The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1923, Image 7

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrjmmmmama. .mmmmmi
JTopy for This Department Supplied bj
the Ar.ierlcnn legion News Service.)
Widespread Membership of Veteran
Organization Reached by Na
tional and State Officials.
TJio voice of the American Legloj
is being hoard over the radio by mem
I'smn of the organization throughout
the country. Almost dally some ofll
cer or Legion loader talks to the wide
H"oad membership of the veleranV
nssoelntloti using the wireless tele
Ithone as tho means of dissemination
This Is made possible by the lnstulla'
tlon of hundreds of receiving sets In
the homes of local Legion posta
throughout the country.
In practically every post may ha
found some ex-service man who
worked with the wireless telephone
through tho days of the war, or who
lias become an ardent fan since the
broadcasting of regular programs
came Into vogue. Olllcers of the Le
gion recognize this fact nnd nre tak
ing advantage of the closer touch af
forded them by means of the latent
One of the first Instances of this
use by olllcers was the broadcasting of
Rational Commander Alvln Owsley's
"keynote speech" from Lincoln, Neb.
This was heard by Legionnaires all
over the country, some as far uwuj
us tho Atlantic coast.
State department commanders In
many Instances nre beginning to make
uo of this method to reach their mem
bers, many urging the Installation of
receiving sets for this purpose.
In the future further use of the
radio Is planned. The Decoration day
address of Commander Owsley In San
J'ranclsco Is to be sent out by n
powerful station so that Legionnaires
In the West may henr the commander
fit this time. At Kansas City, Mo
when n new Legion home was dedi
cated. Commander Owsley's talk was
hoard by Legionnaires of five states,
who were asked to "stand by" at spe
cial meetings to hear the Legion lender.
Followers of rndlo, who are active
dn the Legion, predict that within n
ehort time nil olllclal utterances of
national olllcers of the ex-service
men's organization will bo relayed by
fradlo to the more thnn three-quarter
of a million members throughout the
United States. And becnuse of tho
power of many of the broadcasting
stations, Legionnaires In other climes
may soon be "listening In" on whnt
their comrades at home In the states
nre doing.
Decentralization of Legion Service.
Work Will Be Carried Out on
Joe Sparks' Plan.
Decentralization of service work
undertaken by the American Legion
will be carried out by the use of a
plan put Into effect by Joe Sparks, na
tional chairman of the committee of
the Legion. This plan, Mr. Spnrks be
lieves, will expedite tho handling of
claims referred to tho Legion, nnd will
draw quick action on the part of the
reternns' bureau.
Under the new system, all claims
coming to the attention of tho nation
al service division will be forwnrded
direct to the Legion department serv
ice ofllce In the stnte Jn which tho
claim originates.
Contact with tho subdlstrlet offices
of the United States veterans' bureau
will bo maintained by these olllcers
and the otllces which have jurisdic
tion over the claims presented will bo
regularly visited. Any Inattention or
Inck of co-operation by veterans bu
reau heads will be reported to tho
nntlonal service division.
If for any reason n clnlm Is not sot
tied satisfactorily by the subdlstrlct
ofllce, the department head will refer
to the liaison representative of tho
American Legion at the district office
of the veterans' bureau. Files In tho
majority of the cases are In the ofllce
of the district In which the veteran
One Hundred and Thirty Auxiliary
Units of Kansas Make Regular
Donations to Hospitals.
A cookie-Jar containing 1S.720 cook
ies should satisfy the most ravenous
That's the number of cookies pre
pared by members of the American
"Legion Auxiliary of Kansas for dis
abled veterans In hospitals at Kansas
City and Leavenworth. There nre 130
units of the Auxiliary In Kansas. Each
unit prepares nnd malls 12 dozen cook
ies to tho hospltnlsNTvory month.
The cookies nre sent to the chief
(Metltlan of each hospital and she
ginces them In big Jars In the corri
dors. When the cookie Jar Is set out,
the disabled men come from every
wnrd, on crutches, In wheel ehnirs, and
with canes rapping the floor, eager to
get a hand In the Jnr.
Nurses sny the boys rench nrtund
the Jar until they find the chokies
with EUts on them nnd fruit chopped
up on the Inside. The old-fashloued
'flat sugar cookies do not seem to be
Pact Commander of First Post In the
United States Finds Bride, Alco
Former Leader.
Kenneth II. Mcltne, n past com
mander of Vfi llrst American Legion
post to be organized In the United
States, lays claim that the Legion Is
an organization for service. From his
activities In the Veterans' association,
he has obtained many benefits, but he
believes the utmost In service was ren
dered when association with Legion
affairs provided him with a wife!
