The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 24, 1923, Image 6

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Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Rcadors.
Won I-ont Pet.
IVIehltll i i "
Oklnliama City 10 H "
Oinnlia 10 .Wl
Tuisii if in .'"-'to
St. Joseph 1- 10 .-
Sioux City 10 M .117
I)es Moines 10 10 .!I8."
Denver io io .:tsr
Won Ivost I'ot.
l-'ftlrliury 11 1 "
Lincoln -
annul Island -1 0 .KK)
Ilentrlco ' --TO
Norfolk U 0 .18a
Hastings 4 7 .nm
A little boy wns killed unil 111 other
persons. Injured, In 10 auto accidents
In anil near Oinnliu over the week end.
The corner stone of the new KIk's
homo nt Omaha will he laid with Itii
prosslve ceremonies on Saturday, May
The sixteenth annual reunion of the
United Spanish War Veteran of Ne
braska will be held In Omaha June 11!
to II.
Dr. Kmlla Iliandt of Omaha was
elected president of the state society
of medical women at Its closing ses
sion at Lincoln.
Hebron Is planning a live day cele
bration to begin .Inly !l uud close July
7. The business men of Hebron are
back of the enterprise.
The graduating class of Hastings
tilxU school numbers 122, who will be
given diplomas on June. I. This will
be the largest class ever graduated by
1he school.
A son of Joe Wondra of Valparaiso
wuh badly hurt when he was struck by
it bnll, breaking the nose and severing
nn artery. It required several hours
to stop the bleeding.
Marian Jones, a member of the
championship ninth grade team in the
Columbus, Neb., high heboid girls'
baseball turney, shimmed out six home
runs In the llrst game.
Frank Steelier, CO, father of Joe
Steelier, former world's champion
wrestler, Is dead at hU home in Dodge,
lie was born in Mltrov, Itohemla, and
came to Nebraska In 1870.
Misses Agnes Chlffol and Agnes Mil
ler of Comstock are arranging for n r00
mile hike as soon as school Is out.
They will walk from Comstock to Kt.
Collins, Colo., to attend summer school
.Seriously injured by a fall from his
bicycle when It got beyond his con
trol on a steep hill near Humboldt,
Frank I'lpal remounted and rode two
miles to his home, where he collapsed.
Within the next few months Nor
folk will have one of the mo.t beau
tiful tourist parks in the country, slx
neres of woodland along the river now
being gotten Into shape for that pur
pose. Chicken thieves are crowing active
!n the vicinity ol Hockford mid Holm
csvllle. Twenty-live barred rocks were
stolen from the A. N. Kraut?, farm near
Kockfoid while the Frantz family
were at church.
A movement has been launched to
purchase the Columbus opera house
and remodel It for a city hull. The
city council holds mm option at $2.S,(Ml).
This question will be submitted to the
oters ut a special election.
A decision admitting James Vaclav
Truncck of Omaha to citizenship
which was bunded down by District
Judge Day, will affect more than 20,
XX) men, accorilliig to William Ultchie,
foimer department commander of the
American Legion In ruku
Wble striking a match to light His
run-, .miiiii, in uoiiKias, WHS
seriously burned. A portion of the
lighted match selling lire to his cloth
ing, he wns unable to put out the
blaze until he had been badly burned
ibout the chest and legs.
At a meeting of the Central Nebras
ka Potato (J rowers association at
Kearney, representatives of over a
thousand acres entered In a contract
to market all potatoes through the
bureau tills year. It Is estimated that
possibly as high as IK) per cent of the
average in the Kearney district will
be marketed In this manner In the fall.
Thirty residences and ten business
houses are being built at Falrbury.
Many of the former are of brick.
With twenty thousand acre under
lease announcement has been made
Hint two test wells will he sunk at
Kearney shortly, to determine the
quality of oil, if any, that might be
found In that urea.
Ktghty-iilne Agricultural College stu
dents will be graduated from the Uni
versity of Nebraskn at the June com
mencement this yenr. There will be
BO men and B0 women. This Is an In-
crease of nearly 50 per cent over last
John Wal.lers, r,r,, who had been
missing for several days from his furm
iii-iir oti tuiii'i, us iiiiuiii iii ii iasiuic i thins
dead from heart failure Accordlm: to reliable figure, the in-
Wealthy Omaha alumni of Nebras- creww In the Scotts Bluff county beet
kii's university are reported to be push-1 ,, wll, ,, llll0Ut iWH, n(.ro'
ng a proJec to build a number of ,nht yoarV cro,,, ,, w, conMst of
large dormitories around the tinker- ar)0Ut r,r,,O0O ncres.
slty campus In an effort to meet the Ciuh County fai'mers In the vicinity
present-day criticism of student life In . f Murmy nnd Cedar Creek have lost
Lincoln ns It relates to high rentals many hogs because of the eatlni; of
and food prices and lack of restraint n posiouous plant. Professor Pool of
outside tho campus resulting In late, the botany department of tho Unlvor
uncertain hours and habits detrlmen- Mty of Nebraska has Identified the
tal to physical, mental and moral nt ns being wild golden glow or
crowth of students. Irajpulurly known as tho crowfoot
List tf Countlet, Place, Dote and Names
of Secrstarlet.
