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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1923)
RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF Washington's Welcome to Visiting Shriners NEBRASKA IN BRIEF Timely News Culled From All Farts of the State, Reduced for the Busy. STANDING OF BALL TEAMS AT END OP WEEK. As the Shrlners arrived in Washington for their great convention they llrst saw tills welcome sign. In Shrine colon end studded with thousands of electric lights. Posed as Officer; Tricked Woman HE LEADS THE BAND .. WESTERN LEAGUE Won Loft Wichita '; Omaha -7 TuNa 1!7 Oklahoma City ....'... .'JI! Des Moines "JJ SiiniN City 17 St. Joseph IS Denver 1." Hi 1!) M lit 'M HI l!(i at NCDRAGKA STATE LEAGUE Won Lost Lincoln 1W I'ulrliury 17 Beatrice 1(1 Norfolk 11! (inmd Island lit Hastings 8 S 1il ir. it 13 18 William Blank, 1"., won the annual four mile bicycle race held at Nor folk under the auspices of the Cycle Trade's of America. orxnl Sauter. who was graduated from the Arnold high school last xveck, had u perfect nttendanee record for the last eight j ears In school. Tl.tee thousand people are expected to attend the fifty-sixth annual state Sunday school comentlon which will he held at Kearney .lime Jl! to M. Sam Stone of Omnha wns overcome hy the heat Sunday while working on his auto in the alley at the rear of his home. Arranpeinent.s have heen made for n summer school under the direction of the Auhurn hoard of education and the superintendent of schools. Louis Callahan, 11!, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Callahan of Kearney, was drowned in the Central Tower com pany canal while in bathing. j Tl.o old dniaha elevator at North Pet. Loup now owneilhy the Farmers' (Sraln (J,!I and Supply company was destroyed by .oS" jjn, during a severe rain storm, 'j"' i At the O'Neill place near Stapleton .'"IS 7 ,,.,, nrt, tM. mothers of SI latnhs, "-' and In the hunch are two sets of trip lets, !!,'( pairs of twins and 11! single, (as was struck hi the oil well on the place of Henry Klein, in Stam ford, and .1. I. Peterson, a well driller, was overcome hy the fumes while put- .714, ting a etirhlng in the well, ."id" i A Held meet and demonstration hy .."ild the Custer county hoys' and girls' ph: .Hi-1 cluhs, with a picnic dinner at noon II!) and a humiuct at nlht, will he held at Mrokeu Kow on June 1!0. While the family of Lew Hunzilter of Tuhlc itock was ahsent from home, thieves hroke Into the hotie and stole a hidlophotie outfit, si'ven hams and a small amount of chance. A total of II!'.) dead hops were taken from Sll! carloads that arrived at the Omaha stock yards In one week re cently. Overloading of cars was given as the main cau-e of the mortality In the shipments. Secretary Heoru'e K. Hall of the state department of tluaniv has ap 11 : .10! I .ami i ii. .:o" Daddy's Evemif, Fdlry Tale jyiAPSH GRAHAM BONNER MkVB. 'Bf -tCH It I'IN M'lt tttiPH- Three-fourths of the winter wheat ! pointed Orn L. Ogg, to lu chief clerk "Col." Edinund James Black, whose engagement to Mrs. Kvn Cramer Hies ler, society matron of Los Angeles, was recently announced, Is In the city Jail there following his arrest hy federal and city ollkera on charges of Imperson uting a government oftlcer. Pennsylvania Robin Was Up to Date IV jr r,i j ,i .! I . I !t -Si I 1 iS M.'aa a., ri ttA. nu uiuUuMAtM. . msJ i Already, at the age of live years, Robert Philip Carpenter wields a haton and GO children, members of the kin dergarten hand at Pueblo, Colo., obey his waving commands. All member of the hand are from four to six years old and are true artists In every sense, STRENUOUS WALTZING A Hvery day at noon a United States mall coach on the Philadelphia & Uead rug railway leaves New Hope, Pa., hound for Philadelphia, and returns to JCew Hope later In the day. I'or days a mother robin at the New Hope end of he line has waited as anxiously for that train as the other people In the own have for their mall. When the train reached the station ltrakeman Leon Nugent sent away all the curious onlookers and the robin hupped down from a nearby tree and disappeared under the mall coach to a nest on the warm Pteum valve. The little mother perched on the edge and looked liHde on the the blue eggs warmed hy the steam, waiting for the day when their shells would he broken by live little hills. This photograph shows llrakeman Nugent and the robin nest. w -nl "" I rrKKl ZZ?ZZSXS.rS5CiSZZ& fi-v ja i j Burbank Honored by Santa Rosa Miss Iterulce I'oisch, seventeen- car ol I St. Paul society girl and a student of esthetic dancing, demonstrating her "hurdle waltz," a dance which It can he readily seen requires great strength and endurance. Miss Fetsch got her Idea for the dance from watching n University of Minnesota Held meet in which were Include' some hurdlo events. ASKS AID FOR ARMENIA t&vi JK w v -'Wk . zM w'l mm , $ 8'M. 