The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1923, Image 3

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Mii'in1 i w in in iiiiiwiiiiiiitwMHi
PtTsSSBpft w WlJ klB 0 IMS I M HI
W i CT7
cold water; directions on each package. Used on plaster, wall board
and all wall surfaces. White and artistic, durable
tints. Cross and circle printed in red on each packaue.
We will supply cut stencil to any user of Alabastin. one stencil
for each room requiring not less than two packages, if you will
end the large words ALABASTINU cut from the face of the
packages over the cross and circle, accompanied by 15c in stamps
or silver for each stencil desired, covering postage and packing.
Write for free booklet, "Nature's Beautiful Tints."
1648 Grandrille Avenue Grand Rapid. Michigan
Metal Long in Use.
Tin Is found In the Knst Indict, IU-
lvln nnd Cornwall; In cnssiturltc or
Ji-stone, n compound of tin mitl oxy-
Ken. Tin was known to the ancients.
It has been found In Egyptian tombs.
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to rcaFOn why
it is that o many products that nro ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of night and are coon forpotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
'A medicinal preparation that has real
rurativo value almost fells itf-clf. a like
an indless chain rvstPin the remedy is
recommended by thoe who have been
benefited to those who are in need of it.
A prominent dnije;ijt says", "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a
preparation I have wild for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
lmost every case it shows excellent re
mits, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-llooti is due to the fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments, eorrcctp uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid
which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle ol
Swamp-Hoot by parcel post. "Address Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., Ilmghamton, N. Y., and
uiclose ten cents; al-o mention this paper.
Large and medium sire bottles for sale at
all drug stores. Advertisement.
Too Great a Danger.
She Shall we make mud pies?
lie No, iiiikI pics p'ts ye all dirty
an' first thin-; e know somebody
hprlngs a bath on ye. Life.
for Economical Transportation
Farm Products
Modem, progressive farmers, being
also business men, no w depend on fast
cheap motor transportation to save
time, save products and get the money.
Chevrolet Superior Light Delivery,
with four post body was built espe
cially for farm needs. It has the space
nnd power for a big load, which it
movcb fast at a very low cost per mile.
For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility
Express Truck at only $575, chassis
only, offers remarkable value. Fits
any standard truck body.
ChevroletMotor Company
Dhriiion of Ctntral Motors Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
HI I & R f.o.b. Flint. Mutt.
UgiggHgHgBgJligU2X'i)lgg&uV4gggHgHflgyg o rB
H2Matta(t922aTfr4Li?iBVVafl x hhhbhbhfvhi.
Disordered Stomach
Take a Rood dose
rimpiy, uiotcny
(.ermine bear
ASK your local dealer to rec
ommend a practical dec
orator. If you are unable to
secure one you can do the work
yourself, tinting and stenciling
your walls to (jive beautiful results.
j53vhj m mi ivii
Initcad of Kaltominc or Wall Paper
Alabastine is a dry powder; mixes with
Can Say That Much.
"Mrs. Dlvorsny belongs to the cream
of society, doesn't she?" "Well, she's
been through the separator."
Hairs Catarrh Medicine
Thoso who nre In a "run down" condi
tion will notice that Catarrh bothers !
them much mora than when thoy aro In '
Rood health. This fact proves that whllo
Catarrh Is a local disease. It Is ereatly i
Influenced by constitutional condlUons.
slats of an Ointment which Quickly
ltellcvca by local application, and tho
Internal Medicine, ft Tonic, which (insists
In improving the General Health. I
Fold by druggists for over 40 Yearn.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Mother Love Supreme.
The nijstpry of a mother's love, the
sensitiveness of her sympathy, thu
vastness of vision of her Intuition, the
sublimity of her M'lfHiieilllco ean nev
er be surpassed. Dr. Alexander Lyon".
A Lady of Distinction j
Is reeopnlzed by the delicate, fascinat
ing Inlluenco of the perfume she uses. !
A hath with Cutlcura Snap and hot
water to thoroughly clennse the pores
followed by a dusting with Cutlcura ,
Talcum powder usually means n clear, .
sweet, healthy skin. Adertlsement. '
Better Show for the Empire. I
I'lifle Hiram They say that the I
i sun jiever sots on the Itritlsh empire.
Aunt Hannah Doc-n't It, now? And
we have such lovely sunsets over
here. Judge.
j -LlHH; 1.-1 lillilllUn IIIIIIU MIlinUll'lUl.Y
ri'l..... In ..!. t ...,... ..nil,.....,,....
