The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1923, Image 5

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Is now ou ale lit
"Meerl Klennu"
Leo Walker spent Sunday in Hast
Dr. Hurst and
Hn fugs Friday.
Joe 1'lzer were in
Cecil Banett came in Satu:day
evening to spend Sunday with hi
patents, Mr. and Mis. Clias. ikurelt.
We me now prepHred to give reason
able terms on both New mid Used Cars
payable monthly or in ii lump sum.
Oglevle Bios
Dr. Hmst was
Kmifus, Tuesday.
in Smith Center,
It. Beck and Wnllic
in Hastings 1-Yday.
Chas. Ph.ucs wai up fiom
Rock Satin dav afternoon.
Elcnoie Long wa a passenger
Hp stings Tuesday moining.
Win, Walter and Will Gilliam auto
cd to Giand Island Wednesday.
Hoy Herbciger left foi Siouv City,
low a, Thursday morning wlicio he
intends go'ng to woik for one of the
newspapets in that city.
Mis. H. C-. Lcton and childicn
went to Sowaid Satuida morning to
spend a couple of week visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mr. R. 1).
Mi. Ceo 1 K ig returned to her
iiomc at unia, Colorado, Sunday
e ening. She has been 'ponding the
past month hoic witli no- patents,
Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. Jernbcrg and her
sMcr, Mis. Hoy Robinson oi Chey
enne, Wyoming, who Inn boon visit
ing hcie.
Chns. Stewaid anived hcie Satin -day
morning fiom Hastings to spend
a few (lavs attending to matter in
connection with the Nooia-kn Kami
The Business Women's Club held
a very pleasant meeting last evening
The lad'es aic planning on running
a concession stand, in fiont of the
Peterson building on Thuidny, June
2St.i, consequently a poition of the
evening was spent in wotk, piepaiing
for same. The cntcitainmcnt com
mittee .served what the-, termed a
woiking man's lunch hi cad and but
ter, cabbage salad, w ernes, dougn
nuts and ice tea and had each aiticlo
placed in diffotcnt looms, thus mnk
ing each member travel a con ider
nble distance before they as.-oitaincd
what wi's coming next Wodncdn's
Conimeicial Adeitiser.
Miss Xell"e Fry was a passenger
to Hastings Thursday morning.
1'oiter Hale went to Denver Thurs
day cvcn'ng to spend a few day?.
Miss Jessie McCallum was a pas
senger to L'ncoln Mom'ay moining.
Mr. and Mr. Jacob Petciscn spent
Sunday with lclathes in Hastings.
Con Ban- of MClnok K visiting
lelatives and fiiends hcie this week.
Don't forget
next Thursday
the Fiddleis contest
at the Bcse Aud!-
S. B. Kizer returned home Satur
day from California where he spent
scveial months.
Alf Saladen intends leaving hcie
Thursday moining on tiain 15 foi Los
gelcs-, California, wheic he and hi
family intend making their home 'n
the futuic.
Mis. W. H. McKimmey left for
Holdrcge T4uesdav evening wheic she
will spend a few day. visiting with
her son, Eail, who is rccovcr'ng fiom
an opoiation.
3D -VC3-XuOE3 wr$5ft
MJaZvfizZS YELLOW PENCIL pia.iarmmeju;AB5Miu:LMTNt.l
.ZZ noiirurio RED BAND h made by I
C B. Stewaid, who has been Field
Sccietaiy of the Nebia-ka Farm
Buioau, ha been appointed secrc
taiy to take the place or II. D. Lute,
who les'gnod.
Cond'tctcr Chipman came down
ficm McCook Monday moining to
take the Hast'ngs passenger for a
couple of weeks Mr. Ellis having
gone on a vacation.
Mrs F. L. Hines went to Aurora
Thursday moining to spend a couple
of days visiting.
Mrs. Ruth Linn returned to Su
perior Tucsdr.y mcrnirg after spend
ing a few days here.
Will Doyle, who is employed at the
state hospital at Ingleside, spent the
last of the week hcie.
Mis-. Jane Betoken went to Hast
ings Fridav morning to spend a few
days'vis'ting with relatives.
Mrs. Pearl Cook returned to her
home at Oxford Saturday morning
after spending the past few days here
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Carpenter.
