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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1923)
RED CLOUD,. NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, NcbrnsUn. PUDLISflKD EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'ontoMlce nt licit Cloud, Neb at Hocond Clnsi Matter A. D. MoARTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Forcltfri, per column Inch 15c Locrvl, ' ' ",12.fel5 KJnlcy Uright returned to Iii.s home, nt Lincoln Monday afternoon aftc; upending the 11:1 t few days ncre at tending to business mutters nnd vis iting at the home of his brother Ed Uright. MEN YOU'MAY MARRY Dy E. R. PEYSER Has a Man Like This Proposed to You? Symptoms: Almost 4.", good looking, sweet, thoughtful, yet thoughtless. Ills clothes look like nn artist's palette with ago' old Mains, his shoes are rarely ever polished nnd often hacked some, his hands are clean but could be cleaner, bis ties were good once upon a time but now hanker after the rubbish heap. IN FACT He needs the rub In rubbish. Prescription to the Drldcto-Be. Learn the use of all clean ing ilulds and powders. Hire some valeting system to use when he Is out. Absorb This: The Whlok Rubber Is Worth Two of the Whist Rubber. ( bv McCluro Nvpaicr Syndicate ) a LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO LUTHERAN - gesesescdssssssssssssssssf) 7k Ik ii. x, w) : si k:zt SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 12 Ox Aaron Conover and wifo arc home from the world's ir. Red Cloud will have the eagle heream in good shape. Mrs done and children leave to night for Fall Held on a short vhlt. I'rof. 0. M. Caster Is spending his vacation in Missouri. Uefoie return ing to Rod Cloud he will take la the WJild's fair. The city dads have decided that Red C oud should have more territory and consequently have decided to com iiionco proceedings in the district court to annex the out lying precincts. This Isamovuluthe right direction. I'm! C oud city limits should bo at leas' two miles squire. Fourteen yours ago last Sutiirdriy niglit. lied Cloti'l had a very serious cyclone which destroyed much proper ty and injured a number of people, and fourteen years ago Friday niglit a very heavy frcst prevailed here which spoil ed nearly every growing object that had been planted The followlug are the uames of teachers for our public schools for the coming year and who were elected last Friday. Superintendent G. M. Caster. Principal Miss Elizabeth Brown. 2nd Assistant Mrs. E. J. Case. The following have not as yet been assigned to rooms: Miss Jennie Wad del', Miss Edith Ely, Miss Nellie West, Mary Nye, Miss Hboda Waddell, Miss MttMe Kelley, Miss Lula Warner, Mis Fidelia SclnilYiiit, Miss Dora Homier son. The board has made good selec tions !n every instance and should be highly commended for their action. Rpgulor services every first and third Sunday in the mouth iti the Advent Ut church at 11 a m. Pre tilling a 11 a. m. You are cordially invited to attend our ser?ices. O. R. Helnitz, pastor. ' (pr S) JOB WORK GARFIELD COMMUNITY 10 a. in., Sunday School. 1U:30 Chlhheiis Duy Piograni. Program by Young Peoples Depart, merit, S p. in. S.lfi Sermon The Suuduy School session on Sun day will be shortened in order1 to get time for the Children's Day 1'iogram. For the evening program, the De. votional committee of the department request that each one, both old and young come prepared to read or re cite a scripture verse with the word righteous or righteousness in it. The Vacation Iilble School began Monday with ,'W pupils in attendance. All children and young folks are In vited to the sessions of the School each foretioon of next week. The School will close with an exhibit and program Sunday evening Juno IT. CHRISTIAN 40 YEARS AGO around of the lIMI IwtiU I RED CLOUD Senator Case is able to got again, after a protracted siege rucuwniisui. Married by the Rev Geo. 0. Yeiser on the Sad of June, 1883, Mr. James Sutton and