at the Con
grt'cntlonal church.
Tho ordinnnuo of the Lord's Supper
on Sunday morning,
(icucrul prayer nnd confluence meet
ing on Wednesday evoning
Cordlnl invitation to all not attend
elsowhore. I W. Edson, Pastor.
Mrs. A. D. Ranney nnd daughter,
Miss Anne, left this week for Lake
field, Minnesota, to attend the wed
ding of Carl Ranney, the oldest son
of the family, who is to ne married
Juno 27, 1923 at Lakef-'eld, Minne
sota, where ho is engaged in Uie
grain business.
Easy to reach and to see hit tho
trail there this summer. Let mo tell
you more about it and let your home
town railroad take you there.
Ticket Agent,
The McMahon greater shows ar
rived in the city Tuesday nnd are be
ing set up today, Wednesday, In
readiness for the big celebration,
Thursday. Through the untiring ef
forts of the different men on the
bration will be a success and a big
crowd hero.
everything points that the I ,)0(y WM ,inppy
will be a success and n b'g
"Delight thyself also in Jehovah;
And he will give theo the desires of
thy heart."
Sunday morning we will have a Com
munion service. In the evening, we
will unite with the other churches at
tho Congregational church. This is to
bo n Layman's Meeting and wo are
promised something very good.
Last Friday afternoon the Ladies of
the Social Circle entertained their
families to a picnic supper in the
Trace Sburer grove. Tho weather was
iclcul and it was impossible to reach
the bottom of tho ice cream so every-
A get-to-gethcr meeting of the oil
men, who are intending to operate
in th'a state, was held in Hastings on
Saturday night and the first of tho
week Messrs. C. A. Lewis of Billings,
Montana, and James O'Hara of Hous
ton, Texas and Miss G. M. Watson of
this city, formerly of Billings, Mon
tana, in company with Mr. Hun-ch,
niado a tour of inspection of the
company's property. Much enthusi
asm resulted from tho trip and 't
was unanimously agreed that , the
structures were here, and all that was
needed was test wells to prove" this
I territory to be an oil field.
Notice Of Application For
1 Pool Hall License.
Notice is hereby given that on tho
10th day of June 15)211, W. II. Burwell
Died his application and petition Qbk.
lug for Llcciibo to conduct a Uillinrd
nnd Pool Hall on Lot Flfteon (15) Block
Twelve (12) In tho Vitiligo of Iuavale,
Nebraska. That on the Oth day of.
July 1023 ut the Court in Red Cloud,
Nebraska at 2 o'clock P. M tho hear
lug on said application will bu had bo
fore tho County Commissioners of Wob
htur (Jounty, Nebraska, at which tune
all objections , and retnoustrnncos
against tho granting of suld license
will bo hoard.
(Seal) . F PERRY
An Enterprise that
Merits Your Support
NiHwitbsiitidlng tho amount of ship,
ping that is now lying idle the
harbors and at the docks oMho United
States, ocean travelors are still obliged
to pay high rate for trans-.UIaiithi
travel, and an unparalleled opportuni
ty to build up the American Merchant
Marine is being lost. Recognizing this
fact, and realizing that the tiino wafa
opportune for an undertaking ot this
nature, the organiv.urs of the Great
Northern S. S Co formed their Cor
poration, which received its charter
from the Stnte of Massachussetts, Oct
ober 11, 1922
They visualized a new ocean steam
ship line, plying between Boston oncl
European ports, which would olfer to
these same peoplo a chance for oceau
travel on comfortable commodious
ships, at a price within tbe reach of
all, but large enough to allow a profit
for tho Investor and a sufficient mar
gin to allow for tho carrying" on and
enlarging of the enterprise.
This was their threefold purpose to
render a genuine servico to the people,
to help build up American shipping,
and to bring business and trade to
tbe port of Boston.
In spite of tho failure of tMie Ship
Subsidy Bill, in spite of the opposition
which t cacti y new vcompotltojr in an
established 0e"ld encounters, .tils Com
pany is bringing its plans tosihaturlty
and expects that very soon It will be
ablo to offer dcilnito salllng-.dates to
the public. '
This, surely is an enterprise that
merits your support. u
"-(Seo adveftiBomeut )
Salesman wanted by one of'tpowor '
largest wholesale grocery houses; pi
bllities of ournlng $100U.00 ov more pur
year, with opportunity to lyilld per
muncnt trade .-oUlng couiplclS, Una of
groceries; a connection wlth-ti IIouso
that advances its salesmen into execu
tive! positions previous '-experience-soiling
groceries not necessary. P. O.
Box It 0t Chicago., '
".-n anr,Jr..i. .