The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 31, 1923, Image 3

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Declares Tanlac Ended Indigos
tion and Put Him in Pink
of Condition.
"I would stake my last throw on
Tun Inc. for It can't lie beat," says
rioytl i:. Walters, 100S li. I'.Itli St.,
Kansas City, 'Mo.
".My npiiotltc was such a slacker
I could hardly cat enough to keep
coin?, and nil the dlsugreeab1encs!i of
Indigestion, hloatlnc heartburn and
palpitation fell to my lot. I would
tremble from nervousness, sleep was
almost a stranger to me, and my head
and hack ached so had I could hardly
stand It. I was as pale as a sheet,
and that 'all In' fooling was neaily
throttling me.
"Hut today I nm In the pink of
condition, feeling as hale and hearty
as when I used to phy football back
In Leavenworth, Kan-us anil the Tarn
lac treatment Is what turned the trick
for me. Yes, sir, I feel as line ns n
llddle, and am greatly Indebted to
Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37
million bottles sold. Advertisement.
Noise Wins.
"What does the professor of Greek
"Oh. about $3,000 n year."
"And the football coach?"
"About SIL'.OOO a year."
"Quite discrepancy."
"Well, did you ever henr -10,000 peo
ple cheering, a Greek recitation?"
ISlrmlnglmni Age-Herald.
You naturally feci secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely puro and contains no
hirmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Uoot, kidney, liter and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
find excellence is maintained in every bot
tle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
tcaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and bladdcf
A sworn statement of purity is wltL
every bottlo of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Koot. If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On 6alc at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing bo euro
and mention this paper. Advertisement.
"What has become of the dialect
"Nowadays they tell It In slang."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
Unless you see the name "Hnycr" on
package or on tablets you arc not get
ting the genuine Hayer product pre
scribed by physlclnns over twenty-two
j cars and proved sufo by mlllloas for
Colds Headache
Toothacho Lumbago
Knracho IUieumntlsm
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package contnlns
iroper directions. Handy boxes of
welve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of 21 and 100.
Aspirin Is the trade mnrlc of Hayer
Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidester of
Knl'leyllcacld. Advertisement.
Just So.
"They say girls are healthier nown
days." "They all seem to he In the
pink of condition."
Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes
That itch and burn, by hot baths
of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentlo
anointings of Cutlcura Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, bweeter, espe
cially if u little of the fragrant Cutl
cura Talcum is dusted on at the tin
Ish. 25c each. Advertisement.
Money may furnlsli n homo In the
suburbs, but It can't nlways hire u
The use of soft coal will mako laun
dry work heavier this winter. Ited
Cross Hall Bluo will help to remove
that grimy look. At all grocers Ad
vertisement. Probably a miser saves money be
cause he doesn't know what elso to
do with it.
9. . .
Sleeves Minus or
Costume Knit of White Silk I
Tp I) r.IJ or not to be, that Is the
question'' In regard to sleeves
In summer frocks. I'rcsont-tluy modes
Indicate that extremists are nnswer
Ing according to their Individual con
victions. True It Is that long sleeves reaching
beyond the wrist feature In ninny
fashionable frocks, but thene are out
numbered by sleeveless modes or those
revealing the contour of the arm
through transparency.
An Interesting version of the sleeve
less gown depends upon the deep lace
bertha to do double dut. That Is, Hie
bertha senes In lieu of sleeves as It
charmingly veils the arm to the el
bow. Ever so many canton crepe
frocks, absolutely sleeveless, carry out
this Idea and the effect Is modest and
charmingly adapted to summer gown
ing. Such Is the basic Idea of the
lowly silk frock here Illustrated The
bertha effect Is there, supplemented
with a sheer anilines semi-sleeve. The
fabric or which this gown Is fashioned
Is worthy of especial comment In that
It carries throughout Its weave a drop
stitch which gives the effect of drawn
work, and tills Is an Item of style
advanced this season.
Fanciful sleeves which reveal the
arm In openings and fantastic slash
ings are a paramount factor through
out dress design. Clever ribbon tics
find favor In connection with the ab
breviated sleeve and there Is no limit
to the charming effects which follow.
As the summer advances It is found
that moire holds n place of vantage
for silken afternoon frocks. Moire
silk models with diminutive sleeves
show a flare cuff close up to the
shoulder. These Hares are lined with
n contrasting bright silk, which add1?
i a billllant touch to the otherwise
sombre black or brown.
