RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF l.? VAnEW-aA JU.WTIf'IWMH.WIW.i Hip. jauM ; 0 l Matrimonial Adventures The Tenth Mrs. Tulhington BY Ellis Parker Butler Author of "Tlir. Incubator llahj," "('oiifeHhitin iif n. Il.ully," "Hint l'up." "(hrer. fill MiiiibrIpm," "lied !liiul," "Ilinnliili Ilciin," "(lout's lYlltlirr," "I'lillo O11I1I1." "I'lss Is rijt," "Jn rami." etc. Opyrtht by OnltoJ feature Syndicate KLLIS PARKER BUTLER EDITORIALLY SPEAKING I ilo not bollovo thorn nro many people In this country who nnod nn Introduction to Kills I'nrkcr Huth-r, whosu llrit fntno arrived Mltli a llttlo Htory called "I'lK9 Is l'ltrs." That fatno has been ki-ovv-Iik Bteaillly ever bIiico with his many books, short storle.i nntl mnvine pictures He Ina lectured, too, In all parts of the United States and Is, por Imps, best known na ono of our most popular humorists, though he writes Union of a serious and Interesting nature, alio. Ho pays he Is ono of tho few American wrlmrs who did not bejrln his litor nr training on a nowflpaper. Ho was born In Muscatine, In , and wont Kast bout 23 ycara ngo. He is very modest about himself. It Is dlflliult to pet him to to'l you anythlnK. but I finally did extract that he Is married and thlii fully lunllfleri to write for the Star Au thor Series of Matrimonial Adven tureshas four children, two of whom aro twins: and that when ho Is not wrltlnc ho would llko to bo fishing ami that ho l.i much Inter est d In tlno cultivation of tulips. You have an understanding when you are tf.lklnj; to him of tho ureat popularity of his work, for ho seos the llttlo kindly, human points of life In a humorous way thnt never hurt.H and with such amuzlntr ln FlKht. too. Ho Is constructively cntertaltilnK. "Thi Tnth Mrs. Tutktnp;ton" Is n h.mnrous story yos, but hasn't it a serious sldo? M.UVT BTKWAUT CUTTING, Jit. I. My only excuse for throwing George Itthi'ra into the lily-pool at midnight Is tV;ii I thought ho was my wlfo Swan. As n president of n bank and a h!ghly respected and weighty citi zen J most seriously object to being allo'f "Italdy," and I particularly oh Joe: to being slapped gaily on the top of ry liend with an open hand. Or any other kind of hand. And I be llevrd this Tlthers person my wife's brother, I'm ashamed to say was In Turope. Naturally, then, when I had been dreaming that my wlfo was standing above me In n divorce court, denouncing me to the Judge, nnd de claring that even the sight of my bald head had come to be nauseating to her, my first thought when I felt the slap on the head nnd heard, "What lio, ttaldy!" was that Susan was at tacking me. In an Instant I bad leaped from tho marble bench and had grappled with my attacker. George Tlthers cried out a moment too late, for Iliad already glen a mighty heave and had thrown hint full length Into the lily-pond. As my mistake became apparent to me as I saw George Tlthor. coming nut of the lily-pond on Ms hands and knees, I apologized frankly. "I beg your pardon," I said; "I thought you were my wife." "Bother! I should think so!" GecViie said as ho emerged and shook himself like n dog. "Hut It's not a nlco way to treat a lady, Tulky; Is It, no'? Wife drowning Isn't done In the best circle any more, you know. Hut, T siy: lias It come to this, really? The little gray home In the West must be off Its feed, what?" Now, my home Is not gray nnd It Is not In the West; It Is white marble mid on Long Island; but I lot that pns!), Genrge Tlthers had In his silly way put his finger on tho exact fact ; our hnmo was "off Its feed," as ho chos to say, and entirely off Us feed. I made George remain where he was while I explained the mntter fully and to It" least detail. Toward tho end of tho first hnlf hour, as the night grew chilly, his teeth began to chatter nnd a Utile later he sneezed many times, with gradually Increasing violence, 'hut ho Ustened patiently. This deep ened my 'bought that George nnd his precious wife must bo (lend broke figaln, bu I was glad to htu-e even a dead-brole brother-in-law hear the truth about Susan and myself. That truth wrs that after twenty years of mnrrled life wr hated each other. As a matte of f.vt the reason I was on the niaible bench by tho Illy-pool at mldnlgl t wrifl because I bad told Susan I woiild never again spend an hour i nder the same roof with her nnd thnt