The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1923, Image 5
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OHIEP . fi1 t w R AS TOLD TO US Tlic C.unty Board of Equalization is in scscion this week. J. M. Hewitt was a passenger Air.'oia Thursday morning. to We Hie now prepared to give reascr able tonus on both New inn) t'ed Cats payable monthly or In h lump sum. Oglerle Bros The Ied Cloml ball te.-.n will go to Superior nest Wednesday afternoon where they will play a return game with tl.e club there. C. L. C.tting was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday morning. Jus. Gouldic was a passenger Blue Hill Monday morning. to J. C. Mitchell went to Hastings Monday moining to spend the day. Postmaster Frank Britton of Blue Hill was in the city Monday evening. Fred Mandcvillc, Deputy United Marshal, was in the city Thursday evening. Mr. Kitty Hansen and children left Wednesday evening for Now Yolk City wheie they will spend the sum mer with relatives of heis. Boy Ha.-singcr and h's nnther wcic t-ns-sengers to l!attng Monday morning wheie they will spend a co"ple of diys with iclntlves. Flay Fcarn icturned to Havelock the first of the week after spend'ng a few days here with his Mr. and Mrs. Fied Fearn. pnrcn:, Uadorc Joirson and Dr. I!. S. Mar tin aic piepnr ng to Icr.vo within a few days via auto for Yellowstone i'aik wl c-e t" c- wi'l enjoy an outing. Ike is getting the cooking uten-ils in leadincv, wh le D c has boon b isy oil ing ui) h's tru.-ty lifle. Those who know these bachelors bet arc betting that tliey will do more 'hooting with a kodak than a rifle. Issidoic Johnson was convinced Mn day evening that a F rd car can go where a Dodge can. Ho had a bet up with Bob McBride that the latter could not dike Iih Ford truigh to inavale Bob went through the mud holes and alo completed the trin to Inavale tint relieving "Alkali Ike" of some i hi extra c'anno. I Lj mm't C " YELLOW PENCIL VlittCLmAicrr.CMWMooTKiucwiraM II 1 4Z nuitiifo RED BAND made .by I -.f -. r " m m-m , 0 m t ii ' t'iS" , " Sv'" -J2 Mrs. F. W. Cowdcn and Mis Rachel wcic passengers io Hastings Monday morning. Attorney and Mrs. H. S. passengers to Hastings morning. Fee weie Saturday Both of the girls Sewing Cubs will meet at the couit house Saturday afternoon. Claude Pierce went to Kearney Tuesday morning to spend a few days attending the Sunday School Cnven t!on being he'd there this week. Attorney B. W. Stewart went to Loup C'ty Tuesday m Tiling on tiain 4 where he will sncntl a few days at tending to legal business matters. George Harris, W. G. Hamilton and .John Havel were in Guide Rock Tues day afternoon. Miss Muriel Fisher went to Su perior Monday morning to spend the day with friends. Lew Etherton of Republican City spent the iirst of the week here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ed Piatt and daughter, Mar ion, were passengers xo Hastings Wednesday morning. Mrs. L. W. Brcakey went to Grand Island Saturday moining on train 4 to spend a couple of weeks visiting at the home cf her son, Robert. The Burlington had considerable trouble in this vicinitv Monday. On account of washouts on the Hastings branch and cue about tin oc miles west of here it was necessary to de tour No. 14 via Lincoln. .No. 17 ot Sunday night and Xo. 15 of that morning both went through here about 7 a. m , they being washed out tnore. No. 4 was only th'rty minutes late out o( here, a work tiain and large ciew of men having put the track in shape north of hcie by 10 o'clock that morninf. Mi.-s Millicent Slahy of McCook has been heie for the past few day., visiting at the home of her sisters, Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. Thcs. Kral-lick. Claience Kizer has received word from his father, S. B. Kizer, who has been spending several months in Cal ifornia, stating that he is enroutc home. M'ss Hallie Summers went to Hast ings Saturday morning to spend the day visiting with friends. Misses Vclma and Edith were pas.