The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 07, 1923, Image 5
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF M- i l A i r I " ftS TOLD TO US Carl Oglcvie was in Hastings Mon-day. Walker was in Hastings Sunday. Fred Slaby Co 3k Sunday. was home from Mc- G. R. McCrnry was down from Ina valc Friday aternoon. Miss Helen MeCall wa a asengci" to Lincoln Sunday morning. Ren McFntland was a passenger to Superior Tuc.-dny morning. Miss Ernia Ilrubakcr (of was a passenger to Ayr morning. Inaa'io Tucd.iy .lo'in I'oMtT of Ulttokwell. OUIiilianui arrived in thi city lust n glit for a visit with hi patent. J. E. I"etz went to Cowlc Tuesday morn'ng rn No. -i, tolurning homo that evening. V. D. Edson went to Omaha Sat urday morning to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. George Kailey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wyeth Kegel at A'mn. Ed Whitney and Hazel Shuck, both of Franklin, were granted t marriage 'icense M mhy. Miss Edna Grant was a passcnget to Hastings Fr'day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Low Ehly spent Sun day with relatives at Lebanon. A. R. Widle was a passenger Waco Monday morning en train 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunt spent Sunday with his parents nt Riverton. Frank Richardson has purchased a new Studcbaker car of Oglevie Bros. The Girls Sewing Clubs will meet at the Court House, Sntunlny afternoon Mike Stioble has been in Kansas City for the past icw days attending tj business matters. W. H. Rosencrans went to Dor chester to spend a couple of days at tending to business matters Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Stewart and Miss Jessie McCallum autoed to Lin coln Saturday to spend n few days. Mrs. A. M. Richardson has pur chased a new Studcbaker sedan, which she will drive through to Oaliforn'n. C. ('. McC'onkey returned t Grand l.lard Thurdny morning at'toi spend iny the past fow days hoio with rcl- ftfives j.nd attending the Decoiutiuii Day exercises here. Mr. and Mrs Thill ', Qual's return er home from Omaha Friday. She hn been there for several weeks re ceiving medical treatment in one o" the hospitals in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tope of Hast ings spent Sunday hero visiting at the home of Mr. and Mih. N. B. Bush and with other fr'ends They return ed home Monday morning. Misso Helen and Katiwiiuc Robin 'on arrived here M nday evening from Lincoln to snend a few weeks with their s'sters. Mr. Oliver Powell and M'ss Lucil'e Robinon. Miss Pearl Xewhouse ai rived here Friday from Peru where she has been attending the State N'ormal, to spend the summer vacation with her parents Mr. nnd Mr. E. H. Newhoue. MZtt&Zi YELLOW PENCIL tmAurr.cijiA:AQOMnwuNtfiiul ZZ loitritfiQ RED BAND MADcar II , 1iirr fcAGltPavCL CO. NEW Yum. U.S. A. x" m c world 2 j. igy. g y. .y. jj . j rj .g .j .. . . jj . . . i j- . . . . - j -,., jj : . Attorney F. J. Munday and A. U. KVey were in Nelson Tuesday after-neon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Frazicr of Hast ings spent the weekend with telatives here. Mr. and Mrs Jas Killiher are the parents of a baby boy born Friday morning. George Schaaf is attending the Sute Funeral Directors meeting at Omaha this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcintosh spent Sunday w'th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cvow at Republican City. Mr.?. Minnie Throckmorton went to York Monday morning after spending the past few days hero at her home. Mrs. Harriet Milligan of McCook is here visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zeiss. Attorney James Gilham went to Lin coin Tuesday morning to spend a few days attending to business matters. Roundhouse Foreman J. W. Hauck returned home on No. 15 Tuesday morning from Coffeeville, Kansas. where he was called about a week ago by the death of his mother. Mrs. George Hines ar"!M heie Thiirfdny evening from Wvmoro to spend a few dav visiting nt the li me of her parents, Mr and JtVs. Frank ;lc nnd with ot:ier re'atlves Miss Alta Fry, who has been at tending the Wesleyan College at Lin coin, arrived here Thursday evening to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fry. Miss Mildred Fey went to Kearney Friday morning on train 4 to attend the Kearney State Normal this summer. VACATION EAST THIS SUMMER Visit the scenes and see the s'ghts you've read about. Enjoy a delight ful succession of summer experiences. See surprising New York, amuse your self at Coney Island enjoy yourself at Atlantic City. Take a salt dip in the old Atlantic. Historic charm and quaintness blended with the usual see-shore at tractions invite in Boston and along New England's picturesque shores. Summer days arc magical in "The Land cf Evangeline" replete with mystical and natural beauty. In the Berkshire country the charm of lake, picturesque river and invit ing countryside arc ideally combined. i Amid the peace and restfulness of the Adirondacks are those shrines of the historic past which always carry a strong appeal. Te Catskills, "the Land of Rip Van Winkle," is a great natural play