Mrs. F. W. Cowden and daughter,
Miss Rachel, loft for Oakland, Cali
fornia, Friday evening whcie they
will visit for a few weeks at the homo
of M-s. Cowdon's brother.
'lhe Chut eh holionl meets every
d ty mortiiniz at 10 o'clock
Morning Pi aver and Seimon every
Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock During
the summer months wo will havo no
evening service. We also will have n
celebiatlon of the Holy Communion on
the Hi st butidav of every month at 11
o'clock. We nio cry anxious to have
the members make a special erTort to
a'tvnri these services A cordlHl wel
come is extended to all who desire to
worship with us
Rev Basil S Daugherty.
Sunday .at the Garfield Church
Sunday was a big day at the Garlleld
Chutch. ThcChildten's Day Committee
had piepared a piogrnm of music, ex
ercises, recitations that was pleasing
to all of the large audience present
The coniuiittco and all who took pwrt
are to be congratulated on their work.
The evening Vacation Bible School
exhibit was of special interest, being
the first to be held in the community
and representing the hand work of the
thirtyfive pupils in attendBnco at the
school during the preceediug t,wol
Now that warm weather is
here you will need
Have a Large Line in the
See Dr. Warrick tlm .specialist at
Dr. Damerell's, Mom' y, June 2.",
Houis 2 to C. Glasses fitted.
The Star Clothing Co., and G. W.
Trine have each put u.p new awn
ings in ftont of their .stoics
Miss Ila Barictt went to Supoiror
Satin day morning for a shoit visit
at the home of her brother, Cool".
left for Lincoln
on tiwn i wnoic
he will wo:k thiough t:ie summer
Fied Lambornc
j hui -oay moining
Mis. John Arnell and tfaughte loft
for Fiemont Saturday evening whoie
she will s-pend a few days is ting
with her patent" Mr. and Mrs
Erickson and with friend.
A Pu'go number fiom 1imp attend
ed tho Elk's Round U at Ha ting"
Wednesday, whiln a goodly number
wont to Superior to attend the Hod
Cloud vs Supciior ball game
If you prefer the Piece Goods we have All Kinds
S. Mai tin and Ike Johnson
n two weeks auto tiip to
Dr. P.
left- for
Yellowstone National Paik and other
points of interest in Coloiado and
Wyoming, Saturday evenimr.
Millaid Ailes diop to L ncoln Sun
day moining where he will spend a
couple of weeks visiting with friends.
W. II. Try went to Kansas City
S-inday moining in charge of a car
load of stock shipped to that maiket.
Manager L'nn .states that over
twenty entiics havo been leceived
ior the Fiddlers contest next Thursday.
F. W. Cowden went to Superior
Sunday morning to take pait in the
golf tournament held theie that after
Fifteen eaiload- of cattle and foui
catloads of hog, wcic shipped fiom
heio Sund .y mottling to the Kansas
City maikot. Of this number W A.
Romiue and Son sh'fped twelve car
leads of ciiMI"
Mrs. Wnw Mackcy and childicn
wcio passengers to Herncon. Kan.-as,
Thursday morning. Mr. Mackey has
been woiking theie for the past few
weeks, they going to spend a few
days with him.
Mrs. H. R. Childress returned home
Monday morning after spending the
ast couple of days in McCfcok with
Mis. F. L. Hines leturned home
Saturday even'ng on train 11 after
spending a couple of days in Auiora
Judge and Mrs. L. n. Blackledge
diove hero Sunday afternoon fiom
Lincoln to spend a few days with
Mis. Win. Mackcy and childicn le
tinned homo Sundny morning fiom
Ilenu'on, Kansas wheic they have
heen seeding the past few days. Mr.
Mackcy is woiking with a Burlington
bridge gang theie.
Vacation Thrill
of a Lifetime
Glacier National Park
The Low Cost of the Trip
Will Surprise You
Up theie in the Noi thorn Rock.v
theie aie fifteen hundred mui.ii
milcs of bioathing loom loafing
.space; gieat foiests, -.patklinn
nil earns, f'lniy watct falls, exquisite
mountain lakes, .slow-movng glacieis
cloud-swejit niountain peaks .md
mvriads of niany-liucd wild flowci".
Go this summer and oui
loul! To bicathe the bteczes, iru-iK
oncd by tho glacier.-, flavoicd by the
mountains and .itroj nw and pei'
fumed by the pines and flowers !
an expeiience you never will forge:.