FollowlnR In a reenter of the dates for
holillnit tli various fairs over tlio utato,
nH compiled by the Nebraska Aosoclutlon
of fair inanaKcm, and any Information or
further parllculnra may ho hntl by ad
ilreBBlnR Win. II. .Smith, Hecrotary-TrcnB-urer,
at the Ktato I toiler at Lincoln.
Adams Hastings, Auk. 11-17, J. I Dig-
Antelope NcIIrIi, .Sent. 11-11, J. C. Har
ris. Hoone Albion, Hept. 17-21. A. W. !ntnu.
lloyil Illitte, Kept. 12-14, K. Lath.
Iluffnlo Kuirucy, Auk. 22-2D, O. 13.
Hurt Onklnnd, Hept. 11-11, (1. A. Kill).
Itutlcr David City, Kept. 13-21, W. It.
McGMfllii, Jr.
CaBB Weeping Water, Hept. 2I5-2S, O. V
Cellar I tnrtltiKton, Sept. 4-7, Anthony
Chage Imperial, Kept. 12-lfi, lMward
Clay Clay Center, Sept. 21-28, II. II.
Colfax LflKh, Hept. 4-7, CI. 10. McN'nry.
Ciifller llroken Uow, Auk. 21-21, Frank
J. DavlH.
DaweH-Chiulron, Kept. 18-21, F. W. Pat
terson. Paumin Lexington. It. 13. Fidklnlmrir
I)l.on Concord, Aur. 28-31, 12. J) IIukIics.
UoilKt Herlliiur, Hept. 12-11, Walter
Doilite Hooper, Aur. 28-31, Anton Tun-
UouBlao Waterloo, Hijit. 11-14, Frank H.
Dtinily Henkleman, Hept. 17-22. 13. P.
Fillmore Oeneva, Kept. 12-11, H. 13. Ital-
Franklin Franklin', Sept. 11-11. A. T.
Frontli r Stockvlllc, Aug. 28-31, C. A.
Fiirnns Uenvcr City, Sept. 11-11, M. II.
finne Ueatrlee, Sept. 21-28. ttoyil lllat.
(Jarden LewelUn, Sept. l'J-21, V. 13.
Oarlleld Hurwell, Sept. 11-14, A. F.
Oreelpy Greolry, S(pt. 3-6, A. .1. O'Mal-
Hall Grand Inland. Sept. 11-14, Uildolph
OiirlHChl, Wood lllver.
Hamilton Aurora, Auk. 28-31, W. C.
Harlan Almn, Sept. 18-21, It. W. Porter.
Haye.1 Hayea Center, Sept. 1U-22, II.
Hitchcock Culbertson, Sept. 13-15, A. 11.
Holt Chambers, Sept. 18-21, II.C. Coop
er. Holt O'Neill, Hept. 26-28, John L. Qulif.
Howard St. Paul, Sept. 18-21, Charles
JefferBon Falrbury, Sept. 18-21, O. It.
Johnson TccuniBeh, Hept. 18-21, Carl II.
Kearney Mlnilen, 13. II. Trough.
Keith Ofjallala, Sept. 11-11, Italph
Keya Paha Nordcn, Sept. 12-11, John
Knox nioomneld, Sept. 11-15, W. II.
IXpcnBter Lincoln, Sept. 2-7, A. II.
Lincoln North Platte, Sept. 3-8, 8. M.
LoKan Stnpleton, Oct. 12-14, Thomas
Mndlson Madison, Sept. 11-11, Geo. F.
Merrick Central City Sept. 2C-28, I3rlc
Nance Fallerton. Sept. 11-14. J. P. nous.
Nemaha Auburn, Auk. 27-31, Col. II. L.
Nucliollfi NelBon, Sept. 17-21, deorKO
Otoe Nebraska City.
Pawn en Pawnee City, Oct. 1-5, D. W.
Perkins Grant, F. A. Kdwards.