tomorrow wo would begin seemlr but Immediate preparations for a ser,irntlnn and divorce. I had meanf to spend the night on thnt mar ble bench, "I fit.. !" Georgo exclaimed between sneeies, when I had concluded. "The Jlttlc old troublo has become quite a snorter, what? .Tolly full tlmo the doc-' lor Mas called, yes? Arrived In the nick of time, didn't I, Tulky? And, I say, do you mind If I ensconce mself In tho pool a lilt? The water seems n bit warmer than tho nlr." The Idiot, I do believe, would have gono back Into the pool, but that pre cious wife of his came out looking for Mm. She teemed to take his Illy-pool hath us a matter of course, aulte as If It was n habit of his to bnthe la Lily pools nt mldulght, fully clad as 1 have no doubt It Is. "llathlng, Genrge?' she said, after she had greeted me kissed me, mlpd you J "Ho huru to have a brisk rub before you turn In. Jcntl you can come Into the bouse now, Augustus; Susan has explained everything and the chauffeur Is sleeping In tho kitchen. Susan has taken his room In the garage; temporarily, 1 hope, but It Is a very comfortable room. You do treat your servants well, Augustus. It Is a lovely trait." "Susan attends to the servants," 1 said reluctantly. "Does she? She does everything so well, doesn't she?" said George Tlth ers' wife. I might have said. In reply to that, "Too confounded weMI" but I did not. II. "The trouble," said George, when be had pom od himself a chill-preventer, "Is that Susan is a wife In a million. I'll say In eight million. You told her she was a wife In fViMlon, didn't you, old top, when you were u newly-wed?" "None of your business t" I grow led. "Ah I Ho confesses"' said George Tlthers. "And now, Gussle, mo lad. because she Is Just that a wife In a million wives exactly like her you are sore. What? Horedt Hltlng the old fingernails with ennui! Dead sick of dear old Sue. and denr old Sue dead sick of nice old Giistus! The trouble with you and Sue, me lad, Is that you need n couple of stage-managers. That's trouble Number Ono. And troublo Number Two hnngs on It you're both natural bigamists" "Stop right there !" T cried. "Llko all of us L'l:e all of tisl" said George. "Not another word!" I exclaimed, exceedingly angry. "Whoa up!" George said then. "Stop here I The bosw says stop. We're through. Amelia. only meant to tell him of Lord Algy nl Lady Mercedes, but he sajs 'stop J' t1 we stop!" "Oh, Lord Algy nnd Lady Mercedes !" exclaimed Oontgf's wife. "The hap piest two people; Much a happy pair!" "Always marrying! Alwti.vs marry and gay. what?" The poor wretr'i laughed heartily at his miserable pun. "So cheery and happy! Alwa,s ill vorclng each other and mnrrylng some body else, and mtirrylng each other ngaln so gnyly!" exclaimed Amelia. "Hecauso a man gets tired of the dear old wife after twenty years, even If she Is my sister," said George. "And of the dear old reliable hus band, even If he Is the most respect able old baldy," said Amelia. "Especially If he Is tho same dear old reliable husband," George correct ed her. "It's the blessed routine that warps 'em. don't you tlilnk?" "Hntherl" said Amelia heartily. "It's like being married to tho bally old Westminster Abney, what?" said George. "Act of parliament needed to permit even tho riotous Innovation of a new tombstone. Not n new hair on Old Hald-Top in thirteen years! Not a new-stylo hlc-cough out of dear old Suilc since tho wedding bells!" "Stop It!" I cried Irritably, for he was pnttlng tho top of jny bond, the silly donkey. "Leavo my head alone! Whnt about this Lord Algy and this Lady Mercedes If you must talk?" "Oh, they're Just off-agaln on-ngaln gay llttlo murders, Augustus!" George said. "Tired of ono wife, get another; tired of one husbnnd, get nnother. It's done In their circle. A man does get tired of the snmo old wife. Itnutlnn stuff, If you get me. Deadly monotony, what? Sick of the sight of her; hate her what?" "It's In us," said Amelia placidly. "The bigamy thing, I mean. Any man who can afford It and Is not restrained by convention or his ethics hops about a bit; has a variety. King Solomon, the sultan, Henry Eighth, Lord Ilyron. And Tit by, here." "In a way of speaking," said Tlthers modestly. "And myself, Tithy," said Amelln. "In a wny of speaking, as you remark, darling. And Cloopntra, and the queen of Shobn by all