The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1923, Image 2

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. i
New Geyser in
During tin; past winter u powoiiul new gos i fill, in the Noi lis geyser basin, ollow stunt' .Nntuuiai
icnldlng scores of trees to death and tearing it groat gash lu Hit1 mail, irregular In Its activity anil luia so far been
'jen lu eruption by liurk rangers only; but the Jesuits of its forces are plainly evident.
I'.y speclnl Invitation from the Sor
jonne, In Purls, Elsie JnnlH sang her
famous song "Give Mo the Moon," be
fore tho faculty ami students of the
venerable institution, and they Rave
her tho Medalllo Louis? le Grand,
which hns only twice before beer,
nwnrdetl to n woman, once to Mine.
Hcrnlitirdt nnd onco to Mine. Itejnne.
Tho Illustration shows Miss Jnnls In
her Paris apartment looking at the
medal, which Is pictured below.
One of the features of the lletter
Homes In America demonstration week
In Chicago was a demonstration of
tho distance traveled each day by the
nverage housewife. Bessie Cooper put
on a pedometer and nt the day's close
found she had walked 14 miles. Then
sink-, kitchen stove, table, etc., were
better nrranged nnd the dlstanco was
reduced to eight miles.
D UnUurwood & Underwood.
Miss Juliette Low, founder of the
iiaerican Girl Scout organization.
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Yellowstone Park Is
President Accepts
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ti ' MjianuiCi-"Bun xwa
n . 5ae4iKiSSS
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President Harding making his address at the dedication of the Zero nim
bi one, shown In the foreground, when lie accepted this marker of the hub ol
America's highway systojji. The great crowd assembled Included cabinet ofli
cers, Shrine olllclnls and thousands of Shrine visitors to tho national capital.
Former Sultan's Home in San Remo
This Is the beautiful "Villa Nobel" once the summer lmmo of the Inveiitm
of dynamite and father of the Nobel prize, where the ex-sultan of Turkey it
living during Ids sojourn In San Hemo, Italy.
Chicago's Former
1 few - flM Si
B L i Uw- l-S2&!V.t: ..,... r . .'.'.. . J z t
After many weeks spent in the selection of a Jury. Fred Lundln, r.uu:
political boss of Chicago under the Thompson regime, bus been put on trial or
charges of conspiracy in connection with alleged corrupt practices of formoi
members of the city school board. He is here shown, at left, with his attorney.
Charles Krbsteln.
Zero Milestone
& .W V t V MWWWwWWrA'VMw.
VAniMiiMmnfBHHwfAiinBH wr-wtv
Boss Is Being Tried
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for tho Busy,
Won Lost Tct
"iMiiia 20
TuNii :V2
"malm 2S
Oklahoma city 2."
Des Moines 2."
St. Joseph 22
Sinus ity Hi)
Deliver IS
I! I
Won Lout
.1 -1
.. 0
1 1
Grand I 'laud
Hastings ...
Work has begun on the Good
maiitan $1!00,(HX) hospital ut Kearney.
Negro Haptlsts of Nebraska hold
their convention In o.nalia from June
17 to 'S.
A eoiKorvntlvo estimate places the
Lumbers of pupils that will enroll for
the summer term of the Clmdion Stuie
normal at 1,M,'U.
Mrs. (. H. nicuich of Hastings was
elected preldent of the Nebraska Li
brary coinml.sslon
Fifty boy scouts from Lincoln and
I'nlversity Place are .spending several
days at their summer camp at Louis
ille, near ounilia.
More than S(,(MM) chicks have been
hatched out by the battery of incu
bators on the chli ken farm of It. L.
C'ummlngs of Aleandr!a.
Guy ltafter, Hi, of Valentine was
bulled alive nnd died before help came
when the day bank Into which ho was
diguing for coyotes caved in.
With more thun an Inch of rain in
1U hours, the total rainfall for the week
in tli' Scott-Muff country was tlUi
Inches, a high record for .Juno.
Kearney, lias made ample arrange,
nients for taking care of the State
Sunday school convention which meets
there on the 12th, Utth and 14th.
