The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1923, Image 4
RED CliOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Vntored In tho Potolllcc nt Hcc! Cloud, Neb ai Second Class Matter' A.B. MoARTHUR, Eilltor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local. ' " "12JS&15 Dr. Jol "ser.'a pill o-i-ry. Docior .'liii'i'it u dived fur till' die llmiiiry which iiiuilf liltn mi f-iimiti iiIk.ih SS.(KK) anil spent -uvi-ti yours fotiipletlug 'lint wiuU. I'm his oilier writings lie leeelvod stunll iitnountH. In the County Court of Webster County, Nebr. Statu or Neiiiiaska ) Wkbsieii County J In (lii! imittcr of tho estate of Swuln II. .Johnson, deceased. CREDITORS OF SAID ESTATE WILL TAIvii NOTICE, that tho time limited for presentation mid filing of claims ngninst the same Is Octdber 2o Hi, 11123, mid for the payment of debts is Juno 1'J.ti, lD.'l, that I will sit nt tho comity court room in said county on t lie 22nd day of October, ID'23, nt K) o'clock, A. M., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust nil claims ami object Ions duly 11 loci. Dated this 2(11 li day of June, 1023 (SEAL) A. I). Itannoy, County Judge. LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO GRACE EPISCOPAL The Church School incuts every Sutf day morning at 10 o'clock. We will celebrate the holy commiin ion nt 11 o'clock this coming Sunday morning .Inly 1st. You will find ii cordial welcome ut nil our services. Rev. Ilnsil S Dftughorty. NWWWWMFfMJWVWfffWmJJmufm'WfJVJWW,WVJWi UNDERTAKING The I. T. Araack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse In Connection t'' Licensed Embilmer' Bttt Service to Othtrs Means Real Happiness to Oarsalves. BOTH PHONES RED CLOyp, EB wvwwwwvNfl-vwtf-vftMwww isJRiiL'iL i WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th i 3 P. Mn At Red Cloud GUIDE ROCK vs RED CLOUD The Guide Rock team has secured several fast players From Kansas and are coming with the expectation of winning. COME OUT AND SEE IT ; Sunday? July 3th The Alroa Team will he Here f 1F1E 3F1 REMEMBER THE BIG CELEBRATION -AT- RED CLOUD, JUNE 28th Bring the whole family and make our store your head-quarters. We will check your coats and Bag gage and have plenty of good cold drinking water. Besides this we will have plenty of good Reliable Merchandise for your consideration, all priced lower. Be sides being lower than other stores we aim to Better Merchandise and you can depend on us always. Twenty-five years in business and still going strong. The Cowden-Kaley Go. Co. Always R.elia.ble nrir iiii iciiiirjy Prof Caster is in the city S. 11. Klzer has been on tho sick list. Hon. W. A. McKeighan has returned from liroken How. Earl Tennnnt has accepted n posi tion with the Chicago Photo Co. There Is going to bon groat deal of small grain this season after nil. M. W. Dlckcrson & Co., shipped a 0'r load of butter to Now York this week." The Mlses McClelland and Shepard of Uloomiiigtoii, were in the city n the Fourth. Sam Llnilsey living north-west from Red Cloud bus set out fill) pear trees, every one of which has lived. Murt Roby of Hastings litis boon visiting his parents this week. Tom Jones' little boy got loit In the city on the 1th but was found unharm ed. He had strayed from his parents in the crowd. The Chief takes pleasure this week in announcing tho nuptials of Mr. Harry Sowter of this city, a vjery pro. mlneutnnd well known younggentlc inan, to Miss Carrie Mcllrlde, n most estimable young ladr, and daughter of Mrs. S. It. Mcllrlde. John Crnns snys he will nob' use city water from a fear of having sand bars in his stomach, and yet Red Cloud city water is as good as Omaha Water or that of Beatrice, and that is not sny. ing much. WHO SHOULD PAY FOU TH KOADS7 40 YEARS AGO 'j.i billed July 4tb next week. Yankee Robinson's show for Red Cloud, July 3rd. ' "NV. A large brick hotel is talke'ilj of for Red Cloud. Whoop er up. . . Congressman Laird has bought the Baldwin cattle ranch on jEbJTall creek, nenr Culbertson. "j J S. Ruthrock will soon commeuce the erection of a brick buildingon the sight of his present business locution. Work on Jones & Gobies new brick building was delayed somewhat last week on account of the iocIc for the foundation walls failing to arrive promptly John Smith, who lives thieo miles from town, drive, u Ford, for which privilege lie pnys an nnnuul license fee of $10. He 's nn industrious mnn and spends most of. his time on the farm, hut two c- three times a week lie gets his Lizzie out to make a trip to town, he brings the family in to church on Sundays, and now and then takes a pleasure tr'. into ,fte nc::t county. In n year he drive some 2,000 miles Tho liccnes fee cots him half a cent per mile. John Jones 's a traveling m:.n end lie also drives ore which made De-' troit famous. His woil: keeps him on the road s'x days in tho week and on Sunday lie and his wife and habior drive for f-n. During liic yeai hi: mileage leaches 10,000 . He aJ?o pays n license fee of $10. The license fee costs him one-quarter of a MILL per m'lc. Both men have paid the same fee for road maintenance, but John Jones has traveled twenty tims as far as Farmer Smith. Suppose a gasoline tax of 2c per gallon to be in force In each man makes 20 mile-, per gallon, it costs each one