RED OLOOD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORM Rocent Happenings in Nobroska Given in Brief Itoms For Busy Readers. STANDING OF DALL TEAMS AT END OF WCEK. WESTERN LEAQUE Won I-ost Ict. iVIchltil 21 11 .("'t )liliilu 151 12 .urn ruisi 20 in .07 :)klnlioiiiii City U M ..'J les Moines 11 17 .151 St. Joseph l.' '- "HH Denver 11 20 W Sioux City 10 10 W NEBRASKA STATE LEAQUE Won LoHt Pet. Lincoln 12 r .7(M t-ulrbury 1- '- IJoatrlco 0 10 .fi7l irantl island 7 10 .111! IIiiMlngs 7 11 .: Vnriolk 7 11 .as Shuhert will build n ? 10,000 school flOUSO tills spilng. A railway bomb wltli which Kugono Fcltz, ii youth of Keystone, was play ng exploded, seriously mangling his CgS. Coronation linll of Ak-Snr-Ron this year will rival those of Kuropo, nc ordlng to an uiinouiu'cmeiit made hy Dllleluls. One of the attractions at the stale fair this fall will he a horse shoo pitching contest, hi which $."00 in prizes will ho 'iwnrdcd. A. N. MATHERS President of the Statu Irrigation Associa tion, banker and farmer, former speak er of tho house In the State legislature, and sponsor of tho code revision bill before that body. Orleans Kipilty I'nhm creamery will hold its third annual picnic .lime 1, prepared to serve 12,000 persons with 1,000 gallons of Ice cream Allies Diuiway, Omaha Central high school senior, has hcen awarded tlrst place In a news writing contest hy the American Hoy Magazine. An attempt to roh the two hanks at Rnrneston, (Sage county, was frustrat ed, the rohhers being frightened away before an entrance was elTected. Tho Nebraska Ginnd chapter, I'. K. O, Sisterhood, elected Miss Lulu S. Wolford of Lincoln president at the annual ('(invention at Omaha last week. An undetermined amount of money and securities was taken from the safe and vault which were wrecked when the Grafton State hank of Grafton was rohhed. KcpiCM'iitatlves of various churches in Omnha hac requested the hoard of education of that place to provide for i elisions Instructions In the public schools theie. Uer a hundred Omaha business men last week made a 2,!IOO mile trade ex tension tour of the state In a ten cur special train, accompanied hy a twen-t.v-livc piece hand. Mildred and Fred Halm, 11 and IK children of Fred llahn, mail carrier at Harwell, wero hurled alive while plujlng in a huge sand pile in u sand pit near their home. Right workmen were precipitated with a CiO-lon inns of twisted timbers, wet concrete, steel reinforcing rods and electric light conduits, from the fourth to the third floor of the new nurses' home at St. Joseph hospital at Omaha, when a section of the fourth story, now under construction, col lapsed. N'o one was injured. Captain V. J. McVicker, eteran of the Spanish-American war and for three terms a member of the state legislature Is dead at his home In North Hend. lie spent many years in the South Africa void mining country. The early potato acreage of the Kearney District will lie 2." per cent lesK than last year, and the dry land potatoes in tho nearby counties, W) per cent less, according to prelimin ary surveys hy the division of crop and live stock estimates. The total reduction in acreage of both Irrigated and dry laud potatoes is about ill per cent. The semi-centennial celebration of the Heatrlce Episcopal church will he held June 10 and it. The church was organized as a parish In 1S73. The poisoning of many hogs hy alfalfa that was damaged hy the last frost has been reported from several places In Adams county. Some of the animals have died. The O'Neill Checker club believes that It Is the only checker club In tho United States or any other country for that matter, which owns Its own homo n building devoted entirely to checker playhig. SPANISH WAR VETERANS Sixteenth Annual Encampment to be Held at Omaha June 12-14. The Sixteenth annual encampment of the. t'nlted Spanish War Veterans, celebrating the 2."th anniversary of th war with Spain, will he held in Omit ha, June 1211. Theie are In Nebraska, 2,500 veter ans of the war. Foiby camp of Omaha Is planning some special "stunts" that will Initio hack the days when "Vrullles" were tossed In blank els anil when they were forced to "ride the cavalry horse." Among the