The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1923, Image 3

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i t
To know
how good a cigarotte
really can b
K new KUiirinti'cil, 2 li w Ouslimaii Unlit
Inn i'uitiiiitii, rruly to run, iwiuntt-i'
Ml blddn I'vguliir priur $150 Co nt fnclury
to turn In'i) cash our prlco J32S Oft
Mnlioitnny rune, kIum from uxcil piiyrr,
caBh J150 CO, Out. rnic Si-elmo: k!ah front,
lisotl iilaypr. chhIi I'OO no 1'hotopiuyiT. plum,
ffcllun double re I iiimli'l, cnn!i J100 00
run rjvi.To co mi.nni:aimms, mi.nn.
Peppy Baby Chicks of All Breeds
7 els. toSlctHi fancy iiu.ility. Write
Shoe Polishes
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milt Bottles find Daitv Supplln; Zr.t
Cjjti and Chicken Coops: Hollers.
1309 Jonei St. 11 V. Third St.
1123 O Street :: Lincoln, Neb
- I
"" W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 17-1923. '
Fielding's Rank as Author. '
Henry Kidding (17U707.1I) wns the
greatest novelist of the Eighteenth
century. He was playwright, a law
yer and a police court Judge. His
pages teem wltii life and humor. His
miistci piece, Tom Jones, written In
17-10, iii selected by Coleridge as
one of the three most perfect plots In
Not Much to Ask.
"Of course, Henry, I know I'm In
the wrong but I do think you might
agree with me!"
o rnaao a
Servo Raisin Food Raisin WeekApril 23 to 29
slrfrfa-w. Si-PJMyff "T--BggwKsggggggMgiiSs?' - -
Have You Tried Them
from your modern bakers' ovens?
These big, brown loaves of
"old-fashioned" full-fruited
raisin bread?
Note the raisin flavor that
permeates these loaves.
Count the big, plump, ten
der, juicy raisins in each slice.
It's ral raisin bread the
kind you're looking for.
Reody-baked to save bak
ing at home. Delicious and
convenient and economical
in cost.
We've arranged with bak
trs in almost every town and
city to bake this full-fruited
raisin bread.
The Supreme Bread Raisin
Sun-Maid Raisins are grown and packed in California by
Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, a co-operative organization com
prising 14,000 grower members.
Blue Package
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
Unless you see the nnmo "Bayer" on
package or on tablets yon are not got
tins the genuine Bner product pre
scribed by phsiclans over twenty-two
yenrs and proved safe by millions for
Colds lU'iidiiclio
Tt othucho Lumbago
Earache llheiimntlsm
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of '2 I and 100.
Asporln is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Mononcoticacldester of
Sullcyllcacld. Advertisement.
We Believe Him.
A university pi nfo-isor declares that
the money spent for cosmetics and
perfumes last year was fiO per cent
more than t lie endowments of all uni
versities and colleges. And Judging
from tlit' number of times the dear
tilings bave to make up their faces
ever. day we believe lilm.
To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or Itching, If any, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Ulnso, dry gently and
dust on u little Cutlcura Talcum to
leave a fascinating fragrance on skin.
Everywhere lioc each. Advertisement
Dry Farming.
Brown How do you raise potatoes
In a dry summer?
.Tones Planted onions among them.
You see the onions made their eyes
water so that they didn't mind the
dry weather at all. Farm Life.
Just say to your grocer Bed Crosi
Ball Blue when buying bluing. You
will be more than repaid by the re
sults. Once tried always used. Ad
vertisement. Gas Keeps Stride With Electricity.
In spite of the tremendous strides
of the electrical Industry, the gas in
dustry today employs live times ns
ninny men and twenty times ns much
capital as in 1S0O.
A hypocrite never succeeds In mis
leading others as far as he misleads
Order from your grocer or
a neighborhood bake shop.
Say you want the bread
that's made with Sun-Maid
Good raisin bread is a rare
combination of the benefits of
nutritious cereal and fruit both
Rood and good for you, eo serve
it at least twice a week.
Use more raisins in your cakes,
puddings, etc.
You may be offered other
brands that you know less well
than Sun-Maids, but the kind
you want is the kind you know
is good. Insist, therefore, on
Sun-Maid brand. They cost no
more than ordinary raisins.
Mail coupon for free book of
tested Sun-Maid recipes.
Sun-Maid Raisin Growers,
Fresno, California
Please send me copy of your free book,
"Recipes with Raisins."
City State .
i MliCt If tIN hV'im UN OH ... i i -
"Grunt, grunt," Mild Grandfather
Porky Pig.
"Can't .ou think up nn.vthltig new
to sa V Inquired .MKs Hum.
"Xi-lhlri'." Mild Grandfather Porky
Pig. "which belter tells the way 1 feel
til. .11 those two' c.piv- he voids,
Grunt, Grunf."