During May .'tl.SIO hogs were brought
to the Omaha stockyards by nnto truck
an increase of 11.1501) brought in by
truck for the same month in 11)22.
University of Nebraska commence
ment exercises were held and degrees
and certificates conferred on over 1,11)0
students who concluded their school
A new Methodist church building.
to cost approximately 20,000 will
soon bo erected at Stanton to replace
the building that was destroyed by lire
tills winter.
The State Normal School at Peru
has opened for tho summer session,
nearly 700 students, tlfty-llve of whom
were men. coming on the opening dav
to start work.
Hessian ily anil chinch bugs have
become so thick In the wheal Holds of
Pawnee county that some of tho far
mers have plowed up their tlelds and
planted them to corn.
Attorneys of Omaha will have a
tloat In the pageant, "Patriotic and
Historic America" representing .lohn
Marshall, chief Justice of the United
States from 1S01 to 18:55.
Frank Jellnek sustained a heavy
loss when the large barn on his farm
near I'erwjn was destroyed by lire
resulting from lightning. Four horses
in the barn were also burned.
Following a request by the leglsla
tare that all expenses incurred in
huliiilui: the new state house be printed
ami mailtd to members of the legisla
ture quarterly, the governor has issued
a statement of expenses to June 1,
which total nearly SI.OOO.OOO.
The estimated available cost per
hundred pounds fur hows on the mar
ket last weik, that of i?l$i(i.o., Is the
lowest since November 27, 1011, when
it was so. according to the local olllce
of the United States Department of
Agriculture. Heavy receipts were held
partly responsible.
The university of Nebraska school
of agriculture has nnnoumed that it
will offer a new six month's course in
practical dressmaking at the beginning
of the s, hool year, October s. The
aim of the course will be Jo prepare
women to take up dnvsmnklm: In
tin Ir home communities or to enter
dressmaking -hops as assistants,
ltoy Souchck was seriously Injured
In his father's store at Seward when his
head was caught in an elevator, which,
usually kept fastened down became
loosened and started upward.
('Italics A. Chappell of Mlnden, wns
elected grand master of the Grand
LoiL-e, A. F, and A. M. of Nebraska
nt the session of that lu ly's (iuth an
nual cimiiiiinlciitiou at Omaiin.
George Anderson, 2S, son of A. W.
Anderson of Hildreth, was drowned In
the ltepiibllciin river when he fainted
while baiting a hook and fell Into tho
stienm, which was rapidly rising from
heiny rains.
Lightning did damage to the amount
of over ."J7,ooo wlien It struck the trans
mission line of the power company thru
Superior and set are to the largo frame
fnnn home of Mrs. J. M. Warden, one
and oiu'-lmlf miles from that place.
.1. !;. Montgomery, thlrty-llvo year.
, old, died at the St. Kllzabeth hospital
nt Lincoln as tho result of Injuries
'when an emery stone, m, which lie
was grinding tools, hurst. Mr. Mont
gomery was struck by fragments of
the Hying stone, tho most serious in.
'Juries being to his right side nnd
The state asylum at Lincoln hns 093
Inmntes, the largest number housed
there In the history of the Institution.
Hebron will hold n Jive day Fourth
of July celebration beginning on tho
Mrs. Anna Itapp, who celebrated her
102d birthday last May, died in Aurora
Alfalfa In Pawnee county Is ready
to cut for the tlrst time this season.
and a heavy crop will result owing to i
the moist spring which has Jut passed. !
Adam llede, edor of the Hastings:
Tribune, left last week for Alaska,
where he will gather data for a s Mies
of iiewspaper and niiignxlne articles. ,
A resolution to lmVi .several streets ,
nnd alleys in the business district at '
an estimated cost of was passed
by the Wymore city council last week.
A vein of high grade oal six to ten
feet lu thickness has been struck nine
miles southense of Tekamah, nt a
deptli of i;ii; Wi'l, on the farm of otto
KlTorts are being made to secure for
Omaha for the Ak-Sar-Iien fvMivnl
Ids fall, tin, electrical display immI
during the Shrine convention at
More than .'to.000 grade and parocJi-
mi moooi cinitireii of Omaha
nre to
no guests of Mayor
lames iiuhi.
man at picnics to be in.iri .t k. i,...i.
