The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1923, Image 4
I EUD CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF trvmsranamitacxmtmmottamtiamMviwm THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebranicix lr" to irne trees planned !n seho d yprds and in private yard , one for each member of Hits family. If you don't want trees, shrub o'f vines would do. A pi he of ten dollars ! will be tfiven to the tfchoot succeeding PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ; nmtinB the greatest Imprivomcnt in its surroundings by next year at this time, or later in May. Try to get the patents interested in your schools. There arc a great many papers looked over in the eighth grade ex aminations and alwav.i , there nrc some th'ng overlooked. This year two names were ovet looked that should have been in the t'st of rural chlldicn thut passed. Thev were Albeit Erickson of Dish let 11 and Robert Kudrna of District 7fi. When ever it looks as if things were not right it is no favor to let the matter go. If it 's not right, it can be made right and that is ic way we want it, S3 bring in your complaints. (us Holmgrain arrived in the c'ty Tuesday evening to visit relatives and friends. Entered In tin- VuBtolncc fit Hid ( loud. Nob m Second (.'Itui Mutter A. B. McARTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertising Rates Foroltfn, per column Inch I5c Local. 12115 COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By Superintendent) LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO The next eight grade examination will be May 3 and 4. Students who fail in any subject will be given a second chance at this time. The next teachers' examination will be held May 25 and 20. Teachers arc being elected in many schools at this time. This is the time when the chances of your children nrc determined. A good teacher means a year of opportunity and ad vancement for them; a poor teacher means a year of the'r life wasted or perhaps worse than wasted. Make wire that your teacher has good grades and try to find what her standing is in the last community or with her High School teachers. Sec if she had good government. Make haste slowly and do not elect a teacher without knowing something definite about her. When you have hired or promised your school write in to the Oounty Superintendent so that the teachers that have no place will not spend a lot or money and time trying to get positions that arc already taken. Applications for transfers should he in before June 11. Applications for free high school tuition must be in before June 11. A great movement is In progress to In the District Court of the United States For the District oT Nebraska, Hastings Division In trie Mittet oi ) In ByVruptc)r. No. 173 John J. Calbrailh Notice Of HfSt Duktupt. ) Hettlnft ? Creditors To the Creditors of John J.Galbraith of Inuvalo in the County of Webster und district uforcsid, n bimlmipt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 17th lny of Apiil, A D. l'JU.'J, the said John J. Uulbralth was duty adjudicat. ed bankrupt, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held Ht Federal Court Room in Hastings, on the 1th Jay of May, A. I) 1023, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the srdd creditors tnuv attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact uch other busi ness as may properly eoiuu before said meeting. 0. NORHERO. Ku'eree In Bankruptcy Holdregc, Nebr. Kobt. U.irkley Is in the city this week. John Cruris was in Chicago this week. Walt Sherwood has moved into the Mitchell property. Alva Hollars anil Thtd McNItt have gone back to Omtnl Island. Jl'ieo. Ncwhouso leaves to-night for Edgar wheio he will woik for W. II. Crook Miss Anna. 'Pulleys Is able to be around iignin after a severe attack of measles. Mrs. Oilee and son Khiva expect to go to Cliicngo in a couple of weeks for a year s May. Visitors from Sterling, Illinois, were at the residence of ex-deputy HiicrUY 0 C. 'Peel this week. Mrs. A C. Uosmcr and daughter Ktbel loavs to-morrow morning for a visit iu Lincoln for a few days E J. Overing jr., was in Norton this week organizing a lodge of Fraternal Order of Protectors. He is deputy su preme commander. 