, nftor a day of hard work than a line
full of snowy-white clothes. For such
results use Hod Cross Ball Blue. Ad
vertisement. When they get artificial raln-ninklag
perfected they can make It rain on
i the Just only.
Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich.
Superior 2-Pmi. Roaditer $510
Superior 5-I'aii. Touring . 525
Superior 2-I'an. Utility
Coupe CflO
Superior 4-Pan. Sedanette 850
Superior 5.1'aii. Sedan . B60
Superior LlKht Delivery . 510
Superior Commercial
Cliaiilt 425
Utility Kxprcu Truck
Chaiili 575
Dealers and Seivice
Stations Everywhere
Light Delivery
of Carter's Little Liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
Dizziness.Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow,
omn. ttey end the misery of Constipation.
S&xZ&rC SaH Pill j Saull Doie j Small Price
(Copy fop This Uriinrtincnt Supplied by
the American I.eKlon News Service )
Legion National Executive Committee !
O. K.'s Occupation of Territories I
In Ruhr Valley. I
The neilon of France In nmip.vInK ,
certain territories In the Ilithr alley
was given a stamp of approval hy the
national eveeutlve eoiiuiilttee of the
American Legion at a recent meeting
in Indianapolis attended hy repreM'ti
tatlves from every state. '
A resolution charged that the (!er
mans had attempted to wreck the (
llnanelal system of their country for i
the purpose of avoiding payment and '
"by evasion anil trickery sought to tie- '
prlve France of the awards made hy j
the peace conference." The commit- I
tee voled tti send copies of the reso
lution to President Harding, the eon- j
gross and the French ainhassador to
tho 1'nltod States. j
Brig. (Jen. John It. McQuIgg of
Cleveland, chairman of the commit
tee which formulated the resolution,
has issued a statement giving the rea
sons for the Legion's support of
France, as follows:
First : Because the award was a
righteous one rendered hy a compe
tent court and accepted hy (Jerniany.
Second: Because (iormnuy has vol
untarily defaulted and refilled to pay
and has wrecked her whole llnnnclal
system to avoid pa.Miieut.
Third: BecaiiM' the course taken hy
Franco Is the only effective course left
to her In dealing with an ohstl'iate
Fourth: Becaue !ermany has ro
fused to levy taxes anil take other
steps necessary to enable her to pay
the debt. We in the United States
are paying three times as much nation
al ttix as (lormiiny, and France Is
paying more than four times as much
per capita as (terintiny.
Fifth: Because If ticrmuny Is not
niaile to pay the damage caused by
her, some, one oKe will have to pay It.
Sixth: Because, If fionminy Is not
made to pay, the slaughter and expen
diture of material and effort necessary
to win on the battlelleld will have
been, to a large extent, In vain, and
there will be little to deter nations
from running amuck In the future and
making an assault on civilization
whenever they think they aro sulll
clently strong to win.
Commander Doyle of Massachusetts
State Department Is Arranging for
Important Innovation.
A personal address to the 50,000
members of the American Legion In
Massachusetts every month, Is the plan
of William II. Doyle, conimnnder of the
Massachusetts department of the Le
gion, who Is arranging for the Installa
tion of a radio In every post head
quarlers. Broadcasting of all legisla
tion and business of Interest to World
wnr veterans Is being contemplated by
the commander ns a means of reaching
directly the thousands of Legion mem
bers In their homes and at their post
According to plans now being formu
lated. Legion officials of the state will
provide an evening's entertainment at
the broadcasting station on the eve
ning their fellow Legion members aro
"llbteniiur In." They will aim to com
bine an hour's pleasure with the busi
ness of the posts, It Is said. The
scheme nlo would aid the sponsors of
legislation In putting their Idens before
thousands of radio enthusiasts In each
community, In addition to the Legion
members. The Innovation proposed hy
Commander Hoyle has- been approved
hy the Legion national headquarters,
Weekly concerts for the disabled war
veterans In the Bay State hospitals are
Included In the plans of the Legion of
llcer, nnd are now being arranged by
the department officers.
Roosevelt Legion Post Has Subsidiary
Organization to Aid Beneficiary
at Death of Member.
A now angle on the American Le
gion's policy of service to Its member
ship hns been developed by the Theo
dore Itoosovelt post of Chicago In Its
Zero Hour club. This subsidiary or
ganization within the post propones to
pay a benefit of $100 to the beneficiary
of any of Its members who die, Im-
j mediately upon receipt of the notice
or ms (icatn. Tiie plan, post olllclnls
assert, will work for the relief of a
veteran's benellclary by tiding him
over the period which elapses between
the death and the time when the in
surance companies begin payment of
the life Insurance.