Mine 10, 21, 2(1 and 2S.
Lincoln had Its tlrst death from pos.
oned hootch when William Kvans, a
cook at a restaurant died nt St. Kllza
beth's hosj.ltal ,.,. i.Inw ,,.,, t,10'..(l
from the police station.
John Paul Jones, ti. j,IMt (.Jv war
veteran living in Marquette, died last
week, lie wns on,. ,,f the pioneer citi
zens of tlie north part of the county
and leaves the children.
Governor p.ryan has appointed Franz
C. Itmlko of Tecums,.), s ,.s private
Secretary to succeed .1. n. Uroady,
who has been appointed a district
Judge in Lancaster county.
Agents of Wisconsin sugar compa
nies are In the Norih Platte Valley
seeking sugi.r beet workers and farm
ers olfeilng ?2
an acre
or more for
this year in
labor than is being paid
Italn which has been general in
north Nebraska for about a week Is
continuing making automobile loads
Impassable, ami tallrond tracks are be.
coming so soft that trains run about
an hour late.
Joshua Hrustzlc who reside in Fair
bury with his daughter, Mrs. Pert
Singleton, was 02 year old recently. He
has been married three times and Is
the father of 20 children, eight
them living.
Fourteen stitches were required
dose a gaping wound in the leg
Mellaril liurbaker, seventeen year old
Heatricu youth, injured on a' spring
hoard, when he took too daring u
chance, nt an amusement park.
State and government men are at
work lu Platte county on a detailed
soil survey. The work will be done
under the Joint cooperation of the con
.Nervation and survey division of the !
University of Nebraska and the United '
States department of soils.
Alfalfa tlelds over the state are '
greatly in need of sunshine. Several !
hundred acres that were cut more '
11 week ago still are lying in the i
tlelds. The new crop Is growim? v,..-v ,
fast ami usH,..s there is good weather
within the next few days fanners will
sustain a heavy loss.
P.oth cattle and hog receipts at the
South Omaha market last week made
a new June record. Cntn.. r,...i,,,..
totaled close to head, while
those for hogs reached almost O.i.iHiO.
This Is more cattle and bogs than ever
arrived in any single week in June in
the history of the yards.
The dam belonging to the Seward
city mill was washed out by the re
cent storm. The heavy rain' at Ulys
ses raised the liver to Mich an extent
that the dam was unable to withstand
the water. The male population of
Seward had a IMiing festival follow
ing the breaking of the dam and ex
ceptionally large carp and catllsli wero
Iteports from several of the eastern
Nebraska counties show that there is
considerable damage hing done till
spring by the Hessian ily. Marly sown
wheat, on winter land, Is especially
likely to be injured according to field
observations that have been made.
Some Holds have been so severely dam
aged that they promise but small re
turns and are being plowed up. Kurly
plowing, keeping down volunteer wheal
and later (.cdli'g, are the methods n
commei'ded by tin- A-.iiculiurul Col
lege to prevent Hessian Ily Injury.
Hog cholera has broken out for the
second time In the history of Kimball
county. The disease is seldom known
In that altitudv'. So far only four
herds are Infected and the county fari.i
bureau Is doing its utmost to head oil'
Its ravages.
The family cat at the home of Glen
Housley, residing near Central City,
was not to be deprived of Its family
despite that three of Its kittens hail
been taken from it and given to neigh
bors. After a short period of mourn
ing it adopted a pair of baby racoons
that had been captured a short time
One nvin was burned, probably fat
ally and another suffered serious
burns when a short circuit occurred
In the 2,:t00 volt room at the Nebraska
Power company's plant at Omiilm.
John H. Piper, regional liny Scout
executive of Iowa. Missouri, Kansas,
Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado,
formerly stationed In Kansas City,
has moved Scout headquarters to
Omaha. Mr. Piper Is re-ponslhle for
scouting In the above states with a
membership of 02,000 men and hoys.