Mcltne, who was active in the do
ings of George Washington post In
Washington. L. C, was thrown Into
frequent association with the com
manders of the other posts In the city.
He met Mlr,s Lois May Iteach, a past
commander of the U. S. S. Jacob Jones
post, composed entirely of "yeoman
ettes," or, as they were known dur
ing tho war, Yeomen (F). Miss Ileach
had successfully guided the affairs of
her post for a year and had left an
active duty station In the naval re
serve force at the close of her term
of Legion leadership.
Soon romance between the two
Kenneth H. McRae.
Legion members budded, nnd within
few months Legionnaires In the capi
tal w-re Invited to attend a wedding
ceremoky which united the two.
Mrs. Mcltne enrolled In the United
States Naval Reserve force on April 8,
3D1.S, and served In the nnvy depart
ment until February 15 of this yenr.
Mcltne served with Nebraska troops la
France and has been very active la
Legion affairs, lie Is now historian of
his post.
National Adjutant of American Legion
Declares Foreign Labor Should
Not Be Given Preference.
Substitution of foreign for American
labor was declared contrary to the
Interests of America by Lemuel holies,
national adjutant of the American
Legion, In n recent letter to the com
mander of the Legion post at Mod
ford, Ore., which recently protested
against the discharge of Americans
nnd the employment of Japanese
laborers on a large fruit orchard near
the town.
"We must be ever alert to protect
the Interests of American cjtlzens
against the encronchment of thoso
from foreign lands who have In mind,
In coming here, nothing but the en
richment of themselves at the expense
of our people nnd of our resources,"
the letter stated. "Our people must
be made secure In the American stand
ard of living and In the enjoyment of
satisfactory working conditions. This
Is Impossible unless the Influx of all
aliens from all lands Is checked."
Vigorous and united action Is neces
sary as a measure of prevention, ac
cording to the Legion nntlonnl adju
tant, "llrst In the education of nil our
people so that they may present a
united front against the efforts being
made to promote further foreign Im
migration; second, In tho enforcement
of nil Inws, particularly those designed
to regulate the number of Immigrants
reaching our shores annually, or to to
tally exclude them, nnd third, the en
actment of such additional legislation
as may be necessary to preserve Amer
Icn for thoe who are capable of ap
preciating and becoming worthy citi
zens of the 'Republic."
Distinction Between Foreign-Born and
Americans to Be Erased at
Sioux Fall3, S. D.
Harold H. Mason Post of the Ameri
can Legion Is fostering n plan for
Americanization In Sioux Falls, S. D.,
where a "community center" has Just
been formed for the purpose.
Working through the (schools, it Is
planned by the Legion men and co
workers along the same line that nil
distinctions between foreign-born and
native Americans will be erased. A
committee of 12, representing as many
organizations offering co-operation In
the city, Joined with the Amerlcnn Le
gion In the plan, nnd n special worker
of the locul school force was employed
to direct the work of the "community
' center."
This will bo conducted In tho form
of tin Institute with set talks on Amer
icanization for foreign-bom residents
of Sioux Falls, schooling in citizenship
for American-born, nnd other subjects.
Special programs will be rendered ut
each session and ns an added attrac
tion refreshments will be senred tkoM
who attend.
Will Use Thoroughbred to Develop
Breed of American Utility Horses
r2r.:L:2aAiV--" wws
Imported Thoroughbred
(Irpr! by th t'nlto.l States Department
f Agriculture )
The imported thoroughbred stallion
Olaisdalc, shown In the Illustration,
has recently been obtained by the bit
, reau of animal Industry from the re
i mount service of the War Department,
for use In the work for the develop
ment of u breed of utility horses es
pecially adapted to western range and
farm condition, lie will he used at
the lior.-e-breedlng station near liuf
falo, Wyo., where the United States
Department of Agriculture Is co
operating with the state of Wjoming
In this breeding work.
. Handsome Specimen.
' Glnlsdale Is a brown stallion, three
years old. n luinthome specimen of his
1 breed, and he carries the blood of
i many of England's equine aristocrats
In his veins. Ills sire, Uosendale. won
two of England's high-class races as
a three-year-old and was third In the
Derby the same year. Ills grandslrc,
St. Frusquln, has sired some of tho
grentest horses ever produced In Eng
Practical Method of
Getting Rid of Rats
Exhaust From Gasoline En
gine Will Destroy Them.
(Prepared by the Unlteil State Department
ot Agriculture )
Are you troubled with rats, espe
cially around the chicken house,
garage, barn, or vegetable farm?