-engers to Hastin; nesday morning on train 4. Beezley is Wed- Miss Muriel FMier went to Blue Hill Thursday morning to spend the -day viHting with fr'end. A Question of Antiquity. As one of tin- talcs of the groat un wnshed, It might h- told tluit on one of the grimy windows of ilic- Indiana stati'liouso is tin following Inscrip tion: "Sherman marched to the -ca ester day." Inasmuch ns the stntehctise was built since the day after General Sher man ended his historic hike. It Is be lieved that the Inscription Is the work of some wag and not that (f a historian.- -Indianapolis News W. B. Smith was in Guide Rock i..ursday afternoon ami assisted the Signal foice in printing the paper while Harry Vaughan is in the hos pital. - ' Fvank'Tennant returned to his home in Trenton Tuesday evening on tram 17 .after spending the past few day here at the home of Mi. and Mrs. 0. Ellison. Mrs. Ruth Linn returned to Su perior Monday moining after spend ing a couple vf days heir. Mr-!. Mary Polnjcky went to Hast ings Thursday morning on train 4 to spend Hie day with friem's. Sec Dr. Warrick the specialist at Dr. Damerell's, Monday, June 2o, Hours 2 to G. Glas.-es fitted. G. J. Warren went to Hastings Thursday morning to spend the day attending to business matters. Mr. Frederick Wells and baby ai rived here Monday evening from Lin coln to spend a couple of weeks viit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Teel. Uncle Eben. "Do man dat thinks he knows enough to run no earth," snld Uncle Eben. "In nios' cases don't .actually know enough to drive a mule or put n tire on a flivver." ' t ffi I) (0 ( i) (t) to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Here is an Event You Have Been Looking for To Make Room for our Summer Stock will Close Out ALL COATS and SILK DRESSES 20 off fee OF THE REGULAR PRICES This is a bargain as these COATS and DRESSES were all marked very close at the beginning of the season and with this discount is lower than replacement cost. First come will have pick of stock so do not delay. These are all new goods bought this spring. BARBARA PHARES eS333S 1 If i w M xk iHi Or to Of Or & tit (i iS $ iff it it an ik ft jn LUTHERAN Mrs. A. E. Boles icturned home Sun day morning on train 10 from Frank l'n where she has beo.i spending the past few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Win. Lain went to Omaha Thursday niorn'ng to spend a couple of weeks visiting with relatives. Art Nelson returned home from Minden Tuesday evening wheie' he had been installing a heating plant. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saladen came in Sunday morning ivm Alma to spend the day visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fail Saladen arrived here Monday evening from Iowa to spend si few weeks visiting with his brother Wallace rind Dewey and with other relative. One car'oad of hogs was shipped from heie Sunday morning. Theic were two hundred and twenty-six cars of .-.tock through lice Sunday morirng handled in four trains. Circle Tour of our i Golden WesS: Going via llic Pacific Northwest Reluming frcm California via Colorado The Low Cost of the Trip Will Surprise You It is an experience of a lifetime to beoine acquainted with the groat storehouses of scenic, climatic, sigr. cultura', industrial and other wealth in the. Pacific Northwest and Ca1' fornia. In making such a tiip, it is both natural and logical for one ti sclent that outc on which the most and the be.t of the astounding wonders in our fascinating West can be viewed fioin the car w'tnbw. To the end that Burlington pation.s ing the past few days here visiting 'may reap the fullest possible mcasuic Kfgulnr services every first and tbiid siundiiy in the month In tlio Adventist cliuich at 11 a in. Profiling nt 11 n. in. Milijeot: "Is it enough to be billed e iu une Faith?" You are eordltilly luviU'd to nttend our 'I'rrices. O R. Hcinit, Pastor. HiSe2?I32S!ZIIZESSS!22J BLA CKSMITHING GARFIELD COMMUNITY !'l A Pi f t . il A . Ploco Oils Mowing Machine Repairs McCormick and Deering Sickles $3 to $3.25 Sections $1.30 Am Dm Stanley .f Mr. and Mis. "William Jarboc ic turned to their home at Lincoln Tues day morning on train I after spend Hiu. m., Sunday M'hool. 1ti:flu Ghildions Day I'lograni. s ii. in Progrnni and Exhibit Vncutli ii Bible School rH .... .