"Well." said Miss II.uii. "I v 111 ad
mit that 'Miieal, squeal,' uie two
word of which I'm pui-tiiul:irl. fond,
but still you begin all convci'sut'ons.
it seem to me, with 'Grunt. Grunt.
"Perhaps we .hoiihl not entl them
two words. After all, thej'io only
"Now !.e careful." said Grandfather
Pi rkv PI,-. "Don't try to lie too fussy
about words or you'll get all mixed up.
You we.-e getting In pretty deep wlen
you were -uing that the two wolds,
after all, 'were only 'one.' Curious
speech, that."
"What do you mean by saying I vrs
getting In deep':" asked Miss Ham.
"Peep In whatV"
"Peep in mistakes" said Grandfa
ther Pinky. "You were getting bo.voml
our depth In what you knew. That
can be dene. Oh, e, one can get be
yond one's depth In more than the wa
ter. "When people try to talk about some
thing which N beyond their knowledge
they :et in ton deep, too. They get all
confused and mixed up.
"That N what I mean.
"You said I began all conversations
wotli 'Grunt. GiTiit.' Mn.vbe I do. 1
"I Can Alv.-.ys Uc Cure of Myself."
run think -f no bdter way of heg'n-
tilng u conversation, and surelj a con
vei'.'.iitlun must be somehow.
"You can't lust plunge into a conver
saticii right in (lie middle. That I-n't
jiolite, and it wouldn't be fair to the
"It would it too much.
"Yi's-. tlit' best way Is to hne n goed
hcg't.iiliig. Now, I say 'Grunt, Grunt'
Just ns some would say:
" 'llow-do-you-do?'
"That's my way."
"You almost speak as though a con
versitlon had feelings," .said Miss
"A conversation," '-Ik continued,
"wouldn't care if ,ou did Jump light
into the middle i-f It."
"You can't tell," said Grandfather
Porky. "Very strange things happen.
"But yoii'ie not letting me get far in
my talk," he added.
"Pear me, did you hne something
rise to sny?" asked Miss Ham.
"Of course," said Grandfather Porky.
"I have something else to say. I mere
ly begin by 'Grunt, Grunt' anil then I
grunt a long, Intere-tlng conversation."
"I'd let some one else call It Inter
esting," said .MN-. Ham.
"Perhaps no one will." said Grand
father Porky. "I thought I'd make sure
of some one and so I said It myself. I
can always lie sure of myself."
"It's something that yoii'ie pleased
with youiself," said Miss Hum, as she
twisted her little tall.
"Well, let mo hear what you have to
say," she added. "I know you want
to tell me."
"Not unless you want to hear," said
Grandfather Porky.
"If I should wiy I didn't you'd be a
sad pig," said .Miss J lam.
And, as Porky knew that was tho
truth, lie didn't say anything more
about being anxious that she should
want to hear him, but began to talk
right away.
"I heard the other day that every
one had a favorite pastime.
"That meant that everyone had a
favorite amusement or way of passing
time pleasantly and enjoynbly.
"And so I decided we bhniild have
u pastime we pigs.
"The pastime which we would decide
upon as our favorite wculd be the re
sult of a vote, and so I'm going to ask
all the pigs to vote en what they think
should be considered our favorite pas
time. "The pastime which receives the
greatest number of votes will bo
So all the plgu were railed, nml
they all voted i-n the favorite pastime
of pigs.
And every one voted for the same
pastime the delightful pastime of eat
ing. Yes, every one of them voted for
On Saturday Night.
Teacher Now. Willie, what Is the
Order of the Buth?
wiine tptr.zii'iu .loiir.ny comes i
llrst, then Ileliry, then the baby, und
then me. Loudon Atihwers, I
if " i?
Portland Citizen Declares Tan
lac Completely Overcame
Stomach Troubles.
J. T. Strain, 0517 SSth St., Portland,
Oregon, speaking of his experience
with Tanlae, says:
"Tnnlac has ended my stomach trou
ble, built me up eighteen pounds mid I
now enjoy the best health of my life.
But for two years before I got Tanlae,
stomach trouble had mu In Its grip,
and all sorts of ailments kept bobbing
ip to cause me misery. Scarcely any
thing I ate agreed with me, and I kept
falling off till I was sixteen pouniH
underweight. Gas on my stomach
bloated me till 1 could luinlly breathe.
I had attacks of biliousness ami had
to bo nil the time tnklng laxatives.
"Tanlae put nip on my feet, fixed,
mo up so I can eat heartily, sleep llko
n top and wink nt full speed. Thoro's
no two ways about It: Tanlae suro
builds it so'ld foundation for health."
Tanlae Is for snlo by all good drug
gists. Over :i.ri million bottles sold.
Sheika From a Distance.