Idenl among trousseau modes is n
white-knitted costume, so exquisitely
wrought as to become a classic in
Surely, the creators of knitted fash
ions must have vlsloned the oncoming
Benson of June brides, when they
brought Into beln;,' such a lovely array
of white apparel expressed In terms of
. lino llbre silk and choice zephyrs as
Where Is the hnppy bride-to-be who
can withstand the witchery of a white
llbre silk knitted costume such as In
ect forth In this ly.ustrutlou? It Is a
1 si ; J 'fill
BH Bh ''flri 4 i ? ' 4 "" Ay k4Bpw M 39r SBPBBT9BBBBb
really outstanding creation patrlclnn In
every detail an example of what has
been achleed In the styling of knitted
outerwear. Perfection of knitted art
Is accomplished In the luvlslble-strlpo
klrt and coatee, all of pure white, with
decointlu' motif rich in design, elnb
ornte In coloring and vivid In contrast.
This braid and embroidery design
chooses ornnge, periwinkle and Jade
for Its color scheme.
Satisfying to the extreme from nn
esthetic point of view this lovely
knitted costume promises double duty
In a practical way. Not only does It
supply n modish white skirt for the
white lingerie blouse, but the tuxedo
with bell sleeves may be charmingly
worn ns u separate summer sweater
Among other entrancing white knit
ted apparel which will appeal to the
bride-to-be Is a long cape In fancy
stitch done In snowy zephyr with a
chin-chin collar of unspotted ermine.
This would be charming over a white
knitted skirt with a silk Jersey-knit
sllpon. Handsome also nre the whlto
strnlght-line flhre-sllk knit frocks with
allover design in embroidery effect self
toned to the background or In direct
contrast. Simplicity Itself Is expressed
In the wool Jersey two-pleco dresses,
consisting of plaited skirt and plain
slipover, the entire In pure white.
JWc crffi?i
(, 1923, Wrturn .N'owtpaper Union.)
i flff In ;
'St' C'jiA Prl flc Wit I
(Copy for This Department Supplied b)
tho American l-lo!i Nuws Service.)
State-Wlde Effort In Progress In Okla.
homa Under Direction of the
American Legion.
A state-wide effort for the stamping
out of Illiteracy In Oklahoma Is now
In progress under direction of the
American Legion. Dr. Frank II. Mac
Oregor, chairman of the department of
Americanism of the state Legion or
ganization, la In charge of tho work
and has developed a novel plan to edu
cate those unable to read or write In
that state.
According to recent surveys, there
nre r.0,S(VI Illiterates In the state, of
whom r,4(t;i are foreign born. It Is
Imped' that It will be possible to In
clude nil persons coming under this
classification in the Legion's plan for
education To this end the aid of edu
cators, st hool organizations and of
local olllciuls has been enlisted through
Doctor Ma((!regor'H olllce.
The met hod to be ummI Is known ns
the ".lones plan," so called from Its
Introduction to the Greer county
schools iy will C. Jones, superinten
dent and u Legionnaire. The first step
Is the orgunlzatlon of "principals'
clubs," whose members are the bends
of all schools In the district. The work
of Americanization Is thoroughly out
lined to these men, and they pay per
sonal visits to every Illiterate In their
district, offering assistance through tho
Lcclon plan, tabulating notes und milk
ing suggestions that may be of use to
volunteer workers. The volunteer
workers nre to come from the teachers
and students In higher classes. One
person Is "adopted" by each of theso
workers. A course of reading, Kng
llsh, simple arithmetic, and as the Il
literate progresses, civil government
and American history Is given. The
plan Is In operation In several schools
of the state, but It will not In put Into
complete use until the terms open next
fall. Doctor MacGregor declares that
If the work la undertaken In every
school within the next two years ho
will be satisfied.
Doctor MacGregor, who resides In
Manguin, Okla., served for 22 months
oversens, a portion of which was spent
In England. He was regimental sur
geon of tho famous Scottish Highland
division the "Laddies from Hell"
for several months. Ho was decorated
by King George for "gallantry In ac
tion" during the second Marne cam
paign, and later became chief surgeon
of the IJrltlsh base hospital at Calais.
Hans Hunsdorf, St. Paul, Victim of
Tuberculosis, Still Working for
Disabled himself, perhaps no mnn In
the Mid-West Is doing more nctlve
work among disabled veterans of the
World war than Hans Hunsdorf, now
In the Aberdeen hospital at St. I'aul,
Minn. Hunsdorf has personally Inter
ested himself In the cases of his "bud
dies" who are suffering from tho ef
fects of their service in the World wnr
mid Is endearing himself to these men
by his splendid efforts In their behnlf.
Hunsdorf was born In Kldswold, Nor
way, In 1878. At thirty-nine he en
listed in the army at Fort McDowell,
Cnl., and went to France as a mechnnlc
with the One Hundred and Klghty Aero squadron, where he made n
splendid record. lie received a certifi
cate of disability in line of duty and Is
now totally and permanently dlsnbled
from the ravages of tuberculosis. This
gave rise to a long period of hospitali
zation, during which time Hunsdorf
has been In seven government Institu
tions, beginning In France and ending
at St. I'aul, where he Is now n pntlent.