accounts." "Now, stop this nonsense!" I said. "You know, both of you, that you do not run about after other men and women " "Well, rather not!" cried George. "He don't get us, Amelln; he's n lilt dense. Tell him." "Marriage," said Amelia, "Is nlmost never a failure; mnrrled life Is. Mar riage Is tho first Joining of two pcoplo together, nnd Jolly sport It Is with the getting acquainted Intimately, rubbing sharp points together, nnd nil. Some-l thin' Interestln' nil tho while, what? And then, In n few years five, maybe, or ten, or twenty comes married life; tho routine stuff. Awful bore, some times; snmo old wife; samo old hus band; same old ways nnd everything! Nothing now ! They get Jolly well sick of ench other, nnd no wonder." "A man n man with a business to attend to can't bo running n round divorcing his wife every day or so," I nhl. "Crickets, no!" exclaimed George Tlthers. "Ilo'd be doing nothing else; that's not tho right card the right card Is to marry tho whole lot at the first Jump oft, If you get me." "I don't," I said dryly. "You did It, though," said Amelia, with a laugh. "Susan did It, too. It's a poor stick of a woman thnt Isn't a doen women, and a poor stick of u man that Isn't half a dozen men." "Whnt we mean," Tlthers broke In, "Is that you and Sue need to be stage managed, what? You two have twenty roles In you, between tho two of you, but you won't change. You, Augustus, keep In the middle of tho stage forever and a da? as the Heavy Father nnd Sue has been pla".lng the Faithful Wife twenty long years. 'Twentieth year of the appearance of Hon. Augustus Tulklngton end Mrs. Augustus Tulkltig ton In their disgustingly fnmlllar parts of Honorable Augustus Tulklngton and Mrs. Augustus Tulklngton,' what? it's not a wonder you want n divorce; it's a wonder you don't tnutder each other." Amelia Tlthers was looking at tno thoughtfully. "You can't grow new hnlr," she said, "hut ".on might wear n wig occa sionally." "Whnt ho, yes!" cried Tlthers, Jump ing front his chair excitedly. "When he stages himself ns the Coned toil Elderly A-s, what? A toupee, what? And white spats t And ti monocle? No, not n monocle. A monocle can't be done." Hut It was done. It was not it com plete success, It would not stick In my c.c. but I dangled It from a siring and learned to swing It around my fore finger quite well. Exceedingly well, 1 niaj say. Ill As nn. thing seemed preferable to divorce. Susan and I, after thorough consideration of the matter In com pany with Georgo Tlthers and his wife, agreed to appoint -George and Amelia stage managers of our married life nnd I allowed them u liberal compen sation. Afier a long consultation Gi-go nnd Amelia decided that It would be best for George to be my per sonal manager while Amelia managed Susan. I agreed to everything In ad vance, but 1 was surprised wlietv George presented me with a sheet of paper at the top of which be had writ ten "Cast of Characters." On this sheet were written six varieties of bus bands, all men of my acquaintance, and no two alike. At the bead of the list was written "January Self, pros perous banker." And following this was "February 11. 1 Dlggleton, club man, henvy sport," and "March Win ston Hopple, lllrt, lady-clui-sor," and so on down to "June Carey S. Flick, con ceited elderly fusser, etc." July I was t'j'iln to be "Self, prosperous hanker." An 1 on for tho second six months. As the month was now August I was to be, not no self, but a person resem bling as nearly as possible II. I'. Dlg gleton. For the month of August Su san was to have as her husband not myelf lint, to nil Intents and purposes, some one equivalent to II. 1. Dlggle ton. George Tlthers saw that I was fully equipped with manners and habits; when he could not be sure what II. 1 Dlggleton would do be Invented something new for me to do Instead. 