Two :,oung girls, pupils tit a high
school 'ere talking on a street car.
It seeti"d that love with a capital L
had onteiei) their lives.
"Do you know Bobby Blank?" one
of them asked.
'Oil, yes," her compnnlnn said." But
I've known him too long to think
much about him. I do not think you
can care much for a fellow you've
known u long time, do you? I like
these sheiks from u distance."
Anil her companion nodded sagely.
In an ncuto attack of Nnsnl Catarrh.
Thono subject to frequent "colds" are
Bcnorally In a "run down" condition.
irAXiT..'8 CATAItrtir MEDIcrNIO Is a
Treatment ronalBtlni; of on Ointment, to
be URod locally, and a Tonic, which acta
Quickly through tho Blood on tho Mu
coun Surfaces, building up tho Syntcm,
and maklrtK you lcsn llublo to "colda."
Bold by dniKRlsto for ovor 40 Yeara.
7. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
"This Is n queer pie. Where did you
get the recipe?"
"It was furnished 'Apnrtment Hints'
by a movie actress."
"No wonder It's u queer pie." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
If one has an nudlence for his re
marks he has much to bo thankful
Punning into debt Is an nrt that
Is Incomplete without knowing how
to get out.
color yonr batr
taall, quickly
ond anleljr by
nalnff O-llan
flair Color He-
torer. Sat to one water. Make fou look young
again. At all gix1 drmrirltu, 73 centa, or illrfct
iroin iittwiu ti.Lia, memiait, Mtmpau, ' icon
A fontc Gives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters
1 U If ClIIS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tints as you wish
Enumerators In India Find Their Jobs
Full of Undesirable Thrills
Many Are Beaten.
The trials and tribulations of a staff
of some U.OOO.OOO census takers to
find out there weie approximately
.'UlMXMt.OOO people In India In 1021,
have been related by J. Marten, cen
sus commissioner for India.
The employment of this huge nrmy
of enumerators, said Mr. Marten, was
necessitated by the fact that, owing to
the Illiteracy of the population, tho
employment of the householder as
enumerators of his household was Im
possible. He told of Instances of
enumerators being stabbed by suspi
cious Hindus, who considered the cen
sus takers too Inquisitive. Some of
the natives, on the other hand, resort
ed to violence when bribery failed to
Induce the census takers to makfa
false entries showing that the natives
enjoyed higher stations In the soclul
scale than was really the case.
The census, Mr. Marten said,
showed gain of 1.2 per cent over the
population of 1011. Tho average
density of population over tho whole
of India was 177 to the Kquaro mile.
The maximum density of any province
was In Bengal, where there were
fouud to be COS to the square mile.
Burst Its Bonds.
Another girl and 1 are studying home
nursing during tho evening, which
necessitates our staying downtown for
dinner. In order to save expenses wo
cook our meals In the ofJlco and conse
quently have had to tako down a lot
of kitchen utensils.
I was bringing a frying pan down
one morning. It was an awkward bun
dlo to carry, and when I got In tho
crowded street car away up In front
so that every one could see me some
thing went "clang," like a llro alnrm.
Everybody looked, and there In front
of mo was my frying pan, which had
fallen out of the paper. A man near
ly fell over It, but kindly picked It
up and gave It to me. There I hnd
to stand until tho end of my Journey.
Chicago Tribune.
Where the Money Went.
Doctor "Well, I hope you profited
by my advice." Patient "Yes, doctor,
but not sn much as you did."
Prayer books may yet get n re
vision that will Include- n petition for
those who go up In airships.
For a light, sweet
dough let your
ponge tonight with
Nothing equals the
thrill of pride that
comes from a fine
baking of home
made bread made
with your own
hands to supply
your own family
Said for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread'
lr&SfyvW6Bi!l I' 7
BsfcffalSB PA Jl
Take a good dose
tnen take z or
"Puritan Massachusetts."
Good old Puritan Massachusetts,
which Is no longer Puritan, by the
way, but Unman Catholic, has, ac
cording to the HK!0 census, 'JS per
cent of foreign-born population and
but lU.l) per cent of native-born of
native parentage. Immigrants anil the
tlrst generation of their children make
up over two-thirds of her population.
New York city, which Is tho largest
Italian city and the largest Jewish
city In the world, to say nothing of
being the largest negro city, has only
i!0.7 per cent of native-born popula
tion of native parentage. From tlm
For truo blue, use Bed Cross Ball
Blue. Snowy-white clothes will be
sure to result. Try It and you will al
ways use It. All good grocers huvo It.
Rather Well Defined.
A negro was trying to tell n newly
nrrlvcd foreigner that be had been
for a time In the hospital.
"What's a hospital?" was the query.
The reply wns: "A hospltnl am Jes'
natchelly a museum o' misery."
Every cloud has Its silver lining
which you don't see until you tire on
the other side of It.
