n. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fMft" - Y r (: Matrimonial Adventures The Bright Bees of Toupan BY James Branch Cabell Copyright by t'nll T'lt'ir Svnrlte-it JUST A LITTLE ABOUT JAMES BRANCH CA5ELL Mr. Cnliell I to me i vcrv pleas ant voice over the teloplione. 1 catlpil him up when I retched lttch motul, lie IImh live mlloq out Of 1 he I ial nn town. He hnil nlnaily Joined th Stnr Author S.t r of Matrimonial AdventuuM through the Follcltntlon of Mr. Jom'pIi IterKOHliLltuor. I wanted to talk to Mr. Cabell rtliout his c-tory for the series, hut tho warm hiiiihIiIiio und the rlm: Unworn that the New Vorkor hoiiio tltMH erroneoiivly usHitrMtf with VlrKlnl.i were vIMUnK elsewhere It wiiH Knowing when I arrlvid and ltk'htnond had hccoino a Jos did city of Kleamlnu UlileH whin 1 left tho next mornlnp. I did not meet Mr. Cnliell, liecaiiHO the roads to town did not lake kindly to the we.itlar it ml motor tiuvullng wns unsafe. If James lirnncli Cabell had writ ten nothliii,' ele, as the author of "JurBon" alone lie would hne a tinlipie plate In American letters Hut Mr. Cabell's other hooka ate nn uddltlonnl reanou for his IiIkIi pl.ue In American lltetature "l'lie Hrl?ht Hi es of Toupan" follow h. nnd I Know of no other writer who would linvu treated the eiy Intricate puIi Jeet of m irrlnite In thlH perfectly delightful falrb-tale Mle. Aftir nil, should nrtlstH marry' I leave It to oil aid Mr. Cabell MAKY STKWAHT CL'TTING, JH. i fe I . ,) Mlr.uiinn Lluagor Inn! wry wonder fully pi capered at magic; lit' was as they fraj, now blessed with more than any reasonable peison would ask for. and tho most clamant of these super fluities appeared to hWn to ho his wife. They tell how Mlrntnon was one of the Leshy, honi of a people that was neither human nor Immortal, telling how his home was hullded upon the summit of tho mountain called Vtal ilex. Hero In tho old days dwelt Mlin mon Lluagor, at n discreet remove from the pnnllslmess of men and tho disreputable amour1! of the High finds, retiredly In his Doubtful Palace; wherein, as they report also, this wiz ard designed the dic.ims for sleep. His taste was for the richly roman tic. I?ut his wife (Jlsele had quite tither notions, a whole set of notions, and hor philosophy was that of bel ligerent Individualism. And the wiz ard, to keep peace, at least In the In tervals between his wife's more nior dantly loquacious moments, would tie feign such dreams as (itself preferred. But lie know that these dreams did not cNpiess the small thoughts and fr.ncies which harbored In the heart of Mlr.imon Lluagor. and which would polish with the falling of his doom unless he wi ought the fancies Into dream'; that, being fleshless. might evade carnivorous time. Anil Mlra mon hungered fur the lost freedom of hlK bachelorhood. Ills wife also was discontent, be r.wiFp (he wn.vs of the I.eshy appeared to this mortal woman Indecorous. The doom that was upon the I.eshy seemed not entirely In good taste to her who had been born of a race about whom destiny did not bother; In fact. It was n continual Irritation to her that her little boy Demetrius was predestinate to kill his father with the charmed Rword riamlierge. This was a doom which Madame (llselc found not at all the sort of thing ou cared to haw Imminent In jour own family; and she felt that the sooner the grav Norns. who wonw the fate of all that II w. were spoken to quite caudldlv. the bet tor It would be for everybody con cerned. She was Irrltatod by the mcro sight of rianiberge. So her thinking wn.s not of silk and honey when, after pol ishing the sword as was her usage upon Thutsday morning, she came Into Mlrnmnn's Ivory tow or to bang the weapon In Its right place. With Mira uion Bat that sleek person whom men called Nlnzian. It was not known to all of Ninlnn's friends that he was an evil spirit who had come out of the Bottomless Pit to work Iniquity; hut Mlramon Lluagor knew this, nnd tbeio fore bo made appropriate use of the demon, and Indeed upon this wry afternoon the two were looking at that which Nlnzlnn had