1 admit that as the day approached when I was to become a practically new and unknown husband to Susan I became keenly excited. Tills was not because I was to bu another man but because I knew I was to have in Susan an entirely new wife. 1 bail never been so Interested In anMhlug In my life. When- the thirteen trunks, con taining the thirteen complete sets of costumes Susan was to wear In her th'rteen impersonations came Into the house and were carried to the store room I actually trembled with excite ment as I saw them and noticed the huge white numerals painted on their sides. I say thirteen trunks because Amelia Tlthers had decided that, month by month, Susan should be thir teen women. She felt that Susan, be ing n woman, was equal to the task, and by letting Susan be a different womnn each month for thirteen months while I ran, so to speak, In n cycle of but six months, it would be many years before the same husband could have the same w lfe. If, for example, Susan should be Mary P. Miller In August to my H. P. Dlggleton, there would lie no danger that she would bo Mary P. Miller to my II. P. Dlggleton tho next August, because If Mary P. Miller was wife No. 1, when August came again Susan would be wife No. l.'l, and the next August she would bo wife No. 12. Thus a continuous novelty was as sured. On the glorious August morning when our experiment was to begin I opened my eos nnd raised myself on my elbow to take u last look for twelve months at the old Susan Tulklngton. Sho wns not there. leaped from bed, bathed and hurried Into the clothes George Tlthers had supplied for my Dlggleton Impersona tion and hnstencd down stairs. "Your wife?" Amelia Tlthers said pleasantly. "Ob, you'll not see your wlfo this month at all! She Is, this month, ono of the gatldy ladles who lly from their husbands In tho sum mer. Susan has gono to Newport, thence she goes to Alaska. You can aspect her as the second Mrs. Tulklng ton on or nbout the first of September." I can assert that Susan and I did not quarrel that August. In fact, I never loved and longed for Susan as truly as I did toward the end of that month. I wasted, so to speak, my II. P. Dlggleton role on the desert nlr, but George Tltlicra kept me spurred to the role and I am sure I did well. I made uso of all my clubs nnd I did enjoy them. I played more miction brldgo than In all my previous life. "Gus," ono of my friends said. "I hardly know you! You're like a dlf feient man. Mabe you didn't know It, but j on were getting stupid and stodgy ou were getting In the 'old family man' rut. Well, bid 'em up; hid 'em up!" I met, toward tho end of August, u banker from Nome. He hnd met Susan at Portland. "Some, wife!" he said enthusiastical ly. "Some lively lady, Mr. Talking ton! Just shows how folks can be mistaken Henry Torker, who was down here last year, said your lady was ono of these house-broke Indies, one of the nice old family ior.son.s. Oh, bo r It was with some trepidation that I awaited Susan's return In September. I was grateful to Amelia Tlthers for taking Susan far away while she was lmiiersonatlnjj such a lively lady as Mr. ' Ilutchlns of Nome fond suggested shtt was Impersonating, and I admit that I was glml 1 was to filvo her tit for tut. so to speak, since my September sched ule called for me o be a Winston Hop ple, lady killer and lllrt. After a (ow evenings of coaching by George Tlthers 1 sure I would be utile to carry my Hopple role In a manner that would not aiise Susan the least monotony. Two nt three of tho ladles In our summer colony seemed quite willing to nsslst me in giving the part verisimili tude. W hen Susan arrived she gave me one kiss nnd hurried to her room, hut Amelia TSthers paused a moment. " "U'll be surprised!" she whispered. "Siisiiii Is doing it o wonderfully! And our little practice trip came off splendidly. You'll never again tiitnk of .Susan as a stodgy, stupid married old-thing sort of pet sou. You Just wait '" When Susan came down to dinner I was Indeed surprised. I turned flout Amelia Tlthers, with whom I bad been tloing my best to tllrt, and gasped. Such well, such lack of clothes; Sinli aliimdance of lung eai rings! "The umpire-typo!" breathed Amelia Tlthers. "Doesn't she do It well?" Sin did! For a few September dnys I did try to lllrt with some of our female neighbors, but before a week was up I found l had enough to do In making love to Susan unit In trying to crowd between her and the men who seemed to take her masquerading in can est. We bad one row, with Susan In siiuiy colls so to speak on the l'iilse longue, when I told her what t thought of her conduct and she called attention to mine, hut we kissed and made up like young lovers. The net minute she was vamping old Initi' Peabody, the silly old fool! And I had to make eyes at his stuffy old wife In self-defense. It was, In deed, a hasty and