Olllcors of the Zero Hour club also
are olllcors of thu Legion post, and
only accredited Legion members In
good standing nre eligible to becoino
participants la the club. Annual dues
ure $U.f0, with a further assessment
of $1 upon the death of any of the
club's members. Membership In tho
Zero Hour club, tho president states,
Is not Insurance, hut It Is protection
for a limited amount, better, cheaper
and quicker thun Insurance.
Resolution Is to De Presented
President and Congress by
Brig. Gen. Roy Hoffman.
Brig. lien. Hoy Ilofftnnn of Oklahoma
City, Okln., has boon selected by the
legislature of the state to present a
resolution memorializing the Presi
dent and congress for the promotion
of permanent peace tinning nations as
outlined by the Interallied Veterans'
federation, reprcentlng lfi.OOO.tHKi
World war veterans.
The resolution primarily calls for
the establishment of a world court,
the reduction of armnment, except for
the upholding of court decrees; opposi
tion to territorial aggrandizement,
and full publicity for International
agreements between governments.
The declaration of principles, which
formed the basis tif the resolution sent
hy the Oklahoma lawmakers to con
gross, Is that adopted by the federa
tion at Its world convention hold In
New Orleans during the recent Amer
ican Legion convention. The legion
Is a member body of the federation
which Is also known as "Flduo."
(louernl Ilofftnnn was given credit
for the writing of many of the princi
ples for the Fldae convention.
A native of the Southwest, General
Hoffman becnnie a resident of Indian
territory, now Oklnhoma, as soon as
that country was thrown open for
white settlement. Karly In life, ho
established the first dally newspaper
Brig. Gen. Roy Hoffman.
In Guthrie, during the operation of
which he was preparing for admission
to the bar, which he accomplished In
1S01. As United States attorney In
1S!)7, he resigned to enlist as a pri
vate for service In the Spanish-Ameri
can war, ami served throughout the
war, attaining the rank of captain. In
1000, on the death of the colonel of
the Oklahoma Ouard regiment, Mr.
Ilofftnnn succeeded to the coin
ninnd of the regiment, serving through
domestic and Indian troubles. He was
called for border service In 101(1 and
was mustered out In March, 1017, only
to he called to the colors HO days later
for World war service.
Promoted to brigadier general on
August 0, 1017, Oenernl Hoffman
commanded a brigade at Camp Bowlo
and assisted in organizing the Thirty
sixth division. He later organized the
Ninety-third division nntl commanded
It In action. During the battle of
C'antlgny he was with the First di
vision, nlso saw service In the Toul
sector, at St. Mililel, nnd In the de
fensive IMeardy sector. He received
the decoration of commander of tho
Legion of Honor, conferred In person
by Marshal Foch.
A charter member of the American
Legion, Oeueral Hoffman has been ac
tive In promoting the Interests of the
organization. He has attended all na
tional conventions as a delegate and
has served as national executive com
mitteeman from Oklahoma. He was
named n member of tho committee to
meet the F. I. D. A. O., and was a
delegate to the allied convention.
Commander Rscognlzes 'Member of His
Camp When They Meet in an
Illinois City.
Distance means little to the Ameri
can Legion or Its olllcoro.
National Commander Alvln Owsley
recently surprised Legionnaires In an
Illinois town, and caused a post com
mander a mild embarrassment hy his
Immediate recognition of a former
"buddy" In service at an Oklahomn
camp, hundreds of miles away from
that town.
Commander Owsley was being enter
tained at a meeting of the Jefferson
post I'll, Mt. Vernon, III., and tho post
commander was Introducing the vari
ous members of his organization to the
guest of honor.
Momentarily forgetting n member's
name, the local man said, "The next
is er "
"Hello, Batrd," said Commander Ows
ley, "what In the world aro you doing
Balrd was a soldier who had been
stationed nt the camp when the leader
tif the Legion was a captain at tho
post, but he recognized the man be
fore the post commander could think
of the member's name.
Private Blimp was a modest and
sensitive man who dreaded a rebuff,
He had fallen In lovo with the pret
tiest girl within a mile of the camp,
hut hesitating proposing for fear that
she would turn him down. At last,
when he could stand thu suspense no
longer, ho was struck by an Inspira
tion. Hastily seizing a pen, he wrote
her nn anonymous letter nsklng her
to marry him. Amerlcun Legion
What a girl lcarna
about oventempcr
ature when baking
bread is valuable
when it conies to
baking cakes, pics,
meats, fish, etc
Send for free booklet
'The Art of Baking Dread"
Goes Up in the Air and Lands.