'HttrAyi 'WFTmmZ &Mt P" "' J? j mm 'mmmvwr--j3mm. :ww -iinni is j is iuc5.jUiKLj&ja&zt u. sa d crop has been ruined in C.t-s county hy the Hessian fly, according to My ron II. Swenk, state eiitomoli.'.'i'-t. Scott litnnet, a larmer near MConk j I st -oven tiillch cows licciitly when a high voltage electric wire fell, instant l. electrocuting nwen of the animals. 1 Damage to amount of over .S!XMKM) Is reported to 1 heen caused hy Hoods water.-, which have InundLted the laud in the I',eaer alley In Furnas county. Conservative estimate places Hessian fly damage In the uelghborlii od ot Stel la at 1!() per cent. Some farmers are plowing up as much at l!."i acres of wheat. A hall storm visited a smJI section near Nebraska City and considerable damage is reported to growing crops and fruits. Lex I Van Valkeuhtirg. S7, pioneer of i Holt county, was Instantly killed when J he was struck hy a Chicago and North. western train on a crossing near In- man. Luther Frye of Lincoln, a member 3f the railway brotherhoods, bas been appointed by Coventor llryan to he Secretary of labor, succeeding Frank Kennedy of Omaha. The Klks club of Hastings is search ing the ranches of the west for the best riders, ropers and outlaw horses in preparation for' the rodeo to he held In that place .lime 1!0 to l!:t. Four hundred Omaha school children will present a pageant, "Thelhichanted Year," at the Auditorium November 1! during the meeting of District No. H. of the state teachers' association. Ak-Sar-I'en activities commenced at Omaha last week and xxill continue till the cloe of the season In the fall. Out-of-town xlsttors to the city are invited and are xvelcome at the den on any Monday exenlng. Arrangements haxe been completed whereby the Old (Jucen City Driving Park association and the Cage County Agricultural society have been dls solxed and will be succeeded hy a new Cage County Fair av-ociation xxlth a capital stock of !jl!.",fH!0. T1ie largest Hoy Scout camp in the middle west will open at C.uup CilVord near Child's Point, southeast of Oma ha .June 11. Six camp-, each of ten days, will he conducted there this sum mer, and all the !."i troop- of the city will enjoy ten day's outing. A heavy rain of between three and four Inches fell in Custer county In about an hour. The rain fell so rapidly that it did considerable damage to the corn, and many fields are under water. Some hall aHo loll xvhlch did some damage to the grain. With the assurance of 1.XKi soldiers In Omaha In October to participate In the pageant "Patriotic Historic America," John Lee Wcb'ter snys he has assiinitice to justify the statement that the pageant will be "the greatest display ever presented on the streets of Omaha." It Is al-o possible that the secretary of xvar xxlll attend the pie bcntntlou. The Mate banking department has Issued a charter to the Security State bank of Maskwll Dates for Cheyenne County Harvest festlxal to he held at Sidney, haxe been set for October 4 and .". A full agricul tural, livestock, poultry and fancy work display will he shown. The State Itauk Ciiiarantee commis sion ha- announced that a special as- m Avtft, jiX. '( 'SfeM'i a' vA "Sit Up HiQh." of the department, a place formerly tilled by Mrs. Maud P.utler, who Is now accountant for the state hoard of eon-, trol. Fifty-four reptiles belonging to a inniix'al troop headed for a Nebraska engagement were dlscoxertd to have escaped their cage between Sterling. Colo., and Mrldgeport. Neb., but were finally captured hy trainmen at Scotts bluff. Victor 15. Smith of Omaha xvas elect ed president of the Nebraska Alumni association at Lincoln at the conclu sion of the second Cornhusker lound up. He Is a graduate of the class of 1!)07 and a member of the Alpha Theta Chi fraternity. The date of the Nebraska national guard