Where mountain sheep pose on tnc
edge of space you will find mammoth
rustic inns. Wheic the Blackfcet
Indians pitch their tepees among tio
pointed peaks you'll find cozy Al
pine chalets.
Robeit Moore of Concordia, Kan
sas, has been spending the past few
days 1-eie visiting at the home of
his fister, Mrs. Chas. Turner. From
hete he is going to Wisconsin for a
short v'sit before returning to tiis
Hany Eggleston of Blue Hill le
tinned to his home Monday morning
after a couple of days spent heie
with friends
Russell Summers was n passenger
to Hastings Monday morning after a
short visit heie with his mother, Mrs.
May Summers.
Miss Esther Baker went to Guide
Rock Satin day morning to spend the
day at the homo of her .Vtor, Mrs.
Taul Ncwdiou-c
Mrs. Fred Kuehn who has been
here for the past couple of weefts
visiting with her patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Anderson and with old friends,
returned to L'ncoln Ihursday morn
ing. Mr. Kuehn is working for the
Burlington theie.
Mr. and Mis. Edwin Morrison and
children, who hac been hoie for the
(past week visiting at the homo of
her sister Mis. R P. Weesner and
with other 1 datives leturned to the'r
home in Washington, Iowa, Wednes
day going via auto.
Mis. Margaict Dow of Long Beach,
Calilornia, has heen hero for the past
week vJt-iting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Kaley.
Tho Odd Follows lodge of this city
has made an exceedingly lnigc glow
th during the pi cent term. Thiity
two membe s have signed the mem
bership book -omc aio transfeied and
a laigo number hae boon initiated
til's ear. At the pieent time j
das? of five aie taking tho degieo
woik each Monday night. The sec
ond degree will bo put on Monday
If you aie a fisherman, theie aic
tiout to battle with. If you aic a
hiker, there ate sky-line trails to fol
low. If you love to ride, mountain
ponies will cany you along the Con
tinental Divide, the Backbone of this
Continent. If you like to row, tlictc
arc waters to explore. If you prcrer
to camp, there aie .scroes of Ideal
spots on the shores of glinting lake.
The chalets (little hotel villages in
the mountains) are delightful tarry
ing places, More elaborate accommo
dations are provided at the inns.
The whole service scheme In Gla
cier blends completely with the dic
tates of your fancy. Better go this
summer. 'Twill do you a world of
Builington service takes you d'toct
You can continue on to the Pacific
Noithwest and return via Yellowstone
and Coloiado if you wish.
As this is National Travel West
year, I suggest that you make resci-
vations caily mid avoid trie possibil
ty of j enervations.
N. 11. BUSH
Ticket Agent.
' a Vacation Bible School tan '
bo suecch folly conducted ill the open j
co-intiy h.i-- been fully pioen b. tho J
school that luih just clo-cd in Gat- i
field. , ,
For two weeks beginning with Juno
1 the school was in session d.nli, c
copt for two days when tho hc.;vy
rains and mud made the loads nn-tms-nble
so that the cars could not
bring the childicn with safety. Fiom
the fiist the was keen. '1 ho
school closed with an enrollment ot
thiity-five with an acrago attend
ance well above twonty-inc. The
children came fiom twenty-tin cp dif
fcicnt homes and weio hi ought each
day in cais fiom the diffoient sec
tions of tne community dihen by the
paients of the childicn who took
turns about in biinging the childicn
aiitl b" the woikers in the school.
Tho exhibit and iiiOKiain Sunday
ovoninir was made un of
paits that had heen niemomcii dur
ing the .cs-ion. The Bible and Mis
sion stoiies wcic intciest ugly told
bv the child! en and weic as inter
estingly listened to by the patents
and fiiends who licanl tnem. i ne
note books that the pupils witli the
help of tho teachcis niadewcic very
pictty and made a most attractive
display. The hand work consisted
nf ln-nwnv .sock (10 s IV II1C d'rillllir-
ics and Juniors, some few art'cles
of wood woik by the primaries, laf
fia baskets by the Intermediates
and Seniors. Woithv of special men
tion is tho model of an India hoiiFC
and India village made from model
ing clay bv M'ss Blanche McCaitncy
with her clnss of Juniors assisted by
the Primaries.
Seven songs were learned by the
school nnd given at the program.