ground of the Eastern States. Then, there's Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands, the White Moun tains, the Green Capital, the resorts in the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains and a host of other de lightful places, large nnd small, each with a lure of its own. Round trip excursion-vacation tick ets to Eastern resorts are on sale now Your choice of a broad selection of routes. Long limits and liberal stop over privileges. It will do you a world or good to get away for a time. You'll come back with a set of new ideas and a new out-look on life. Decide where and when you want to go; then, come in nnrt see mo. If I haven't literature on the particular region in which you arc interested I will get it fo: you, and makoall ar rangements for your complete trip. Roundhouse Foreman J. W. Hauck received word the last of the week of the death of his mother at Coffeeville, place. Wi'.liam Bostock of Ayr and Leila L Parker of Guide Rock were granted a license to wed by Judge Ranney Sat ufday. Mrs. Jacob Peterson was a passen ger to Hastings Tuesday morning, where she spent the day v'siting with relatives. We are now prepared to give reason aide ti'i'ins on both Now and Used Cars payable monthly or in a lump sum. Oglevie Bros Mrs. Irene Weisz, who has been spend'ng the past week here with her sisters, Mrs. E. A. Crclghton and Mr.. W. A. Sherwood, returned to her home in Chicago Saturday morn ing. (t m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 'F Here is an Event You Have Been Looking for To Make Room for our Summer Stock will Close Out ALL COATS and SILK DRESSES 20 off Mr. and Mrs. Lester Amack return cd to tlieir homo in Seidell. Kansas, Fr'day morning after spending the past few days hero visiting with his parent-', Mr. and Mrs. Geoigc Amack and ..with friends. OF THE REGULAR PRICES This is a bargain as these COATS and DRESSES wer all marked very close at the beginning of the season and with this discount is lower than replacement cost. First come will have pick of stock so do not delay. These are all new goods bought this spring. BARBARA PHARES CWWTO) " ill L 1 to to to to ttt 0 tt vi h to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to J? A HIG TENT AND A MGiCHUItCH FOR VACATION BIBLK SCHOOL To Begin June 18 Tbo llfty-Mxth Annual convention of the Nebraska State Sunday School Association will be bold nt Kearney, June, 12, l.5. II. Miss Christine Ca'dwcli went t. Kctrncy Saturday morning whore she will attend summer school for the next fow weeks. Floyd McFarland of Nelson and Dai-y Killough of Guide Rock were granted a marriage l'ncense by Judge Ranney Saturday. Miss Margaret Miner 'eft for Chi ctgo Tuesday moiivng on train 4 where she will attend summer school for the n.ext few weeks. The local freight office received instruction Monday morning to ac cept all freight offered for St. Francis effective Tuesday morning. This lino has not been running through .-inco the lccont heavy rains and up until today the Burlington has had a largo force of men on that branch repa'ring track. Three carloads of hogs and Join carloads of cattle were shipped f:om here to the Kansas Oity market Sun day morning and one carload of hog to St. .Tee The stock run throat; n here cons'stcd of one bundled aim ninety-throo cais of t t1: for tin Missouri rlv.v market. 'I hey v. err handled in three trains. Different points west of here rcpoit the river rising the first of tho week. At Franklin they reported a raise of three feet in three hours late Suncay even'ng but it seemed to be goin down again Mnndav. Riverton re ports it out of its banks and still raising, the first of the week. Mrs. II. Ludlow wont to Guide Rock Tuesday morning to spend the day with her daughters, Mrs. Paul New house and Mrs. Ohas. Robbins. Mike Stroblc returned home Friday evening from Kansas Cfity whore ho purchased a carload of stock cattle to be fed on his farm this summer. Misses Mary and Minnie Christian were passengers to Kearney Friday morning where they will attend tho Kearney State Normal this year. Miss Ethel Hilton wont to Hardy Sunday morning on train 1C after spending a short tiipe Tiero visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sherwood. Mr. and Mr.-.. Edwin Moiri.son and children from Washington, Towu, ai rived here Friday morning, via auto, to snend a week at the homo of her sister, Mrs. R P. Wccsner. Mr. Julia Warren who has been making an extended visit with her daughter in Washington accompanied them. your tflTHow to Read Your 14 AND Characteristics nl -J and Tendencies the Capabilities or Wek- That Make for Success or Failure as Shown in Your Pala nestes It has been decided that the ten day Vacation Bible School which was announced some weeks ago to begin on Juno 18, shall be held at the Meth odist church. In this church there is more room, and more rooms. The big tent which was used last year has been secured for our use this year. 'I'.. is tent will be used as a woik shop in wh'ch much of the work will be done. AH the churches are cooperating in thi.sschool It is authorized and back ed by all tho churches through ; board of Education consisting of tin Pastors and Sunday School Superin tendents of the various churche.