speakers at the encamp ment will he Antonio P. Kciitcnxa, commander In chief; Itev. ('. W. Mar tin, Topekn, Kansas; I-. V. Viiiinir. special representative- of the pension department; Col. John (5. .Maher, Sec ond Nebraska Regiment; lllrd Stry Iter, cnnfiuandor of Douglas County Post ; American Legion and Mayor Dahlmun. Veterans who are In Omaha Monday night, .Mine It, will he taken to Ak-Sar-Ron Den ami Inlllnted hy the Knights of Ak-Snr-Ron. The state encampment of the lllary will he held at the same Aux time. On .lime 1 1, niemhers will Join the Kilts in the observance of Day. with Flag A Home Hulo league, composed ot representative citizens of tho place, lias been organized lit Heatrlce. Citizens of Tekamah and Its sur rounding territory will enjoy a freo six-day cliautaiupia In August. The Hank of Crnokston, In Cherry county has been closed, ami Is in the hands of Hank Kxainlncr Knstmnn. Hubert McNeill of Watertown, N. Y aild Tom McNeill of Fremont, brothers, are enjoying a reunion In the lutter town, for the llrst time In -17 years. A counterfeit $10 Kansas City Fed eral Reserve bank note Is in circula tion in the middle west, according to a warning biondeast by the secret service. Peter Jansen, founder of the village of that name In JctTcrson county, Is In declining health. He was recently taken to the Meunonlle hospital In Heatrlce. Otto Rehberg, lhlng near Rrunv wick was almost Instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a shot gun which ho was using to kill a cat that was eating his chickens. Shortstop Lee of the Fnlrbury State league club and Catcher Clark of Nor folk were knocked unconscious for fif teen minutes when they ran together In the infield during a game at Nor folk. Hay Jacox, Norfolk fanner, was bur led for two hours under a stack of straw which suddenly collapsed wldlo he was cutting Into It, and was par alyzed from the hips down when res cued. A full-size hull snake is tho mascot at the PI Heta Phi sorority house at Lincoln. It Is being cared for by the fair coeds and Is the most unique mascot In the fraternity and sorority houses of the University City. McCook Klks are making elaborate preparations for the entertainment of the state convention of the order there June 1 1, in and 1(1. The McCook lodge Is the baby of the slate, but already has a membership of over H00. Upon rccouiinciiilntlnii of the com inauder of the With infantry, company I), Nebraska National guard, stationed at Fall bury, will he mustered out, and a machine-gun company bearing Its designation will be organized at North Platte. Prof. A. C. Rice, head of the depait ment of chemistry in Grand Nliiud col lege, has been elected a Fell w of the Royal Society of Arts. Professor UU'O Is one of tlfty In the world outside ot Ureal Hrllaln to receive this honor. Paul Callahan, 10, lllng south of Douglas, claims the distinction or be ing the youngest student ever gradu ating from the eighth grade In Otoe county. He attained an average of 87 per cent In tho county eighth grade examinations'. Heatrlce clt commissioners have authorized City Clerk P.ethoud to ad vertise for bids for equipment and work for bringing the water trom the I'agels farm to the main city water plant at Zimmerman Springs. It I? estimated the project will cost $20,000. Charles Carr. Oshkosh, is exhibit ing a pig born with two perfect bodies and with eight perfect legs and feet, but with only one head. The two bod ies and head were about the size of the average pig. The freak animal lived but a few minutes and Is being preserved. Patrons attending the 1021! state fair will note some more or less revolution ary changes. Among them will tie the elimination of all games of chance. Ring tossing, artow shooting, disc la.v Ing and all other concession games in whldi there Is an element of chance will be completely eliminated. All the private lock boxes and thf hank's box of loan Holes were .stolen at the Norman Kxchnngo Stale bank at Norman, when burglars knocked oil the lock bundle of the vault, hut they were unable to open the door and cut through the vault's brick wall. Ni money was taken. PI Lambda Theta, national educa tional sorority, has granted a char ter to the