40 YEARS AGO HAPTFST Ilihlc ojhool ut 10 u in. Moinliig Service at II a. in. IV. Mills will preach in the morning on tlio following subject: "How fur may wo accept the modem view of Chtlbt and his (lopcl?M Evening service nt 8 Dr. Mills sub ject at this servictj will be: "Two Closed Doors " There will bo a special Song Service at 7:H'J Sunday evening with solos and special music to which nil me invited. We extend cordial invitation to all wishing to engage with us iu these r vices. I W. r.dsou, Fusion P re lied Cloud Is still booming. Sheriff Warren mid his family turned from Iowa Suuduy evening. Another change has been made in the old lumber Him of Jones & Mngeo. Mr. Ooblt has taken an interest, and the firm name is now Jones fc Goble. The new timo tablo on the 13. fc M. went into effect last Suuday and the new atrangement makes Red Cloud one of the most important points on the line A number of the members of the Odd Fellows lodge of tbls place went to Alum yesterday to take part in the Odd Fellows celebration at that place. A drove of four hundred and sixty live young cattle passed through town last Wednesday from Washington county, Kansas. They are being 'driv en out to the range near the Colorado line. , HRETHRHN II. A KKANTZ, Pastor We welcome jou at the llrethreu Church This Is the growing season. New life is showing everywhere, and this means fruitage in nature later on. Refreshing showers tiro calling forth the best Iu nature. There arc refresh lug showers awaiting thoe who will como into the temple of worship, where our God will feed, and warm and nourish. This also will mean fruitage thut will continue an eternal Increase of joy and blessing. Come let us worship together Sunday School at 10. Morjiing wot ship at II. Christian Endeavor at 7. Evening Worship at 7:30. Attend the Operetta at Auditorium Tonight gKMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiJiiiiiiuiioiiiMiiiro rrQP I 53 sa CHRISTIAN ". ,iown Buy Them With Yo Egg and Chicken Money f Set aside your egg and chicken money and, almost before you realize it, you will have enough to buy an equipment of beautiful " Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Ever" uten sils will make you as proud of -your kitchen as you arc of the other rooms in your home. WEARCVE) ssSii&ti mux "Wear-Ever" W1ARIVE9 nun Aluminum Cooking Utensils cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because theyare worth more. It pays to buy "Wear-iTyer" just as it pays to buy good farming implements. " Wear-Ever1' utensils nrc made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or scamo. Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and safe. Rcplaco utensils that wear out with utensils thut "Wear-Ever" GEO. W. TRINE n TtMXMMM H a 10 YEARS AGO Ed Gillard of Napouec was in Sunday. Lymau Essig and Abo Delph left Sunday evening for Denver whwo they Intended buying cattle. Walt Warren put chased a new Boda fountain during his recent trip toKau sis, City. , Hurry Letson, the popular manager of the Miner Hios. Co , is confined to his home with an attack of tbe uieaslc-. Moyd aril Ouy llr.idbrook arrived h iue the of the week fiuinTe, Will Robertson iu Superior the tlrst of the week visiting his daughter. Mrs. Hoy Warn. Harry Ruckles of the lit in of Buckles & Whititltur, bpeut a few dujs the th-st (of thu week seeing the 'ight.s of Hust ings and uUo attending a wedding near Sutton. I) in Garber is liniuu from Kansas City and other eastern citio-, wheio he has been for the past, two weeks at tending to business matters Notice of Final Report In thu County Court of Webster County, Nobrasku. Iu The Mutter of the Estate of John son II WLsoeurver, Deceased. All per.sonti interested in said estate, uro hereby notified that the Adminis tratrix lias tiled herein a final iiueouut and lepoit of her administration, and it petition for the tiual settlement of such account and report, and for u de free of distribution of tho residue of said estate, and for the assignment of the real estiUe belonglug thereto, and a discharge from hertiu-t, all of which mi id mutters have been &ct for hearing lu'foiosHid court on tlif lib day of May, llii'l, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M , when ull pel ions Interested my appear and contest lliesiime. Dated this i.M)th diiy of April, 1023. (SEAL) A D RANW'KY, County .Indge. ''And Ruth said, Entreat mo not to leave theo, and to return from follow ing after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go; and wbeie thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my peo. pie, and thy God my God; where tho diest willl die, and there will I be burled". Ilccause of the rain, we missed our country people Sunday. However we are ull grateful for tbe ..splendid rain of the past few days, arid next Sunday wc hope to raise the Sunday School at tendance several degrees The Social Circle spent a very pleits ant afternoon with Mrs. II. It Child ress Friday. The hostess was assis ed by Mrs David Delph. At the close of the afternoon a delicious lunchion was served by Nina Childress aud Ellen Woodruff The Mison is being fieshened up a bit with new paper and paint. GARFIELD COMMUNITY vwwuv. I Place Your Coal i I Civil Service Examination An open competitive examination for the position of Clerk (Malonnd Funiolo) in the Red Cloud I'ost Ofllee will be held on Saturday, May tUh, commenc ing at 0 o'lock u in. Applications for this examination must be made on tho preset ibed form, which, wHh nec-'hsiirv instructions, may bo obtained from the Commission's local representative, Mr Mnrinn llloom Secretary U S Civil Service Hoard at the Red Cloud l'ost Otllco. Each nppli- komt will tie requited to Hibmit to the examiner on tho day of examination u photorapn of himself tnken within two yiMis. 