procured for the wizard at a price. "Good-day to jou, Sir N'lnzlnn," sn.vs Madame filsele, politely enough. And then she spoke, In a dlffeient tone, to Mlramon Lluagor. "And with what are you cliitteilng up the house now?" "Ah, wife." replies Mlramon. "these are the bees of Toupan, a treasure be yond woid or thinking. They are not as other bees, for theirs Is the appear ance of shining Ice; nnd they unwl fretfully, as they have crawled s-lnce Toupan's downfall, about this cross of black stone " "That Is a very likely story for joti to bo telling me. who can nee that the disgusting creatures have wings to fly away with whenever they want to. And besides, who In the world Is Toupan?" '"He Is nobody In this world, wife, i ml It lb wiser not to speak of liSrn, Let It suffice that h tnn nil thlngn as they were. Then Koshchel took thct power from Toupan, and made nil things as they are. Yet tluee of Tou pan's servitors endure upon earth, where they who were once lords of tho Vendlsh have now no power remaining saw to cieop humbly as Insects; the use of their wings Is denied them, the charmed stone holds them Immutably. Oho. but wife, there Is a cant rap which wmild free them, n cantrap which nobody has us .vet dlscowrod, and to l heir ivleaset will bo gi anted whatowr his will m.iy deslio." "This s soiiio moie of jour stuff and nonsen-e, out of old fuliy tales, where cwrjbody gets three wishes, and no good out of unj of them." "No. my low, because I si all put them to quite practical uses. Tor yon must know that when 1 haw found out the cantrap which will release the bees of Toupan " tilsele showed plainly that bis fool ishness did not co.ucin her. She sighed, and hung the sword In Its ac customed place. "Oh, but 1 am weary of this endless wl.ardryl" "Then, wife," savs Mlianinn, "then why aie you perpetually meddling with what joti do not understand?" "I think." said NlinMan, at once, for this demon, too, was taarrlod, "I think that I had best bo going." But Clsele's attention was reserved for her husband. "L meddle, as jou so wry politely call It, because you haw no sense of what Is right and proper, and no sense of nioiuls. and no sense of opedioncy, and In fact, no seno at all." Mliamon said, "Now, dearest I" Sir Nlnlnn was hastily picking up his hat. But (Jlsclc continued, with that icslstless and devastating onflow which l:s peculiar to tldnl wuws and the tongue of her who speaks for her hus band's own good. "Women owrj where have n hard time of It. but In particular do I pltj the woman that Is man led to one of jou iiiootistitick artists. She has not half a husband, she has but tho tend ing of a baby with long legs" "It Is so much later than I thought, that ically now " obserwd Nln.lan, Ineffectively. " And I might haw had an earl, or a well-thought-of baron, who would haw bad thu decency to remember our anniversary and my birthday, and In any event would never have boon In the house twenty-four hours a tiny. Instead here I am tied to u muddle head who fritters away his time con triving dreams that nobody cares about one way or the other. Yet If only jou would bo sensible about your silly bus iness I could put up with the Inconven ience of having jou underfoot every moment. People need dreams to help them through the night, and nobody enjoys a really good dream more than I do when I have time for It, with the million and one tl ings that are put upon me. But dicums ought to be wholesome, they ought to point an up lifting iiioi al, and certainly they ought not to be about Incomprehensible thin nonsense that nobody can halfway tin del stand. They ought. In other words, to make jou feel that the world Is a pretty good sort of place after all " "But, wife, I am sure that It Is," says Mlramon. mildly. "Then tho more ehamo to you ! and the veiy least jou can do Is to keep such morbid notions to yourself, and not be upsetting other people's repose with them." "I employ my natural gift, 1 express mjself and none other. The rosebush does not put forth vrheat. nor llux either," returned the wizard, with a tired