-.T Ii. ....... ...klt. i. 1.1 .i.i.rl tlv.oad,tb.,CI,illr,n"s D,,y I'rognun ! W C unity Extcnson Agent Henry wit.-, post pulled to .Sunday n. in. next. ' ' The Vncation Bill.; School elms Fri. .luv .mm. Tlio closing n.wra.u ot i Meeting of Home Dcpaitment ,!.. j, Z. FARM ni'UEMT NlVlES of songs, stoib's, seripturcs. eto. und thu, Webster County Farm Bureau Fri- oxhibitof w.n-lc dono will bo given .i:a;', .nine nii ai 10 a. in., in u.u Sunday evening next. The oxhlbit will Jc uit house sit Red Cloud. Each or onisiht of tlie note honks and objects ganized women's club in the county inado iiy the pupils of the suliool. An 'should elect two delegates. As many offering to aid in defraying tlio e.- more as want ti, can attend. meetings and for the same. arranging programs Fred Guild went to Hastings Sat in day morning sifter spending a short time here attending to business matters. Mrs. Ella Ross went to Hastings Wednesday morning to spend a couple of days visiting with friends and rel Mrs. E. A. Creighton went to Hast ings Tuesday morning to spend the day, returning home on No. 11 that evening. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas. Operator I. D. Hewitt arrived heie Saturday morning to work second trick for a couple of weeks, while Mr. Thompson is visiting with relatives in Limn, Ohio. Mr. Thompson left on No. 171 Snturdav afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Chaney, who have been here for the past few days visiting with old friends, went to Su perior Sunday morn'ng where they will visit for a short time before re turning to their home in Fremont. Miss Anna Stumpenhorst was a passenger to Blue Hill Saturday morning where she spent Sunduy with her parents. Mrs. John Ryan went to Greeley Center Wednesday morning where she will spend a few weeks visiting with relatives. George Schaaf returned home from Omaha the last of the week where he attended the Funeral Dircstors state convention. Mrs. Cfarl Jernberg and baby re turned to their home at Akron, Colo rado, Saturday morning on No. 15 after spending the pnst couple of weeks heie visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jernberg and with friends. Mrs. Cox went to Kcarucy Tuesday moripng to attend tlio Sun day School Convention being held theic this week. E. L. Murnaham and wife of Chi cago have been .spending the past week here with -his brother, -Jim Mur naham and "fnmi'y.. i ' - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bert and two children have been here for the past few days visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. 0. R. B'yce. They are enroutc via auto from Glenrock, Wy oming, to Topeka Kansas, where they will make their future home. Mrs. I. D. Richardon and twojson sturted on their way to Los Angeles. California, Thursdav morning where they will make their futuio home, Mr. Richardson having gone thco .-cv oral weeks ago. They are making the-trip in the new Studebaker sedan rcMntly -purchased here. ot delight, benefit and inspiration which such a wonderful trip afford., schedules have been developed and perfected via two widely different routes so that the most of the best scenery is passed during daylight hours. Through the combination of these two routes par excellence into one grand circle tour ox our impressive and progressive West, you can travel several thousand miles, through a dozen great states, on one ticket. You can sec practically every kind of scenery, every phase of topography, every variety of plant life, every species of animal life, ever sort of mineral wealth, and every beauty of landscape that the entire American West affords. Aside from the broadened vision which travel only can give, sucli a trip may take you to the land of your dreams, to a home in this wonderland of natural beauties, to an opportunity in this wonderland of natural wealth, with a future wide open. Lot me tell you more about it and 'et jur home-town railroad intro il.'c cu this summer. punscb of tlio Mihool will lie lifted. .