Fasten a length of hose on the end
of the exhnust from your gasoline en
ginewhether it be n "lllvver" or n
tractor back the car up within reach
of the rat burrow, and adjust the car
buretor for a rich mixture. Pack damp
earth around the hose at the entrance
to the hole to seal it. llun the engine
at a moderate speed for ten minutes
or more and the rats will be destroyed.
This method Is entirely practical, ac-
I cording to the United States Depart
I incut of Agriculture, when there nre
j only u small number of holes or the
area to be fumigated Is not too ox
I tensive. It may also be used success
I fully In destroying rats beneath lloors
I or In other places where a concentra
I tlon of the gas can be obtained.
Community effort Is urged in getting
rid of rats by the above means and
I nKo by cleaning up rubbish, spreading
I poison baits, setting traps, and rat
j proofing buildings. Indhlduul prop
erties from which rats are exterml
I tinted soon become rolnfesled If there
1 are rats In the neighborhood. The
biological survey, United States He
I p.irtment of Agriculture. Is willing to
assist In organizing anil carrying out
j nntlrat campaigns wherever possible
I and will furnish upon application bul
letins nnd detailed directions for pols
I onlng with barium carbonate and set
ting traps.
Soy Beans Can Be Grown
Successfully With Corn
As a patU''o crop for bolh beef and
dairy cattle, sweet clover has several
advantages over ether grasses. It Is n
legume, high In protein. The succulent
growth continues throughout the sum
mer, even when dry weather occurs,
furnishing pasturage when native
grasses are short and dry. Tills clover
will carry more animals per acre than
the majority of bluegrass or timothy
I Quality Hides Will
i Bring Higher Prices
I Exercise the utmost caro In removing
hides and skins from the carcass with
' the idea of avoiding cuts and scores.
Use fresh, clean salt on hides and
skins. There Is little strength In spent
salt and consequently Insulllclent cur
ing properties. Quality hides bring
higher prices.
Tillage Is Important
Factor in the Garden
Tillage Is one of the most Important
factors In determining the success of
a garden. It Is work that often be
comes drudgery, especially in tho hot
summer, but If h satisfactory garden
Is to bo grown, the vegetables must be
carefully tended during the entire
Stallion Glalsdale.
land other famous horses appearing i
In (t'liNtlnle's pedigree are: Acclaim I
St. smiMii. (inlopin, Isonomy anil Ayr- I
shire. Tlie names of horses which
were either winners or placed In tho
famciiis Derby appear nine times In
Glalsilale's pedigree.
("Jlnlsilale was personally selected In
England by Mr.J. Henry Leonard, a
retired ollicer who has a national rep'
utatlmi as an expert Judge of horses.
MaJnr Leonard was delegated to select
several stallloius In England for use
In tin- breeding work of the remount
service of the United States army.
Add Valuable Qualities.
It Is thought by those conducting
the horse-breeding work that the use
of this thoroughbred stallion will add
valuable qualities in the type of horse
being produced at the Wyoming stn
tlon. Olllchils of the bureau of animal
Industry are gratified to obtain such
a royally bred young stallion for use
In Its horse-breeding Investigations.
Big Damage Done
by One Barberry Bush
Loss of $12,520 Caused by
Single Plant.
(Prepared by the United NUtej Department
of Airrleulturn )
"Not only can one barberry bush
cause a loss of 10,000 In a single year,
but It produces seeds from which more
bushes grow," says Dr. E. C. Stukman
of the United States Department of
Agriculture. "Still there are those In
the United States who think barberry
eradication either Impossible or use
less." A single bush can cause extensive
loss, and there Is at least one Instance
on record where a loss of Sl'J.iVJO was
caused by one bush. A special study
to determine the extent of Infection
ami loss from a single bush was made
by one of the state leaders of bar
berry eradication. The outbreak of
stem rust which started from a known
hush traveled in one dhectlon, at least,
for about live miles. The total wheat
area affected on IS different farms
m IMK1 acres. An average yield of
only S.l bushels per acre was obtained,
while it was estimated th.t had there
Ihvii no loss from rust infection tho
tuerago yield would have been 21.4
bushels. The average yield for that
j ear was only 117 per cent of what It
would have been without the black
stem rust, or a total lo.w In yield of
V-WJO bushels. At a dollar n bushel
the combined money loss from this
single hush In tills one direction was
.l-.."i20 or an average to each
f.iriner of ?(V.)0 worth of wheat.