shrug. "In line, what would you have?" "Oh, a great deal It means to you what I prefer! But If I had my wish your silly drcam-uial.ing would be taken away from jou so that we might live sensibly." Now as she spoke Olselo slapped viciously nt tho black cross. And n thing happened to behold which would have astonished the magi and the en chanters who had given over centuries to scinching for the cantrap which would i flense the bees of Toupan. For now without nny exorcise of magic the scouring rag swept fiom the siono one of thee Insects. Koshchel, who made all things as thfy are, had de creed, they report, that these bright perils could be freed only In the most obvious way. because be knew this would be the last method attempted by any learned poisons. Now for an Instant the halls of the Ivory tower were a-qulver like blown veils. And the bee passed glllterlngly to the window, and through the clear glass of the closed window, leaving a small round hide there as the creature went to Join Its .seven follows In the Pleiades. Toupan, nlloat In the void, unclosed his ancient unappeasable ejes; nnd .Taey returned to his afoietlme estate In the moon, and all plants and trees everywhere were withered, and the sea also lost Its greenness and there were no more emeralds. And the High Cods were appalled to see their doom so nenr nt hand, and they cried out to Koshchel who devised them. Koshchel answered,: "Have pa Heme I When Toupan is released I fall with jou. Meanwhile I have made all things as they are." And In that Instant Mlramon Llua gor, as he stood blinking Wi his Ivory tower, was nwaie of a touch upon his forehead, as If n damp sponge wore passing over It. and he peicelved that lie had forgotten the secret of his wiz ardry .Something he could jet renall, they ny. of ii;r magic of the Purln and the ca?t stones, of the Hore and the Bull, of the Water, and most of the lore of the Apsnrasas and the raldhln rune rcnaluci! to him He could still make shift, he knew, to con trol the hitter Duergar. to build the fearful bridge of the White Ladles, or to contrlt the dance of the Korrrd. He Kept his mastery of the Shedeem who desnstatc, of tile Shehlrcem who terrify, and of the Mazikeen who do stroj. But such accomplishments, as be despairingly knew, were the stock In tratle of any fairly competent sor cerer anywhere; and that supreme se cret which had made Mliamon Lluagor the master of all dreams was gone away from him completely. He was very angry. "Accuied wom an 1" he cried out, "now Indeed has jour common sense completed what jour nagging began. This is tho doom of all icMsts 1 1 in t have to do with well-coiidticted women. Tiulj bus It been .;ill that the matrlage bed Is the grave of art Well, I have put up with much from jou, but (ids settles it, and I wKi, j cm were in the middle of next week." With that he caught the soiled scouting rag from the hand of (Jlsele, and he slapped at one of the teinalu lug bee, and brushed It from tho black cross. And this hoe departed as the other had done. Toupan now moved his wings, exult ing, and by his moving the worlds In that pait of the universe were dis lodged and i an melting down tho sky; (iatiracy swept the fiagmenls together and formed a sun Immcasurahlj great er than that which ho bad lost. And the High Cods were frightened now with reason, for in this Intolerable glare they showed as llluiy and In credible inventions, and they knew that If ever the last lemi.lnlng bee were freed fiom the crces. the dizain of tho Pleiades would bo completed, ami their day would bo over, and tho power would return to Toupan. Yet Koshchel, lifting never a linger, said only: "Lh. sirs, have patience! Tor I made all things as tlioj are. and I know now It Is mj safeguard that 1 have made them In two ways." But Mil union, In his Ivory tower upon Vialdex, know only that his wMi hud been granted, for Glcie had gone Just as a bubble breaks, "And a good riddance, too," sajs Mlramon. He turned to Nln.lan, that smiling (lend. "Whj. did jou ever see the like of such outrageousness!" "Oh, very often," loplled