Senior Honorary society of Teachers college, University of Ne braska, according to a telegram from Miss Liela (Jerry, national secretary of the organization. Thayer county commissioners have arranged a program of road grading covering approximately RIO miles, all In the road districts of tho county, which will bring nearly every farm homo within a mile and a half of a good graded road Xvhlcli connects with the main county roads and federal J llluliuova Pah-Vant Valley in Utah Now Has a Railway 1 m mLMoKwK 1 1 i mmMMWm k Afsr f tP & l-Mfcr sr3VlsHsf&dsssl ff fflJBlyVTliTlBBp I ! zfa;"",l 7SJpf'wJ:?'' IrmvtiteUkwmfM&itt Www.Yd&JEfWwmEm ftwwBffi? Iiv sa I I t Ssyjl-H tifftiRmL Jr r- ti fF. - kmkWSawmwM JiS jfL KSi ft i I &asw Wm )2$f:W 1& . "tSWSiWmkSF I Commemorates War J HnH"l(0S"vry4hrtfj9 J j TiBWBBBBBsf rTy hwJssssssLwP IwBsWUIsssBllWh jrfBflJMjt'fcT'? mT P- "--'PW ?&$ - ''' -I j'irrTrT.u-rr--.W i M I Lplscopal church in .Net orU u bus (ouimeiuoiated the tviir service of the .Salvation Army with a wood carving on one of the miserere Feats on the epistle side of the choir, representing tho eflective work done by the Salvation Army workers with the American soldiers In France. The center tlgure in the carving represents the Salvation Army lassie with her tray of doughnuts and on each side of her are "doughboys" in poture of appreciation and gratitude. At the lower right-hand side are the tambourine, trumpet and lilblo, and In the other corner a coffee pot with two cups and two plates. Performing Long 3 ?$MrM1 i Justice Hal P. Hughes of Fort Worth, Tex., t-erfonnlng the ceremony that made Helen Sattervvhlte, seated beside him, the bride of Horace W. Keller, sailor, who at the time of in.iniage was L',000 miles from his bride, confined to his bed with pneumonia at a hospital at ltremerton, Wash. A total of 4.C0O tulles of telegraph wires was necessary for the routing of Pie nuptials. Hamilton Statue vft atssdtSnagi ss(imistmh LdkSi .1 R. Prascr, New York sculptor, supervising the erection of his statue of Alexander Hamilton on the south Heps of tho treasury at Washington, The statue, which Is of bronze, represents the llrst secretary of the treasury as standing hat In hand gazing across the .Mall toward tho Washington monument. It was unveiled .n the afternoon of May 17 with appropriate ceremonies.' jiii.iiimii.n,.""! T-rrriiinni lunula - -, Work cf the S. A. Distance Wedding at the Treasury !.l Another link of steel couples up the great West. Tho other tiny Gov. Charles R. Muhey of Utah drorc tho golden splko at Fillmore, Utah, which brings a new Hue of the Union Pnclllc to tho famous Pah-Vant valley. Tho photograph shows the llrst train In nt Fillmore. In overalls, In the fore ground Is Governor Mnboy walking from tho locomotive, on the pilot of which he rode to the end of tho solid track, to the golden spike. RECORD BEARD This, the longest beard In the world, has been growing since 3SS1, and Is now 12 feet JJ Inches long, making Znch T. Wilcox of Carson City, Nov., the champion whisker grower of the, world. FINE GIFT TO HARDING Mine. Tenuis Jonuecou, noted lench-Rumanlan artist of Rumania, ailed at the White House recently uid presented President Harding with ,i book of Rumunlnu art. The book was compiled by the Queen of Ru lunula anil Mine. Jonnecou and Is a very beautiful piece of art. The photo graph shows Mine. Jonnecou with the volume. What She Says. "Does your wife object to your piny lug golf on Sunday mornings?" "Not ut all. When I get out of bed at 7:!t0 o'clock she merely yawns and Miys: 'It's all tight. I only wish you'd get up thnt cheerfully tho Sun .1 .1...... T ........ .. . .-- .. . 1I1I.V lUI'IMIllijO ' IWIIU Ul IU J,'0 Church.' " to j 1 ft A M IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SundaySchool ? Lesson v tny REV. I'. B, riTZWATnit, D. D.. 