Miss Battle Watt all of Webster county, Nebr. It is currently reported, and upon pretty good authority, that there will bo at least two mote brick bulldluys erected on Webster street the present summer 10 YKAUS AGO "Suffer the little children, and for bid them, not, to come unto me; for to such bolongtli the kingdom of Heaven." Sunday morning we will have the regular services. In the evening the Sunday School will put on the Child ren's Day program. The committee, Virginia Caldwell, Ruby Hanson, and Grace Huutington, aie putting lots of time and thot into the preparations. This being Ilome Mission day the of. fcritig will go to Home Missions. The church was tilled almost to ctpacity to enjoy the verv helpful Union bervice Sunday evening. The Missionary meeting, Friday afternoon was especially interesting, Mrs. Cocberan, who has taught in both Indian and Negro schools told u something of the work and some very 1 vely discussion ensued. The Society voted to put Every Lund, a children's magazine into the City Library and the magazine lias already been ordout'. Rev. Nelson returned Suuduy mort ing from the Western Christian Cor ventlon and reports very tine progress throughout the whole territory. in nil ! p iii mi m m nil inum i ii i fe LET US FIGURE WITH YOU WHEN YOU WANT SOME P R I N Tl N G Whatever price we quote, you may be sure that the quality of work you receive will be the best it is pos sible to produce. We will be glad to come to your place o! business, and talk it over. BOTH PHONES The Red Cload Ghief -'' Dr. W.H. McBride DENTIST Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Red Cloud, Nebrask CLOUD SUN., JUNE 10, 3 p. m. vs RED CLOUD The visitors have a fast team and a good game is assured the fans. Dillon, a 'left hand twirler, formerly with the Lincoln State League team will be on the mound for the visitors. Come out and see this game as it will be a good one t i f In A ura r I 1 Adm. 50c. Children 12 to 16, 2Sc. i 1 f 311 i MAY 15 STAW HAT TIME -t p- SEE OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF NEW STRAW HATS NEW BLOCKS NEW SHADES NEW PRICES tALSO A NEW SNAPPY LINE YOUNG MENS SPORT SUITS $18.50 to $37.50 Miss Clma llurgetb spent Tuesday Hustings. Dr. Miles was a pasellger to Lincoln last Friday morning. , , j , lame. Miner had the misfortune to have one of hi arms broken lat week. Mr-., lb-lie Kengle, loft for Victor, Colo., Sunday evening for a short vl-di Mis-, Uutb Johnston departed Mon day morning for Peru to attend Not. mil. Nellie West Castor ai rived in the oily the lust of the week from Yoilt, Nebr Father Kitzgerald and Kerimrd Mi -Neiiy weie in Nelson, Tuesday, on bti-i-ness, Col. J. II. Ellingur is now driving a new t'adillo") auto which he purchased last wecit. Mis-, Margiii'iite Uichardson has re turned home from Indiana where she has been attending school Harry Cramer U buck iiKiiiu In his old position In Turuure & Son'.-, store after a eliort May in Oinaluiand Plans mouth Dr. 11. V. Nicholson of Lincoln linn arrived in the city and taken posse sion of the Dr. Trumblo dental busi- iies which ho purchased u fw weeks a,-o Misb l'.eattlce MclCeighan was seri oiislv injured on Tuesday, in Lincoln, where she bad gone to visit her moth er, blie was htuuilltig near a uon-uro wben a catridge, wlncli had been gathered up with the trash, e.ploded, the bullet passing through her wrist. "w- i'xim ynsvmL ,t"- vtf 'v NEW OXFORDS NEW CAPS The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. Always Rclieiblc ni1F ifir iinrir BAPTIST Ilible school nt lu a. in. Morning Service at 11 n. in. Subjc Keviuw of Five yrtat llelicious Ci n- veutious held this last mouth. National FiindiuneiiUls Convention at Ft. Worth, Texas. American lbiptist lilble Union at Kansas City. Southern llnptist Convention at Iv.iusah Ulty. Noi'tliern UaptNt Convention lit At,laniio City. I'lesbyterian (Seneral Assembly at Iii'liauapoli. At the evening hour next Suuduy will occur t'.ie