this N'ln zlnn, who too was man led. Then N'ln zlnn asked, "But what will jou do next?" Sajs Mit anion, "I shall wish to have back the secret and the solace of my art." But to Nlnzian this seemed less ob vious. "You may do that by ideas ing thp third bee. Yes, Mliamon, jou can get back jour art. but you will be left defenseless against the doom which Is nppolntod. No, filend. by my advice jou will employ the can trap as jou at tlist intended, and will secure for yourself eternal life by wishing that Flambergo may vanish from this world of men." And Nlnzian waved toward the sword with which tho Norns bad foi contained that Mlra mon Lluagor must be killed by Ids own son. The fallen wizard answered: "Of what worth Is life If it breed no more dreams?" And Mlramon said also, "I wonder, Nln.lan. Just where Is the middle of next week?" Sleek Nlnzian spoke, secure In bis infeinal erudition. "It will fall upon a Wednesday, but nobody knows whence. Oljbrlus states that It Is now in Aratu, whore all that enter are clothed like a bird with wings, and have mnly dust and clay to eat In the unchnnging twilight " "She would not like that. .She bad alwajs a delicate digestion." "Whereas Asinlus Pollio suggests, not implausibly, that it waits beyond Slid and CJold, In the blue bouse of Nostrum!, where Sereda herds the un born Weduesdajs, under a roof of plaHed serpents " "Dear me, now that would never suit a woman who had an almost mor bid aversion to reptiles!" "But Sosldes declares It Is In Nlbalba, where Zlpama and Cahia knn play at handball, nnd tho earth quakes are at muse " "She would bo none the happier there. She does not care for babies, .she would not for one moment put up with a fractious joung earthquake, and would make things most unpleas ant for everjbodj. Mn.lnn" and Mlramon coughed "Ninlan. I begin to fear 1 have been a little hasty." "It Is the frailty of all jou artists," the Hem! icplled. "In any event you have one wish remaining, nnd no more. You can at will desire to have back again the control of jour lost magics, or jou can have back your wife to control joiu" "Yes," sajs Mliamon. forlornlj-. "And indeed," the demon went on, with that glib optimism reserved for the dilemmas of one's friends. "In deed It Is In many wajs n splendid thing for j on to have the choice clear cut. Nobody can succeed alike at be ing an artist and a husband. 1 hold no brief for either career, because I think that art Is an unreasonable mis tress, and I think also that a wife Is amenable to the same description. But 1 am certain no mnn can serve both." Mlramon sighed. "That Is true. There Is no merrlpve for the maker of dreams, because, he Is perpetually cre ating finer women than earth provides, The touch of llesh cannot content him who has nrrango.il the shining hplr of angds and modeled the breasts of Hie sphinx Tho woman that shares his bed is thoie, of course much ns the blanket or the pillow Is there, and each Is an aid to comfort But what has the m.ik'T of dreams, what has that troubled help.' who lives Inside the cioature which a mirror reve.ils to him. to do with women? At best, these animals afford him models to be lde.il Ized beyond the insignificant truth, somewhat as I bnvo made a soul-contenting portent with only n lizard to start on. And at worst, those animals enn rive through no liult-u.. t oilnuii tnod.lllng where they do not under stand " Now Mlramon kept silence, lie was fingering the magic coitus with which he bhroaed tho llrst sketches of bin dream Here was his white, which was the foam of ocean marie solid, and the bl.uk ho had wrung from the burned bones of nine eniperots Hcie was the jellow slime of Scjro, and crimson (innabails lomposcd of the mingled blood of behemoths and dragons, nnd hero was the poisonous blue s.ind of Putooll. And Mlramon, who wi.s no longer a potent wlaul, considered that loveliness and horlor which a moment ago he hail known how to evoke with these pigments, he who had now no power to lend life to his designs, and kept Just skill enough It might bo to place tho striping on