A man In love gives; a woman In
love forgives.
Flora's Papa Had Stood Much, but
This Time Mickey Had Gone Be
yond the Limit.
Mickey Is n collie pup.
Flora's sister gave Mickey to Flora
last Christmas.
Mickey has done n great many
things that a little dog hIioiiIC not do,
but his wngglng tall, roguish expres
sion and rolypoly antics nave always
won him forgiveness. But now Mickey
Is In disgrace. ,
Flora's uininmn didn't get angry
when Mickey pulled the cover off tho
table and broke one of her best china
Flora's papa forgave Mickey when
he chewed the sole off one of his
house slippers.
And, of course, Flora couldn't do
ntiythlng when Mickey tore one of her
best silk stockings.
But last wed: the assessor enme to
Flora's house and Mickey met him on
the front porch.
Flora's papa says: "It's too much."
Indlunnpolls News.
Population and Squaro Miles.
There would be nbout nlno people
to the square mile If the entire popula
tion of tho world were distributed
equally over tho earth's total surface
urea of nbout 107,000,000 square miles.
We'ro nbver entirely safe from
snowstorm until nfter the first rain
bow. What to
Making a Big Word
Car-bo-hy-drntes make up about
GO per cent of the average diet.
They produce heat and energy.
They are largely secured from tho
grain and vegetable starches.
In the long, slow baking by
which Grape-Nuts is produced
from wheat and mnlted bnrley, tha
grain starcho3 nre partially pre
digestcd. They nre changed to
"dextrins" and "mnltoso" forms
of Carbohydrates so easy to di
gest that they form tho basis of
tho most successful baby foods.
Many peoplo hnvo digestive
trouble caused by the food-starch
In its original form, but Grape-,
Nuts has been famous for a quarter-century
for its exceptional easo
of digestion, und assimilation, and
Yeast Foam
Hpl ''Tggggs
gggA9VpPrft' iW gggga
igtjjJtj 1 wL 7
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 North Ashland Ave.
of Carter's Little Liver Pills
a lor a lew nignts niter, t ney restore
the organs to their proper functions and Headache
and the causes of it pass away.
&S&2 X?w7$&xL Small Pill 5 Small Dose; Small Prlc.
Must Make Use of Material.
If we do not make use of our newly
discovered materials, wo shall only
continue to live stupidly In a stupid
world. 13. C. Ltndcmnii.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief v
Shake Into Your Shoes
And sprinkle In the foot-bath Allen's
Foot-Ease, the antiseptic, healing
powder for Painful, Swollen, Sweating
feet. It prevents blisters and sore spots
and takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. Always use Allen's Foot
Ease to break in new shoes and enjoy
the bliss of feet without an ache. Thoso
who use Allen's Foot-Ease say that they
have solved their foot troubles. Sold
everywhere. Trial package and a Foot
Ease Walking Doll sent Free. Address
Allen's Foot-Ease, Le Roy, N. Y.
Really Asking Too Much of Him to
Sort Out Cats at That Timo
of Night.
Every cellnr window was broken In
Mr. Jones' old tumble-down house.
Consequently, all the small domestic
animals In the neighborhood particu
larly tho cats run In and out ut wIlL
.Sometimes there was quite a gather
ing In the cellar, and when a pet was
missing, It was the regular thing to go
to "Uncle Bill's" door with, "Have you
seen my cat?"
One evening n nearby family missed
their "tortoiseshell" at bedtime, and
concluding that she had Joined tho
happy throng at Uncle Bill's, sent their
man over to ask him If lie would tako
a look and see If shu wns among tho
Lumber. It may have been a day of
many similar demands; nt all events.
Uncle Bill was not in his usual good
"Your cat may be there, or shu mnj
not be there," ho said, "hut I ain't a
goln' to light up no lamp an' go down
In that cellar this time o' night sortla
out cats for nobody 1"
World Needs Such Men.
The man who Is Just and resolute
will not be moved from his settled pur
pose, either by the misdirected rage,
of his fellow citizens, or by the threata
of an imperious tyrant. Ilorace.
An active brain will not tnke a
vacation, no matter what efforts ona
Eat and Why
an Easy Part of Your Diet
its splendid, building nourishment.
It is a food for strength and en
ergy, delightfully crisp nnd appe
tizing, mndo today by tho satna
formula which first brought this
charm for tnsto and aid to health
to tho world's dining table. Grape
Nuts contains tho iron, phosphorus
and the essential vitamin, so of
ten lacking in modern, "refincd',
Many servings of teal food
value in n pnekago of this eco
nomical food. At your grocer's to
day ready to servo with cream
or milk. Grape-Nuts tho Bod
Builder. "There's a Reason." Mada
by Postum Cereal Co., Incv, Bat Us.
Creek, Mich,