encampment at the state rille range at Ashland has been announced by Adjutant Sonera 1 H. .1. Paul from i August (5 to l!t. Colonel Paul Is award- ' lag contracts which xvlll place the J camp In good condition. Usually at this time of the year, the (Srand Island Canning Co.. has com pleted all contracts for the growing of sweet corn for the canning period. This year no contracts haxe been entered Into, and the factory xvlll he Idle, be- , cause of unsettled conditions. Three carloads of corn have heen i shipped from Ityrou, the first shipped ( for practically two years 'nearly all of , .t having been fed from storage. The farmers also show a disposition to j clean tip on their wheat which has heen stored, and orders for cars have In- j creased. Fred W. Lunsman, Lancaster county i farmer xviio refused to halt at the com- . mand of txvo possemen, who believed ' be wns Fred Iltown, Omaha chain man, and xxas shot by the posscmuu, last summer has Hied suit In district ' court for sMS.imk). (Sus llyres. former state sheriff; Lloyd (ielt.xs and How- j nrd Morris are defendants. j Joseph Cornelius o f Itlchardson i county has recently placed in the hands ' of the trustees o ft he Christian church I the sum of .510,0(10 In government bonds the interest of which iimount 1- to he used hy them and their successors, to ' assist young men xvho desire to prepare1 themselves for the tuln'stry. Dedication of the rural tire truck , took place in Central City with an ap- ( proprlate program. The truck was purchase by funds subscribed hy resl. dents of the rural community adjacent to Central City and will he manned and maintained by the city. It is thought that this is the only fire truck in the state to he used for rural ser vice only. John II. Piper, regional Hoy Scout executive of Iowa. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado, formerly stationed III Kansas City, has moved Scout headquarters to Omaha. Mr. Piper is responsible for scouting In the above states with p. membership of U!,000 men ami boys. The number of Hoy Scouts in the dis trict, as xvell ns In the United States, is much larger than ever before. Cecil Pearce of Arnold, captured a centipede three inches long In a clay bank near Arnold. It Is the third one found tlK'i'o this spring. Four-year-old Ilruce Crowe, of St. Paul, supposed to have heen bitten by a snake while playing barefoot In the yaid. died In convulsions while being taken to a physician's olllce. With a fund of .S.'l.'.ooo furnished hy DIRD3 "I like to sit up Ills') nnd c!n" raid the cardinal bird. "l'n rather fond of a high perch m.xbelf when I'm singing," Mild tho lulled tltmotne. 'I'm larger I ban a chickadee." said the tufted tit mouse, "and my suit Is of a sim ple gray, while I have u pointed crest upon my head." "Anil I am red," said the cardinal bird, "and I am a good-sized bird, almost tho sizo of a robin. "I believe somo one xvas very much excited xvhea she t-axv me the other day. It seems tliisj person snw me when I xvas dying through the underbrush and greenj shrubs, and she said that the flash: of red through the green 'us so beau tiful. And then I perched myself upon a branch and sang and she was so delighted. Hut you heven't spoken, Carolina Wren. Tell something about' yourself." "I," said the Carolina Wren, "am larger than mwt wrens, and If you look at my forehead you xvlll see a white line. I wear a rusty brown suit and look a little hit like Mr. Hroxvn Thrasher. 1 am like the rest of my Wren cousins in the way I sit with my tail held up over my body. 8 "When I sing my tail Is down, hut that Is tho only time, for when I Ring I think only my song should ho noticed and that it would not ho noticed entirely if my tall xvas up In its usual saucy little fashion. "They say that my song Is so loud nnd so curious that It Is impossible to describe, hut now I xxill tell you some of the words I've been usln;; lately In my songs. Of course if people want to know them, they will have to trans late them Into their oxvn language." Noxx Hlllle Hrownle xvas near by just then, so he has translated tho Carolina Wren's words Into words we know. t am ft Carolina Wren, t tilt about like a fussy old hen. But I'm not renlly fussy, I'm only pay, And happy ex'ery filngle day. Dnce I was a Bpi-cklecl xvhltc pkk. And couldn't have stod upon cither XeK, Nor Jerked my