a harbor's pole. And Mlrnmon Lluagor said: "It would be a sad happening If 1 were never ngaln to sway the sleeping of men, and grant them jot moie dreams of distinction and clarity, of beauty and sjmtnetry, of tenderness and truth and urbanity. Tor whether they like It or not, I know that It Is good for them, and It affords to their starved living that which they luck and ought to have." And Mlramon said also: "Yet It would be another sad happening were my poor wife permitted eteinally to scold the shivering earthquakes In the middle of next week. What does It matter that I do not especially like her? Tlieie Is a great deal about nij' self that I do not like, such ns my bodj's il.ibblness, and the small nose which makes ludicrous the face I wear; but do I hanker to bo trans formed Into a stni dy inan-at-atms? Do I view the snout of an elephant with povetniisness? Why. but, Nlnzian, I am astonished at jour foolish talking! What need have I of perfection? What would I have in common with anybodj who was patient with me and thought highly of my doings? No. Nlnzian. It Is In vain that jou pester mo with your continuous talking, for 1 nm ns used to her shoitcomlngs as I am to inv own shoitcomlngs. I re gard her tantrums with tho resigna tion I extend to Inclement wenther. It Is unpleasant. All tempests are un pleasant. Ah. jes. but If life should become an endless clear May after noon we could not endure It; we who have once been lashed by storms would cross land and sea to look for snow and pelting hall. Just so, to have Clsele about keeps mo perpetual ly fretted but now that she Is gone I am miserable No, Nlnzian, jou may spare jour talking, you need say no more, for I simply could not put up with being left to live In comfort." Sir Nlnzian had hoard him Nirough, with that patience which Is requisite to frcads. Ami Mnzlan, shrugging, said. "Then do you choose Mlrnmon for jour wife nnd no more dreams, or for your nrt nnd loneliness?" "Such wishing would ho overwnste ful," Mlramon replied, as he tlustrtd away tho third bee. "Since I enn bear to give up neither my wife nor my nrt, no matter how doMroylngly they work against each other, I wish for every thing to bo put hack Just whore It was an hour ago " 'J lie last two Hew In a wide circle, nnd returned to the cross. Life re awoko In all which hatl perished In that hour, and Ciiuruey's baleful sun was gone, svitl the dislodged worlds nnd satellites were revolving trlmlv In their former places. And the High Cods rejoiced; for there were only seven Pleiades, and Toupnn, ufloat In the void, again seemed harmless enough, because tho ejes wore dosed wherein Is tireless and unappeasable malignity, and a foreknowledge which is perturbing to the Cods. Koshchel said only: "What need was there to worry? Did I not make my creatures mule and femnle? And did I not make the tie which Is be tween them, that cord which I wove equally of love and of disliking? Eh, sirs, hut that Is a strong corl, and fhuugh nil things that arc depenu upon It, my weaving holds." But Mlramon In his Ivory tower knew nothing of how he had plajcc! havoc with the universe; he only knew thnt trpon the black stoae cross thteo bees were crawling fretfully, and that his wife Clsele had come hack to him enraged. "A pretty trick that was to play on me!" she says. "Oh, hut I pity tho woman that is mauled to an artist!" "But why do jou perpetually med dle without understanding?" he te plled, as fretful as the accursed bees, as angry as the Intolerable woman. And they woat on very much ns be fore. Ireland's Famine of 1847. In 184", t'uinliiu In Irelnnd shocked the sensibilities of the people of the United States, who devised means to relieve some portion of the distress, concerning which many painful ac counts were printed In the papers nt the time, the Detroit News recalls American vessels vveie freighted bj piirato subscriptions In the United Suites and were sent on errands ol mercy to li eland, where entire fum Hies were howling with tho pnng- ol hunij'er, and dying upon thu pnvemeiit! of a crowded city, whllo speculators In brendsttifl's furtively cast the "sweated' portions of their giauarles Into the nlghttlde that it might he carried out In scat. It was said that liOO.000 pounds ster ling were due to the Provincial Ilanli of Ireland by one house engaged In the Importation of coin, which was bought by the cargo at 1.'J per ton, nieiely to be hoarded for a rise In prices. No satisfactory report of the distribution of the nrtltles sent from America waj ever nude. Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insistl Unless you see th name "Bnyer" on tmckngo or on tablet you are not get- ting tho genuine Bnjer product pro- scribed by phjalcltins over twenty-two , years and proved safe by millions for Colds llcadncho Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin" onlj. Each unbroken package contnlnp proper directions. Handy boxes of twelvo tablets cost few cents. Ding gists nlso sell bottles of 1!1 and 100 Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetleacldester of Sallcylicncld. Advertisement. Expert That Is Doubted. An export tries to tell us that ath letics will cure spooning. It dl'dn't keep the Stone age dandles from pot ting tho llnppcrs of their tiny. Mil waukee Journal. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from dnignists Kho nro constnntlv in direct touch with the public, there is one nrepnrntion tint has been very nucceMful in overcoming these conditions The mild nnd healing Infliinnrn of llr Kllmnr'a Huninn.Hoot. In tnlluenco ot ur. Kilmers emninp-nooi is Foon remizcci. ii huuiub uic ini?iiei " its remnrknblo record of tnicccs An cxMninintf physicinn for one of the iirominent Life IiiRtirnncu CoiupnnieB, in In interview on the wibject, made tho ns- Ioninhing ntatement that one reason why o many applicants for insurance arc re jected is becauFo kidney trouble is fo common to the American people, and the largo majority of those vhow; applications re declined do not even minpcct that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot is n Bale nt nil drug ntorcs in bottles of two bizcs, medium nnd lare. However, if you wish first to test this creat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., for n. sample bottle. When writing be suro and mention this paper. Advertisement. Recognized His Limitations. Tho great dramatlht of France, Cornellle, vviib so absent unci embar rassed In society that ho wrote of him lelf a witty couplet, ImportliiK that he was never Intelligible except through (he mouth of another. Ited Cross Dull Blue is the finest product of its kind In the world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows this statement to be true. Advertise ment. Weight of Human Heart. An ordinary human heart weighs fi 1-IJ ounccH, jet Its power Is sulllclent to raise its weight UO.USO feet in an hour. Her Reason for Splnstcrhood. "Think you'll ever marry, Klennor?" "Nn probably not. Men don't like women with brains." 1,1 fe. 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PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RcmomrMuiaraCt PlopilllrFlllnr Hectare Color and Deaotr to Cray and Faded KaU Ttfcn Client. Wri ratrlwg'if.rt.T HINDERCORNS nrmore Onmt. Cat Inuire. tin., atom ml pain, n.ur comfort to t!aa fret, makea walking rarr. Ita. by mall or at Drur (lata, UlaoozCbomlral Werka.I'atctuictM,M.T. IF YOUR Uses Cutter's" Serums and Vacclneiheti dointi his Ixit to conserve your VETERINARIAN I intertill, zsytiri concentration on on; line count for 1 something. The Cutter Laboratory "Thi Lttltrturj thit Kmxjl Iltw" Berkeley (U.S Lkouc) California W. N. U.( LINCOLN, NO. 23-1923. The Alibi. "Harold!" He gasped, stood stock still and looked pained. "Vou told me you got In last night at 10 o'clock. Yet I distinctly heard tha clock strike 21" "That's right, Mabel," he nodded, "it started to strike 10, hut 1 stopped It to keep from disturbing you." Klchmonc Tlmes-Dlspatch. A gossip never seems to bnve tlm to Investigate the facts. Northwestern Yeast Co 1730 N. Ashland Ave. Cliicago, 111. 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