-. A last year, all boys and girls from the beginners up to and including the ;n termcdialcs and seniors will bo oli gib'c to registration. The school N open to any boy or girl of Rod Cloud or community. It is not for iv.v special class or special group. It s for all. The work will consist in. studies in devotion, hymn and scripture mem orizing, habit and health talks, les sons in citizenship and patiiotisrn, Bible study, mission study, while tho cxprcssionnl work will consist in pa per folding and cutting, needle work, basketry, wood work, and variou kinds of hand-craft such as the youngster-; will enjoy. The y ung stcrs will bring tlieir Bibles, needles, crayons, saws and nimble fingers. The aim will be to tcac.b, tho Bible, missions, good habits, good citizen ship and service, while recreation and exprcssional work will bo had iji wholesome proportions. ,, A special honest-to-goodness treat for every boy and girl who will rcg ister and be present for the first day. Watch for the announcement next week. MRS. II. A FRANTZ, Supf. 111 : , Si . .v ::' i . .s i i, .v : : it! : WEESNER'S SPECIALS Nancy Hanks Brand Gallon Peaches (jjj Gallon Loganberries, heavy pack Gallon Blackberries, heavy pack - Gallon Peaches, good quality, very special ( No. 2 1-2 Bartlctt Pears jj No. 2 1-2 Yellow Free Peaches - No. 3 Gypsy Boy Sweet Potatoes, special No. 2 Sunflower Brand Red Kidney beans No. 3 Gypsy Boy Hominy ::.? i i ! V : : , 101 Mrs. C. B. Crone went to Hast ings Fridav morning after spending tho past few days hero visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson and family. Mrs. D. B. Stunkard returned homo Thursday evening on train 17 after spending a short timo in Guide Rock w'th friends. Miss Verna Trine, who has been attending the University nt Lincoln, N. B. BUSH, anived home Thursday evening on train 11 to spend thosummer vaca Tjckct Agent. tjon .j,er0 with hor liarcntSi Mr am .urs. George irinc. LOSS OF MONEY IN THE HAND A S WE niny read by various signs " In the hnnd thnt tho fortunate suh- Ject has acquired, or Is to acquire, wealth through Inheritance or through Ids or her own exertions, so may wo read also, In the hand the loss of wealth, after It has been possessed and enjoyed. Inspect carefully the finger of Sat urn, tho middle or ring finger, near tbo top, for a star. If It appears plainly near tho edge of the finger It Indlcntcs loss of position and money. See, also, the mount of Saturn, which lies nt tho base of tho sumo linger. If It hears, near the huso or beginning of tho mount, a zigzag line, the same loss Is Indi cated, Naturally, It must he understood that these signs, as so many other In tho hand, are not ulwnjs perfectly clear nnd well-inarki'd! and great care inuot ho exercised In reading them, In con Junction with the other 'marks In tho hand. ( by th Wheeler Syndicate Inc.) 11 ii n Uifi Mrs. Edith James arrived here Fri day evening on train 11 from Wash ington, D. C. She intends spending the summer here with her father, Mr. A. Hoffman and sister, Mrs. Monroe Meinto. i !. ;.) I ! til! i iV V !J -: V i i&. i 75c 75c 75c 50c 25c 25c , 18c K15c 13c Try NIAGARA FLAKE LYE Doesn't Harden in the Can Another Car of Those Russet Table Potatoes Just Received All Nice and Solid 1 YOUR OPPORTUNITY Salesmen wanted by one rf the world's largest wholesale grocery honses; pos. sibllitloR of earning $1000 or more per year, with opportunity to build perma nent trade selling complete lino of groceries; a connection with a Iloube Unit advances Us salesmen into execu tive positions; previous experience sell, ing groceries not necessary. P.O. BOX II II, Chicago ELLl,: 1 III -txxinadBka IlZ 1 ' BLA CKSMITH1NG Ploco Oils Mowing Machine Repairs McCormick and Deering Sickles $3 to $3.25 Sections $1.30 Am Dm Stanley Geo. W, Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Renl Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud. :-: Netr. - To January 1st for only a dollar is a now special rate on the Dally Journal, with the big Sunday $1.G), good only in Nebraska and adjoining states, Kvcry family can afford the Lincoln Journal now. Tbo Morning paper is tho only ono that can bu delivered on mini routes tho biimo day prtujted, Other Lincoln pupors are a day lute Oi'St comics, continued stoilos, sports, tmbcbull box boores, roliablo associated I'resb timikots and complete Nebraska telegraphic news. You nuvor. got so much for your money n's you'll get in this special Journal oll'or. The paper "vflH. slop ,vhen y our Jlmo'is up;;.v C Joe Crow of Republican City wus in the city Tuesday. 1222 w'M Thursc O. 0. The Red Cloud Local No. ho'd an ice cream social evening Juno 14, at the I. hull. A short program and talk Farmers' Insurance by Vic Andera.n All members should see to., it that their dues aro paid up before July Ht, in order to get In on the dividends This, meeting will nffoi'd them an op portunity to pay up and also to re ceive now names for membership. ; iA-;, raiRCE, Pres.