'iVnchpr of Kngllsh Hlble In the Moody Ulblo Institute of Chicago.) Copyright, 1023, ffMlftn Nwpitr Union. LESSON FOR JUNE 3 JGr.EMIAH, THE PROPHET OF COURAGE LESSON TRXr-Jrrctnlah c;:t.P!. GOLDliN TK.Vf Watch ye, stnnil fast In the faith, quit you llku men, bo utrong. I CorlntlilmiH 1C.KI. HKl-'KUnNi-'K MATi:niATy-.U'rcnilnli 9 1-y. 13 1-y. 10:1-1: Muttliow 2:17, IS. PRIMARY TOl'U-Suna Who Honor Tlirlr Pntliar. JL'N'IOR TOPIC-Tlio Story of the Re cliabltcK. INTRRMEDIATE AND SKN'tOR TOPIC Jorcmlali, ttio CotiraKt'OUH Prophut. YOPNO PROPLi: AND ADULT TOPIC Jeremiah's Service to His Nation. Jeremiah was one of the last proph ets of Judah. He saw the nation go into the Rahylonlnn Captivity and Je rusalem destroyed, after which he went Into ICgypt. lie was a lonely, misunderstood and unpopular prophet. He was most bitterly hated and per secuted. Ills own countrymen turned against him. He was placed In stocks and then thrown Into a horrible dun geon from which he narrowly escaped with his life. The teacher should glvo u little sketch of his life. The ol lowing Is suggested : His Call (1:2-10). His ConunNsion (1 :1Mf0. His Sympathetic Heart (1:10). 1113 Croat Sorrows (10:1."-21). i. ,r. The Divine Power Winch I rged Illni Forward and Sustained Him (10:7-0). Recauso he was called upon to prophesy against his own nation and nt tho conmand of God urged them to surrender to the Rabylonlans, he was regarded us n traitor guilty of treason against his own nation. I. The Rschnbltes' Test (vv. 1-."). In tho da.vs of .leholaklm, the Lord charged Jeremiah to bring the Reclia blto Into the house of the Lord anil test them regarding the drinking of wine. This he did in n place when) the pt-uplo might behold them, the aim being to teach Judah by example. Tho father of tho Rechahltes hail given command that they should not drink wine. Their filial obedience put to shame the children of Judah for their lnck of obedience. .Tonadah, the father of the Rechahltes. was only n man imt the one whose commands Judah disregarded was the Almighty God. their Creator and Snvlor. It Is God's plan thnt every man he tested. Relng a freo agent, he can have clutiy ncter only through testing. II. The Filial Loyalty of the Rec habltes (vv. 0-11). Though they were out of their own country In the midst of a foreign peo ple they refused to drink wine, de claring that they had been true to tho Instructions of Jonadah all their lives. It is n fine thing when children re member their fnthers and render obedience to their commands. III. The Loyalty of the Rechahltes In Contrast With the Disloyalty of Judah (vv. 12-10). 1. The Appeal (vv. IT?. 1 1). ITo made the appeal on tlie basis of tho filial loyalty of the Rechahltos. Ho also reminded them thnt he had spoken to them In person, rising up early to do ?o. 2. The Ministry of the Prophets (vv. l.r, 10). When the people fnllwl to render obedience to God, ho sent to them the prophets, who pleaded with them to amend their ways hy turning nway from their idols. Mat thew Henry Indicates the points oC contrast somewhat as follows: (1) Tho Re-iinbltos were obedient to one who was hut n man; the Jews dis obeyed the Infinite nnd eternnl God. (2) Jonadah was dead and could not fcnovv of their disloyalty or correct them for it. Clod Is nil-knowing nnd lives forever and will punish for dis obedience. (3) The Rechabltos were never reminded of their obligations, but God sent Ills prophets to speak to Ills people. (!) Jonndah left the charge but no estate to support the charge, hut God gave the people n goodly land and prospered them In It. (ft) God never assigned Ills people n task as hard as Jonadah's, hut God's people disobeyed Him while tho Rechahltes obeyed their father. IV. Judgment Upon the Jews for Disobedience (r. 17). God declared thnt lie would bring Judgment upon thorn according to what He hnd snld. Judgment Is lnld upon those who dlFobey and rebel against God. V. Reward of the Rechabltos for Their Loyalty (vv. IS. 10). Uecnuso they had been true to the commnnds of Jonadah, they should always have a representative before God. God hns Mich a regard for filial obedience that Ho lets no act go un. rewarded. De Sure of Happiness. Refore we passionately desire any thing which another enjoys, we should examine as to the happiness o; Its pos sessor. Rochefoucauld. History. History Is lltt.'e more than tho regis ter of the crimes, follies and nilsfyn tunes of mankind. Gibbon. Grnnt Secrets. Tho great secrets of being courted ore to shun others and to seem delight ed with yourself. Bulwcr,