The barberry has destroyed too
much grain In the past, says the United
States Department of Agriculture. It
will multiply and destroy more In the
future unless It Is destroyed first. A
b.irberry bush with a $10,000 potential
(l.iinago possibility can be destroyed
with ten pounds f salt, or an hour's
work with a grub hoe.
Cabbage Maggot Attacks
Prevented by Tar Paper
Cabbages and related crops are gen
erally badly attacked by the cabbage
maggot, which gnaws oft' tho outer
surface of roots and bores Into the
larger ones and finally Into tho lower
putt of the stall:. I5y looking closely
at young cabbage plants, near the
ground level, the little white eggs muy
be seen. If tho eggs nre exposed to
the sun they win dry up nnd not
The attack, however, Is generally
prevented by the Use of squares or
disks of tarred felt paper placed
around the plants when set out, there
fore preventing tho egg laying of the
fly. Common tarred paper generally
curls up under the bent of the sun,
but tarred felt paper will not.
Three-Inch square 01 five-sided pads
may be cut and silt from the center to
a corner or side of pud. Several short
silts like 11 star should be made at the
center to allow close fitting around
the plnnt. The squares should be
placed nround tho plants when first
set out, being careful to press closely
around the stem nnd down against the
ground. This paper must Ut tightly
nround the stem.
Greater Egg Production
Results in Pullet Year
Tis the pullet that lays the profit
nble egg. Investigation lias shown ui
that the pullet produces a greater num
her of eggs than does a yearling bird
Also, that the pullet consumes a small
or amount of food material. All ol
which shows that the pullet Is tnon
protltabte than tha hen,
In a iHiultry llock, says N. II. Mehr
hof, extension poultry specialist ut
Cllmson college, we llml that the ratio
of pullets to hens Is two-thirds pullets
nnd one-third hens. However, we must
consider not only egg-production bul
also the brooding stock, and perhaps
the yearling will make tho best
breeders. The reason for having two
thirds pullets and one-third bens la
that greater egg production results
tlurlng the pullet year and also It gives
I he practical poultrymnn n bettei
chance to cull out his poor pullets and
keep only his best for bleeding birds
the following year.
hi the poultry business, we find
that when the hen becomes older she
produces fewer and fewer eggs; she
lays the largot number during her
llrst year; fewer the Hecond, and so
on through her life; so birds should
not be kept for egg production after
they are two years of age.
Egg Waste for Poultry
Is Recommended by Ohio
Egg waste from Incubators Is rich
in protein ami, after boiling and grind
ing, can be profitably fed to poultry by
mixing It with a dry mash to form a
slightly moistened, crumbly mixture.
In tests at the Ohio experiment sta
tion, Infertile nnd deatl-germ eggs
were boiled for an hour, passed
through a sausage mill, dried, reground
nnd mixed In the dry mash as a fat
tening ration for young cockerels. Tho
average gains from tills mixture were
0 per cent greater for the egg product
than for skim milk, supplying the sume
amount of protein.
For feeding market broilers In
crates the following mixture proved
excellent: (hound corn 40 parts,
standard wheat middlings 20, nnd
moist egg product 40, with enough
water added to make u hatter that
could be easily poured.
Like all moist mushes this mixture
should be fed with great care to avoid
overfeeding, as the egg material Is u
concentrated feed and Is greatly rel
ished by the birds.
Cholera. Is Contagious
Among Chicken Flocks
Fowl cholera la germ disease which
Is very fatal, says Harry Emblem,
bend of the poultry department of the
Oklahoma college. A fowl showing no
symptoms of the trouble may be found
dead under the roost tho next morning.
All affected birds do not go in this
way. Some may linger a few days,
showing a great thirst, duo to fever,
also a loss of appetite. The bowels
will appear very loose, the bowel dis
charge being of u greenish-yellow
This trouble Is contagious and can
be carried on the feet of fowls nnd
mnn. If this trouble la apparent u
thorough cleaning up of the premises
should he made, and the house thor
oughly cleaned and disinfected. The
ground around the house should be
plowed and cultivated. All affected
birds should bo killed and burned.
Development of Chicks
Comes NFrom Attention
Ilot development of young chicks
comes from close attention to the
brood coops, clranlino.39, proper feed
and water, shnde and fro'.' range. Keep
n good niasli before them. Watch for
lice und mites. They multiply rapidly
during warm weather. Clean and
hpniy houses and coops.
r.UTUt lia'ww ! 1 mii m mi mammm m
The eggs of ducks retain their
hatt-hablllty for a shorter time than
the heli eggs. Tho fresher the eggs
tire when Incubated, tho better.