annual observance of "Children's Day, with a good program of Songs and KxMcl"es oT vtry inter es'lng char ictei. participated in by the Hiiliro Ilibli- SimooI. Tne-e ir w.irianied to please all who attend. General Prajer and Conference meeting on Wednesday evening At tlie Monthly Communion Service last Sunday tho Hand of p was given to ten new addition- to tin chinch, there ate btill others to receive it Financial matters have been ar ranged and the Pastor retained for another' year. Cordial invitation to all not intern1, elsewhere. I. W. Fdson, Pastor. vrajHt'iv fc t. r j HOARD OF EDUCATION HOLDS KKfiULAU MONTHLY MHFT1NC. Hod Cloud, Ncbraslca. June 1 192U. Yne Hoard ( f Education met in, rog ulur session at tho Commercial Club ro uns at 8 o'clock p. m. All members present except C. J. Pope. The minutes of meetings of May 7th and 11th wore read and approved. Tlit following bills were audited and allowed and Secretary instructed to draw warrants for same: Mrs. Ethe! Kailey $ 15.01 Joe Hewitt 81.03 O. C. Tcel .75.00 II. S. Foe .. 75.00 Cei. Hutch'son 75.00 V. A. Sherwood 19.90 S. H. Florance 19.90 15 V. Stewart 19.90 Ficd E. Mnurer - - - 19.90 Pope 11 ro.- 10.110 Johnson &, Graham .. 2.S0 i L. Cotting . .... 3.95 Grice & Grimes 1 ..;..,...... 18 50 Art Nelson 578.01 Webster County: Argus .1.75 Itcd Cloud Chief ,.. 15.50 Wmdraff Printing Co .. 87.81 No further business the Hoard ad journed. B. F. PERRY, Sec. Straight talk on Cream Separators by Tljfc M li. HM " UtO.5 1 KIJNfc- M Red Cloud, Nebr. TJfITH a single tool the combination wrench and screw driver shpwn below, which is included with every De Laval you can take it apart and set it up again in a few minutes. Could anything be easier or simpler? There are no complicated parts no chain drives, no cog wheel puzzles, no ball bearings to get 'flattened or broken. Every adjustment can be made quickly by tin: man on the farm without special tools of any kind. Such simple construction makes the De Laval not only the longest lasting but also the easiest separatoi to clean and care for. THE ONLY TOOL REQUIRED WITH A NEW DE LAVAL Wo will sell you a Do Laval on terms th&t can't help suiting you. Corcc in nnd examine tho machine; let us ihow you what it will do. SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A jSEsmsteEsmisiiamisaa imimi, !, i niwii iiiim ii ii minimi mmiwuiiin (By FARM HUKEAU NOTES Extension II. R. Fausch, County Agent.) STOCK JUDGING PRACTICE Thursday nnd Friday, June 14 nnd 15th Club members will hold their competive Stock Judging Contest and a team will ho selected to represent Webster county at the State Fair. M. Ii. Pis -on, Animal Husbandry Specialist of Lincoln will be in charge of the contest. On Thurrfday, June 14th at 10 a. m., the contest will start at the Auld Johnson farm southwest of Guide Rock, where hogs and cattle will he judged. On Friday, Juno 15th at 10 a. m., sheep judging nt II. II. Crowcll farm northwest of Red Cloud and in the afternoon horse judging at W. E. Thorpe north of Bladen. DAIRY CONTEST All members in Dairy Coif Club will meet nt tho Starke Holstcin farm ctut of Red Cloud Monday, June 18t,h. N. W. Lauritson, Dairy Srcciulist will be in charge of contest to s-dect a diury team. C0NTE3T AT HASTINGS Tuesday, Juno 10th tho two Wch stci county teams will take part in a Diftrict contest to ho held at Hat-ingi-.. AUTO TOPS Look the Old Top over and see if you don't need a New One. Tops Made to Order. LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery 2 Doors South ol Farmers Union. UH on i PHONE YOUR COAL f-'-i H ORDER TO -3 Fi m Last Thursday this Superior ball toam crossed bats with the loeil team on tho'honio diamond. Tho visitors won by a 6coro of 8 to 7. It will ho different when our team plrtys the visitors on a return game. FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 -:- Ind. Phone 12 M HI TRADE WITH THE RED CLOUD MERCHANTS WHERE YOUR DOLLARS GO THE FARTHEREST v y I J 'H v m