10 a. tu., Sunday School. The S'ory of Ruth 11 a. ni., Sermon by Rev I, IJ. Wag oner. T:l"i p in , Program by Young l'o ides Department. S:!lu p. in., Sermon: Tho Laws of Life, 2 "The Law of Oppoitmilly and Responsibility". The Chorus will mcetSatiudiiy oven ing ut tin church f r music pinutlce and a irncUI. The i meetings aie for all, not only for the young folks. The p.u cuts w ill enjoy the music and the Kond time as well its their children. A lidies chm us will he organized Satur day evening. It iu desired therefore that all the soprano and nlto singers of tliti chorus bo present. Note that Rev 1. D. Wagoner will pi each Sunday mnining, also that the second of the evening series of Ser mons on the Laws of Life will be (,'iven Sunday evening Iu spite of the lain about a dozen of the . voting folks were piesont Sunday evening last. It was not possible, how ever, to give tho program as plunncd nod the same will be tflvon Sunday ovenlng next. Queen Atits and Bees. It has been contended that the queen ant has not hud JustUv done to her by naturalists. As compared with the fa mous queen bee, bhe Is regarded by some as u fur more admirable creature. In fact, they are, in many respects, diametrical oppositcs. The queen bee Is a degenerate creature, tumble to nourish either lier.elf or her oung, to visit llowors, to build combs, or to store them with hmie.s. With the queen nut quite the reverse Is true. She Is a per fect example und embodiment of her (.pedes and the i.orker unts suffer from incomplete and retarded develop ment. The queen tint is a very Indus trluus and Intelligent worker and It Is pointed out that she forms an exceed ingly Interesting subject fur study, and lias not hitherto hecu well understood. Orders N w The Mailone-Gelatly Co. lArWWWMMArWWWJWAft For Sale , My property consisting of 0 room li'iuse and barn, at !lrd aveiitid Suward St., $!M00.-U. R. Frnzier. Inquire of J E. Rurress. Wo nte now propured to gdve reason able terms on both Now and Used Cars payable monthly or in a lump sum. Oglcvlc Bros o Job & e j o Remember that this office is fully equipped to do every kind of job-printing from the hand bill to to the dainty calling card -and do it neatly, promptly, efficiently and well. Our prices are as moderate as the quality of our work is high. The Hed Gload Chief ' Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' Nebraska Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud, Nebrusk OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU Whatever kind of Plumbing you have to be done, we can handle it to your satisfacion. 1 am an experienced workamn, aud have the best material and tools, and so insure you perfect satisfaction witli the com pleted work. Our prices arc open to comparsion witli any out of town prices. Art Nelson AtTrine's Hardware End of Cromagnon Age. About IS.IHX) yeiti.s ago the Cromag non age hi Eiini came to an abrupt end. There developed a sudden mild ness to the climate, accumpimled by cool rains. Heavy forests sprang up on what had been the open grass lands of wild reindeer, wild horses, and wild bison, (ilaelers pullid buck up their Alpine slopes; the lee llelds that were over what Is now Norway and Sweden melted away. The Pleistocene- age w.ei over aud the modern era was at hand. Oromagnon peoplo all but vanished from western Europe; Crnningnim art was no more. ' Whether these wild chestnut-haired hunters followed the Ico Into what Is now Russia, or wheth er they'becajno extinct, nnjino knowB. Certain-It Is their former rInnds wero deserted when thu next race of man appeared. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS W;i:fe BESSE AUDITORIUM, RED CLOUD MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2 P. M., 1923 PROGRAM 1. Orchestra - - - Rod Cloud High School 2. Anthem - . - - - Methodist Choir 3. Address oC Welcome - - E. J. Overing Jr. 4. Duett - Mrs. V. L. Watkins and Miss Ila Barrett 5. Anthem - Methodist Choir G. Odd Fellowship and the Bible - Rev. .Nelson 7. Quartette - - Bush, Cotting, Wagoner, Thomas 0. Odd Fellowship and the State - - F. E. Maurer 9. Choir 10. Reading - Mrs. Kailey 11. Quartetto "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." J. E. Murnahan, E. J. Overing Jr., Joe Hewitt Committee 4