Jolly. Kood nntured tall. Sor traveled about over hill and data. But now I'm a Krowtwip bird, you soe. And not nn eKS nonuntlty. IVhlch Is a xvord so very biff. But means fo little I'd not dance a Jiff In honor of a xvord so Kinnll. No, I'd never do that at all, at all. Hlllle Hrownle wrote doxvn tlieso words In his hlrchhark note hook and then hurried away, for he had an en gagement xxith the Hrown Thrasher Hlrd. The Hrown Thrasher was n big. big bird, xxith a reddish hroxvn coat, and Ids xvalstcoat wns of white with black spots. He sang for Hlllle Hrownto find oh, ids song xvas so glorious. Of till tho songs Hlllle Hrownle had ever heard he thought the song of tho Hrown Thrasher xvas the most beauti ful. And then the Hrown Thrasher whistled a long, clear whistle which sounded like tills: "Wliee-u-u, whee-u-n." Hlllle Hrownle told the Broxx-n Thrasher that lie had heard that not only" did people love his beautiful voice and his orig inal ways, and his oxvn xvay of sing I n g xv h n t he pleased without copying other birds, but thnt people said no xvas so useful and Old so much good. And that made tlie pretty Hrown T h r a s it e r very happy, for lie xvas such n nice hlrd. so eager tor he liked, so eager to do good. He said lie had "He Sang For Billle." Santa llosa, Oil., xxiicro Luther Hurhank, the plant wizard, lias made ex jerlments In plant life for tho past fifty years, recently dldhonor to this great man. The entire country for miles around turned out and Joined In n mam mot hv parade. The photograph shows Mr. and Mrs. Burhuuk revlexvlng the Varade. !&' Mrs. Carrie Jacobs Hond, song com poser, has Just returned from n trip to Armenia and urges Americans to do all they can to nld the people of that couutry, especially tho "orphan children. sesstiicnt of one-half of 1 percent has j tj,w Fnlted States department of ag riculture, A. F. Tlilel, state leader of t-he federal barberry eradication acti vity In Nebraska, Is planning to deal been lex led to enrich the guarantee fund. This assessment, It Is said, Is expected to nilse a million dollars. There will he no special assessment ',, knockout blow to black stem rust this In -Inly. ! season. xVllllnm S. l.eyda. .V), eleven times I T. omalia National bank, through mayor of Falls city, and who was Walter W. Head, president, will give prnbnhly more closely Identified with i .y,"uo for the promotion and encourage the growth of this city than any other! iiient of xvork In tho Nebraska Dairy tnaii, Is dead after an illness of more j Calf clubs. The extension department than a month, of the state university xvlll direct the The spring races are on in full i awarding of the prizes. , Awing at Ak-Sar-Hen field, Omaha, . A dynamite bomb placed on the und from all Indications promise the front porch of County Attorney, Hly's blgtfest hunch of sport In riiclrg lines , house at Alnsxvorth exploded, leaving belt! on that track. A number of the a hole through the wall and Into tl i,' heen away for the winter, unlike the other birds Hlllle Hrownle had been talking to who had not gone away, but who had stayed where It xvasn't exactly warm, but xvhere It xvasn't very cold. Before Hlllle Hrownle went hack to Fairyland and Broxvnleland that eve ning the Hrown Thrasher sang for him the most glorious of songs, nnd then the Hroxvn Thrasher went to bed, but Hlllle Hrownle traveled home slow ly, for he could not go quickly when he wns thinking so hard of h's day. "Birds," he said to himself, "what Joy you do give to the xvorld. You don't know how much you add to tho xvorld's beauty and glory." . ifst mounts In the country me en tered, and the contest for worth xvhll purses vlll continue till the last on June lifl. Crowds in attendance no far have been very large. sitting room where Ely wns lying n a couch. It knocked an end out of hook case and tore oil a few shingles from the roof hut otherwise no furth" ' dauage xvas done. Meteors and Steel. A study of the great collection of meteorites In n European museum lias led to the Interesting conclusion thnt nieteoiitle iron, as It falls from tho sky, and the various steels produced In our modem steel works nro the re sults of essentially similar chemical and physical causes. One of the moat striking characteristics noted In me teorltl'c Iron is the presence of a con siderable quantity of nickel, 4 fl V