-. . BAPTIST Bible sjlioul nt It) u. in. Morning Service at 11 a in. Subject: "An appeal to reason". At the owning hour the, postponed Children's Day service will be ubsuiv ed. The entile progiuni will lie given hs prepared for lust Sunday evening. Daily Vacation llllilo School begins on Monday at tlio M E. church; a largo attendance is expected. Geuerul PiHyumnd Conference meet ing of the Church on Wednesduy even ing at 8 o'clock. Cordial iuvitat ion to all not attend, elsewhere. I W. Bdson, Pa.stor. CHRISTIAN "It is good that a man should hope and quietly wait for the salvutlon of Jehovah". On account of the much "dampness" labt Sunday evening our Children's Day Program was postponed one week. Come and henr the children next Sun day evening at eight o'clock. Virginia Caldwell, Naouiti Corner, Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Nelson are attend ing tlie Stato Sunday School Convent Ion at Kearney, tbia week. Though it was somewhat rainy last Friday evening, yet nlnotcon young people gathered at the Parsonage and spent a delightful social evening. The young people were kept busy the first pait of the evening with various con tests. Mildred Pope's side succeeded in carrying oir the honors, but l'Vrn Diedei iuh' "lineup" won many points and iniide it Interesting at all times. Refreshments wero served consisting of ice cre.ini and cake Those enter taining woio Mrs. Risa Cox und .Rev and Mrs. Nelson. lilnffflQn N. B. BUSH, Ticket Agent. Mrs. II. E. Thomas, Webber coun ty's delegate to Home Economics meet ing at Lincoln Isist January will give her icport. Plans will be inside for the millin ery school which will be held in Aug ust. Following is a copy of "Suggested Constitution for Home Department of Webster County Farm Bureau." This was written by Miss Mather, Ex tension Director of Home Department after her vi.sit to Webster county December. ARTICLE 1 NAME The name of this organization shall be the Home Department of the Web ster County Farm Bureau. ARTICLE II OBJECT The object of this organization shall be: 1. To unify all efforts toward the betterment of the home und the com munity through n county organization 2 To cooperate with the county extension agent in his efforts to con duct demonstrations illustrative of good agriculture and housekeeping practices. .L To assist the boys and girls in the'r rspprociation of rural life thru an organized club in every community a ivrrsr v nr mwmiipixjiiip The membership of this organiza tion shall constitute any organized gioup of women of the county who shall apply for such membership w'th Lie idea of doing extension work. A RTICLE V MEETINGS Section 1 Th's organizati n 'hall meet twice n year or tut. often us the executive committee, shall deem ad visable. The county agent may re quest a specialist from the Extension Service to meet with the organization semi-annua'ly for s mho specific work or to sulvise on future activities. Section 2 Individual qommunit) meetings with spcciuliHts-1 nhnll be ar ranged for at' the time of the semi annual or animal meetings. The work with the- s-mecisilisba shall be considered a psirt of the year's pro gram of work: Project leaders thall be appo'ntcd for each phage of work adopted by thccominuimy. The pro jeet leaders will report upon blanks furnished by the agent the progress cf the work as it continues. Section !5 Each organized women's club in the county may elect two de'e- t gates who wijl have voting power at the county meetings. BILL BOOSTER SAYS Geo. W Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, . :-: Nebr. Y&tWS AS HOW OOUf fctt V PECT XO UVJE MORE tWAM A COUPLE OP HOMOREO NEAUS LOUQER., AUO COUSvDEfttMGi ALL THE' THlMQtS VYM4 XO 00, FVGGER AVtr GOT A Mtwuxe to wAsre kmocwmg-. (SRUKAPIMG AWD VJOLFIMQ ABOVjrrTUlUGrS UOUY.UKE- i ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1 The officers of this or ganization shall of president, vice president and secretary treasurer who Miall be elected to servo for one year. Section 2 The duties of the offi- I cers shall ho such as usually perta n to such offices. Section y The officers, of tills or ganization h-liull constitute an execu tive committee which shall determine I ." Jime nna7i'Ja':? iboW'ngrFPwnty m i -k SRlUi Miffs 1 111 - MS m v. "J4sw; '" MiMaWnl'i