hectic month, as George Tlthers said. "Thank Heaven," I said to George, on the last day of September, "Ibis month Is over. I hope Susan Is to lie something respectable In October." "1 say, ymi know !" George ?xc!.".!:".ivL "let: don't rnow that wife or mine. Up nnd doing, what? Always a little bit more, what? Spread a bit more sail Mint's her motto, If you get me." "Von mean to tell mo " 1 gasped. "Well, rather!" exclaimed George Tlthers. "Upward and onward, so to speak." He was right ; Amelia must have told him. "Well educated shovv-ghl who is not Just sure she has man led the right man," was what Amelia had cast Susan for In October. It was with the greatest dllllculty thnt I was able to maintain my role of u man who re gretted ills past and was seeking his solace In good books. It was Indeed haul lor me to sit with the second vol ume of Henry Esmond nnd see Susan making merry with half a doen brain less noodles while her clothes were practically an Incitement to unseenilv levity. "It has been a lovely month," Susan snld at Its close. "I did feel so fiee. I hope you're to be something retiring in November. I'm to be " "Whnt 7" I snarled. I do believe I snarled. "Walt and see'." a said. The next evening when I returned from my bank and met Susnn I fell Into n chair and stared at her. She, who had never used rouge had used it too, too abandonedly. Her gown I can only describe It by saying that even Mrs. Hlnterberry, who goes what Is poetically the limit, would have hesitated to wear If. "Like the countess of Duxmlnster! Amelia Tlthers breathed In my ear. "Clile, yes?" I shuddered. I hnd read of the countess of Duxmlnster; It was sho who gave the notorious party at which she lost thirty thousaitft pounds sterling and then hot nil her garments and lust I And tills was but November, and Amelia Tlthers' motto was 'Spread a bit more sail,' nnd there were nine more Impersonations on Susan's list! I closed my cjes and groped for the stair bannisters. When I reached the upper lloor I dodged for the stairs that led to tho storeroom. There, In a row, were the twelve trunks. Number l was not there; was evidently In Su san's boudoir For a moment I stood before trunk Number ft. It was tin locked ; so were they all. I put my hand on the lid and hesitated. After all I could guess what might be In trunk Number fi. I might as well know the worst. I staggered to trunk Number 1H. Now, I trust I nm not a coward, but I did not dare open the lid of that trunk. A dozen times I drew u deep breath and a dozen times I hesitated. 1 turned to trunk Number 12, to Num ber 11. "Augustus," I said to myself, "be a man! Face this thing!" I threw open tho lid of the trunk containing what was to be, In effect, the tenth Mrs. Tulklngton. At first the trunk seemed to ludd nothing but a few i od artificial Honors and some liny, lumped In one small corner. I lifted these. There was nothing else In tho trunk! The red llowers, as I looked at them, assumed a meaning they were a wreath for the head; the liny wits sewed to n narrow band. There was extremely short hay. Pie tines of Hawaii and the South Sim Islands Hashed on my brain. I saw my Susan or. n sandy bene':. In my im agination I could see nearly all of the beach nnd ncirly nil of Susan! I felt sick; suddenly and extremely sick! So this was to be my wife! Tills was to lie the tenth Mrs. Tulklng ton! I could feel the cold por,prn tlon oozing nut of my pores. My Susan In a hay hi-ip shade and a wreath of red petunias! I hardly dared turn my eyes toward trunk Number 11. I dared not raise tlin lid; I could think of notb'nt; but Eve Eve In the Garden of Lden, 1 lifted tho tnink by the handle and i shook It. Nothing I There was ab solutely nothing In that trunk' And be.vond It stood trunk Number 12. And I eyom! that stood trunk Num- her l.'ll I went down the stairs slowly. Five times I stopped and stood, trying to overcome the trembling of my limbs; ' tr.vlng to regain my usual composure. This unseemly business bad gone far enough; trunk Number 10 might do for a Lady Mercedes, but for a re i spectable American wife no I The ,' tenth Mrs. Tulklngton might please Lord Algy but ns for pleasing Angus- . tus Tulklngton- no I I met Susan in the ball. I grasped her arm firmly "Susan." I said, "I have had enough . of this! I have had plenty of Susans." I "Augustus!" she