Spurred on by conditions he saw In
these hospitals among his companions,
Hunsdorf set out by personal work to
relieve the troubles of those about him.
He has assisted hundreds In their
claims for compensation and similar
lines. He has attended every military
funeral which has occurred In his lo
cality, and lins placed "the poppy of
remembrance" on every enuin.
Recognizing the American Legion ns
one of the agencies for affording relief
to World war veterans, Hunsdorf has
put much effort Into securing memberH
for tho organization. Since tho open
ing of tho V.)'S.i cnmpnlgn he hns per
sonally written tho applications of 101,
though this is probably the least of his
service to the Legion. Without thought
of the personal sacrifice Involved, thlH
man, of foreign birth, has given un
stintedly for the country of his adop
tion, and now faring defeat becauso of
the physical conditions brought on by
his sacrifices, still devotes himself to
the alleviation of Buffering and nnxlety
among his former comrades-nt-nrms.
The bargaining for the cow hail been
frolng on leisurely for an hour. Finally
the prospective purchaser came flatly
to the point.
"How much milk does she kIvoT" ho '
asked. 1
"I don't know rightly," answered tho
farmer who owned her. "Hut who's 11
(turned good-natured critter, an' nhc'll '
give all she can." American Legion '
Weekly. I
HAVE your Interior walls tinted
the exact color. Exerdso
your own good tu3to in just
the color tones to bring out tho best
features of every room. There is
only one sure way.
Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper
The Later tho Better.
"Call on Mrs. Canberra Villa? My
dear! Why, her husband goes to
town by the 7:051"
"That's where you're mistaken. He
goes by tho 8:30 now, and next year
he'll be going by the I): in, my hus
band says and then we'll simply have
to call on her." Sydney Itullctln.
HALL'S CATArtntr medicinh ban
boon used successfully In tho treatment
of Catarrh.
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
llollovca hy locnl application, nnd tho
Intornal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts
through tho Wood on tho Mucous Sur
faces, thus reducing tho Inflammation.
Hold by nil ilniRRiBta.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Giving It Emphasis.
She Papa says you have more
money than brains.
Heggle Hal Shows what an ass he
Is. I'm broke.
She Yes, pupa added that you were.
London Mall.
Tho prices of cotton and linen have
been doubled by tho war. Lengthen
their service by using Ited Cross Hall
IIIuu In the laundry. All grocers Ad
vertisement. Tho Problem.
i Hub I have nothing to do today.
Hub How will
you know when
you're through?
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
In order to stay In the game It's up
to the married baseball player to mako
a home run occasionally.
Many a family tree has a bad branch
and a shady reputation.
ast loam
Begin today
to learn the
most useful of
home arts
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread"
Black - Tan - White
ShINOIA made of the finest wax and oils.
It softens and preserves leather. Makes shoes
wear longer and look belter.
SlilKOlA is quickly and easily appb'ed
in a jiffy. Keeps shoes trim and tidy.
StlMOlA Home Set mtket tha home care oi thoei easy
"The Shine for Mine"
Disordered Stomach
Take a good dose
The Cross and
Circle it printed
in Red on every
genuine package
fcffi2&1i to
.sas vm
To know
how good a cigarette
really can be mad
vou must frv a.
v. A
Dress Pleah'nq. Hemsfitchinq,,
Covered Buttons.Gultonholcs.
.'MAIL' 0RDERS.-2Oapi3TM
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Dottles and Diltr Suppllci; Ecg
Cues and Chicken Coopt; Oollett.
1309JonM3t. 11 W. Third St.
Kttor Color and
Daaoty to Cray and Faded I lab
nmwiCnrm. W. I'aljluiif, W.T,
euc. ana it no at ururatiL
HINDERCORNS m-mon ivm. ou-
Iqumc, ft., atnpi all palo. nmrra contort to ttia
reft. nkH walklnr .t. It, by rami or at Urn,
(itta. UUooiCIiamlaatVVorka.l'
INCOLN'S Rooms for $1.50
Lunch Room In Connactlon
The Real Thing.
Customer You suy this hair tonic
Is good, do you 7
Clerk Yes, sir. A friend of mlno
took the cork out of a bottle of this
stuff with his teeth and next morning
lie had a mustache. Iioston Tran
script. Millions
prefer it
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, HI.
- Ox-Blood - Brown
- shines
of Carter's little Liver Pills
l)v7,W.M ImO FnJ
.';. 'wiiHKrTv-. h.ibt'
v -visaiK
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
DJzziness,Sick Headache. UpsetStomach and forSallow,
Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They end the mltery of ContUpaUon.
fixture- stai?rcC Small Pill ; Small Doie ; Small Prica