tenth of a cent per mile for road maintenance. Farmer Smith pays for the 2,000 miles he dr'ves during the year, the not unreasonable fee of $2. Traveling mnn Jones, ror driving over 40,000. nvles of state road, pays $40. Each man pays in proportion to the amount he has used the road. Mr. Jones, traveling 20 times as far as Mr. Smith, pays 20 times as much for road ,up-keep. 5 KEEPING THE WHEAT QUALITY GOOD 10 YEARS AGO spent C I). Whitaker and family Sunday visiting in Superior. Art McCall made n trip to Kansas City tlin lirst of tho week. E Beaton returned Tuesday from an extended trip through Washington,' Oregon ard California. Elitor W. D. Edsnn was attending to business nlTalrs in Superior and NeNui on Tuesday. Alf McCnll, Frank Cowdeii, Frank Abel, W A. Sherwood and Col. .lak Ellinger went, to Hastings, via auto, on Wednesday. Mrs. John Wolfo mid daughter of Wheeler, Kans , is visiting this week with hei sinters, Mrs. It. Leggett and Mrs llert Leonard. Rev .1. M. Hates leaves in tho morn. Ing for Alliance whore he goes to as sibt in the consecration of the new St. Mathews cnurch. Mrs. Edgar Cowden returned thu latter part of the week from diircrcnt. Iowa points where sho hud been visit ing with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Sutton (lice Miss (llndys Fry; returned to Red Cloud the last of the week from Hast' lugs, where they were married on Wednesday. Miss Lillie Hulfer and Mr. Chas E. Dietz were united in marriage ut the home of her brother, Chas. Hurler, Wednesday oveuing, by Rev. E. N. Tompkins. They leave Saturday morr ing for Cheyenne, Wyoming, their future home. The Chief extends con. grutulatioiis. Millions of dollars are lost annu ally by the wheat farmers of Nebras ka between the time the wheat crop matures and the time it is marketed. Th's is caused largely by exposure to weather and on account of too much moisture in the grain The quality of this wheat is all light until harvest time, but poor handling after Inmost, such as long cxposuic in tho sihock and storing in stacks or bins when too damp, causes the greater part of these lo scs. Of ficial figures show that over 11 per cent of all the wheat maiketed 'n tiu southwest during 191!), 1920 and 1!"J was graded dawn one gra:e or mcio on account of execsjive most rc-tV"- amount rf wheat being too dan heat ('imaged, sprouted, musty, m i i or hot. Cutting with a header c- a rombu before the whet is thoroughly v'- i or before it i..i3 dried n.'tcr rains ci heavy dew.; arc frequent ciuifcj o" damage. Green spots or weeds in i field may add enough moisture to cause d image. If it !s ncccv-ary rta k damp gra'n the .c,Uuks sh'u' ho narrow. In harvesting; with a combine if it i. necessary lo cut through green ifots or weed palchu. dnmjjo from moisture c.-.n ho great ly reduced if tho damp grain is sack ed and ricked so as to insure a good circulation of air between them. There !s nothing that will insiue a good qimlity of wheat more than proper stacking. Wheat that goes t!. rough the "sweat" in tho stack is improved in color and quality and will often bring as much as five cents a bu hel more tiiMi allowed to stand in the shock too long Stacking s'mpli f'es the labor problem; tt clears the fields for early plowing; and makes it possible to do the oilier fann woik in season. The Soutlrvestern Wheat Improvement Association, II. M. Bainer, Director. I BILL BOOSTER SAYS Kansas Pickups SMITH COUNTY Corn is looking exceedingly good in this locality. Mr. and Mrs Ernost Freeman spent Sunday in Philllpsburg. Mrs I). K. Ore well spent Mondny with Mrs. Arthur Walgamot. The first cutting of alfalfa is good and mijority is quite heavy. Visiting nows arc rather scarce as tills is a very busy time with farmers Mr. and Mrs. James Moslandor were visiting friends in this vicinity labt week. Mlt,s Mabel Stormfels of Kmporla, Knnsns, is visiting Mr. and Mrs Ernest Freeman this week. Mrs E. E. Spurrier and Veltna Curr spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. John Harosnnno in Lebanon. Mrs. John Harosnapo is very low at hor homo In Lebanon at- this writing. Her mother was called to her bedside Monday morning, Ckfin, folks, vA srwrrwa s v HACTCHGT CWVETERH,SO (F NCAJ'VJE 8EEM UUCKSIMG A UU WWCHEt AROOWO, VUTOMG POR A (xOOO CHAUCE TO oCMK 60M6 CERTAU GOM IM MECK.6A10 HAXCWCT & HERE8M DECLARED OEAX AWO REAOM FOR. BUR4A1. U BlU. 600STE9fe WATCHEY CEfAETERH w JOB WOKK m VnwaBMKJUll UUUUlLLV.n.'iJIB V 1 JT LET US FIGURE WITH YOU WHEN YOU WANT SOME PRIM TING Whatever price we quote, you may be sure that the quality of work you receive will be the best it is pos sible to produce. We will be glad to come to your place ol business, and talk it over. BOTH PHONES The Hed Gload Chief Dr.W.H.Mc Bride Dr.R. V. Nicholson okntist DENTIST OVER STATE BANK , Red Cloud - Nebraska Red Cloud, Sebrask y teej iff5p 12 H Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. 'r3$- Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. TRINPS HARDWARE STORE A large assortment of FLY NETS and COVERS on hand. Priced Right. See me before buying. LEER. WALKER Harness and Saddlery 2 Doors South o! Farmers Union un un n I PHONE YOUR COAL 1 1 ORDER TO La FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 Ind. Phone 12 a DH HH s i i IfTl ( 1 I t f