PUrce Pierce, Auk. 28-30, 13. B. Fran
hUo. Polk Osceola, Sept. 25-28, Gilbert John
son. lied Willow McCook, Oct. 2-5, 13lmer
lied Willow Hartley.
IllchHrdson Falls City. O. W. Sheely.
Hock Unssett, Sept. 12-1C, Fred M. Hop
kins. Saumlerfi Wahoo, Sept. 18-21, Guy 13.
Scour Illurr Mitchell. Sept. 5-7, Jas. T.
Seward Seward, Aup. 28-31. Erlo Smil
ey. Sheridan Gordon, Auk. 28-31, Joe W.
Sherman Loup City, Sept. 25-28, Hoy
Stanton Stanton, Aur. 28-31, Krvine 13.
Thayer Dreshler, Aug. 28-31, 13. J. Mit
chell. Thurston Watthlll, Sept. 12-15, K. C.
Valley Ord, Auk. 27-30, II. n. LeRRett.
WashliiRton Arlington, Sept. 18-21. C.
G. Marshall.
Webster Illailen, Aur. 22-25, S. P. Dun
can. York York. Hept. 17-' 1. O. W. Schreck.
Dlitrlct Fairs.
Trl-State Crawford, Sept. G-8, Dr. A. W.
S. W. Neb Diet. Maywood. Sept. 25-23,
Julian Calklnw.
Neb. Pint. Show Norfolk, Sept. 25-2S, J
U. Pollock.
State Fair.
Lincoln Sept. 2-;. K. It. Danlelson.
Nov. Iiobert Inglls, Kngllsh teacher
In the Fremont liluh school, has been
cho5en to fill the pulpit at the Wulr
Congregational church.
WUh 1P Ini)t ,, of , Mc(.(m,.
Trll.uii.. P. M. Klmmell rounded out
0VI, ..,. .. ,,u ,,,.
and editor. Mr. Klmmell has followed
the newspaper game for forty-six
years, over It years In Nebraskn, t.
ginning with the old Columbus Demo
crat In 1882.
The Chamber of Commerce of Oma
ha will hold Its fourth annual Iliirbe
cue ami Field Dny at KlmwoodPark,
Saturday, May 20. Prizes are to be
awurded In the different contests and
games amounting to 2.W, and will
reach several thousand dollars In
value. The "eats" promise to be of a
great variety and quantity.
Miss Frances Shattuck was awarded
llrst honors at the annunl oratorical
contest of the Grand Island high
(Jovernor llryan has Issued a proc
lamation calling attention to the fact
that May 2(5 Is "Poppy day," set apart
in honor of the American dead who
are buried In the war cemeteries of
1 Europe.
t Dining Uio last four years, the Pnl-
verslty of Nebiiuka agricultural col
lege has assisted In the planning and
de-velopment of 100 dial. uigc systems
, comprising acreage of more than
,r00 acres.
Premont will be the 1021 convention
city for the Nebraska Knights f Pv-
Wedding of Duke of York in Westminster Abbey
1 lallllllllllllVWT9illlHif.illEHiHllllHliliilili I
Above Is the otllchil photograph taken Inside Westminster abbey, showing the actual wedding of the duke of York,
second son of King George and Queen Mary, and I.ady Elisabeth Itowes-Lyon, daughter of tho earl of Strathmore. Be
low are the bride and groom, together with the king and queen, on the balcony of Buckingham palace acknowledging
the cheers of tho crowd.
Is He Highest
i I iw liw!fffTrir I wP T?J?rj?s j.Hjgj&mKi .3 Mm B Smy9mwjmJmmmmmmmrw1mmmHmZmmmBmWmr'
j ytTiWlVr ? 1 1 -IBF lBBC?.A.frvSt-?flfc m . F1 jBa """H" a, y t fSfyrtt if' immmmmmmmmmmfXmWiLjJmmmMmmmmmmil5mW" & ''ifc
Tlpperary, a Canadian thoroughbred owned by Jack Prestnge of Washing
ton, Jumping over a standard make automobile In Rock Creek park. Mr.
Prestage claims that Tlpperary Is the highest Jumping horse In the world.
Floating Landing Field of Our Navy
fail k TS(sJfMW?ywmmwr9mmmmmt"Jt Jmmm'V$ SSt 'C nibmVljHiWLftftivVfaSrHBHkw x.i H
Airplane photograph of the U. S. S. Langley, one of the navy's two air
plane carriers, with the lint upper deck on which planes can land when re
joining the carrier. Small airplanes and airplane parts nnd repair shops are
underneath the landing stage.