Seaton Does your wife over get up
In the air.
Albertson You hot 1 And she always
lands on me. Judge.
Porcelain Fuse Handle.
For safely removing fuses from
high-tension electric circuits an all
porcelain handle has been Invented.
land, if your present
there is a new deal for
Come One! Come All! V SIilE
U9V2?KUr " I 7j9gHgnNgflMHggkr kv-" ggag
farms of Western Canada, where wheat produces 20 to 40
bushels to the acre, where
where oats, barley and hay
dairy industry, and a man's
Low Priced Land
In Western Canada you still can
ner acre, on lone terms if desired,
as has (or manv yearn produced the world's
alfalfa. Canada had no war time"
in on the ground floor.
Taxes Favor the Farmer
as Values Increase
The tax laws of Western Canada encourage
the producing farmer. The tax on land is
reduced when it is brought under cultiva
tionwhile on your buildings, machinery.
Improvements, personal property, automo
bile, there Is no tax at all. A single crop Is
often worth more, acre for acre, than the
cost of the land.
Buy on Exceptional Terms 32 Years to Pay
For the benefit of those wishing to buy land a national non-profit sharing organization
the Canada Colonizntion Association-has been established with head office at Winnipeg,
and United States office at St. Paul. This Association offers selected land convenient to
railways-much of it at $15 to $20 per acre on very small caih payment; no further
payment until third year; balance extended over thirty years, but purchaser may pay up
and obtain title at any time if desired. Interest six percent per annum on deferred payments.
Special Excursion Rates to Western Canada
In order that you may Inspect the land see for yourself Judge of Its value and fertility
Bpeclal excursion trips of inspection will leave United States points on the first and third
Tuesday of each month. Sioilo far plua 92 for tha round trip, available from all
nrlnrlnnl centers. Take advantage of these
low railroad rates to inspect for yourself
the opportunities which Western Canada has
to offer you. Seeing is believing, The neap
est Canadian Government Agency will give
you all information. The men in charge are
Government officials, interested only in the
service of the prospective settler. W holp
you find your opportunity. Let US know
something ol your position ana receive iree
book with maps, and information how
special railway rates can be arranged for a
trip of inspection. Mail the coupon.
nvollable in some localities. Canada,
welcomes TOURISTS Come nnd
see our country, for yourself. No
passports required.
Gives New
Putnam Fadeless
Black - Tan - White - Ox-Blood - Brown
StllNOlA preserves leather as paint preiervei buildings.
Quick and eaiy to uie. Jaa7"5i5 dsr kk. Shines in a hurry.
SHINOLA HOME SET BLa&r3B . , . , . ,. .
Makes Shining Easy 'TnftfnFfi .
Genuine Brittle Dauber ,TsW?',rK(r jut fill the hand. Brings
cleans around the tole and VWEg'' the brilliant Shinola thins
Sly. ,h0f 'JPtfeN Wllh ' ,CW "Vt-
TK SUog fry Mint ""
04 breadmAfcrs
ercrjrwhtre prtfer It
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, 11L
Those Numerous "Probs."
If half of the world does not know
how tho other half lives It Is not be
cause It Isn't trying to find out. Cuu
ton News.
As If She Could Help It.
She (excitedly) I know you'll nev
er believe what I am going to tell you.
He Then why toll It V
to offer YOU!
If your dreamof success seems like a hopeless ambition,
if vou are discouraged trvine to tret ahead on hiuh Driced
location fails to cive you opportunity,
you. a new chance in the fertile, virgin
the 1922 crop was biggest in history,
and fodder crops are the baslsof a great
work brings him success and prosperity.
the Last Great West
buy vircin'orairie land at S15 to $20
near to town, railroads, etc. land such
prize winnlns wheat, oats, barley, flax, rye.
land boom: orices axe not inflated you set
Rent Now Buy Later
Pay Out of Profits
Cnnada welcomes the Industrious settler.
What you have now isn't ao important. If
your capital la small, or you cannot sell your
present holdings to advantage, rent a fertile
Canadian farm and try it out " for a season
or two. Make a good living, increase your
capital, and buy later. Farms nitty be rented
from successful settlers on easv terras; in
some cases with option of purchase.
$ Addreta Nearest Agent .
Dtik W, SCO Ptttr'i Trott CUj. Omaha, N-K.
Please send me your Free book on Canada,
run particularly intern ted in
fcvacUl CaJIw.j lUt.,
Uivirttfitd rrmlaa
.......... nrU. No
orSUrtt Addreta
P O..
Life to Old Stocking
Dyes dyes or tints as you wist?