The number of Hoy Scouts In tho dis
trict, as weil as in tho United State.',
Is much lorgcr Uum ever before.
Important to See That
Goslings Are Kept Dry
Goslings should not be removed from
;he nest until the third day after hatch
.nir, as It is Important t see that they
nre quite dry, and should be kept
warm and dry until they are feathered
They should not bo fed until thirty
six to forty-eight hours old, at the
same time be offered a lukewarm drink.
Their Hist lew days' feed consists of
oatmeal, hard-boiled egg and shorts or
bran, thoroughly mixed to a crumbly
mass. Lettuce or red clover chopped
line and mixed with the food serves
us a tonic and is greatly relished by
them. Feed every two or three hours
Just what they will clean up quickly.
After the first few days the egg may bo
omitted and the food slightly mois
tened, but never be fed snippy, sticky,
oor too dry; cornmeal may also bo
milled to the mixture.
After the tlrst few eeks gradually
begin feeding cracked corn and shorts
or bran, mixed and moistened as stated
above; whole wheat may be added to
the above mixture, but a great portion
should be grass food.
They should not ro allowed to get
wet; their water should always bo
fresh but not cold, and plenty of sand
should always be near, though the
Hind should never be mixed with their
Goslings require dry and warm quar
ters at night, at the same time plenty
of ventilation, and their quarters kept
clean and sanitary; damp quarters will
muse them to become lame. Their
sleeping, compartment Is best when
thickly bedded with straw.
After the first week, when the weath
er Is warm and dry, they will grow
faster when given free range to roam
about, for they enjoy feeding on tender
green grass.
If hens are used for Incubation they
should be kept free from lice by fre-tjtR-ntly
dusting them with a good In
tel t powder.
Shade for Young Stock
Is of Great Importance
The Importance of shade for young
stock should be constantly kept in
mind, especially for late hatched chicks
which have not had an opportunity to
get a good start before the scorching
weather sots In.
These chicks must be pushed nlong
without a letup, given every advantage
of proper feeding and care. If this Is
done. If they are supplied with fresh
water or milk to drink nnd the founts
are kept sterilized and clean and shade
Is provided they will, in truth, grow
like weeds.
A range in the orchard Is the best
place In which to start them out, after
which they ran bo transferred to the
edge of a Held of growing corn, provid
ed colony coops are available, and
they should tie. If you wish the most
economical results In raising the young
P.ut shade Is Imperative and should
not be neglected.
Brooder Pneumonia Is
Caused by Common Mold
Prooder pneumonia is caused by a
common wild present In the Incubator,
brooder or In straw; often fhc egg
producing organs are affected by It, so
that a chick hatched from an Infected
egg has the disease. It affects chicks
under Tour weeks okl, they become
sleepy, with feathers milled and tho
head drawn down; breathing Is la
bored and the windpipe Is patched
with the mold spores. The disease
usually Is not cured once it attacks tho
chirks, and when a brooder is known
to be contaminated It should be fumi
gated, the old rfraw removed nnd
fresh litter proUded. and the poultry
dying from this disease should always
be burned.
Shed Entirely Open Is
Excellent for Turkeys
An open shed or u shed with tho
south side entirely open, makes an ex
cellent shelter for turkeys. The nv
erage turkey lays abom three litters a
season provided the eggs 'are removed
after each litter Is finished. The first
litter Is usually about l eggs, tho
second 12 and the third 10.
Good chicks can
ood parent stork.
come only from
Many chicks are handicapped at tho
start by poor breeding and hatching.
A foot of feeding space for each six
hens Is about right when It comes to
feci hoppers.
The Anconas are good layers nnd
nre classed along with the Leghorns In
egg production.
T'io turkey Is n small eater for his
size Many of the larger breeds of
chickens eat more than the same num
ber of turkeys.
Ducks need to be cozy and warm tho
first week of their life; they grow
quickly and seem to have less resist
ance to exposure than n chick.
You do not need to change your
breed so much ns you need to chango
the males of your breeds. Get new
ones from other nnd better flocks or
the same breed.
A '