cried, nnd threw I her arms around me. "Augustus, I have had more Augustuses than I could bear. I want Just my U Augus tus! I want my plain old Augustus !" , "And I." I snlil lirlsldv. "wnri notli. , Ing bin my same old 'susnn. Tills ... ... vvnoie tiusiness lias been nothing but Idiocy. We can vary the monotony of our iiiatrled existence without cowmlt tlng Imitation bigamy by retail and wholesale." I was tremendously relieved, for I admit now that I had been trillion dously frightened. The tenth Mrs. Tulklngton had upset me. "Susan," I whispered firmly, for I was not going to let her cnnie under the Inlluetico of Amelia Tltlieis anch or moment, "go up to your room ntid prepare for a Journey a Journey with our own husband, You nro going to Palm Heuch with our Augustus, a i spectahle hanker and married nnn. In five minutes the car will be at fie door. Hurry for wo have no time to waste. Put Susan I" I added as she turned to hurry up the stairs. "Su san! Will you tell me one thlr?g? What was In the eleventh trunk?" "Nothing, Augustus,'.' she said, her hand on the rail. "And In the twelfth trunk?" I naked with a deep breath. "Less than nothing, Augustus," naiil Siiftin. 1 .shuddered to think of what a vv'fe may he capable when drivvn to It by deadly routine. "And In the thirteenth truni, Su san?" I asked hoarsely. "Why, you old silly, my mm clothes," said Susan with a laugh; "the clothes I was wearing when Amelln and George came." "Oil!" I said stupidly. "Oh! Well, you've no time to pnek anything; .vou'll take tho thirteenth trunk." From Palm Peach 1 sent u Inrge cheek to George Tlthers, and he nnd Amelia were gone when we returned. That was several years ago, but I can not persuade Susan to allow me to have those twelve trunks thrown out of the sforeroom In the attic. "No, Augustus dear," she always syas, "I know now that monotony is the one great curse of married life, and I love jou so dearly, Augustus, that I want always to have a few of dear Amelia's trunks to windward." SMALL FAMILIES THE RULE Two Wlvca and Two Children Seem to Be the Limit of the Pygmy's Ambition. A pygmy family rarely If ever com prises teore than four to five persons. A husband usually lias only one wife, and never more than two, while two children Is the average number, three being considered too big a family to rear. Tho babies are Interesting little creatures, but to me they seemed to compare .ery favorably with white baliles. says a World Wide Magazine writer. The pygmy makes n good husbnnd nnd father, though bo Is not averse to giving his wife a sound beating when her behavior seems to lilni to merit drastic punishment. Partlcnhiily no ticeable Is the low opinion which most of the tribes outside the finest zone have of these ipns-r little people whose thievlni: propensities have earned for them classification with pests like the hyena and tho Jackal. One native spnke of them In my hearing us "wood rats" nnd spnt contemptuously ns ho did so. Britain's Debt ts "Scalawags." i What chance of success In life had j .Titmos Cook, who Is honored through- , out the I'ngllsh-spcaklng world as ex ploror navigator? If he were In his native illago today we can Imagine i lilm being picked out by some earnest reformer as nn example of the hope less state to which boys "on the land" 1 are condemned. Ilefore bo was In his lions ho was employed In scaring crows, and when twelve years of ago ' he was apprenticed to a shop-keeper In a III tie fishing village near Whitby. He was evidently wither a ".scallywag" i the Ilrltlsh empire owes much to Its stnlVywiigs and his master cancelled his Indentiiies. London Dally Tele gr.Tjili. Most ncmnrkable Bird. The honctzln of I'.ritlsh Guiana Is one of the most remarkable birds In the worlJ. Almost as soon as It Is hatched tho young hnactln crawls out of tho nest bv using Its wings us forefeet. Tho "thumb" and "forefin ger" of the wings have daw.s with which the young lilni dimbs nbout the branches. As soon as tho wings grow strong enough to support the bird In the nlr the claws disappear. The New York Zoological park has Just got the first spedmens ever to ho held In eaptlv lly. Youth's Companion. Ju3t "Line Upcn Line." It Is not the spt.ri nt the start, but the continued, unresting, unl'tistlng advance that wins tho day. BACK A0HE1 TERRIBLY Mrs. Robinson Tells How She Found Relief by Taking Lytlia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Amnrillo, Texas-" My back was my ATcntost trouble, it would ncho so that It would nlmost kill mo and I would havo cramps. 