If your turkeys are wild, make:
friends with them. It Is cheaper and
easier to handle birds that trust the
Experimental work by the bureau of
animal Industry, United Stales De
partment of Agriculture, shows that
good egg yields And economical results
can be secured with a wheatless ration
for chickens.
Lice, overfeeding and filth kill two
thirds of ull turkeys that die. Tho
other third die from too close confine
ment, accident or Inherited weakness.
hit turkeys roost In the open nlr,
but In a high, dry place. If turkeys
roost near u swump there Is ulmost
sure to bo trouble from roup.
Young ducklings nnd goslings must
be kept from the dampness the same
ns chicks. They grow fustest If kept
on soft innsli feeds nnd only allowed
enough water to drink.
Was Benefited by the Good Her
Mother Got from Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
Pittsburgh. Pa. "1 t-nl- T.,-,it r
PInkham'o VoKotnblo Compound boforo
my itttlo girl waa
bom, nnd the effect
ft had was wonder
ful. This will bo tho
first child I havo
nursed, na I had to
brinn; my two boys
up on tho bottle. I
woo very ncrvoua
and worried, tired all
tho timo, nnd after
I read nbout tho
Vcpotnblo Com
pound I tried it nnd
cpt on with it I still continuo its uso
nnd recommend It to my friends. You
mny publish thoso facta as n testimonial
for your medicine. "Mrs. Wm.Klingb,
lG'Jl'lymouthSU, Pittaburoh, Pa.
It Is rcmnrknblo how many cases have
been reported Bimilar to this one. Many
mothora nro loft in a wenkencd and
run-down condition after tho birth of
tho child, nnd for such mothora tho enro
i of tho baby is woll-nfRh impossible. Not
only is it hard for tho mother, but tho
child itself will indirectly Buffer.
Lydin E. Pinkhnm'a vegetable Com
pound ia nn excellent tonic for tho
mother nt this time. It is prepared
from medicinal roots nnd herbs, nnd docs
not contain nny harm f ul drugs. It can bo
taken in safety by tho nursing mother.
. m mh Tiir.v mn(-An
mii aii D-nesi: biVi-AHB .
flai-wl unrwlirrr, DAISY I'l.Y Kll.W.U fttiracu nrxi
till ull (licit.
Niat, rtrnn, nrniirncntfu, convenient nnd
101. Mfete ofrnrUt.
run tiplllortlnovrr;
will not mil orlnlur
nythln. (itnrantceil.
ut vour deftleror
K by HXritKSS. nrpl'l. II SB.
tMUOt.n S0UKU3. 1W Ut Haiti Ao.. UrixAlm, M. Y.
Dnby Carnages C'Fumitiuv
Ask Your Local Dealer
for 32-Pagi
trated Booklet
Tho Lloyd Manufacturing Comply
UUuusooJ-H'aktfuU Co.)
Drpt. i:
Menominee, Michigan ((6)
mrr voiiit cic.uts iim:ct
filty Iliivnnu miinlivm, iirrpiilit, SI 50. AKnt
h-iintpcl, lluvHiiii Hmolia loiiic Hciiolanil.Dit.
, V 1
Push Donto tor Barges.
Push tugs are taking tliv place of
(hose that pull cargo lu.rges Tho front
nf the tug Is shaped like . V. The
rear nf the cargo boat Is shaped like
a wedge and this fits Into the V of the
push boat. Thus the twiw boats be
come one. Cne push bout tan operato
three cargo boats.
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl
cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented, economical face, skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume.
Uenders other perfumes superfluous.
One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap,
Ointment, Talcum). Advertisement.
Usually Immaculate Housekeeper
Caught nt a Most Unfortunate
I am a methodical housckccpi r, fot
which I have been seerely criticized
by my mother-in-law. and her daugh
ter, who nre more huppy-go-lucky than
I, about their work.
One day I discovered 11 moth tn my
flat, ami deckled, without delay, tn
' clean out nil the clothes closets nnd
My rooms were In utter ronfuilon
when the doorbell rang and, to my
dismay, my mother-In-li.w entered
1 with guests. She had a happy, confi
dent look upon her face, which, how
ever, soon turned to one of consterna
1 tlon when she saw the state of my
1 After a short visit she took in'
aside and said, In -in Indignant voice,
"Lulu, knowing what an Immaculate
housekeeper you are, I brought these
! two delegates to visit your home, In
I preference to my daughter's, and this
1 Is what I Ilnd." Chicago Tribune.
Knowing how makes hard Jobs ensy.
i !
,i' Mil
G l'4HY'S.i&.' .
VHkuv&u rr