Memorial to Feat
1 1, m, ,ffiSMiaiWKiBi5Stefi
1 mtrtwd-KLliZr&mmmwmmmwmm
J sPH&S&BflOjlBBflBBViKim L
&m!Tmmmmwri'& mmmMmmwymmMmmmmmmmmKiriSiilfPMlii"''m .
Bi fore Admiral Sir Hoger Keyes and the ofllcers nnd men who took par:
in the raid on the Germnn subnmrine nest nt Zeebruggo In 1018, the founda
tion stone of n monument there, which will commemorate the British navy s
historic exploit, was laid. The photograph shows the btone after the ceremonies.
Jumping Horse?
of British Navy
SH iaiiH I
When the Pottstown, Pa., Iron com
pany decided to remove Its old blast
furnace and plant, constructed In 1890,
to make room for new buildings, It
thought thnt dismantling by sections
was too slow. So 20 sticks of dyna
mlto were used nnd down to earth
came the 800 tons of blast furnace.
View of the Mlml-Zuka, or ear mon
ument, erected on a hill at Kyoto by
Talko, a hero of old Japan to cele
brate his victory over tho Coreans.
HOvfiaused thousands of ears, cut from
the dead Coreans, to bo burled beneath
tho Mlml-Zukn. It Is now to bo de
stroyed presumably so that It may
not servo to keep alive Corean anl
moslty to Japan.
Shut That Door!
This common commnnd will soon be
out of dnte, If a recent Inventor has
his way. Ills dovlce slips over the bingo
of any door and prevents It from stand
ing open ; nnd nt the aamo time It can
be slipped on' tho hinge nnd under the
door to serve as a door stop and hold
It In any desired open or pnrtly open
position. In connection with this dou
ble duty, It Is necessnry to point out
that no bcrews nro reipilred for at
taching tho little sprlng-nnd-wlng out
lit. To attach, tho wings aro simply
bent toward ono nnother nnd tho
spring slipped over tho hinge. Ite
moval Is Just as quick and easy as
attachment. Scientific American.
i va&j
. La 1
III L mmt m wLmil
FA ' JWTWM. .Na ft
irrrrrfTnrnifirTMa i - " re
Discovery by Science Hat
Replaced Them.
Pills nnd salta glvo temporary rellof
from constipation only at tho expenso
of permanent Injury, says an eminent
medical authority.
Science has found n newer, better
way a means as slmplo as Nature lt
In perfect health n natural lubricant
keeps tho food waste soft nnd moving.
But when constipation exists this
nntural lubricant is not sufficient.
Doctors prescribe. Nujol because It
acts like this natural lubricant nnd
thus secures regular bowel movements
by Nature's own method lubrication;
As Nujol rs not n medicine or lnxa
tlve, It cannot gripe and, like pure
water, It Is harmless nnd pleasant.
Nujol Is used In leading hospitals.
Get a bottle from your druggist
today. Advertisement.
Volumes. About Shakespeare.
In the last 200 years more than 3,00t
literary men and women have devoted
themselves to the production of books
dealing with Shakespeare and his
works, and of these some Ave or stx
hundred have been foreigners who
have written In their own tongues. Sir
Sidney Leu estimated thnt sx million
volumes dealing with the poet wero
published during the Nineteenth ceo
Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly In
flirenced by Constitutional conditions.
Istii of an Ointment which gtvca Quick
tellef by local application, and th
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which act
through the Blood on tho Mucous Bur
faces and assists In ridding your System
of Catarrh.
Sold by Urupglsta for over 10 Tears.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Greater Demand for Grapes.
Shipments of grapes In 11)22 from
tho- three leading grape-growing states
In the East New York, Michigan nnt)
Pennsylvania were double their aver
ago annual shipments, according to re
ports to tho United States Department
of Agriculture. New York shipped 7,
484 cars, compared with an average of
8.C84 for the years 1917-1021 ; Michigan
Bhlppcd 5,833 cars, compared with an
nverage of 2,012, and Pennsylvania,
1,514, compared with 737.
No ugly, grimy strenks on tha
clothes when Red Cross Ball Blue f
used. Good bluing gets good results.
All grocers carry It. Advertisement
His Mistake.
lie Do you know I'm afraid I
passed you the other day, Miss Qreen?
Immediately afterwards I realized to
my horror that I knew you. London
It Is better to be disappointed la
love than It Is to be disappointed In
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Hrll Sure Relief
To know
how good a cigarette
really can do maa
vou must ttrv
m ssr
Wanted, District Manager
to appoint agents to sell our full
coverage Health and Accident
Policies, which pay for natural
death. Write for full information,