1 sulForcd in this wny about thrco years: then a lady friend n uk pcs ted thnt I try Lydia E. Pinlchnna vegeta ble Compound. I have had better health since, keep house and am able to do my work. 1 recommend tho Vegotablo Com P?und to my friends ns it has certainly imfnn irt rrrnnf i-vl(nf " Til I'd f1 l lJrrj Kivon mo (treat relief. " Mrs.C.B.RoB' INSON.G08 N. Lincoln St, Araarillo.Tcx, Tho Vcpctablo Compound la a splcndit iicdicino for women. It relieves tho troubles which cause euch. symptoms aa backache, painful times, irregularity, tircdand worn-out fcclines and nervous ness. This io Bhown ngnin nnd again by nuch letters as Airs. KobinBon writes ns well as by ono woman tcllinganother. These women know what it did for them. It Is Burcly worth your trial. Housewives mako a nroat mistako in nllowing themselves to bocomo so ill that it la well-nigh impossible for them to attend to their necessary household duties. BETTER DEAD Life s n burden when tho body la racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take LATH HOP'S EZttESSXEgllM The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it la nn enemy of nil pains re sulting from kidney, liver nnd uric add troubles. All druggists, three oizes. Look for tho namo Cold Medal on voxy box and accept no Imitation The Startling. Fashions of Yore. lie went up with his mother to "help" her clenn the attic. lie was Just five years old. In the course of tlie digging-out prncesi some fashion magazines of 1S03 were unearthed. Upon spying them, he Immediately be gan to turn over the pages. "Oil, ninmmii," he ciled, when be saw the wasp wnKts nm (lowing trains of a generation ago, "the ladles haven't any legs." Kansas City Star. Hla Wlfe'o Mortification. First lie What did your wife say when alio read that you were pinched for speeding nt 00 miles an hour? Second Ditto Oh, sho bad n fit. She's been telling everybody I could do 75 1 Judge. Table etiquette may be learned In the home, but you get nil the new wrinkles by dining out. Back Given Out? T T'S hard to do one's work when every A diy brings morning lameness, throb h'mg lmcknchc, and a dull, tired feeling. If you suller thu, why not find out the cause? Likely it's j our kidneys. Head ache, dizziness and bladder irregulari ties nuiy give further proof that your kidneys need help. Don't risk neglect! Uso Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands havo been helped by Doan'a. Tlicy should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Caso J. A. U HtlllKas, 1420 15tli Avonuo, Central City, Nob., Bays: "I had nn nt tnclc of lumbago nnd I wns In pretty hnd shnpo. I had fihurp, it li o o 1 1 n k pains In my sldca and nil through the nmnll of my hack. The muscles in my Blden hurt nt overy move I mndc. I took fitiniit twn hnxna of Donn's Kidney Pills. Doan's straightened mu up In flno shape." Ctt Dou'i at Any Store, 60c a Bos DOAN'S "SSSS? FOSTER.MILDUSN CO., OUFFALO, N. Y. DAISY FLY KILLER SBSSrfESffil ftLk FLIC3. Neat. cheap. Letts all leuon. uade of metal, can't plU-.or tlporrr; will Dot toil or Injure anythlnif. (iaiiranteeu tlftctltti. Bol'l. by dlT, or 6 by EXl'itnS3, crvDad. 11.23. UAWJUi UV'MMa, Hi Do KoU Ave, Urookljm. N. V. LOOK 0LD?l Uray. thin, atraurslr batr laakea oeupla lool: rery old. It in t nrcemanr a. bottle o( O Ilan Hair Color Kestortr will brink' bae'e original color quickly etopt dandruff At all Rood drncpUli, 75c, or direct from H.i.Clj. CiraJtU, Hraai,, Two- FREGtfLES Now Is tho Time to Get Rid of Theio Ugly Spots There's no longer tho slightest need ot feellnir afliumcd of your freckles, as Othlna ! douHiH stronKth la guaranteed to remove thes' homely spota. Sl.tiply get an ounce of Othtne from any drugitlat and apply a little ot It night and morning and you should boon see that even the worst freckle havo hrgun to disappear, while tho Hunter ones huvo vanished en tlroly. It Is seldom that mors than an lunie ll needed to completely clear the il.ln and gain a beautiful, clear complexion. II- sure to null for tho duuble-strength Qthino, as this ts sold under Kuarantee ot .money bach If It falls to remove freckle. iini I IW .Midi &&i fprtM- .-r-ai