Much credit is due Mrs Wagoner,
who d'rected in the music work Mrs
Chester Drake who directed the Hand
work and to Miss Blanche McCaitncy
who taught the Juniors and d'rected
them with the Primaries in .Mission
stories and hand work, and to Mrs.
Eshelman who taught the Primaries
nml nut much time and nains in
Ploco Oils Mowing Machine Repairs
McCormick and Deering Sickles $3 to 3.25
Sections 51.30
O. Stanley
' A
"And theie whs very great gladness,
Also dny by day, fiom the first d.iy un
to the last diiv, he (Urn) lead In lhe
book of the law of God. And they
kept the feast ueven days; and on tho
selected eighth day whs n holeinn assombly, uc-
cording unto the nidinaiico.
We are nil rejoicing in the splendid
attendance ot Hit: Bible School Next
Sundnv wo will have both morning and
ovonlng services regular.
Last Sunday morning, Miss Virginia
Caldwoll, Mis Risu Cox and Mts.C G.
Nelson gave teports from the State
Sunday School convention. There whs
very much or icnl inspiration and
many helpful suggestions given .U tho
convention. Two very fine things
about the convention were the splendid
response of tho city of Kearney and
the largo number of men in attendance.
Sundny evenlug, tho Sunday School
gave their Children's Day program. It
was inspiriug and thot-provoklng thru
out. At Us close three of tho Sunday
School girls uuited with the church.
Notice Of Application For
Pool Hall License.
Notice is hereby given that on the
15th day of June l02:t, W. K. Burwell
t-l" il. l.'iiU i11 iititli ie nfttf
E'W.. T .Z " orlT The1,L"1"l8nPPllcaUoa'"1 Pot'tlon a8k
voung folks class was taught by E.
E. Eshelman. The inteicst was
shown by the regular attendance of
the dozen girls and boys who made
up the class.
Quite a number spoke their wotds
of piaie for the school and it is
hoped that this featuic will become a
lcgular part of each year's woik.
Geo. W Hutchison
Bonded Abstracter
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Red Cloud. :-: Nebr.
lug for License to conduct a Billiard
and Pool Hall on Lot Fifteou(l.r) Block
Twelve (12) in the Village of Imivale,
Nebraska. Tlint on tho 9th day of
July 1023 ut tho Court In Bed Cloud,
Nebtaska at 2 o'clock P. M the hear
ing on said application will bo had bo
fore the County Commissioners of Web
ster County, Nebraska, ut which time
all objections ami lemonstraucos
aguinst tho granting of said license
will bu hoard.
(Seal) 15. V PERRY
County Clerk.
An Enterprise that
Merits Your Support
Notwlthsuuding tho amount of ship
ping that is now lying idle In the
haibors and at the docks"of tho United
States, ocean travelers nro still obliged
to pay high rate for trans-Atlantic-travel,
and an unparalleled opportuni
ty to build up the American Merchant
Marine is being lost. Recognizing this
fact, and roaliiiiK that tho tiino was
opportune for an undertaking ot this
nature, tho oigauizois of the Great
Northern S. S Co formed their Cor
poration, which tecelved its charter
from the State of Massachusetts, Oct
ober 11, 1922
They visualized a new ocean 6team.
ship line, plying between Boston uud
European ports, which would offer to
these same people u chance for oceau
travel on comfortablo commodious
ships, at a price within the reach of
all, but large enough to allows profit
for the Investor and a sufficient mar
gin to allow for the carrying on and
enlarging of the entei prise.
This was their threefold purpose to
render a genuine service to tho people,
to help build up American shipping,
and to bring business and trade to
the port of Boston.
In spite of the failure of the Ship
Subsidy Bill, In spite of the opposition
which cHch new competitor in an
established Held encounters, this Com
pany is bringing its plans to maturity
and expects tnat very soon it win oe
able to offer definite tailing dates to
the publio
This, surely is an enterprise that
merits your support.
(Seo advertisement)
Auction of Household Goods
Card of Thanks
Having 6old my property I
my furniture at public sule at my resi
dence Saturday at2p, tn. L. M, Orabill
Wc wish 'to thank our many 'friends,
neighbors and tho I. O. O. F, lodge for
their assistance during Uio lness of
our beloved father and nl3d for tho
will sell benutiful flowers. Your kindness will
never be forgotten.
P. A, Hansen and family.